Based on color, those are definitely not caapi alkaloids. You mentioned that your tap water is pH 9.1. Maybe there’s something in your tap water that’s affecting the results? A combination of minerals or ??? I’d suggest trying an extraction – from beginning to end – with distilled water. That way you can at least rule out any problems caused by water. Since you’re having problems, I suggest you experiment with smaller amounts until you get it right (maybe 50g extractions). Don’t give up! gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
Ok, thanks Gibran.
I will go again and use only distilled water....I want to get this to work..!!!!
What is weird is, in post #6 your alks look super nice, and in post #9 they are dark, and this just because of some washes in between? The fact that your wash water is 9 ph, is no matter of fact, like gibran said, there must be some very stuff in that tap water making the precips so dark.
Jees wrote:What is weird is, in post #6 your alks look super nice, and in post #9 they are dark, and this just because of some washes in between? The fact that your wash water is 9 ph, is no matter of fact, like gibran said, there must be some very stuff in that tap water making the precips so dark. Yeah man, I noticed that too....I couldn't figure out what was going on. Then I tested my tap water. I am hoping that is the problem, because I am doing everything the tek says to do. Thanks.
Were you using well water? Well water, especially from older shallow wells, could have iron from iron pipes or from red clay earth . If your home uses iron pipes, you might have iron in the water. If your sinks and tubs have red stains, you have iron in your water. Now, whether or not it is iron turning your crystals reddish, I'm not really sure. If anything, they *should* be losing color as you do the conversions and washes.