Nathanial.Dread wrote:I was wondering when this perspective would show up From my perspective, this is EXACTLY what DMT and psychedelic use in general should lead to. These drugs are about taming the ego. You'd think that as the ego is ablated and one begins to perceive heretofore unseen connections between facets of reality, that the natural response would be to deconstruct those connects and learn how your being in the world interacts with others. For the record, I'm a working neuroscientist, so it's not as though all people with these perspectives are mollly-coddled first year social-theory students getting exposed to Marxism for the first time. I'm personally more interested in anarchism, anyway. Kropotkin ftw  I've never asked you about your political affiliations and I'm not sure, what it would have to do with anything in this case. What I've noticed so far is that DMT leads most people to become this ultra spiritual self-absorbed goofball, the very thing JP Sears mocked in his ayahuasca video. But that's not the point. The point is - what does ego have to do with this irrational marxist SJW load of crap called """research""", where instead of making rational questions and aiming for rational solutions to the questions we see passive aggressive obsurantist NON-issue, let me repeat that again, NON-ISSUE full of SJW garbage slang blaiming the west for whatever? "Broadly speaking the goal of this project is to critically address, describe, and problematize the Western use and appropriation of these entheogenic medicines, materials, and folkways sourced from the shamanic traditions of indigenous peoples and to suggest a way forward for the entheogenic discourse which is oriented towards social justice. " WHY do you want to problematize something that is a NON-ISSUE and where can be no problem? What kind of freaking appropriation are you talking about? What does this even mean? A white dude wearing dredlocks? A black woman having straight hair? A mexican eating dry semilanceatas? Can you use speak the normal language instead of this marxist professor vomit inducing slang? Social justice? Why not just justice? And even then - WHAT justice? Are mimosas oppressed by the patriarchy? "In conversation with the literature, this project will attempt to critique the psychedelic/entheogenic phenomenon as it has been treated, and mistreated, in the Western crossfire of prohibition, scientific research, medicine, and countercultural evangelism, all of which have been the provenance of white males. This is problematic in that has resulted in a predominantly white discourse of predominantly indigenous medicine, religion, and knowledge production." How wonderful. A white man is at it again. Well we can't have a SJW live a day without blaming them for everything. Are you going to adress the way muslims and brown people punish drug users? Do you need MY assistance, because I could explain in detail how much time you're wasting on people and civilization that made DMT known to the entire world and instead should focus on those ones, who kill you for not being sober enough for Allah. Or at very least punish you very harsh. Are you going to mention the corporate and lobbist interests of those, who in the XX century were primarely involved in making the drug usage complicated for everyone? That it was simply economical greedy interests and not your "problematic racism"? "As a collaborative project on entheogenic colonialism" Does DMT also lead to self-unawareness? Can you see how stupid this made up term sounds? Do you know the definition of the word colonialism? "the growing drug/medical tourism industry taking hold in the Global South and its effects on indigenous peoples' rights and cultural sovereignty" Unless you show me the pictures of these evil white pharmaceutical companies killing natives and cutting down mimosas in large amounts, stop this crap. Nobody is stripping them off their rights or sovereignty or whatever. Whether you like it or not but we live in a globalist era and just as how european culture was """appropriated""" by Mustafa Ataturk and egyptian kings in the XX century (which it wasn't, it was harmonically blended with their own), so was theirs. "the corralling of drug decriminalization/legalization campaigns around the prohibition of entheogenic drugs (which are the least targeted substances for enforcement) rather than the decriminalization of all drugs in order to address the wider racially colored issues endemic to the War on Drugs. Let's get real, folks: the prison system here in the US is filled with non-violent street drug offenders who are disproportionately people of color not New Age spiritual aspirants or alternative healers." *CITATION NEEDED*
You keep making cracks about Marxism (which I don't think means what you think it means), which is a common, fairly reactionary assumption made by people who don't actually know was 'social justice' and the various movements that claim it are. It's clear that you've got some very strong feelings about this and (call it a hunch), I doubt you're going to give any weight to anything we say, so I'm going to limit my engagement, but I will say one thing (in the hope that it does get through to you). You keep saying NON-ISSUE (in maniacal caps), but while it may be a NON-ISSUE to you, that doesn't mean that it's a NON-ISSUE to everyone. There are many people for whom it is an ISSUE. These are the people who have been exploited for hundreds of year and see psychedelic appropriation by wealthy, disconnected Westerners as just another form of imperialism (it's just liberals this time). Your perspective is not truth. It's just one way of seeing the world. Personally, I'd rather listen and engage with people and approach these issues with compassion. You may feel differently. Blessings ~ND "There are many paths up the same mountain."
Hinforta wrote: "the corralling of drug decriminalization/legalization campaigns around the prohibition of entheogenic drugs (which are the least targeted substances for enforcement) rather than the decriminalization of all drugs in order to address the wider racially colored issues endemic to the War on Drugs. Let's get real, folks: the prison system here in the US is filled with non-violent street drug offenders who are disproportionately people of color not New Age spiritual aspirants or alternative healers."
Citation: Americans now constitute nearly 1 million of the total 2.3 million incarcerated population African Americans are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of whites Together, African American and Hispanics comprised 58% of all prisoners in 2008, even though African Americans and Hispanics make up approximately one quarter of the US population As he said, let's get real. I think what you are irritated by, Hinforta, is an overly combative attitude adopted by many cyber-SJWs who pick fights over little semantic mistakes. But don't confuse that with this. It's pretty clear that someblackguy is opening the discussion in a pretty neutral, non-combative way. From the unspoken Grows the once broken
Nathanial.Dread wrote:You keep making cracks about Marxism (which I don't think means what you think it means), which is a common, fairly reactionary assumption made by people who don't actually know was 'social justice' and the various movements that claim it are.
It's clear that you've got some very strong feelings about this and (call it a hunch), I doubt you're going to give any weight to anything we say, so I'm going to limit my engagement, but I will say one thing (in the hope that it does get through to you).
You keep saying NON-ISSUE (in maniacal caps), but while it may be a NON-ISSUE to you, that doesn't mean that it's a NON-ISSUE to everyone. There are many people for whom it is an ISSUE. These are the people who have been exploited for hundreds of year and see psychedelic appropriation by wealthy, disconnected Westerners as just another form of imperialism (it's just liberals this time).
Your perspective is not truth. It's just one way of seeing the world. Personally, I'd rather listen and engage with people and approach these issues with compassion. You may feel differently. I keep making cracks about marxism, because unlike you or anyone here for the most part, I've actually lived under a marxist regime and I know full well the degeneracy it may bring to a group of people with certain ideas and how it corrupts from within. That's why I use this word and not "leftist" or "socialist" or whatever. As for your "don't actually know what social justice is" - just don't, alright? No need for that or dictionary definitions. I mean I see this degeneracy in the very town I live - I know what this schizophrenia actually is. I wouldn't call it strong feelings, rather being strongly opinionated. Having a diametrically opposite opinion is what this community strives for (is this what the attitude page is all about, right?). Removing my opinion from that will make it an echo chamber for good. I use it in caps to emphasize the point I'm adressing. The only people who perceive to be an issue are those with worthless SJW degrees and/or white savior complex. Exploited by the westerners? Damn those Jesuits, who actually made sure that the south american natives preserved their culture and language (Kechua in particular), so that they could have a nation with their cultural identity as their primal. Now these oh so opressed natives are kept being opressed by the westerners, who keep sending them money for absolutely nothing or investing in their economy. And since none of local marxist kids understand how the globalist economy works, they're shocked that there's a high demand for these products. A basic market relationship. The only time when it becomes a real problem is when people like Castaneda spread misinformation about natives and all these morons go to the wrong tribe of indians and demand their "olly" with meskalitos - then yea, but it's quite rare nowadays. You've definitely read my post, yet you didn't adress any of the points I made other than passively agressively asking to go away or perpetuating this manichean marxist "opressed vs opressor" crap. I'm still waiting for points to be adressed with actual rational arguments instead of "100500 years ago someone was opressed by whities"
Given the amount of ad hominim in your replies, I'm not going to take the time to put together a well-researched or logical rebuttal, since I'm confident that you've already come to your conclusions and have no interest in exploring other opinions. There's a difference between making a good-faith attempt at communicating with someone who disagrees with you, and someone who throws around snarl worlds like 'SJW garbage' and uses terms like 'schizophrenia' as a slur (which I'm sure makes the thousands of people on antipsychotic medications feel great, by the way). Blessings ~ND "There are many paths up the same mountain."
RhythmSpring wrote:Hinforta wrote: "the corralling of drug decriminalization/legalization campaigns around the prohibition of entheogenic drugs (which are the least targeted substances for enforcement) rather than the decriminalization of all drugs in order to address the wider racially colored issues endemic to the War on Drugs. Let's get real, folks: the prison system here in the US is filled with non-violent street drug offenders who are disproportionately people of color not New Age spiritual aspirants or alternative healers."
Citation: Americans now constitute nearly 1 million of the total 2.3 million incarcerated population African Americans are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of whites Together, African American and Hispanics comprised 58% of all prisoners in 2008, even though African Americans and Hispanics make up approximately one quarter of the US population As he said, let's get real. I think what you are irritated by, Hinforta, is an overly combative attitude adopted by many cyber-SJWs who pick fights over little semantic mistakes. But don't confuse that with this. It's pretty clear that someblackguy is opening the discussion in a pretty neutral, non-combative way. NAACP? Really? That's like asking feminists, how many women are raped in their life time. I'm sorry, but that's not a legitimate source. They're portraying only blacks as overwhelmingly unjustifiably oppressed group of people, which is not true. I'll be honest - I couldn't care less what SJW say on the Internet, I'm all for free speech. What I am irritated by is that the place I like and invested some time in can eventually become the very thing I dread the most - an echo chamber full of SJWs. They're toxic elements that infest everything they can reach and it eventually leads to full of censorship vomit inducing environment, where one must walk on egg shells as not offend anyone. Someblackguy may open the discussion however he wants, but he must accept the fact that this place is not an echo chamber. Yet. It doesn't mean he personally must be attacked - only the points he makes. And that's exactly what I've done. Speaking of attacking a character. Nathanial.Dread wrote:Given the amount of ad hominim in your replies, I'm not going to take the time to put together a well-researched or logical rebuttal, since I'm confident that you've already come to your conclusions and have no interest in exploring other opinions.
There's a difference between making a good-faith attempt at communicating with someone who disagrees with you, and someone who throws around snarl worlds like 'SJW garbage' and uses terms like 'schizophrenia' as a slur (which I'm sure makes the thousands of people on antipsychotic medications feel great, by the way).
Blessings ~ND Those weren't ad hominems, I attacked neither your nor someblackguy's character. That's what an ad hominem stands for. I've just said to you - Castaneda's ignorance and greed made dumb gringos go to Yaqui tribes, which eventually led to some deaths. That's a perfect, and what's even more important, legitimate opportunity for you and everyone here to blame the westerners - because it actually happened and it's been actually documented. Are there ways to prevent such tragic events from happening again? Should the writers never mention the names of tribers they've visited, so no more suffering ever occures there? Even if it's impossible to completely stop, it'd be possible to somehow diminish the possibility of it ever occurring. If one makes baseless SJW "arguments" by blaming my race for whatever childish reasons he comes up with - I will call it SJW garbage. If one asks a question - how we stop tyrranical anti-drug lobby from prosecuting people regardless of their race - I'll be there first to respond. But that did not happen - instead I've come back to the USSR, only this time it's white western men instead of capitalists and bourgeoisie.
I think the original intention of this thread as a project is a good one, for the most part. Of course, the potential for it to devolve into bigoted racism and circle jerking arguments was quite high, and of course... it did. This is a call to get the thread back on topic: Please only consider posting in this thread if you are contributing to the originally proposed project. Thank You P.S. - As an aside, I think this project will be a lot more successful if the focus on and references to race and skin color are removed and the focus is shifted toward colonialism in the context of psychedelics, as this is an important issue that transcends race and is worthy of further discussion.
dreamer042 wrote:I think the original intention of this thread as a project is a good one, for the most part.
Of course, the potential for it to devolve into bigoted racism and circle jerking arguments was quite high, and of course... it did.
This is a call to get the thread back on topic:
Please only consider posting in this thread if you are contributing to the originally proposed project.
Thank You
P.S. - As an aside, I think this project will be a lot more successful if the focus on and references to race and skin color are removed and the focus is shifted toward colonialism in the context of psychedelics, as this is an important issue that transcends race and is worthy of further discussion. A conversation about colonization that doesnt include race is not a conversation about colonization. See: circle-jerk These threads shouldnt be censored every single time someone throws a reactionary hissy-fit at the suggestion that white people aren't entitled to everything. "Consciousness grows in spirals." --George L. Jackson If you can just get your mind together, then come across to me. We'll hold hands and then we'll watch the sunrise from the bottom of the sea... But first, are you experienced?
Quote:Of course, the potential for it to devolve into bigoted racism and circle jerking arguments was quite high, and of course... it did.
This is a call to get the thread back on topic:
Please only consider posting in this thread if you are contributing to the originally proposed project.
Thank You
P.S. - As an aside, I think this project will be a lot more successful if the focus on and references to race and skin color are removed and the focus is shifted toward colonialism in the context of psychedelics, as this is an important issue that transcends race and is worthy of further discussion. Hello. I am interjecting here, reluctanly so, for some housekeeping. For the sake of this research space I humbly ask that--though I understand your reasoning per the forum guidelines and "Attitudes"--YOU NEITHER EDIT NOR CENSOR ANY RACIALLY OFFENSIVE CONTENT posted to this thread. Unless it rises to the level of free-for-all harassment or personal threats (I really doubt that will be the case) leave it alone and unadmonished. The language of these posts--ad hominems and and skin-color references "whitey"--will be the very materials for the field research and content analysis required in this project. For that data to have any integrity this content must remain intact, not sanitized. Please no editing/censorship unless it does rise to the level of threats and harassment—and still even these are useful content. Everything is intended here. Every post will be shown as contributing some value even if it is not the value intended by the author. This provides needed context to any content to follow; that is, "collaboration" will be different here than it would be in other topics. Please trust me to curate this content—and trust that I know what I'm doing in opening this topic to the very community I hope to reach. I understand your reservations as moderator——I'm "new" here and I've opened a can of worms, but it's YOUR can of worms. And worms are only kept in cans so long, after all, until they are needed for bate. [Stay Tuned.] Spellbreaking is the better part of alchemy, extraction, and the art of undoing—but a cocksure kind of lovingkindness, a clockwork clock, works time. Nakhig lo shulun, Sharuku! Gorz nash! “Where is your master? Where is he?” Mig shâ zog... Undagush! Nakh Atigat iuk no lighav wizard...
Hinforta wrote:blue lunar night wrote:Your map conspicuously lacks references to psilocybin and muscimol in Northern Europe. White people have shamanic history too.
You mention some valid issues, but the standard social justice warrior rhetoric of "blame whitey" is so banal and passé. Couldn't agree more. SJW? On my nexus? All of the sudden the place feels tainted. Is this what DMT leads to? Some pseudointellectual obscurantist backwards """research""", where white men of the west are to blame for everything and should check their privelege? Instead of coming up with better technics of getting more of purer crystalls I know have to perceive this forum as another western marxist college, where new words are made up to blame the west once again? This post seems a little entitled. To think it is your nexus and that it is tainted if opinions contrary to your beliefs are posted. Surely the place belongs to all who use it and the spectrum of opinion and thought should be welcome. Quote: Darkness cannot banish darkness, only light can do that
Hate cannot banish hate, only love can do that.
Hinforta wrote: NAACP? Really? That's like asking feminists, how many women are raped in their life time. I'm sorry, but that's not a legitimate source. They're portraying only blacks as overwhelmingly unjustifiably oppressed group of people, which is not true. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ----------------> ------------------> O <--------------- <-----------------------
Get trolled much? I thought this place was smarter than that. My flesh moves, like liquid. My mind is cut loose.
dreamer042 wrote: P.S. - As an aside, I think this project will be a lot more successful if the focus on and references to race and skin color are removed and the focus is shifted toward colonialism in the context of psychedelics, as this is an important issue that transcends race and is worthy of further discussion.
I apologize if I got heated. In my non-Nexus life these issues hit very, very close to home. I want to respectfully disagree with the suggestion that we discuss colonialism without making reference to race. I think that it's impossible to do justice to the topic without acknowledging the reality of racial hierarchies and their role in reinforcing colonization. Less theoretically, one of the clearest manifestations of the War on Drugs is the gross disparity in arrests and imprisonment of black and brown people when compared to white folks. Even the history of cannabis is steeped in racist history (see: the origins of the term 'marijuana' ). I'm not a Mod though, so what you say goes. Blessings ~ND "There are many paths up the same mountain."
Wolfnippletip wrote:Get trolled much? I thought this place was smarter than that. Hello. I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself in person (or in message as it were). I guess you know I'm "someblackguy"; I am the initiator of the Entheocolonialism research thread. I cannot say how grateful, and honestly a bit surprised, I am that DMT-Nexus has provided this space. I am not here to be cynical (quite the opposite). I'd much prefer whimsy to cynicism any day. But I gave it a 75/25 shot that this thread would be taken down from the site as soon as it was noted by the administrator. The nature of the research is complex——and YES I am conducting "hard" research by and for and (most importantly) OF this psychedelic movement using some traditional social science methodologies, as I've mentioned content analysis being one key component. My academic background does (as some have guessed) include social sciences, critical psychology to be precise. I am also a lifelong student of the psychedelic experience and, more recently, the culture that has come to be its container in the West. These topics are (as you see) very sparcely studied. There is very little inward critique of the culture and its underlying history and motivations even within the supposedly open pupils of the psychedelic worldview. I do believe in the term "Entheogenic University." To me, and I hope to you as well, that term is not a slogan or an ambitious pipe dream. This space, this kind of open air meeting, is how the academy began as resource of Western civilization—spoken into being in a grove of trees ancient forest outside the walls of the city state. And the call for such a space in the modern age is crucial: a "nexus", an extension of the plant gnosis, one small membrane of its endless libraries upon libraries of knowledge, in DNA in binary in alien codeces so information dense that one single character or syllable would fill every volume of the Library of Congress, organic knowing linked into nothing less than the "internet of everything" in the real). This is a sacred place of learning to me and I hope you know I take that seriously. If you do as well you know how very lost the project of entheogenic knowledge is, just by this very visceral response to a call to see itself as a thing of study. This does not represent the whole of the discourse (obviously there is more curiosity than anything) but that reaction IS part of this topic, and so invaluable in the study of how and why the psychedelic/entheogenic discourse is in terrible trouble, and (depending on how you take these experiences and topics) so too the source of an indispensable practice endangered, a phenomenon without which our knowledge of ANYTHING, even human learning itself would be unrecognizable. This is very important to me, and so are you. And so I am troubled as are others, but perhaps not so surprised, by the reaction that takes place within the discourse when the psychedelic community itself is treated as a subject of study, a thing in space and time that that is cultural, and peopled, political and historical. While it cannot be a comfortable experience for some; it certainly isn't intended to offend. I will offer no further apologetics to that point, as there is much more important work to be done in this space than my redress for hurt feelings or controversy. Let's take a moment for perspective. Use this as an opportunity to empathize with those who say that outsiders are coming uninvited into their cultural space, invading their dialogues, upsetting their practices, "changing" things as they take them up as commodity. And imagine it's not just words or ideas in a forum of website you like to visit that are "changed," but the only remnant of spiritual practice and medicine that is left of your threatened culture. I'm am not trolling you, sir. I am very serious. Thank you for your contribution. Spellbreaking is the better part of alchemy, extraction, and the art of undoing—but a cocksure kind of lovingkindness, a clockwork clock, works time. Nakhig lo shulun, Sharuku! Gorz nash! “Where is your master? Where is he?” Mig shâ zog... Undagush! Nakh Atigat iuk no lighav wizard...
I find occurrences of extreme defensiveness and hostility as well as calls to remove race references to be very illustrative of some of the key issues bravely being discussed by folks here. I guess we are only willing to learn, share and expand on a few narrow topics? Anything else is just too threatening or hostility producing? I guess I was mistaken in thinking that we had gradually moved towards more respectful communication well as accepting culture/hive mind here? And I thought I was tired BEFORE I read this thread. "But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2Hyperspace LOVES YOU
Quote: I guess I was mistaken in thinking that we had gradually moved towards more respectful communication well as accepting culture/hive mind here? Before I engaged here, I had been working on this subtopic as an academic project for over a year. I still am learning the scope of subject as I present it and invite others into the conversation. I am glad one of them is you. I became really cynical at one point. I gave up the work and my research because it looked like, besides a few NGOs and culture movements for indigenous rights, and a spattering of anthropology and studies of Western counterculture, there was little interest in addressing what I saw was the steady de-evolition of the ethical and visionary scope of the psychedelic project as it moved from the visible spaces of urban enclaves (the Haight-Ashburies/Greenwich Villages of the US cityscape) to its location in the online spaces of the psychedelic renaissance that started up in the 90s with Erowid, Lycaeum, Shroomery being a few spaces, later DMT-Nexus. Most recently that space became physical again within the cultural spaces of the resorts and ayahusaca retreat culture. Sill imagined by itself and the straight world in the liberal, revolutionary trappings of first-wave psychedelia, I encountered a frankenculture of lifted rituals and rebranded cosmologies that is mad, a child-culture without parents or moral accountability, dangerous to itself and others. Even dangerous to me. So I stopped studying, speaking, asking about it. I wasn't having much fun anyway, certainly not making any friends in the course of the inquiry. And, as though I could just take these things as sad-but-true, I continued my "psychedelic studies" focusing on the newly licensed psychedelic therapy program (the first of its kind in the US) I hoping to use these experiences to help others. I am still perusing the therapeutic applications of psychedelic drugs (more on the trouble with privileging Western science and medical knowledge over indigenous knowledge/medicinecraft later). Recently I awoke to the reality (after being shaken awake by the plants themselves) that its potential for healing and consciousness expansion cannot be worked without dealing with reality of the culture and situations surrounding the medicine (pathologies which were its and my own) the utter lack of consciousness of others and "others" alike, cannot be treated as separate (not with a head full of mescaline anyway). And so here I am... again. But only in that short time since that trip, I have seen ideas and minds open. My own most of these. Take heart and [Stay Tuned]. There's movement in this movement! Thank you for your contribution. Spellbreaking is the better part of alchemy, extraction, and the art of undoing—but a cocksure kind of lovingkindness, a clockwork clock, works time. Nakhig lo shulun, Sharuku! Gorz nash! “Where is your master? Where is he?” Mig shâ zog... Undagush! Nakh Atigat iuk no lighav wizard...
Alright, I try to stay out of politics on internet forums but I got some time to kill so I'll unleash some compassion on ya- Here are some articles that I found related to the subject. "Paranoia and Terror As Models of Governance" Race and the Drug War History this thread cannot go on without mentioning Khat and racist jurisdiction associated with its Scheduling This book is available to read on Google Scholar: "The Khat Controversy" by David Anderson This rings "drug war" in my head. Most Americans fail to realize there is a real war being fought in the underground. How can it be ignored when over 10,000 lives can be lost in one single year in one single country over this? We search back and yes, capitalism is the root of racism, objectification, prisons, police violence, gentrification, sexism. classism, globalization, and war... for the most part. It's an extensive system with extensive roots. Matters such as these and LGBTQ topics seem to cause more arguments than raise awareness on internet forums. One last thing that came to my mind was the colonization of America and radical history. Boom: "500 Years of Indigenous Resistance" https://theanarchistlibr...of-indigenous-resistanceAlso, we should touch upon Freemasonry and the entheogenic use of Acacia...'s that be holding the keys/kilos...etc... Chimp
you know ChimpZ, something i realised after being in the entheogenic world for 25 years, especially around academics, public personalities, neo-'shamans' lol, and market forces, is that it is political, as much as human society is.. regarding the troll-like expressions of Hinforta, whose right of opinion i completely uphold - i think what's being reflected here is a kind of thinking that's emerged largely in the US/Europe and similar cultures in the past 20 years, in which anything slightly more social equality leaning than Clinton or Blair is called 'marxist' , or far left...haha often by people who haven't even read Marx ..we can see this is the attitude to the research here, where the nexus member seems to not think any kind of sociological study constitutes 'real' academic research...another point here being - let the guy research! he hasn't even come to any conclusions yet.. of course this ties in well with the white-DMT supremist theme many bloody pages of instructions to make fluffy white crystals do you need? lol clarify my casual use of the phrase 'right wing' earlier, what i mean is this - does the 'free hand of the market' help or do any good to entheogenic plants in the environment, and their custodians? and if you don't know what the free hand is about don't retort with counterclaims of Marx, please... . re race - i'm equally in a position to have a go at white or black people....some come on then! 
Chimp Z wrote:We search back and yes, capitalism is the root of racism, objectification, prisons, police violence, gentrification, sexism. classism, globalization, and war... for the most part. It's an extensive system with extensive roots. Which is basically greed. Is this the ultimate underlying cause of entheocolonialism? Greed? As much as I like extensive dialogue, often the core message is lost by saying too much. Less is more. So someblackguy, what is your ultimate purpose with this project? Is it to disseminate all parasitic cultural paradigms on indigenous traditions? Or is it just to bring awareness to entheocolonialism? I'd prefer a short and concise answer, which can then be expanded on by more questioning. "A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."
Bodhisativa wrote:So someblackguy, what is your ultimate purpose with this project? Is it to disseminate all parasitic cultural paradigms on indigenous traditions? Or is it just to bring awareness to entheocolonialism? I'd prefer a short and concise answer, which can then be expanded on by more questioning. Love. Love expanded on, by more questioning. Thank you for your contribution. Spellbreaking is the better part of alchemy, extraction, and the art of undoing—but a cocksure kind of lovingkindness, a clockwork clock, works time. Nakhig lo shulun, Sharuku! Gorz nash! “Where is your master? Where is he?” Mig shâ zog... Undagush! Nakh Atigat iuk no lighav wizard...