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The Acacia Confusa thread Options
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#21 Posted : 11/25/2012 2:09:56 AM
^..thanks monk..on behalf of the other contributors too..and thanks Thoughtful Tree!
hey jamie, got any more pics of your babies..?Smile

below photos of 台湾相思 growing in 1) a park in China. & 2) in the Phillipines (i know there's a few nexians thereSmile)
nen888 attached the following image(s):
Zhuhai-Seaside_park-Acacia_confusa._Merr..jpg (3,059kb) downloaded 845 time(s).
4151589196_55070de966_z.jpg (164kb) downloaded 847 time(s).
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#22 Posted : 3/20/2013 4:54:56 AM
..bumping this thread due to increased interest in the species..

on p.49 of the Acacia info thread i posted, from a Chinese blog on Acacia confusa:
(and excuse odd bits of the translation..!)
台湾相思 - 历史传说
台湾相思 - 分布范围

..which reads:
Place of Origin: China Taiwan southern
Category: evergreen tree
Taiwan acacia present in the world, a total of 1,200 species. Except Europe and Antarctica, the major states are distributed, which is the largest in Australia about 800 species, followed by Asia, about 150, only in our country Acacia a. China planted acacia are imported from abroad, belonging to three protected plants, mostly grown in the south of the Yangtze River, the broad distribution.
The acacia foliage detailed closely. As a round green clouds. Golden yellow flowers like clouds in the sunset glow. In fact, Taiwan acacia is not only a brilliant appearance. It's very hard wood texture. Often used to do all kinds of furniture, plywood and railway sleepers, can also be paper. In addition, Taiwan acacia bark extract tannin extract. Leaves do feed. The roots for dye, is a rare fine species of economic and ecological benefits in one.
Acacia - historical legend
According to legend, as the Warring States Period Song Kangwang Scheeren Han Ping and his wife Ho metaplasia. According to Jenkin Bao "Immortals" Juan Shiyi contained the Song Kangwang Scheeren Korea with wife of Ho and beautiful Kangwang wins and prisoners with. Died with suicide He cast the testament is willing to the bones give with buried. The wrath of the king listen and Azeri buried the two graves sea. The the end Johnson Catalpa pike phase near two mass graves on the root cross in the lower limbs wrong on. Yuanyang there are male and female each one often roost tree cross neck lament. Song sorrow then No. Wood said, "Taiwan acacia. After a symbol of faithful love."
Acacia - distribution
Origin China Taiwan and throughout the island plains, hilly low mountain region, the Philippines has distributed. Tropical and subtropical regions of Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Fujian, Yunnan and Jiangxi provinces (autonomous regions) are cultivated. Horizontal distribution and growth of normal in the south of latitude 25 ° -26 °; vertical distribution due to latitude, can be planted in the tropical regions of Hainan to 800 meters above sea level, while the higher latitudes generally at an altitude of 200-300 meters below the lowland planting.


note also that in many if not most cases medicinal suppliers would be using trunk/branch bark (content still high), as root-bark harvesting will kill the tree, and this is no good for the plantations' sustainability..reports of hawaiian material should be treated with caution..mis-ID is possible..

being rarer in the wild in asia now, plantation (see photo below) is where most sources of this tree come from..thankfully..
nen888 attached the following image(s):
confusa in plantation, china.jpg (32kb) downloaded 734 time(s).
#23 Posted : 3/21/2013 1:40:47 AM
Here's a few pics of my baby confusas.

It's a poor colour rendition, they look a a bit yellow in the pics they actually have a deep green colour with a hint of purple (anthocynanins). Sorry for the crappy pics I took them with my phone.

The plants in the pot behind them are A. acuminata and you can just make out a few of my simplicifolias behind that. The other plants are ephedras and a Delosperma
Hieronymous attached the following image(s):
confusa.jpg (252kb) downloaded 715 time(s).
confusa1.jpg (202kb) downloaded 710 time(s).
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#24 Posted : 3/22/2013 2:39:05 AM
..hey, they're real cute! Smile (and healthy looking)..thanks for posting Hieronymous..
#25 Posted : 4/22/2013 6:47:38 AM

boogerz attached the following image(s):
confusa1.JPG (298kb) downloaded 655 time(s).
confusa2.JPG (259kb) downloaded 650 time(s).
confusa3.JPG (100kb) downloaded 649 time(s).
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#26 Posted : 6/13/2013 11:05:37 AM
^..good photos boogerz..really show the character of the tree..
only just noticed you'd posted these..

and good to bump this thread given the attention the 'Lovesickness' tree now receives..

harvesters..please treat her kindly..
#27 Posted : 7/28/2013 1:58:49 AM
If one was to harvest trunk and branch bark how would you do it? Tools? It's the inner bark right, not the outer stuff that flakes off?
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#28 Posted : 7/28/2013 6:23:22 AM
^..pruning branches is not particularly harmful to the plant, and in the case of larger branches is equivalent to trunk bark..once you're growing trees you realise this is the best option, if you want it to grow more healthy material next year..
taking anything but small amounts of trunk bark will harm (and if excessive leave the tree to a slow death)
the ideal situation for trunk bark is if a tree has fallen down in a storm..
while it is the inner layer, there is no point fussing about trying to separate it from the outer layer..too much effort..

and while you're at it, don't ignore the phyllodes..there have been some good reports about them..


long live the Acacia of Faithful Love
#29 Posted : 7/31/2013 11:46:09 PM
Well that ideal situation you mentioned of a storm blown tree came true. Tropical storm flossie blew down a few trees. A large old koa being one of them. roots and all. Where to start?
#30 Posted : 8/7/2013 12:02:55 AM
One of the awesome threads here in the nexus Smile

Hey nen, I see a lot of the oral acacia confusa attempts talk about tablespoon amounts. If they measured with normal spoon instead of with measuring spoons, it might be a big quantity, like 10+ grams. So people talking about 1.5-5tbsp could be ingesting 15-50+ grams. Funny that it is similar to mimosa's oral activity range, BUT, big difference is that acacia seems active even with brew instead of just cold soak, like mimosa. So it must be different compound/s.

I think we need to explore more about acacia confusa's oral activity.

I'm gonna look again at past tests and maybe do some more, would be interesting Smile
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#31 Posted : 8/7/2013 9:21:08 AM
..yes it's fascinating and warrants further study..
the only candidates based on tests i can think of for A. confusa oral activity are either:
2-MethyltetraHydroBetacarboline (2MTHBC) if it somehow had activity in very small amounts (you found it at 1% of total stem bark alkaloid endlessness Smile ) ..
or, more plausible to me, Flavonoids/Phenolics (which have been found in previous tests in the plant) are allowing MAOI activity..see p1 this post for link on findings of Catechins in the twig and stem..

btw, cold-soaks of Mimosa hostilis exhibit a more purple colour (which is the colour of Yuremamine - see Complex Indole Alkaloids from plants thread) which is absent from heated preparations..

incidentally, i'd really love to spend some time in Taiwan..

..looks beautiful..

and, as mentioned earlier in the thread, the Northern Phillipines, which is considered by botanists now to be where Acacia confusa is originally native to..

#32 Posted : 8/15/2013 5:11:14 PM
beautiful Smile

btw did anybody extract confusa with FASA/FASI methods already? Im wondering if NMT precipitates like DMT....

By the way nen, didn't you say NMT is orally active by itself? so maybe the whole acacia confusa oral activity is simply NMT?
#33 Posted : 8/15/2013 11:22:56 PM
I have some ACRB on the way, I may try FASA on it to see what happens. If that doesn't work, I'll try bubbling CO2 through a NP solvent solution to precipitate NMT carbamate. I'll update with results when finished.
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#34 Posted : 8/16/2013 5:28:45 AM
endlessness wrote:
beautiful Smile

btw did anybody extract confusa with FASA/FASI methods already? Im wondering if NMT precipitates like DMT....

By the way nen, didn't you say NMT is orally active by itself? so maybe the whole acacia confusa oral activity is simply NMT?

..NMT is not apparently active orally without MAOIs..this was stated in the literature from years ago (though no attempts at smoking reported pre-2011 ) and i have also tried this once to confirm..so it can't be the NMT..

look forward to your experiment arcologist..
#35 Posted : 8/27/2013 11:42:23 AM

boogerz attached the following image(s):
confusa1.JPG (130kb) downloaded 400 time(s).
confusa2.JPG (118kb) downloaded 400 time(s).
#36 Posted : 8/30/2013 5:50:45 AM
I have heard tell that oral Acacia Confusa lacks some of the spirituality and meaningfulness of more traditional ayahuasca brews.

Can anyone confirm or deny that?

Perhaps it is the presence of NMT?
"There are many paths up the same mountain."

Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#37 Posted : 8/30/2013 5:55:49 AM
Nathanial.Dread wrote:
I have heard tell that oral Acacia Confusa lacks some of the spirituality and meaningfulness of more traditional ayahuasca brews.

Can anyone confirm or deny that?

Perhaps it is the presence of NMT?

..i have heard and would say the opposite..but there are different teachers for different people..
some would say the nmt adds more..

but beware ayahuasca 'traditionalists'..theirs is a very narrow view..
the amazon is just one place in the world..
and chacruna is just one kind of teacher..
i suspect people who would declare one plant source less 'spiritual' than another may not be truly seeing the 'spiritual', and sometimes lack experience with different plant teachers..
#38 Posted : 8/30/2013 6:25:21 AM
nen888 wrote:
Nathanial.Dread wrote:
I have heard tell that oral Acacia Confusa lacks some of the spirituality and meaningfulness of more traditional ayahuasca brews.

Can anyone confirm or deny that?

Perhaps it is the presence of NMT?

..i have heard and would say the opposite..but there are different teachers for different people..
some would say the nmt adds more..

but beware ayahuasca 'traditionalists'..theirs is a very narrow view..
the amazon is just one place in the world..
and chacruna is just one kind of teacher..
i suspect people who would declare one plant source less 'spiritual' than another have some deep blocks in their own spirituality, and experience with different plant teachers..

very well said..
#39 Posted : 8/30/2013 7:39:57 AM
acacian wrote:
nen888 wrote:
Nathanial.Dread wrote:
I have heard tell that oral Acacia Confusa lacks some of the spirituality and meaningfulness of more traditional ayahuasca brews.

Can anyone confirm or deny that?

Perhaps it is the presence of NMT?

..i have heard and would say the opposite..but there are different teachers for different people..
some would say the nmt adds more..

but beware ayahuasca 'traditionalists'..theirs is a very narrow view..
the amazon is just one place in the world..
and chacruna is just one kind of teacher..
i suspect people who would declare one plant source less 'spiritual' than another have some deep blocks in their own spirituality, and experience with different plant teachers..

very well said..

Cheers, guys, thank you both.

Since you seem to be so knowledgeable: does ACRB degrade or go bad? Obviously I'm goes to get as dark and cool a place for it as I can, but is it like, say, HBWR which loose their punch unless refrigerated?
"There are many paths up the same mountain."

#40 Posted : 8/30/2013 8:12:17 AM
I have no experience in keeping bark for a long time with confusa as I extracted mine shortly after receiving it.. but dmt salt is very stable and will store very well in the conditions you mentioned.. keep it in a good airtight bag in a cool dry place and I reckon it will last years
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