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#21 Posted : 10/4/2012 9:45:01 AM
cyb wrote:
Ok..went out to cut the grass and this little fella was sitting all alone..

Sure looks like a cube to me....no visible frill though

Plenty blue (photos don't do it justice)

Could I get an ID plz..?

Not Azures their caps are much more chesnut in colour with a dark brown almost black ring around the rim.
Definitely not Liberty Caps from what I can see in the pic the gills are all wrong plus it just doesn't look right also the print would be a purplely blue almost black.

I might be able to give you an ID but would need more info...
Where do you live? What where they growing on? Was it a single shroom or a cluster? Had it just rained recently, if so how long ago before you found them. Did they turn black as they aged or purple then black...these are all very important factors in correctly identifying a mushroom. But the most important information I can give you is. WHEN IN DOUBT, THROW THEM OUT...

--Sykosis is nothing more then a material manifestation of the collective minds and thoughts of many.
No one individual can be held accountable nor responsible for any of the actions Preformed by this user. All opinions, thoughts, statements and ideas expressed by this user are nothing more then a mere coincidental, incoherent, incomprehensible, fictitious rambling and should be treated as such.--
Moderator | Skills: Digi-Art, DTP, Optical tester, Mechanic, CarpenterSenior Member | Skills: Digi-Art, DTP, Optical tester, Mechanic, Carpenter
#22 Posted : 10/4/2012 9:59:49 AM
Sykosis wrote:

I might be able to give you an ID but would need more info...
1. Where do you live?
2. What where they growing on?
3. Was it a single shroom or a cluster?
4.Had it just rained recently, if so how long ago before you found them.
5. Did they turn black as they aged or purple then black...these are all very important factors in correctly identifying a mushroom. But the most important information I can give you is. WHEN IN DOUBT, THROW THEM OUT...

Thnks Sykosis

1. UK (s.e.)
2. Grass (lawn uncut)
3. Single
4. Yes (matter of hours)
5. No

Dried to a crisp now, still cyan blue on edges and stem....very unusual to find blue shrooms in this country. Lib caps are predominant. But Psilocybes are everywhere I spose..
Looked at Stamets book but there are sooo many species, it's hard to find.

It's probably just a Mutant Ninja Toadstool manifested solely for the purpose of poisoning my cat...
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#23 Posted : 10/4/2012 1:59:44 PM
One last question dose/did it have fine little hairs on the cap?

Cyb I would advise throwing that shroom away...
based on the information you provided and from what I can see in your pictures. I beleive that is possibly a greenfleshy.(Inocybe corydalina var. corydalina) However their are many look-alikes in the UK that can be very toxic. Unless 100% positive ID can be made NEVER eat a wild mushroom, and I can't be 100% sure based on pictures.
The reddish brown spore print rules out many other possibilities, Most psilocybin mushroom have a purple almost black spore print...

Alternatively you could do a test.
Lick the cap just a little, don't put the whole thing in your mouth just tap it to the tip of your tongue and wait 24-48 hours.
If you experience ANY of the following symptoms throw it out and wash your hands thoroughly.
flushness,(redness of the face) swollen tongue/glands, swollen throat, dizzyness, profuse unexplained sweating, heavy shallow breathing, nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, or anything else you associate with the shroom. If not then cut off a VERY tinny piece, place it your mouth and chew for 5 min DO NOT SWALLOW. If after 5 mins of chewing their is no "burning" felt then it is ok to swallow, wait 24-48 hours any of the above symptoms discard. If it passes both test it is LIKELY ok to eat but not DEFINITELY.
Also I advise anyone doing their own shroom hunting keep a bottle of "Milk Thistle Extract" in their medicine cabinet. It's a liver detoxin and will help clear your system.

Maybe they are psilocybe caerulea...
More commonly known as Stropharia Cyanea, they too would have a purplish spore print.

But I would most likely not take the chance and just toss it, better to be safe then DEAD.
It's always a good idea to know what look-alike shrooms grow in ones area and how to distinguish them from the real thing. Also next time take a picture of the shroom before you pick it so we can better understand it's habitat, that is a very important part of identifying a mushroom.
Hope it helps.

--Sykosis is nothing more then a material manifestation of the collective minds and thoughts of many.
No one individual can be held accountable nor responsible for any of the actions Preformed by this user. All opinions, thoughts, statements and ideas expressed by this user are nothing more then a mere coincidental, incoherent, incomprehensible, fictitious rambling and should be treated as such.--
Moderator | Skills: Digi-Art, DTP, Optical tester, Mechanic, CarpenterSenior Member | Skills: Digi-Art, DTP, Optical tester, Mechanic, Carpenter
#24 Posted : 10/4/2012 2:10:22 PM

Thanks for doing that...all your info is on board.
I shall toss it to be safe...

Just came back from a Lib hunt....none to be found today.
Onwards and upwards...Smile

btw no hairs
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#25 Posted : 10/4/2012 2:16:42 PM
No problem!
While I'm new to the wonders of DMT I've been growing shrooms for 10 years.
If you need any future help identifying a mushroom don't hesitate to ask, it would be my pleasure.

--Sykosis is nothing more then a material manifestation of the collective minds and thoughts of many.
No one individual can be held accountable nor responsible for any of the actions Preformed by this user. All opinions, thoughts, statements and ideas expressed by this user are nothing more then a mere coincidental, incoherent, incomprehensible, fictitious rambling and should be treated as such.--
Moderator | Skills: Digi-Art, DTP, Optical tester, Mechanic, CarpenterSenior Member | Skills: Digi-Art, DTP, Optical tester, Mechanic, Carpenter
#26 Posted : 10/21/2012 12:50:06 PM

Just an update:
These are popping up after the rains here...seem like the same species.
Here is a better pic...
Blue/greeny in colour and covered in slime as they popped up a couple of hours ago..
Still baffled whether they are Psilo's
cyb attached the following image(s):
P1040220.JPG (399kb) downloaded 30 time(s).
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