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Is eating 5g of seeds exactly the same as drinking 5g of tea? Options
#21 Posted : 7/8/2012 11:33:48 PM
tryptographer wrote:
I don't dislike the taste of the tea at all, but I don't boil the crap out of the seeds and don't add acid, that's only for extractions. Just a slow simmer of roughly ground seeds for 10 minutes is enough. Some honey can help to counter the bitterness, I'm the type that hates coffee without sugar Pleased

I bet real tea or coffee made by boiling and reducing for hours would taste horrible too!

Interesting. I've always read they must be boiled for like 30-45 minutes.

I am gonna try your method and see what happens.
#22 Posted : 7/9/2012 2:08:45 AM
I like to eat a couple pinches of rue in the evening or before taking mushrooms. It takes a bit to really kick in, but it works for me. If I am brewing though, I will make tea. It comes on much faster this way.
(¯`'·.¸(♥)¸.·'´¯Pleased But suddenly you're ripped into being alive. And life is pain, and life is suffering, and life is horror, but my god you are alive and it is spectacular!
#23 Posted : 7/9/2012 6:56:32 PM
behindthelight wrote:

Interesting. I've always read they must be boiled for like 30-45 minutes.

I am gonna try your method and see what happens.

I assume yield is somewhat lower than with a long boil, but there is less crap in the tea this way and still plenty of harmalas. I grind the seeds in a mortar & pestle and put them in a tea egg that I put in slow boiling/simmering water for 10-15 minutes, stirring and agitating the egg to promote solution.
Just experiment with dosage and method, maybe you'll need a bit more than usual - good luck!

#24 Posted : 7/9/2012 7:49:16 PM
I disagree that tea is best. For me tea does work, but the dosage must be upped, and even then the effects are much li9ghter, and i dont feel the same presence i get when capping them. I only get the full experience when I cap 4 grams rue.

I have used it hundreds of times, with many admixtures, and for me tea is not effective.
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#25 Posted : 7/9/2012 8:01:07 PM
BecometheOther wrote:
I disagree that tea is best. For me tea does work, but the dosage must be upped, and even then the effects are much li9ghter, and i dont feel the same presence i get when capping them. I only get the full experience when I cap 4 grams rue.

I have used it hundreds of times, with many admixtures, and for me tea is not effective.

Rue is definitely a very strange substance. I capped 4 grams of rue and it did NOTHING for me. If I make a 4 gram tea....it is great. Very strange indeed.
#26 Posted : 7/10/2012 3:03:02 AM
It is crazy to read how mixed all the reports have been with rue.

I definitely prefer the capsule method. I take 4 grams in capsules, and it starts to hit me about 30-40 minutes in, every time. And it hits hard, purge too.

The couple times I have taken the tea, the purge was barely existent, and one time non-existent, same size dose. I don't know what it is, but capsules are the way to go for me.

I guess the only objective comment that i have, is that if you capsulate rue, you are without a doubt getting all the actives, whereas with a tea you may not get 100%.
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#27 Posted : 7/12/2012 6:46:17 AM
tigerstrike92 wrote:
It is crazy to read how mixed all the reports have been with rue.

I definitely prefer the capsule method. I take 4 grams in capsules, and it starts to hit me about 30-40 minutes in, every time. And it hits hard, purge too.

The couple times I have taken the tea, the purge was barely existent, and one time non-existent, same size dose. I don't know what it is, but capsules are the way to go for me.

I guess the only objective comment that i have, is that if you capsulate rue, you are without a doubt getting all the actives, whereas with a tea you may not get 100%.

I know man, it is really weird. I mean I took 4 grams of rue in capsules and nothing happened at all. But then I take 4 grams of the same rue in a tea and it hits me really hard. Defnitely something really strange about rue.
#28 Posted : 7/12/2012 9:04:20 AM
If taking capped rue, make sure it is powdered superfine. Also "unlock" the capsule to it opens up on swallowing. Perhaps this would make all the difference?
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