mmcakes wrote:esotericagenda wrote:mmcakes wrote:OP, I think you are being a bit melodramatic. Since the birth of civilization different sorts of things have been fucked up in one way or another. Do you really want to be living as a slave in ancient rome? or a soldier in the revolutionary war? or a Jew in Nazi occupied Poland in the 30's? Do you want to go back to the days before the Polio vaccine? Before antibiotics? Before ships and airplanes? Before houses? Would you rather be illiterate and never have read a book? Not have the freedom to search Google or post on DMT-Nexus? You really want to give up all those things? To say that modern society has a host of problems is true by anyone's standards, but that has been true all along and people always disagree about what the problems are. To assert that your ideas about how society should be are greater than other's ideas is egotistical and fascist in nature. Didn't Hitler also have a vision about a better human race? Humanity is a constant struggle between people and their environment. All you can do is educate yourself to the best of your ability and communicate your ideas to others in hopes of educating them too. To say that we are worse off today then we we're 500 years ago is absurd. Money is not fake, it is the system that we use to trade commodities in this modern world. Sure, the distribution of money is pretty skewed in this country right now and it's devalued at a certain rate, but at least be grateful for the things you have. I'm guessing you have a roof over your head right now and obviously you have access to a computer and food. Be grateful you don't live in a box and you know how to read. Instead of whining about all the things that make you miserable/paranoid, get out there a make a positive difference to somebody or something. Society has produced amazing things because of adversity, if we lived in a utopia, what would be the point of doing anything? universecannon wrote:the groups of people trying to run the show really aren't, although they'd love to.. and of course they prefer it that people think they do. its just a bunch of brain damaged constipated folks desperately clinging for control over a naturally unfolding process that will always be way beyond they're grasp or imagination..imo Yeah it can be agrivating for sure in this society, i've been there. but when you let the fear/anger/despair get to you your just doing the mans work for the man, get it man?  ..i remember mckenna mentioning that paranoia is like an inability to recognize the pattern..the mama matrix most mysterious! and how the amount of hilarity we notice in this overall situation we call existence is almost like an index of awareness..i think that's accurate in a sense. its not healthy to take life too seriously either way Well put. your entitled to think im being melodramatic but i assure you i am not and i assure you nothing about my post is egotistical in any fashion. We live in a world that is run by very few and who seek to divide and create conflict. The plan to control the world has been in effect since the knights templar who went into hiding and re appeared under the freemason name it started in france to scotland to brittain to the U.S and the elites power has no end. All of the problems and conflicts in the world are planned. war in iraq was planned, 911 was planned this is all bullshit bro get off your high horse if the leaders of the world wanted world peace they have all the power and tools and resources to make it happen. fluoride in the water, contaminated food, the list goes on and on you must know about CODEX ALIMENTARIUS if you dont look it up they plan on cutting the worlds population by more then half. just because peopl arent being slaughtered in your face doesnt mean violence is down. this is all one big cluster fuck plan that has been planned since any of us were born ad quite frankly you calling me melodramatic is quite insulting i think you may be being egotistical mr high and holy. and yes money is fake its a piece of fake paper people slave to get they can wake up any day of the week nd say its worth anything they want they can say hey money isnt worth shit your u.s dollar is worthless what the fuck u gonna do with all your "real" money then bro? Where is the evidence for all these conspiracy theories? You'd think that in the age of the internet, where a file can instantly spread billions of people, there would be at least a bit of evidence for any of the things you just claimed were happening. Can you please provide a link to real evidence that these things are happening and not just a link to Zeitgeist or conspiracy site. Show me the evidence or stop being a paranoid. if you cant realise on your own that 911 was a setup to get americans to hate the middle east and give us an excuse for war on your own then your blind and need no links to anything. i dont need much more then to see towers built to withstand anything mother nature can throw at it and made from steel that couldnt melt at the temps provided crumble like a demolition from the very bottom floor when a tiny plane hit the top floor. im not turning this into a 911 thread but holy shit if the country will do that to its own people whats there to be happy about astrongbodycouldneverconquerarighteousmind
Quote: People have been fighting each other since the beginning of time. Native Americans and other indigenous groups fought each other all the time. It is not the 'world elite', its people. All of us. Rather than looking to blame others for the problems of the world, we must look within ourselves. I dont remember who said it, but a quote Ive always liked and believed in, "To find peace on earth, we must first find peace within ourselves" seems to fit here.
Also, money may be 'fake' but it allows me to eat, live comfortably, get on the internet and connect with all these wonderful people on the nexus.
Well said. About money... I think there is a misconception for a lot of people that money itself is a problem. It is not. Greed is. Mismanagement of the economy is. Abuse of power is. Money itself is just a piece of paper representing value. There is nothing wrong with it: it makes exchanges between people for goods and services easier. Don't expect anything in life if you are not motivated enough to work or create value. Life as always been like this. Don't you see how ridicule it is for the Lion to blame the entire universe because the gazelle doesn't want to throw itself in his mouth? "If you have any answers, We will be glad to provide full and detailed questions."
esotericagenda wrote:ChaoticMethod wrote:Quote:your entitled to think im being melodramatic but i assure you i am not and i assure you nothing about my post is egotistical in any fashion. We live in a world that is run by very few and who seek to divide and create conflict. The plan to control the world has been in effect since the knights templar who went into hiding and re appeared under the freemason name it started in france to scotland to brittain to the U.S and the elites power has no end. All of the problems and conflicts in the world are planned. war in iraq was planned, 911 was planned this is all bullshit bro get off your high horse if the leaders of the world wanted world peace they have all the power and tools and resources to make it happen. fluoride in the water, contaminated food, the list goes on and on you must know about CODEX ALIMENTARIUS if you dont look it up they plan on cutting the worlds population by more then half. just because peopl arent being slaughtered in your face doesnt mean violence is down. this is all one big cluster fuck plan that has been planned since any of us were born ad quite frankly you calling me melodramatic is quite insulting i think you may be being egotistical mr high and holy. and yes money is fake its a piece of fake paper people slave to get they can wake up any day of the week nd say its worth anything they want they can say hey money isnt worth shit your u.s dollar is worthless what the fuck u gonna do with all your "real" money then bro? And how does all of this affect you and your life? Those freemasons never stopped me from becoming the healthy person I am today, to keep learning new things, meet new people, grow as an artist and feel happiness for being alive every day. Sure, wars are a terrible thing, but it's nothing new and we have seen worse. Being negative won't change anything to it, quite the contrary. A positive attitude is the best weapon while facing global problems. You may want to be informed that conspiracy theories are not welcomed on this forum, by the way. Also, maybe you should look up "Punctuation". so the fluride in your water calcifying your pineal gland is cool with you? awesome dude. and just because something dosnt effect you directly doesnt mean it doesnt effect you at all i feel the whole worlds pain as a whole. You can call it conspiracy theories all you want your just a sheep like the rest if its not welcome may the moderators ban me i wont lose sleep. I said look up codex alimentarius and also watch the esoteric agenda movie. also im typing from a phone not a macbook or pc get off your high horse bro : ) I drink well water. If you don't want to drink the safe, parasite-free drinking water then buy some spring water, it'll cost about 79 fake cents per day. I did look up codex alimentarius, looks to me like just a way to standardize labeling on products in different countries and, while controversial, is not controversial for the reasons you say. Please tell me where you found the information that says they are trying to destroy half the human population. I'm going to look up the esoteric agenda movie now.
mmcakes wrote:You can't really think this is 1984. Just because certain aspects of 21st century life are less than ideal, does not mean that there is some giant conspiracy against mankind. Just look at the republican party and birth control... you think that ideology is aimed at shrinking the population? If there was ever a mass conspiracy that could be covered up, it wouldn't be now. We have digital cameras, audio recording, the internet, Google earth, file sharing. If anyone had any proof of these conspiracies happening there would be at least one picture, one document, one recording that was evidence. If there is such evidence, then share it and we can make it go viral to shut it down. It would be so easy to expose this to the world through twitter and Facebook. Please share your evidence so that we can stop the Freemasons! esoteric agenda full movie youtube. nothing more needs to be said. astrongbodycouldneverconquerarighteousmind
mmcakes wrote:esotericagenda wrote:ChaoticMethod wrote:Quote:your entitled to think im being melodramatic but i assure you i am not and i assure you nothing about my post is egotistical in any fashion. We live in a world that is run by very few and who seek to divide and create conflict. The plan to control the world has been in effect since the knights templar who went into hiding and re appeared under the freemason name it started in france to scotland to brittain to the U.S and the elites power has no end. All of the problems and conflicts in the world are planned. war in iraq was planned, 911 was planned this is all bullshit bro get off your high horse if the leaders of the world wanted world peace they have all the power and tools and resources to make it happen. fluoride in the water, contaminated food, the list goes on and on you must know about CODEX ALIMENTARIUS if you dont look it up they plan on cutting the worlds population by more then half. just because peopl arent being slaughtered in your face doesnt mean violence is down. this is all one big cluster fuck plan that has been planned since any of us were born ad quite frankly you calling me melodramatic is quite insulting i think you may be being egotistical mr high and holy. and yes money is fake its a piece of fake paper people slave to get they can wake up any day of the week nd say its worth anything they want they can say hey money isnt worth shit your u.s dollar is worthless what the fuck u gonna do with all your "real" money then bro? And how does all of this affect you and your life? Those freemasons never stopped me from becoming the healthy person I am today, to keep learning new things, meet new people, grow as an artist and feel happiness for being alive every day. Sure, wars are a terrible thing, but it's nothing new and we have seen worse. Being negative won't change anything to it, quite the contrary. A positive attitude is the best weapon while facing global problems. You may want to be informed that conspiracy theories are not welcomed on this forum, by the way. Also, maybe you should look up "Punctuation". so the fluride in your water calcifying your pineal gland is cool with you? awesome dude. and just because something dosnt effect you directly doesnt mean it doesnt effect you at all i feel the whole worlds pain as a whole. You can call it conspiracy theories all you want your just a sheep like the rest if its not welcome may the moderators ban me i wont lose sleep. I said look up codex alimentarius and also watch the esoteric agenda movie. also im typing from a phone not a macbook or pc get off your high horse bro : ) I drink well water. If you don't want to drink the safe, parasite-free drinking water then buy some spring water, it'll cost about 79 fake cents per day. I did look up codex alimentarius, looks to me like just a way to standardize labeling on products in different countries and, while controversial, is not controversial for the reasons you say. Please tell me where you found the information that says they are trying to destroy half the human population. I'm going to look up the esoteric agenda movie now. your missing my point its in everybodys water im not talking about myself and only myself its happening to everybody and its not fair how people never had a chance to realize what kind of life they are missing because the evil ones pre programmed them from birth as to what life is. and if you are watching the movie you will see astrongbodycouldneverconquerarighteousmind
esotericagenda wrote:mmcakes wrote:You can't really think this is 1984. Just because certain aspects of 21st century life are less than ideal, does not mean that there is some giant conspiracy against mankind. Just look at the republican party and birth control... you think that ideology is aimed at shrinking the population? If there was ever a mass conspiracy that could be covered up, it wouldn't be now. We have digital cameras, audio recording, the internet, Google earth, file sharing. If anyone had any proof of these conspiracies happening there would be at least one picture, one document, one recording that was evidence. If there is such evidence, then share it and we can make it go viral to shut it down. It would be so easy to expose this to the world through twitter and Facebook. Please share your evidence so that we can stop the Freemasons! esoteric agenda full movie youtube. nothing more needs to be said. ... sounds like maybe nothing more CAN be said, otherwise you would say something worthwhile instead of just conjuring up empty conspiracy theories. I'll watch the movie, even though it's hella-long, because it's got a good likes/dislike ratio.
esotericagenda wrote:mmcakes wrote:esotericagenda wrote:ChaoticMethod wrote:Quote:your entitled to think im being melodramatic but i assure you i am not and i assure you nothing about my post is egotistical in any fashion. We live in a world that is run by very few and who seek to divide and create conflict. The plan to control the world has been in effect since the knights templar who went into hiding and re appeared under the freemason name it started in france to scotland to brittain to the U.S and the elites power has no end. All of the problems and conflicts in the world are planned. war in iraq was planned, 911 was planned this is all bullshit bro get off your high horse if the leaders of the world wanted world peace they have all the power and tools and resources to make it happen. fluoride in the water, contaminated food, the list goes on and on you must know about CODEX ALIMENTARIUS if you dont look it up they plan on cutting the worlds population by more then half. just because peopl arent being slaughtered in your face doesnt mean violence is down. this is all one big cluster fuck plan that has been planned since any of us were born ad quite frankly you calling me melodramatic is quite insulting i think you may be being egotistical mr high and holy. and yes money is fake its a piece of fake paper people slave to get they can wake up any day of the week nd say its worth anything they want they can say hey money isnt worth shit your u.s dollar is worthless what the fuck u gonna do with all your "real" money then bro? And how does all of this affect you and your life? Those freemasons never stopped me from becoming the healthy person I am today, to keep learning new things, meet new people, grow as an artist and feel happiness for being alive every day. Sure, wars are a terrible thing, but it's nothing new and we have seen worse. Being negative won't change anything to it, quite the contrary. A positive attitude is the best weapon while facing global problems. You may want to be informed that conspiracy theories are not welcomed on this forum, by the way. Also, maybe you should look up "Punctuation". so the fluride in your water calcifying your pineal gland is cool with you? awesome dude. and just because something dosnt effect you directly doesnt mean it doesnt effect you at all i feel the whole worlds pain as a whole. You can call it conspiracy theories all you want your just a sheep like the rest if its not welcome may the moderators ban me i wont lose sleep. I said look up codex alimentarius and also watch the esoteric agenda movie. also im typing from a phone not a macbook or pc get off your high horse bro : ) I drink well water. If you don't want to drink the safe, parasite-free drinking water then buy some spring water, it'll cost about 79 fake cents per day. I did look up codex alimentarius, looks to me like just a way to standardize labeling on products in different countries and, while controversial, is not controversial for the reasons you say. Please tell me where you found the information that says they are trying to destroy half the human population. I'm going to look up the esoteric agenda movie now. your missing my point its in everybodys water im not talking about myself and only myself its happening to everybody and its not fair how people never had a chance to realize what kind of life they are missing because the evil ones pre programmed them from birth as to what life is. and if you are watching the movie you will see No it's not. we have wikipedia now! What another incredible thing to be grateful for!
Son, you're basing your entire belief system on a movie on the Internet, or so it seems. This is what religious people do, they create a world in which they are happy with their belief system, though when their belief system is challenged, they take it as an attack at them personally. The very way say a Christian lives their life comes into question when an atheist brings about other possibilities or attempts to shed light on certain bullshit facts. This is interpreted as an attack on who they are, not what they believe, instead of looking at the situation from all perspectives they feel backed into a corner, turn aggressive and exert their belief with no regard for the other peoples input. This is what you are doing. Rest and think a moment, it's okay to be wrong, it's not okay to be wrong and rude, though it can be forgiven.
Quote: your missing my point its in everybodys water im not talking about myself and only myself its happening to everybody and its not fair how people never had a chance to realize what kind of life they are missing because the evil ones pre programmed them from birth as to what life is. and if you are watching the movie you will see
I am sorry my friend, but you need to know that information on the web isn't always true. We used to say it about TV, but it's actually the same for the internet. "Kids, don't believe everything you hear on TV!" You need to verify the sources of what you put your faith in. Always check out by who and when those videos are made, what their sources are, if these sources are credible or not, what the other opinions are. The problem with this whole conspiracy theories thing, is that functions because there is a networks of conspiracy theorists who support themselves by using other conspiracy theorist as their sources. When you dig through the shit, you end up discovering that none of them base their views on anything concrete but actually mix some banal facts with fiction in order to make it credible. At the core of it, the network of conspiracy theorists rest on nothing but distorted facts. It actually works in a very similar way to sects: they lure people who are looking for answers. Then they tell you that everybody else is wrong and that you are one of the select few who now know the truth. Thus, they cut you from the external reality but making you an addict to their bullshit. It is a marketting scheme, simple as that. "If you have any answers, We will be glad to provide full and detailed questions."
Voidwalk wrote:Son, you're basing your entire belief system on a movie on the Internet, or so it seems. This is what religious people do, they create a world in which they are happy with their belief system, though when their belief system is challenged, they take it as an attack at them personally. The very way say a Christian lives their life comes into question when an atheist brings about other possibilities or attempts to shed light on certain bullshit facts. This is interpreted as an attack on who they are, not what they believe, instead of looking at the situation from all perspectives they feel backed into a corner, turn aggressive and exert their belief with no regard for the other peoples input. This is what you are doing. Rest and think a moment, it's okay to be wrong, it's not okay to be wrong and rude, though it can be forgiven. +1
mmcakes wrote:esotericagenda wrote:mmcakes wrote:esotericagenda wrote:ChaoticMethod wrote:Quote:your entitled to think im being melodramatic but i assure you i am not and i assure you nothing about my post is egotistical in any fashion. We live in a world that is run by very few and who seek to divide and create conflict. The plan to control the world has been in effect since the knights templar who went into hiding and re appeared under the freemason name it started in france to scotland to brittain to the U.S and the elites power has no end. All of the problems and conflicts in the world are planned. war in iraq was planned, 911 was planned this is all bullshit bro get off your high horse if the leaders of the world wanted world peace they have all the power and tools and resources to make it happen. fluoride in the water, contaminated food, the list goes on and on you must know about CODEX ALIMENTARIUS if you dont look it up they plan on cutting the worlds population by more then half. just because peopl arent being slaughtered in your face doesnt mean violence is down. this is all one big cluster fuck plan that has been planned since any of us were born ad quite frankly you calling me melodramatic is quite insulting i think you may be being egotistical mr high and holy. and yes money is fake its a piece of fake paper people slave to get they can wake up any day of the week nd say its worth anything they want they can say hey money isnt worth shit your u.s dollar is worthless what the fuck u gonna do with all your "real" money then bro? And how does all of this affect you and your life? Those freemasons never stopped me from becoming the healthy person I am today, to keep learning new things, meet new people, grow as an artist and feel happiness for being alive every day. Sure, wars are a terrible thing, but it's nothing new and we have seen worse. Being negative won't change anything to it, quite the contrary. A positive attitude is the best weapon while facing global problems. You may want to be informed that conspiracy theories are not welcomed on this forum, by the way. Also, maybe you should look up "Punctuation". so the fluride in your water calcifying your pineal gland is cool with you? awesome dude. and just because something dosnt effect you directly doesnt mean it doesnt effect you at all i feel the whole worlds pain as a whole. You can call it conspiracy theories all you want your just a sheep like the rest if its not welcome may the moderators ban me i wont lose sleep. I said look up codex alimentarius and also watch the esoteric agenda movie. also im typing from a phone not a macbook or pc get off your high horse bro : ) I drink well water. If you don't want to drink the safe, parasite-free drinking water then buy some spring water, it'll cost about 79 fake cents per day. I did look up codex alimentarius, looks to me like just a way to standardize labeling on products in different countries and, while controversial, is not controversial for the reasons you say. Please tell me where you found the information that says they are trying to destroy half the human population. I'm going to look up the esoteric agenda movie now. your missing my point its in everybodys water im not talking about myself and only myself its happening to everybody and its not fair how people never had a chance to realize what kind of life they are missing because the evil ones pre programmed them from birth as to what life is. and if you are watching the movie you will see No it's not. we have wikipedia now! What another incredible thing to be grateful for! very cool fluoride only prevents tooth decay through direct contact, the body cant digest fluoride and your pineal gland absorbs almost all of it when ingested...ever look at the ingredients on rat poison? : ) wiki aint the holy grail all the time. astrongbodycouldneverconquerarighteousmind
Quote:very cool fluoride only prevents tooth decay through direct contact, the body cant digest fluoride and your pineal gland absorbs almost all of it when ingested...ever look at the ingredients on rat poison? : ) wiki aint the holy grail all the time. God it's painful to read. The pineal gland absorbs the fluoride, right? Where did you read that? "If you have any answers, We will be glad to provide full and detailed questions."
ChaoticMethod wrote:Quote:very cool fluoride only prevents tooth decay through direct contact, the body cant digest fluoride and your pineal gland absorbs almost all of it when ingested...ever look at the ingredients on rat poison? : ) wiki aint the holy grail all the time. God it's painful to read. The pineal gland absorbs the fluoride, right? Where did you read that? this is well documented goes through some studies iirc;feature=player_embeddedand if you look into the whole fluoride/teeth cleaning thing thats been debunked- the type of fluoride in tap water is not the kind most people think it is and some studies suggest it does the opposite of keep your teeth healthy. i dont agree with the op in all this, or his pessimistic attitude towards it, but instead of brushing one another's positions under the rug rudely (from both sides of the fence!), why don't we be civil and have a healthy discussion?
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
ChaoticMethod wrote:Quote:very cool fluoride only prevents tooth decay through direct contact, the body cant digest fluoride and your pineal gland absorbs almost all of it when ingested...ever look at the ingredients on rat poison? : ) wiki aint the holy grail all the time. God it's painful to read. The pineal gland absorbs the fluoride, right? Where did you read that?
and guys remember the rules say no swearing..and no conspiracy talk.. fluorides fine but 911 thing, etc.. (obviously a false flag event IMO) that sort of thing draws attention away from the main focus of this site and tends to create useless, emotional conflicts where no beneficial consensus is ever reached (as we can see going on here)
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
| lmao what a great country! just another nice lie for humors sake! astrongbodycouldneverconquerarighteousmind
You're such a negative bundle of energy, OP. have you ever used Psychadellics for consciousness expansion?
universecannon wrote:ChaoticMethod wrote:Quote:very cool fluoride only prevents tooth decay through direct contact, the body cant digest fluoride and your pineal gland absorbs almost all of it when ingested...ever look at the ingredients on rat poison? : ) wiki aint the holy grail all the time. God it's painful to read. The pineal gland absorbs the fluoride, right? Where did you read that? this is well documented goes through some studies iirc;feature=player_embeddedand if you look into the whole fluoride/teeth cleaning thing thats been debunked- the type of fluoride in tap water is not the kind most people think it is and some studies suggest it does the opposite of keep your teeth healthy. i dont agree with the op in all this, or his pessimistic attitude towards it, but instead of brushing one another's positions under the rug rudely (from both sides of the fence!), why don't we be civil and have a healthy discussion? All right. It seems like I may have been wrong about the fluoride thing. Thanks for the info, I will look more deeply into it. Although I'm still not convinced about the fact the pineal gland "absordbs almost all of it when ingested". Care to give me more info on that? But yeah... it helps when we are sharing decent sources instead of highly questionable youtube videos.. "If you have any answers, We will be glad to provide full and detailed questions."