This last day I tried to exstract Dmt from 500g Dried Phyllodium Pulchellum Root, Desmodium Pulchellum Root, Pai Qian Cao Root.
The Substance was raw so I started grinding it up in my coffe bean grinder since I already had ruined my GF Blender xD There are sticks in the pack so they destroyed the grinder fast. It resulted in a raw substance exstraction.
I updated my GF and and a friend of mine along the proces on snapchat and I really forgot to document along the way in a good way but I got some pictures from the exstraction I will share. If I am able to upload the pictures not so shure how I do that but today I will learn.
The exstraction was done with vinegar and naptha de ionised water and sodium hydroxide ( I used 35% vinegar essense ) and also 7%. Will only use 7% in later exstractions becaus I feel it burned my other exstraction I was testing out, long story short it ended up being cosmetic bark that yieled almost nothing. it melted awey. anyways.
I boiled it in 200ml vinegar 35% and 2000ml de iothe first 2 houre deionised water. And repeated the proces a total of 3 times for a total of 6 houre boil. Storing the liquid from each 2 houre boil in mason jars.
After the boiling step was done I filed up my 2000ml erlenmyer flask and proceded with adding 120g of liquid made sodium hydroxide approximately 200ml. then started to shake the flask a little bit. I really need to get a rubber flask kork stopper, anyways.
After the liqid sodium hydrocide was added and left for a little time to settle I started adding naptha. approximately 500ml was added and the seperation started to occur.
The flask was then put in a semi boiling water bath to speed up the proces. I bought my erlenmyer flask at my local brewing store and was sceptical about the quality of the flask durability. So not to break the glass, as I did with one of the mason jars pouring hot liquid from one of the 2h boil. I was a little carefull when I did this.
The flask is a SIMAX flask so I belive it to be of good quality.
My pyrex dish was bussy from the 4oz cosmetic root bark exstraction so I used as a container one of the brewery equipment to contain the exstracted Dmt liquid and then but it in the freezer, Remembering just now in this moment It has only been in the freezer for 12houre. I need to put it back in. Pictures are coming!
The yield was a yellow orange ice slush I have pictures of it and the ice slush had a wheight of 26g.
I just put the orange Dmt liquid back in the freezer as I already had started to start the proces of drying it. I now have the liquid in my pyrex dish. Tinking that the steel container I had to use maby not was the best choice for crystalising the Dmt in. Any knowledge about this? I will wash the Dmt in naptha and recrystalize it for use when finished.
I think I will try to post the pictures now! My apologies for any misspellings my keyboard is set to my language and I dont have english autocorect enabled.
Best Regards
azoth attached the following image(s):

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