Jees wrote: ...messiah complex...I feel for DK truly and this is no irony nor sarcasm...and I can only do that by using a lens of pathology...we are all ego's, we all have pathologies...wise man told me once: whatever you say, not say, do or not do, there will always be people furious against you... Hey Jees. Initially not sure what to make of all that. But having given it a second read I gotta say it made me laugh and smile, so I guess I have to admit I really enjoyed how you expressed what was on your mind. It's through our choice of words and our actions that others can come closer to knowing who we actually are. Thanks for the Author of: DMT & My Occult Mind: Investigation of Occult Realities using the Spirit Molecule
The whole cosmos is guided, controlled and animated by an almost endless series of hierarchies of sentient beings, each having a mission to perform. They vary infinitely in their respective degrees of consciousness and intelligence. THE SECRET DOCTRINE
Mister_Niles wrote:Oh yeah? Well, I once smoked DMT 3 times in 600 years, and I still don't know anything about anything. You must be cheesed right off off with having had so many birthdays! Author of: DMT & My Occult Mind: Investigation of Occult Realities using the Spirit Molecule
The whole cosmos is guided, controlled and animated by an almost endless series of hierarchies of sentient beings, each having a mission to perform. They vary infinitely in their respective degrees of consciousness and intelligence. THE SECRET DOCTRINE
SnozzleBerry wrote:...troubling excerpts... "troubling" LOL! My children trouble me! I can't believe I am troubling you! My children also humour me. Author of: DMT & My Occult Mind: Investigation of Occult Realities using the Spirit Molecule
The whole cosmos is guided, controlled and animated by an almost endless series of hierarchies of sentient beings, each having a mission to perform. They vary infinitely in their respective degrees of consciousness and intelligence. THE SECRET DOCTRINE
What a substance wrote:You can always say these were products of my own mind, and I can always say they were beings with an independent existence. And both statements are equally meaningless without any evidence. This is the issue you seem to fail to grasp. No position is valid/credible without evidence. You're certainly entitled to your opinions, but when you start masquerading your opinions as "research" you start to create a myriad of problems. You're also maintaining that your position is literally say what a substance wrote:Neither of us can prove or disprove our own position, or that of the other. But this is not a valid argument, it's a fallacy. In fact, your entire position here rests on a logical fallacy; that of unfalsifiability (or untestability). That's rather telling, imo. No one here, other than you, appears to making absolute assertions. You are the one claiming "spiritual beings actually exist." what a substance wrote:What I have found really interesting is that many people - including DMT users - exhibit a resistance to entertaining the notion of spiritual entities. You appear to be conflating "agreeing with your conclusions" with "entertaining the notion of spiritual entities." It is a fundamentally different position to "entertain the notion of spiritual entities" (which many people who have called you out, myself included, likely do) than to declare the independent/objective existence of these entities. It's an important distinction and one that you would do well to understand. what a substance wrote:As I have already stated, for me, it was never about a number, it was about coming to an understanding of what was behind the experiences. And, as has already been pointed out by numerous people, your approach didn't actually provide a solid framework or methodology for analyzing "what was behind the experiences." This is a critique you have ignored from numerous people as you continue to tout your "research." What a substance wrote: And I am not promoting myself - hence the avatar rather than my own mugshot. Except that you are. Your signature is a prime example of this: Quote: Author of: DMT & My Occult Mind: Investigation of Occult Realities using the Spirit Molecule
FB @ DMT.Researcher
Your popping in to share your writings, and then disappear into the ether, refusing to engage with folks who have commented, is further evidence of your self promotion. You made several new threads after you had received a litany of critiques on your prior writings, the only apparent purpose being to promote your new writings while ignoring the comments on your prior threads. This happened so much that endlessness called you out on it. Also, you explicitly state that you are working to promote yourself and find followers in one of your interviews: Quote:What are you working on now?
Marketing! Trying to build a small audience that appreciates my research and my literary efforts! I thought that as soon my book was published my work would be complete. How little I knew. For the first few weeks after publication I sent scores and scores of emails. I individually emailed each and every SETI employee whose email address was published on the SETI website. I was so excited. I received only one reply from someone sardonically asking: “Who are you?” I have e-mailed numerous professors within numerous university philosophy departments around the world, but there has been nothing but silence. Using Facebook (@Occult.Realities) is a brand new experience to me – I readily admit to having previously been a social media Luddite. I am really enjoying promoting my book, but I am also very conscious that this is a very different mindset to my practical research and my writing. You seem amused by the fact that I find this troubling, but troubling is the best descriptor, imo. I find it troubling (and problematic) when someone starts running around looking for psychedelic acolytes. This is true whether they're a traveler kid looking to scam their way to the next festival or a leading psychedelic researcher trying to drum up people to buy their newest book. The behavior is, frankly, unacceptable, imo. Combine shameless self-promotion with fallacious reasoning, poor research methodologies, an unwillingness to engage meaningfully with relevant critique, and a desire for acolytes and yes, to me, the best way to describe that behavior is troubling. Wiki • Attitude • FAQThe Nexian • Nexus Research • The OHTIn New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested. In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names. גם זה יעבור
Cognitive Heart wrote: He does seem to have some genuine, humbling and open perspectives to his outlook on life, and they make that pretty clear, I think. I'm gonna say thanks for that! It's always heartening to hear a positive! Ultimately, SETI have nothing to do with my views, but to me - based on my assertion that the DMT experience in its fullness is a very powerful interaction with a spiritual entity - it seems such a waste of money looking for off-planet life when the occult dimension that DMT allows us to explore has not even been recognised by our sciences. But otherwise, thanks for the positives in your response. Not too many of those about these days! Author of: DMT & My Occult Mind: Investigation of Occult Realities using the Spirit Molecule
The whole cosmos is guided, controlled and animated by an almost endless series of hierarchies of sentient beings, each having a mission to perform. They vary infinitely in their respective degrees of consciousness and intelligence. THE SECRET DOCTRINE
I'm not even interested in all that other stuff. What I want to know is whether you are willing to donate your lungs to science when you pass?
I have to respect the energy you are putting into your replies. SnozzleBerry wrote:And both statements are equally meaningless without any evidence. This is the issue you seem to fail to grasp. But I don’t think that I do fail to grasp it. I am only giving my opinion and my interpretation. I am clear on that. That’s all any of us can do, unless someone devises something that determine the issue, one way or the other. However, I do believe that in time a general consensus will begin to develop on what the DMT experience actually is. In that respect, based on my experiences, I am making my own little contribution. You are also at liberty to make your contribution. Yes, I am claiming that "spiritual beings actually exist" based on the findings of my own research. Why does that trouble you? Maybe you’d like to share what conclusions you have drawn from your experiences with DMT? Or give your opinion as to whether or not spiritual beings do or do not exist. SnozzleBerry wrote:And, as has already been pointed out by numerous people, your approach didn't actually provide a solid framework or methodology for analyzing "what was behind the experiences." This is a critique you have ignored from numerous people as you continue to tout your "research." My research was investigative. I began without having any idea of what I was dealing with and without any intention to write a book. But I had the conviction and the intention to come to an understanding of what was behind the DMT experience - to my own satisfaction, and I am happy that I have done that. Not sure how one could formulate a solid framework or methodology for analyzing DMT experiences. Maybe you can do that and publish your results. SnozzleBerry wrote:Except that you are [promoting yourself] Your signature is a prime example of this. My God man! If you wrote a book would you not want to claim responsibility for that creativity? SnozzleBerry wrote:Your popping in to share your writings, and then disappear into the ether, refusing to engage with folks who have commented. I am here now! The delay was unavoidable for me. Sometimes we have other matters that arise and demand our time. SnozzleBerry wrote: You seem amused by the fact that I find this troubling... Well yes! Troubling is quite an emotive word, and I was surprised you could be so upset with someone writing honestly and opening about his investigative research into the DMT experience. Like I say, my children trouble me. You wanna give me a kicking? You kick away until your heart’s content. I can only hope it makes you feel better by bedtime. Author of: DMT & My Occult Mind: Investigation of Occult Realities using the Spirit Molecule
The whole cosmos is guided, controlled and animated by an almost endless series of hierarchies of sentient beings, each having a mission to perform. They vary infinitely in their respective degrees of consciousness and intelligence. THE SECRET DOCTRINE
What a substance wrote:SnozzleBerry wrote:And both statements are equally meaningless without any evidence. This is the issue you seem to fail to grasp. But I don’t think that I do fail to grasp it. I am only giving my opinion and my interpretation. I am clear on that. That’s all any of us can do, unless someone devises something that determine the issue, one way or the other. However, I do believe that in time a general consensus will begin to develop on what the DMT experience actually is. In that respect, based on my experiences, I am making my own little contribution. You are also at liberty to make your contribution. Yes, I am claiming that "spiritual beings actually exist" based on the findings of my own research. Why does that trouble you? Why does it trouble me? Because you have offered a series of fluff "articles" that you, yourself, have stated lack theses...all the while asserting that you have engaged in research. However, your methodology is seriously flawed (aside from generating entirely personally-relevant, subjective data) and yet you dismiss these critiques as irrelevant. Again, to reiterate, because you clearly don't grasp it, your fundamental assertion is a logical fallacy. That alone should be a major signal to you that something is wrong with what you are claiming to demonstrate. If you had shown up here and said, hey folks, I've smoked DMT 600 times and I believe in spiritual entities, no one would have batted an eye. You may have even gotten quite a bit of discussion on exactly that topic. However, that's not what you did. What you did was show up and start making nonscientific claims and assertions about your "research" and the objective validity of entities (to just name two of the major points people took issue with). People, correctly, attempted to critique these assertions and you've shown yourself to be remarkably uninterested in hearing their critiques, which is rather telling. In fact, your response to dreamer042 evidences that you not only misunderstood the context/purpose of Strassman's original research, but also makes it appear as though this is not about you sharing meaningful research, but rather proselytizing about your personally significant experiences. How else could this statement, where you strongly imply you are disinterested in employing the scientific method, be interpreted? what a substance wrote:I smoked DMT and reported my experiences and analyses. Science is about making discoveries. And from my perspective, based on what I experienced, that is just what I did – even if only to my own satisfaction. You are at liberty to employ the approach given in your example, and you are at liberty to interpret and analyse and publish your findings. what a substance wrote:Maybe you’d like to share what conclusions you have drawn from your experiences with DMT? Or give your opinion as to whether or not spiritual beings do or do not exist. I haven't drawn any hard and fast conclusions about DMT and the experiences it facilitates. I don't have any conclusions about entities, precisely because I realize how much is out there that I don't know. I believe the probability that my little meat machine computer brain could actually comprehend any Truth from these experiences is close to zero, and frankly I'm not interested in questions of is X or Y "real"...largely because I don't think it's a pragmatic question. For further articulation on this see: The Improbability of HyperspaceThe Improbability of Hyperspace IIA pragmatic approach: What is "real", and when is it actually useful to ask this?The closest things I could make to conclusions regarding DMT and other psychedelics is that they can be catalysts for people to affect personal and social change, especially when deployed through coherent sociopolitical and structural analysis. They can function as ontological and epistemological bombs, forcing users to construct fundamentally new pictures of their experiential reality. They have tremendous therapeutic, medical, and recreational potential. As to the experiential theorizing, I maintain that the Truth is likely stranger than we can imagine. Personally, I'd rather have the experience and let it be what it is, whatever that may be, rather than trying to shoehorn it into inherently limited conceptual constructs like "spiritual entities" or the kabbalah, or whatever the flavor of the week happens to be. what a substance wrote:My God man! If you wrote a book would you not want to claim responsibility for that creativity? It's one thing to want to "claim your creativity"'s another to strongly tie that to your identity. There are a number of very accomplished researchers here. Few, if any, tie their "credentials" to their signature like you have, and I assure you that none of them have links to their FB profile in their signature. I've authored a number of works, some with my real name, some under pseudonyms, some anonymously. I announce when I have published something new and then I let them be (unless someone like yourself requests a sample of "what I've done" ). I don't go waving it around in everyone's face because I'm not interested in that. I hope my works have some impact and that they find their way into the minds of folks who are interested in them. I created those works because I believed they needed creating and that they would resonate with folks. That's enough, for me. SnozzleBerry wrote:You wanna give me a kicking? You kick away until your heart’s content. I can only hope it makes you feel better by bedtime. Again, the fact that you view this as a personal attack or "kicking" evidences how little you view this as being about you sharing your research and how much this is about you creating some sort of DMT persona for yourself. If this was truly about any of the things you've claimed it to be (such as advancing a new research paradigm, conducting research into DMT, contributing to a broader community of underground resesarch efforts, etc.) you would take the methodological critiques as well about the feedback regarding your style of writing/articles that have been offered and figure out how to work with them to advance the applicability of your "research." Instead, you seem to view these things as a personal affront to the identity you've worked so hard to create. I'm not here to kick you. I've offered substantive critiques on the writings and presentation you decided to share with the forum. When you submit your work to an audience, you should anticipate that there will be feedback, and the manner in which you engage with that feedback can be quite revealing. I feel like I've learned quite a bit about your intentions and motivations from your responses to me, as well as your interactions with others on this forum and elsewhere on the web. Wiki • Attitude • FAQThe Nexian • Nexus Research • The OHTIn New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested. In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names. גם זה יעבור
What a substance wrote:I'm gonna say thanks for that! It's always heartening to hear a positive! It certainly can be heartening to read positive feedback, yes, but it's incredibly important to confront the downsides of your approach and "research," and to start applying correct methodologies that will not only improve your "research" but also help others on the Nexus(and abroad) understand where you're actually coming from, and where to go from here. Notice how you ignored my criticism from before? You cannot honestly begin any serious scientific research without some external, challenging forces that expose the flaws within your "research" through a variety of essential factors and questions. That's how science works! Your perceived understanding must be met and undertaken with fresh minded-peer reviewed study. After which, can modulate everyone's logic to a fair consensus. Right? Quote:Ultimately, SETI have nothing to do with my views To state that SETI has nothing to do with your subjective views and then to go on stating, Quote: but to me - based on my assertion that the DMT experience in its fullness is a very powerful interaction with a spiritual entity - it seems such a waste of money looking for off-planet life when the occult dimension that DMT allows us to explore has not even been recognised by our sciences.. Subjective assertions mean nothing if others aren't allowed to scientifically critique you. Undoubtedly, you express a certain 'knowing' that spiritual beings exist in the universe, and go on to inform the world of your subjective and asserted reality. Sure, it's interesting and invaluable to share ideas/experiences but I don't agree with your assertions. At the end of the day, you don't know much of anything outside your own experiences. This can be easily misconstrued. Although, this can be easily enhanced with proper feedback and development of your "work." The book you have written would seem like a waste of money without some serious scientific methods included within that book. Also, science has already recognized DMT. Welcome to the DMT Nexus University. 'What's going to happen?' 'Something wonderful.'
Skip the manual, now, where's the master switch?
We are interstellar stardust, the re-dox co-factors of existence. Serve the sacred laws of the universe before your time comes to an end. Oh yes, you shall be rewarded.
Thank you for your well thought out post Cognitive Heart. Kind regards, The Traveler
wicked! gonna check it out!
You can smoke DMT 1000 times in one year, it won't make the experience one bit more 'real', it remains subjective.
OK, perhaps among DMT enthusiasts there is some concensus about how the experience can feel very real, or even worldview-shatteringly real... but that's like witnesses in a courtroom: great stories don't make hard science.
Just avoid inappropriate terms (in this context) like occult, research, '600 times' - it only discredits your book imho!
wtf 600 times to know that spiritual beings are real? it took me one time
What a substance wrote:Greetings Good Nexians, This is an interview I did with VICE.COM after the Breaking Convention (psychedelic) conference in London last week. I can say that my experiences with DMT have instilled within me a clear cut passion for creativity (expressed through honest research and honest writing) and a clear cut positive mindstate - maintained regardless of any adversity or negativity. you all well All I can say is I love you and I feel you deeply. Thank you.
SnozzleBerry attached the following image(s):  lulz.jpg (51kb) downloaded 246 time(s).Wiki • Attitude • FAQThe Nexian • Nexus Research • The OHTIn New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested. In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names. גם זה יעבור
I agree. Any claims of legitimacy have been lost with that picture. It's no longer about exploring ideas about consciousness through so-called "scientific methods". It's a cash grab. Same thing as that truth changa thread. This ruse is very transparent. There are people here who have smoked more than 600 times, if that is the criteria for "knowing" DMT. There are people here who have dedicated their ENTIRE LIVES to the PURSUIT of knowing (not a mere 3 years), and knowing that they will never know. That is what drives us. The enigma, the mystery. To claim one knows everything about anything, knows nothing. "A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."
Love the T-shirt! I hope the tagline mentioning "The Spirit Molecule" doesn't incite a copyright infringement cease and desist letter from Rick Strassman's publisher!
SnozzleBerry wrote:I'd like to echo pretty much everything endlessness said, but I'd also like to point to these, apparently contradictory, quotes: what a substace wrote:Traditional materialist science really cannot ignore this field of research if it wishes to stay true to its roots, because this is something that is life changing, culture changing, society changing, and science should revolutionise this field of human learning. Quote:I will outline my main findings and further argue that traditional science cannot ignore this field of research if it wishes to be true to its roots. Quote:But with the DMT experience I think the application of traditional materialistic science will fall short because we are essentially dealing with knowledge of the immeasurable. So "traditional science cannot ignore this field of research if it wishes to be true to its roots," and "science will revolutionize this field of human learning," but "science will fall short because we are essentially dealing with knowledge of the immeasurable." Can you see how that might be confusing? It also seems worth noting that science (or at least the scientific method) has no "agenda" to speak of. It's a methodological framework for making observations about consensus reality. Also, in addition to the reading endlessness suggested, I would strongly encourage you to read and engage with dreamer042's comments regarding your BC presentation. Just because something can't be ignored, does not automatically mean that it will become defined by what can't ignore it. It is no contradiction but an indictment of the state of modern western science. Not that we don't all try to enable science and scientists to be capable of uncovering reality, but that the basis of modern western science, sustains something of being at odds with itself. In highschool we get taught that the vacuum principle is corrupt, and scientific experiment can't in fact occur in a vacuum, but still need approach the ideal of a vacuum. Yet in older notions of what science is, in sciences such as TCM and Ayurveda, for example, the ideal is not that the vacuum need be caused by us, but that Earth is itself, within Earth's atmosphere, the limited system we need. And each variable need be tested one at a time, within the limits of Earth, and in a system of studies designed around the presumption that all knowledge need longitudinal research to corroborate and validate, before being asserted. For example, if there is a plant, and it sustains a medicinal effect, is the effect the same in all persons, and the same in each person all the time, and what are the totality of effects of that plant upon the human psyche, the human senses of pleasure versus pain, and the human ability to work. Clearly if science as we know it is to survive, the concepts of more ancient systems of science more compatible with psychedelics need be accommodated. Psychedelics will often enough lead into science, and science need adjust to survive, if it is to continue to be regarded as a pinnacle of true thought. Meanwhile, psychedelics also might teach us, (if plants and fungi etc can be the technology and.or the teacher,...a living conduit at least), just as systems of investigation like Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine have long taught, that we most often make clearer more concise and effective choices, when we are able to rely upon genuine happy emotion as guide. In science what muddies genuine happy guidance, was of course the monetary profit motive, which is the reason a website like dmt-nexus need exist, since conflicts of interest need be avoided in the choices made in experiment design, for example. Yet we all have the fact in common, of wanting to avoid pain, as our only singular species wide goal, and within understanding of the stick, the carrot can be more effective. My point of view is that accumulative experience of psychedelic consumption, being regarded as a matter of inquiry and application of whatever understanding of scientific method we each may have, is as relevant today as ever before; and that in such relevance, we can hardly afford to ignore the collective knowledge of humanity held by indigenous traditional knowledge systems still maintained today. Such knowledge leads us to understand that psychedelics are often of critical usefulness within initiatory ritual. What initiatory rituals teach, and why those lessons sustain usefulness today, becomes the question modern western scientists have seemed to be too afraid to ask, and yet still need. a mother a daughter a lover of life, an exorcist of addictions if ere in need of the strife, and at bottom line a wife, I might well be a bore, yet have no doubt, I stand among the poor, and beg not what for, that hat hath at, nobody's mind fell too flat
It's all nice and good to say you believe in spiritual entities... but do you realize how fucking difficult it is to prove using a scientific method that is mostly geared towards inter-subjective physical experimentation? The spiritual is far harder to pin down, so any notion of proper research needs to have something solid that can at least prove without a shadow of a doubt that there are non-physical entities roaming around... extremely difficult, considering that spiritual experiences tend to be quite personal and difficult to reproduce just like that. Best of luck trying to convince the materialist faction of the scientific institutions... “The dao that can be expressed is not the eternal Dao.” ~ Lǎozǐ
“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” ~ Carl Jung
Thank you Snozzleberry and cognitive heart. You guys saved me a load of time by writing all that. Specifically posts 15 and 24. It takes forever on a phone, I had a huge page typed out, then lost it. You expressed it a lot clearer and concisely than I could have, as well. What a substance - Nothing wrong with your beliefs and opinions, but that is all they are without evidence and proof. There are things that science cannot yet prove or disprove, and we are entitled to believe what we want, but if you state these things as facts, you are misleading people. People are paying you for your book, naively assuming you have some secret knowledge about the spirit world. Capitalizing on that and not providing any real data is wrong, and it's just bad science.