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Harmaline fb reduction to THH, condensed thread Options
#21 Posted : 10/17/2014 2:46:51 AM
Hi Tregar.

I did not use any naoh in the process. I will try a manske on the purple powder at some point in the next few days or week. I will report back.
#22 Posted : 10/17/2014 2:51:21 AM
Arcologist. That color pink is how my thh looked after I bagged it. Now is Deep dark purplish red after I did another acid base on it with vinegar/sodium carb. I thought that harmalas didn't oxidize easily....maybe thh does under certain circumstances. But i've never seen a color like this before. It's soooo full of color. That would be strange if thh-oxide was a deep purple red color..
#23 Posted : 10/17/2014 9:03:04 AM
Sounds good Synkromystic. Good Luck. I do remember Professor8 mentioning that he preferred Caapi leaf over Caapi vine, as the vine felt too heavy, he liked the lighter feel of the leaf as he believed it had more THH than vine.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#24 Posted : 10/18/2014 10:59:10 AM

Graham Hancock, "Supernatural", pg 428:
My experience with smoked DMT was qualitatively different from the realms and beings ayahuasca introduced me to. For whereas the ayahuasca worlds seemed rich, luxurious, and abundant in the transformations of organic and supernatural life, DMT brought me to a world--or to some aspect of a world--that appeared from the outset to be highly artificial, constructed, inorganic, and in essence technological.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#25 Posted : 10/18/2014 8:51:22 PM

Professor8 (here at forum):
THH has the ability to raise your vibration in a most powerful, yet subtle way. It brings a crystalline prismy texture to spice and adds a super clear watery dimension to Aya, like looking down through 10meters of shimmering Caribbean Sea on clear blue day. It brings a dimension of pure light to the entheogenic experience and encourages entities & intelligences of only the Highest Order. If one is not accustomed to perceiving these experiences with a spiritual perspective most of the nuances & subtleties THH brings on are overlooked and remain unseen and one would better enjoy Harmaline as a house painter chooses a roller over a brush, its about preference & choice. You are creating something sacred which few people will ever have the opportunity to experience and you will be forever changed in the process.

You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#26 Posted : 10/18/2014 9:33:18 PM
Be patient my brother Smile

With so much information going around the world these days, dozens of threads appearing every day, sometimes it' s hard to keep track and people just miss posts. Think of this as a long run, other people later can pick up on the discussion. Also sometimes people dont have much to add at the moment, you' re the one doing those experiments atm so we're waiting to hear from you Smile

Don't take requests for sources and care with claims as personal attack, that's also for us, we' re all subject to critical analysis and constructive criticism.. no double standards. Smile It's important for us all to grow and have reliable information to spread !

What new method are you talking about? Im certainly curious!
#27 Posted : 10/19/2014 5:42:54 PM
tregar wrote:
Everyone who was into this topic seems to have disappeared,

some are just reading and learning as i have no idea about chemistry ..............so i don't know what to write that will add to this discussion

nontheless i am still learning from this..............

keep up the good work brother , the whole community benifits from this

and dont mind the critical analysis ........it only leads to greater/clearer understanding
illusions !, there are no illusions
there is only that which is the truth
#28 Posted : 10/20/2014 10:43:42 AM
Thanks for your encouragment Endlessness, Jin and Jees, much appreciated. Smile

You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#29 Posted : 10/20/2014 2:18:18 PM
A sample was taken up with q-tip from 1 hour fast spinning solution and smeared on plate, it glows same color as the THH that was spun for 3 hours. Original paper plate with harmaline smear shown at far left, middle smear = THH formed after 3 hours, far right smear labeled "end" is THH formed after only 1 hour. Fast spinning reduction (8g zinc metal dust in 200ml vinegar with 2g harmaline fb) appears to complete fully in 1 hour. the smaller ugly colored dark green looking q-tip smears are from failed electrolysis h2 generation experiments. Tolerance to THH is extreme after 3 days, and the material requires you abstain for at least 2 weeks before taking it again to get great effects, similar to how UDV members partake of Ayahuasca about once every 2 weeks. But since the THH has a half-life of 11 hours, you can take additional activating harmine + more tryptamine as much as you like the 1st day you use the THH, as even Shanon took Ayahuasca up to 2 times in one day, you are entering into a "School" where lessons are taught with a theme and logic to it all; caapi works subjectively the same as when combining harmine + thh + tiny dash of harmaline. Ancient interactive Spiritual Teachers in our DNA?
tregar attached the following image(s):
DSC059481111111.jpg (24kb) downloaded 278 time(s).
DSC05959555555555.jpg (37kb) downloaded 262 time(s).
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#30 Posted : 10/20/2014 6:41:45 PM
tregar wrote:
Everyone who was into this topic seems to have disappeared, and I hate talking to myself, I do enough of that when I'm working.

Nope we're all lurking around in the shadows waiting for a viable kitchen THH reduction method Pleased

Write to your heart's content, I think you've severely underestimated how many people want this thing and how badly they want it
#31 Posted : 10/21/2014 6:07:40 AM
Please keep up the good work tregar, much appreciated.
#32 Posted : 10/21/2014 8:47:49 AM
Thanks embracethevoid and Jees. I'm taking a vacation from this for a couple weeks. The following quotes are given for educational and conversational purposes, I found them meaningful in some articles & books I have read, further below are some educational quotes from Shanon's important 500pg book "Antipodes of the Mind":

Wikipedia on SOMA:
whose Soma Mandala contains 114 hymns, many praising its energizing qualities.Indra and Agni are portrayed as consuming Soma in copious quantities. The consumption of Soma by human beings is well attested in Vedic ritual."We have drunk Soma and become immortal; we have attained the light, the Gods discovered."It is described as "green-tinted" and "bright-shining" in the RigVeda.The drink is prepared by priests pounding the plants with stones. The juice so gathered is filtered through lamb's wool, and mixed with other ingredients (including cow milk) before it is drunk. It is said to "roar". It is said to be the bringer of the gods.Later, knowledge of the ingredient was lost altogether, and Indian ritual reflects this, in expiatory prayers apologizing to the gods for the use of a substitute plant (somalataa, e.g. the pūtīka) because Soma had become unavailable.

Callaway, Entheogen Review:
However, in a broad (as yet unpublished) survey of Banisteriopsis caapi, Psychotria viridis and subsequent teas, which included phytochemical analyses of all, plus subjective ratings of the teas, a strong correlation was found with teas that contained high amounts of THH and not DMT! This rating was from a large body of experienced users (regular União do Vegetal members who had consumed ayahuasca for 10+ years).

Trips (from 12/2/2011):
As to how the THH altered the experience -> I find rue extract+DMT to be very similar to mushrooms I found the THH added to the rue+DMT to shift the experience to a state much closer to that provided by LSD. It was more clear, more energetic, more focused, and when confusion struck it was definitely more "acid-like".

Often, the things I saw under the intoxication impressed me as being so real that the conclusion seemed to be unavoidable: truly existing other realities are being revealed. Believing that this is the case is very common with drinkers of Ayahuasca. Both during the course of the intoxication and afterwards the question repeatedly forces itself: Does this really exist? Over and over again I have heard people express the same feelings of puzzlement and intrigue: Where do all the wondrous things revealed in the visions come from? What do they mean? The things seen with Ayahuasca often strike people as so different from anything they have seen or known that they cannot be the products of their own intellect. Universally, drinkers of Ayahuasca feel that these things are too fantastic to be merely the products of the imaginative power of their own mind. If a supernatural realm [the term usually employed is "the astral"] exists in any sense, many further questions ensue. What is the relationship between this realm and the physical world? What is the relationship between it and the human mind, between it and the brain? Does the supernatural or transpersonal consist of only one realm or many?

Many Ayahuasca visions lead one to an appreciation of the Divine and of the sacred dimension of being.

A Shaman told me that "at first Ayahuasca shows you this world, then later on it shows you other worlds."

Especially impressive are visions that may be likened to visits to galleries or museums. As already mentioned in the previous chapter, once I found myself shown an exhibition displaying the works of an entire cuulture. Various works of art and artefacts were displayed. They were all of a style that resembled nothing that I had ever seen before in my life. What was striking was that the different objects on display all defined one coherent style. Similar visions were reported to me by several other persons.

One of my most experienced informants told me that some of the most impressive Ayahuasca sessions he has had involved his being transferred to other realms which apparently pertained to a different dimension. In these realms, the laws of physics were different from those that hold true here in this world. He encountered there beings totally different from those inhabiting planet Earth. They were flat and they proposed that he stay with them and learn the mysteries of the universe. The requirement was, however, that he lose his materiality. My friend declined and opted to return to this world. The vision with the mathematical formulae reported by a South American man and mentioned in the previous chapter is another example of a vision whose theme was the mysteries of the universe.

An effect that borders between the sensory and the interpretative is that of beautification. With Ayahuasca, music sounds immensely beautiful. One's perception of minute aspects of the music is heightened and it often sounds--literally--heavenly.

The first example consists of a "real-time" verbatim report of what I saw in one session in which I partook of Ayahuasca by myself. I spoke aloud describing what I was seeing and notes were taken by the person who watched me, the entire sequence lasted about 40 minutes:

A golden crystal chalice.

Flowers. In the flowers there are birds and insects and the birds go up and up.

A wheel is turning and there is a rod that is turning round and round. From it, a fire ignites.

An old man holds a taper and from it the fire climbs up and up.

A futuristic city.

A Chinese king is sitting and turning his parasol. Now he is in his study. In the background, birds are kissing one another.

A great hall--like an animated movie.

There is a code here--like that of Morse or the genetic code. The code is constituted by many, many dots, the density between which varies. All this is a language calling to be deciphered.

There is something that pushes up and up. It is like a mountain train. All the time it goes up and up.

A car from the 1920s, Delightfully magnificent. From it emerge light and flowers. Advancing with this light, we pass along gold-plated walls and come out through a staircase made out of gold and ivory. The steps go up and down and reach a theatre.

Up in the heavens there is a woman escorted by a man. In the woman's hand there is a torch that swirls.

Lights come out of it in the form of flags and the flags turn into hats full of gems. The gems are sparkling.

A scene in Europe in the 16th or perhaps the 18th century. Knights are riding. They are mounted upon magic motorcycles full of colours and light. All is like a cartoon and enchanted. It is all part of a big procession. There are also small dwarfs there. Two of them are holding a banner with the insignia of the sovereign.

An Indian is smoking a big pipe. Through an old telescope, a man is peering into the far reaches of the universe. A view of the planet Earth turning round and round.

Beautiful gardens like Versailles and the Tuilleries.

There are ballerinas there. Like a cabaret. Their thighs are exposed. One woman gets to the balustrade and is watching the audience.

The Indian is smiling. The message is that "all of these are the expressions of the same source, a source of bounty and grace."

In a Kings' reception hall. There are chalices full of wine. Long processions of carriages proceed further and further. Slowly, all the time, the horsemen are pushing forward. In the hall, the seats are made out of silver. There is a feast. A big pot is placed in the middle. A fruit salad is offered in goblets of finely polished, very clear glass. Slowly, the chef pours some sort of syrup or gooey topping. The sauce covers the fruit and then it ascends upwards.

An elephant lifts up its trunk high and looks far, far forward. Up there are birds and they are looking in my direction. There are flowers, and butterflies are flying from flower to flower. All are washed in the light of the sun.

Women are dancing. Carriages come one after the other and the wine flows. An officer approaches a carriage and salutes. The footman bows and opens the carriage's door. The Queen is stepping out.

The second example was provided by a young man who partook of Ayahuasca in private sessions conducted in Europe:

Animals. Those seen most frequently were serpents, felines, and birds. Some of the serpents were ornate, like Chinese dragons; the felines included tigers and black pumas; the birds included parrots, peacocks, and toucans. Also seen were a galloping horse, dragons, monsters of all sorts, and evil beasts; with some of the latter blood was associated.

Many human persons were seen. Amongs these were Indians and a sensuous Caribbean dancer.

A person present in the session appeared to have the face of a gorilla with the beak of a bird.

Palaces and mansions. Amongst the buildings seen were skyscrapers and pyramids. Also seen were interior decorations of buildings. These were very exquisitely ornamented; many were gilded. Cities. Many different ones were seen; some had futuristic architecture.

Landscapes. These included forests, open deserts, river scenes, and scenes under water.

Associated with the latter were corals and "tornadoes of fish." Overall, the landscapes had an ambience of serenity and silence.

Especially frequent were disembodied eyes; many of these pertained to big cats. Other items
noted: an Indian in a boat, and old woman turning white and transforming into a young girl,
cars of the 1950's that were colourfully painted in a style which was "rather kitsch", streams of gold.

With open eyes, the trees outside looked like goddesses.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#33 Posted : 10/22/2014 1:25:59 AM
I did a manske on the purple thh. Only the bit of harmine that was left in the purple thh precipiated. (this is the second manske I have tried on thh. The other was a few months ago on almost pure thh...nothing preciptated either)

I got the solution fully saturated with salt. Proably about 120 grams per 100 ml of solution. And got it near boiling also. I let it cool slowly, in hopes that it would form large crystals...The harmine crystals were quite large. I was left with a dark brown solution, which I proceeded to add sodium carb base to. What initially precipitated was a very white substance, then slowly began to turn closer to a light tan color. I'm letting the jar settle and will decant off tomorrow maybe. I'm thinking, since the alkaloids precipitated initially as pure white, that the thh is unaffected, and not oxidized, but somehow in the reduction, there was a byproducted form that is soluble in vinegar, and insoluble in based water. maybe it was formed by a reaction between zinc and impure vinegar?

#34 Posted : 10/22/2014 11:01:38 AM
All distilled white vinegar is pretty much the same, no impure vinegar, I've used generic brand vinegar and name brand vinegar, it's all the same purity imho, same results, both are 5% acetic acid and water.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#35 Posted : 1/4/2015 10:28:57 PM
I've done the zinc/acetic acid thh reduction a few more times since I encountered the purple/pink ''stuff'', and I have not gotten any pink at all. I've reduced the time of the zinc reaction drastically and I attribute this to the improvement.

When I got the purple/pink stuff I had done the reaction over the course of a few hours, then let it sit around for about a day before i filtered and based. But now I do the reaction with in minutes, filter quickly then base. Then redissolve the alks in acetic acid and let the excess zinc settle out. Then i filter again and add base......then filter and wash alks with water numerous times.
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