My friend who I mentioned earlier phoned me and confided in me last night. She says she can feel an 'episode' coming on, and has decided to have councelling. She has her first appointment with a psychologist tomorrow. She hasn't really explained what an episode is for her, but she does dread them.
She says she had an awful childhood, because her parents were unhappily married and she feels that her mother blamed her children for trapping her in a loveless marriage. Her mother never wanted children and got pregnant accidentally (yet somehow it happened a second time because she has a brother who is also messed up). She was never told once 'I love you' by either parent. Her father is an alcoholic. Now her parents resent her because she can't face going home to visit them because it apparently brings on her episodes.
She described how an ex-boyfriend once encouraged her to tell her parents how much they'd messed her up to explain why she can't face coming home. She then completely broke down at the station when she returned to the city, because her boyfriend wasn't there to greet her as promised and his phone was switched off. She also says that her motivated attitude and busyness, which I so admire about her, is actually a coping mechanism to stop herself from thinking about things.
So does this mean she's not mentally ill in any 'chemical imbalance' way, but rather is messed up as a product of her childhood? I can imagine a lack of love explaining the imaginary friends and feelings of the universe communicating with her (sending good vibes when she's happy, or bad vibes when she feels the proximity of an 'episode'
. Because if that's the case, maybe she'd benefit from the love that the entities have to give? All advice appreciated
Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: Quick petitions for meaningful change:
End prohibition: And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.