chocobeastie said:
Quote:Sounds like quite a relatively light experience to me.
I'm an fairly experienced psychonaut and this trip blew my socks off. I haven't had any real desire to repeat it....yet
I did learn some valuable lessons:
1.Set and setting are important, but INTENTION is paramount. I went into this trip with very little intention and absolutly no focus. This led to a confused mind state and restlessness. I think in an Ayahuasca session, there is intention and focus.
2.Don't dose powerfull psychedelics on a whim or after drinking too much alcohol
3.Be honest with your wife when your going to go "mind travel". It really stressed me out during the trip that she would wake up and find me all fucked up.
4.Practice the skills you might need when your deep in a psychedelic state. Like meditation, breathing exercises, yoga, etc. You can fall back on these skills when your trip gets too intense.
5.Don't dose too much DMT. I think you can start at a lower dosage(like 80mgs or less). And if its not enough, smoke some changa or redose some more DMT. Once you over-shoot your mark, there's no going back.
The strangest part of this experience was how the numbers "23 and 12" (230mgs and 120mgs) came to my mind when I thought about dosing some pharma that night. They just popped into my head and I ran with it. I guess thats something else I learned. When it comes to DMT, ALWAYS listen to that little voice in your head.
The bridge between goals and accomplishments....Self-discipline.