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Russian Olive Extraction Options
#21 Posted : 8/29/2009 9:48:49 PM
SWIM uses pharmacutical grade Ethanol. though everclear would work just as fine. the pharma grade is 99.9% alcohol. which does the trick faster...

SWIM has done ethanol extracts of most every thing... they all work fine...tryptamines dont work smoked but thats fine... aya works fine for smoked or oral apps... you can leave an alcohol extract of both caapi vine and MHRB and put them in the oven and they form crystals... brown and red from the resins and plant dyes... but it looks really neat.

keep it simple stupid... is my motto...

if SWIY wants to isolate specific toxins or alkaliods from russian olive well... SWIY may wish to do some more chemicaly specific work for sure...
the whole plant is what SWIM like working with
Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration.

Offical Changa web sitehttp://changa.esotericpharma.org/

#22 Posted : 8/29/2009 10:22:05 PM
Dorge wrote:

keep it simple stupid... is my motto...

well...the simplest way to prove:
cook 100 gram of fresh leaves (or inner bark) of elaeagnus angustifolia together with 50 gram of fresh leaves (or rhizome) of phragmites communis in a big pot (three times, for three hours) with fresh water and a little bit of vinegar, collect and reduce the tea to a small amount and drink it!

nothing happens?
double the dose of elaeagnus!
still nothing happens?
double the dose of phragmites as well!
nothing happens?
double the dose another time (elaeagnus+phragmites)!
nothing happens?
give it up!
Twisted Evil

#23 Posted : 8/29/2009 10:49:52 PM
those methods swim has found usually involve puking pretty bad...
Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration.

Offical Changa web sitehttp://changa.esotericpharma.org/

#24 Posted : 8/29/2009 11:06:19 PM
hey man. We need courageous volunteer who are willing to break new ground ....

i live in northern hemispheres and i am curious to find a good aya-analoge. want to be independent from this internet-shops, you know...
#25 Posted : 8/29/2009 11:18:09 PM
DUDE i hear you 100% go bioregional for sure... demanthus will grow in most places the russian olive will as well... i saw a seed company selling the seeds by the kilo once...
SWim grows tired of out sourcing everything and everything being made in china... swims been really successful working with ethanol and has found some moonshiners who kick it down in trade... if you have a green house you can grow caapi enough for leaves almost any where as long as you keep it warm in the winter. but yeah Swim still beleives the local aya analog that people have given up on due to the ease of online sales of ethnobotanicals is still not a pipe dream.
Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration.

Offical Changa web sitehttp://changa.esotericpharma.org/

#26 Posted : 8/31/2009 11:07:21 PM
SWIM has found a plant that is either Shepherdia argentea, which contains Tetrahydroharmol or Elaeagnus commutata, which contains 'beta-carbolines' (source is wikipedia), and is planning on doing an extraction within the week; he'll report back with results.

It seems that most of the Eleagnus species look a lot alike, but almost all of them (as far as SWIM can tell) contain harmalas so even if SWIM misidentifies the exact plant, he's still probably going to get some goodies.
I'm mad as a hatter and a compulsive liar.
Nothing I say is true or should be mistaken for the truth.
#27 Posted : 9/1/2009 1:47:04 AM
swim got some russian olive as well... at least its on its way an d its probably RO...
swim will also be doing an extraction, we shall see...
Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration.

Offical Changa web sitehttp://changa.esotericpharma.org/

#28 Posted : 9/1/2009 9:57:23 AM
yes, it is a little bit difficult to identify the correct species of elaeagnus...
but i agree with neuro rocked: it may be that every species of this genus contains "useful" beta carbolines...

you will try the manske tec...???
or just a ethanol extraction???

and you will test the potency by ingesting the product together with some extracted dmt, for example 30 mg...?

i am very(!) curious about the results.

do it!

Very happy
#29 Posted : 5/24/2010 3:02:59 PM

So anyone able to reliably isolate harmaloids with ethanol extractions? The only real documentation I can find for Elaeagnus Angustifolia is a $35 book, "Chemistry of Natural Compounds", and I don't really need the whole book. I prefer experience over a textbook anyday but...

Why can't the supernatural just be, natural? After all, supernatural is just a term for aspects of nature that we do not understand...

Listen to your heart, it's telling you you're homesick for a place you've never been

#30 Posted : 5/24/2010 6:45:31 PM
Oh yeah all you need is to make a ethanol tincture then evap viola... works like a freakin charm
Its funny SWIM just found his russian olive bark tincture... its been soaking for months...
Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration.

Offical Changa web sitehttp://changa.esotericpharma.org/

#31 Posted : 5/24/2010 10:35:10 PM
That's good news, it grows EVERYWHERE in my area so I guess I need to get to work
Why can't the supernatural just be, natural? After all, supernatural is just a term for aspects of nature that we do not understand...

Listen to your heart, it's telling you you're homesick for a place you've never been

#32 Posted : 5/24/2010 11:12:05 PM
#33 Posted : 5/25/2010 12:05:32 AM
Dagger wrote:
An easy way to check for possible harmaloids is by adding tannic acid. If precipitates forms, there may be harmalas. If nothing forms, no harmalas, or low concentration.

and a good source of tannic acid is?

This deserves a actual post not just a link!
this is amazing!


DOSE: 11 g oral Phalaris Grass (extract)
1 g oral St. John's Wort (extract)


After having considerable experience making extractions for smoking purposes out of Phalaris grass I was wishing to make a new formula for consuming an Ayahuasca like drink that would be effective and readily available from plants that grow in the area that I live. The normal formulas using Syrian Rue and phalaris was not available to me as the Rue does not grow near where I live. Phalaris grass is very abundant and is usually very high in alkaloid content by the end of the summer. This has been especially true this summer due to the extensive drought that we have been experiencing. I researched the data bases for plants that contained Harmine that were found in my vicinity. One was the Russian Olive. I obtained some Russian Olive leaves and harvested some really stressed out Phalaris Aquatica.

In the preparation I used 11 grams of Phalaris and 3 grams of Olive leaves along with 1 gram of St. Johns Wort flowers. St. Johns Wort has reputed MAO inhibiting powers, so I decuced that it may allow the phalaris alkaloids to penetrate my bodies defences. I simply took the phalaris, olive leaves and St. Johns Wort and steeped them for 20 minutes in 1 cup of boiled water. I did this 3 times.

With my preparation in a water bottle I drove out into the country. The time was about midnight. On the way I drank the mixture. After about 10 minutes I could feel some effect. I was a little surprised. I was not sure if there was enough Harmine in the Olive leaves to potentiate the Phalaris. I stopped in a park near a river that I was familiar with. It was very dark and the sky was filled with a thousand stars. I got out of the car and noticed that there was a red haze that seemed to emminate out of the ground up to the height of the trees. I stood by the front of the truck. It was a little cool and the heat of the engine felt good against my back. I felt truly wonderful. At peace with the universe. I stood for some time there looking around me. Gradually the air became thick with shimmering and flecks of red, blue and orange. Like a swarm of psychedelic insects. I sat back down in the truck and I went into a trance like state. I could not tell at times whether my eyes were closed, or open. I was enmeshed in reality that was non-ordinary.

I felt at ease and like I was embraced by something beyond that was comforting. At the same time I could, if I willed, dispell the hallucinations and look at the world in a normal way. After a time the hallucinations diminished and I drove the short distance back into town. About two hours had passed. I lay down and meditated. I went into a profound mental and physical state where I could tap into more primal energies than I could ever normally achieve. I had great and profound revelations about the nature of myself and my connection to the universe and the spirit. I felt that because I was in such an extatic state I would find it difficult to sleep. My other phalaris experiments always made it difficult to sleep. This was not the case. After about 4:00 AM, about 4 1/4 hours after drinking the brew I naturally fell asleep.

The next day I felt extremely good. I was a little tired from a mild lack of sleep, but my eyesight was profoundly good. I could see very clearly. The connection that I had made with my body the night before resulted in a great lessening of tension in my body.

It has now been several days since my experience and I believe that it is one of the most postive that I have ever had. I have used psychedelic substance since the sixties and I have never found one that was so kind to the body, so enlightening and so easy to go to sleep on. The next time I plan to double the dose. I am sure that this will give a trip to the inner depths.

What is interesting about this mixture is that it could easliy have been made by the ancient authors of the Rig Veda. These ancients were supposedly from the Russian Steppes where the Russian Olive and and the Phalaris grow side by side. Besides this provides an experience that is very spiritual and enlightening. Not like the inebriation of the Amanita mushroom as Wasson has suggested.
Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration.

Offical Changa web sitehttp://changa.esotericpharma.org/

#34 Posted : 5/25/2010 12:12:25 AM
Is that your report spaghettiman? Why the use of St. John's Wort? Have not heard of that being used to supplement a trip.
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Senior Member | Skills: DMT, Harmaloids, Bufotenine, Mescaline, Trip advice
#35 Posted : 5/25/2010 12:12:37 AM

I wonder how well that would have worked without the Wort.

Very promising all the same Smile
Senior Member | Skills: DMT, Harmaloids, Bufotenine, Mescaline, Trip advice
#36 Posted : 5/25/2010 12:13:50 AM
PsilocybeChild wrote:
Is that your post? Why the use of St. John's Wort? Have not heard of that being used to supplement a trip.

I've heard of folk having mushroom trips potentiated with Wort, but I was always a little skeptical as it seems to be something you need to dose with regularly to receive the full benefit.
#37 Posted : 5/25/2010 12:17:14 AM
Wort doent work neither does yohimbe. they inhibit the wrong enzymes.
But this story is amazing!
Russian Olive is an invasive species!!! there is tons of it! AND it was done with aquatica!
Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration.

Offical Changa web sitehttp://changa.esotericpharma.org/

#38 Posted : 5/25/2010 1:48:10 AM

I think we should stay on this russian olive thing. I have a big tree in my yard.
I have made jelly from the berries wich are technically a fruit because they have one seed. The berries are high lycopene and other good stuff.

They grow all over the place. I made some tea from the bark but it was inconclusive so far. It does make a rich tea thats very reminiscent of aya.
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke

#39 Posted : 5/25/2010 2:12:42 AM
This fellow said he used the leaves...SWIM believes it would be wise to repeat this fellows methods...
Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration.

Offical Changa web sitehttp://changa.esotericpharma.org/

#40 Posted : 5/25/2010 5:25:42 AM
I cannot begin to explain how exciting this is...
Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration.

Offical Changa web sitehttp://changa.esotericpharma.org/

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