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slang and disrespectful people Options
Senior Member
#21 Posted : 2/27/2012 8:14:06 PM
I tend to find that the language we use defines our personality and who we are. It acts as a good indicator as to whether you would get on well with a particular person or not. If the language they choose does not sit comfortably with you, then just avoid them. If you feel it necessary to point them in the right direction for more information then do so. If they don't follow your advice it is their fault you cannot force them.
Very happy

People also say things they don't really mean. Or they say things in an attempt to create a certain air about themselves. Take such comments with a pinch of salt. They must have some knowledge of DMT to engage in a conversation with it and therefore must have some knowledge of what it is capable of. If they are still stupid enough to go ahead with what they say then I'm sure DMT will show them who is boss and will certainly give them a good kick up the butt. Which in my eyes is a useful, albeit a difficult, life lesson!

Much love,
Sally xx
ॐ . Amateur Entheogen Botanist. PM me if you need help in finding or identifying plants. For research purposes only . ॐ

ॐ bwrrrr bWWrrr bhrrrr bHWRRR ॐ

. Pure Universal Pulse Vibrations . Saloreo Nebulum .
#22 Posted : 2/27/2012 10:15:41 PM
i don't think there is a way to fix the "problem" of people saying slang you don't like. i love the word deemsters. i have been told to "respect the medicine" at times when it might seem i'm not but much like i love and respect my friends i joke around with them as well. i definitely see the importance of respecting the medicine but if it is just single words and not a general unhealthy attitude towards it i think it is fine.
‎"Trust in your own wetware; your psyche and your body will be reunited." -Gracie and Zarkov

in plants we trust
Super Radical
#23 Posted : 2/28/2012 6:17:34 AM
As long as your respectful and responsible about and around it that's good c:
It might rub off on some people, I've found that to be the case with a few.
People are always sort of impressed when your respectful of a substance Cool

Who wouldn't want to be impressive lol. And when your mature about it around people like that it's a subtle way of showing them themselves.Wink

There are some things.

#24 Posted : 2/29/2012 11:21:07 PM
Poop,turd,cockie,dropping the kids off at the pool,dropping a duece,it all means the same thing,shit.call it whatever you like.
#25 Posted : 2/29/2012 11:42:23 PM
Sky Motion wrote:
I've seen and HEARD a lot of people, including students at my college who know little to absolutely nothing about DMT call the molecule:


I can't help it, I get frustrated and annoyed at these people.

I'm stuck.

Unstuck yourself by not getting annoyed and frustrated with them. If you say they might see you as arrogant and being mightier than them is because you clearly are talking to them in that manner. I mean you even disclaimer-ed your relation with dorms.

MR. molecule I find them more bearable than you since they are less experienced and ignorant about psys and DMT. I don't see any reason to call it anything other than DMT aside from talking in public. You seem to have a weird attitude stop being so high and mighty, the fact that you made this thread shows you aren't being acceptant of people. DMT isnt a right of passage nor is it a holy thing, it is what you make it to be, just give it to them and leave it at that, they'll see what they'll see. You snob (can't help it lol Rolling eyes )
#26 Posted : 2/29/2012 11:47:06 PM
Sky Motion wrote:
And I'm really ranting about the bad attitude, I have nothing really against a WORD in itself but it has always come with disrespect and ignorance. In my case, they go hand in hand, that's just the way it is here.

true..why label the post 'dumb slang' and frustrating people then though?
#27 Posted : 2/29/2012 11:52:26 PM
yeah and why do you crave others respect for "the molecule" and ignorance isn't exactly a horrible thing. maybe you have a little TOO much respect for it.
#28 Posted : 3/1/2012 12:20:16 AM
Unfortunetly thats the is how things are these days... This generation is the most ''connected'' generation of all time ex; cell phones, texting, internet, facebook etc. It will be interesting to see how this generation turns out. But because of the internet NOTHING stays underground forever. If its good word travels fast and eventually everyone will have heard of it. tis how things are now. My main worry tho is dmt gaining enough popularity that it starts attracting too much attention. Then we'll get all these dealers selling em on the streets and people being irresponsible idiots and posting videos on youtube.(ex; salvia) then its gonna get a bunch of bad press then mhrb is gonna be made illegal. THATS what im really worried about. Now in regards to slang, i could really care less. There tons of slang terms for all drugs, thats how its always been. Been hearing people call dmt deemsters for years.
#29 Posted : 3/1/2012 12:41:06 AM
and also, people need to make their own mistakes. it may sound cruel, but a scary trip may be what it takes for some to realise the seriousness of this sacrament (i like the ring to that Razz ). the nexus is such a fantastic thing in that it contains a wealth of information about dmt and i like to think that most people who make use of it apply the knowledge in some way to their attitude towards future experiences. i know a lot of people say dmt isn't for everyone.. i tend to disagree, being that it is in everyones bodies and all .. it is part of us all and we are all wired for the experience - i think it is mainly attitude based (and this comes down to one's preconditions of how they think reality works), not as black and white as "sally is made for dmt and john is not". I've seen many people hold the attitude that they are somewhat of a better candidate for the dmt experience than others.. i really don't agree with this attitude. I have seen the spice work wonders on people who have absolutely no spiritual understanding at all and the experience helped them in ways they would have never understood if they were simply told not to do it because they 'aren't the right kind of people'.
the issue of it becoming mainstream is a tough one.. could go both ways.. but ultimately it is up to those who understand its importance to help spread that awareness

thats my 2c
Sky Motion
#30 Posted : 3/1/2012 1:06:45 AM
Earthyvision wrote:
Sky Motion wrote:
I've seen and HEARD a lot of people, including students at my college who know little to absolutely nothing about DMT call the molecule:


I can't help it, I get frustrated and annoyed at these people.

I'm stuck.

Unstuck yourself by not getting annoyed and frustrated with them. If you say they might see you as arrogant and being mightier than them is because you clearly are talking to them in that manner. I mean you even disclaimer-ed your relation with dorms.

MR. molecule I find them more bearable than you since they are less experienced and ignorant about psys and DMT. I don't see any reason to call it anything other than DMT aside from talking in public. You seem to have a weird attitude stop being so high and mighty, the fact that you made this thread shows you aren't being acceptant of people. DMT isnt a right of passage nor is it a holy thing, it is what you make it to be, just give it to them and leave it at that, they'll see what they'll see. You snob (can't help it lol Rolling eyes )

Don't even post at all, you're the one with the bad attitude. I've only ever tried to give them logical information, without being snobby. I didn't act like I was on the high chair, they just took it that way.

DMT at this forum is regarded as a real sacrament, if YOU don't believe that then I think you're in the wrong place. Try shroomery bud.
#31 Posted : 3/1/2012 1:44:44 AM
Earthyvision wrote:
yeah and why do you crave others respect for "the molecule" and ignorance isn't exactly a horrible thing. maybe you have a little TOO much respect for it.

this is pretty unfair mate. his respect for spice is a good thing and i dont think you can claim he is craving others respect for it, to me it seems like he is wanting them to experience the most they can with it and is saddened by their attitude and how it may let them down with the experience. I do agree that the slang doesnt mean shite, but c'mon no need to make it personal now
#32 Posted : 3/1/2012 3:21:18 AM
@Sky Motion
The moment you come in saying judging language/dumb terms and frustrating people and having no patience for others because they aren't showing enough respect to something you really truly respect. Then that is more than enough to make a safe assumption that you are walking with a mighty attitude.
Don't get me wrong I respect drugs including DMT but I, through personal experience don't hold DMT as such a "sacrament" as you and that shouldn't exclude me from this forum or make me a person who doesn't appreciate DMT any less than you. I love it in my own way, I have my own philosophy on life and so my own take on DMT.

My point is that if it annoys him so much that others who are inexperienced with DMT don't have any respect for it then he might just have too much respect for it - similarly how religious fundamentalists get so frustrated with people who don't believe. We all know, respect drugs, don't take them for granted but most of us learn through practice. My attitude to drugs is you make what you will out them don't impose your respect/opinion on others let them find the respect themselves. If they take it for granted then the moment DMT kicks their ass, they'll learn to respect DMT themselves.
#33 Posted : 3/1/2012 3:46:18 AM
Sky Motion
#34 Posted : 3/1/2012 3:46:47 AM
Earthyvision wrote:
@Sky Motion
The moment you come in saying judging language/dumb terms and frustrating people and having no patience for others because they aren't showing enough respect to something you really truly respect. Then that is more than enough to make a safe assumption that you are walking with a mighty attitude.
Don't get me wrong I respect drugs including DMT but I, through personal experience don't hold DMT as such a "sacrament" as you and that shouldn't exclude me from this forum or make me a person who doesn't appreciate DMT any less than you. I love it in my own way, I have my own philosophy on life and so my own take on DMT.

My point is that if it annoys him so much that others who are inexperienced with DMT don't have any respect for it then he might just have too much respect for it - similarly how religious fundamentalists get so frustrated with people who don't believe. We all know, respect drugs, don't take them for granted but most of us learn through practice. My attitude to drugs is you make what you will out them don't impose your respect/opinion on others let them find the respect themselves. If they take it for granted then the moment DMT kicks their ass, they'll learn to respect DMT themselves.

Alright my bad bud, let's not argue it's not worth anything really. What I'm really saying is my college is full of a lack of respect for spice, and I have nicely tried to point people in the way of good information, talked about how crucial set and setting are, etc. I want this substance to be shared in GOOD light! I don't want people to not know they're smoking DMT when they do it for the first time, it just doesn't make sense to me. Even if you don't hold DMT in high regard, you have to agree that is foolish and disrespectful. Btw I only said that about the dorms because I didn't want any member of the forum thinking I'm bringing/extracting/working with DMT in a dorm setting.

Ice House
Moderator | Skills: Sustainable growing
#35 Posted : 3/1/2012 4:30:54 AM
lol, I love these threads.

a couple of thoughs on this.

bottom line is, a person has the freedom to call it whatever they want. you shouldnt get upset about it.

it does reflect a level of maturity and respect. it also reflects an attitude/experience level, or, a lack there of.

me thinks that these young wippersnappers that are hangin out in the dorm gettin high on the deemster will have their attitudes adjusted soon enough.

play with fire long enough and you will get burned.

this will result in a new found respect for the dmt for some. one or two wont go back.

the molecule is a teacher.

some get it right away, some need a spanking first, some never do.

we are a cross section of society. it's not our place to play dmt police.

they can call it shit if they want, i dont care.

all is reflection.
Ice House is an alter ego. The threads, postings, replys, statements, stories, and private messages made by Ice House are 100% unadulterated Bull Shit. Every aspect of the Username Ice House is pure fiction. Any likeness to SWIM or any real person is purely coincidental. The creator of Ice House does not condone or participate in any illicit activity what so ever. The makebelieve character known as Ice House is owned and operated by SWIM and should not be used without SWIM's expressed written consent.
#36 Posted : 3/1/2012 4:35:54 AM
Ice House wrote:
lol, I love these threads.

a couple of thoughs on this.

bottom line is, a person has the freedom to call it whatever they want. you shouldnt get upset about it.

it does reflect a level of maturity and respect. it also reflects an attitude/experience level, or, a lack there of.

me thinks that these young wippersnappers that are hangin out in the dorm gettin high on the deemster will have their attitudes adjusted soon enough.

play with fire long enough and you will get burned.

this will result in a new found respect for the dmt for some. one or two wont go back.

the molecule is a teacher.

some get it right away, some need a spanking first, some never do.

we are a cross section of society. it's not our place to play dmt police.

they can call it shit if they want, i dont care.

all is reflection.

yeah this is pretty much how i feel. dmt shouldnt be so exclusive. too many people have told me let dmt find you dont go looking for it. that never worked for me, i had to go find dmt myself. I found it, and i have been working with it ever since and don't regret finding it my way.
#37 Posted : 3/1/2012 6:25:41 AM
I get where you're coming from Sky Motion. DMT is a pretty powerful mind altering substance, and people should use it in a responsible way that's not self destructive.

Unfortunately, like alot of things in life, people are sometimes reckless and overindulgent. People misuse all kinds of things -- pot, beer, cocaine, food, sex, the environment, our bodies, the planet -- in ways that are disrespectful, immature, and irresponsible. And sometimes the way people talk about things can be a good indicator of their attitude, and a vehicle for consciousness transformation. But not always.

It's been like that for a while I think.

Try to set a good example of how you'd like things to be. Encourage others to do the same.

Be a leader in your community. Grow a garden in your yard, raise chickens, volunteer at the local library, recycle.

Every day we risk waking up dead. But we're still here for now. In whatever little which way you can, swing a gate, open a window, listen to the clouds. Be a good neighbor -- State Farm Insurance
#38 Posted : 3/1/2012 9:14:34 AM
bricklaya wrote:
"sally is made for dmt and john is not".

i can assure you John is made for itVery happy

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#39 Posted : 3/1/2012 9:23:06 AM
unclesyd wrote:
Its unfortunate people are like this, lacking respect for what should be respected. Sometimes thinking of our political leaders(I am in the USA, but I hear its prit near the same globally), makes me realize that yes I do live among a bunch of closed minded downright ignorant people. I mean George Bush for eight years????????? I am sorry world.

But now this Osama bin Barack is also something else that shows no matter what side they're on it dont f'n matter. They area all abunch of crooks. And we as the United states of Stupid keep picking the same people and expecting different results.

Anyways dont worry about them, worry about yourself. It is nice you care, but you gave them the info? You did all you could to make them understand the "sacredness". If they dont heed your word then it is there own fault. Cut them off if you feel appropriate. But getting angry at others for a lack of respect only deters ones own spiritual growth. I should know havimg succumbed to such things myself..........

Enlighten yourself, and the world will enlighten around you.............

nice post,i'm glad to see that there are still enlightened people in the west

as for the nicknames,i think it is really immature and disrespectful calling spice "dimitri" or w/e other name some street junkie gave it and became popular.And apart from the slang the attitude that comes along with it is even more disrespectful and annoying.but what can you do,thats the world we live in
The character Indoril_Nerevar is an artistic work of fiction, and thus all his claims and ideas are works of falsehood and fiction and should be treated likewise. There is no relation between Indoril_Nerevar and any real living or dead person, and any existing similarity or seeming relation is purerly coincidental.
#40 Posted : 3/1/2012 9:40:39 AM
Indoril_Nerevar wrote:
unclesyd wrote:
Its unfortunate people are like this, lacking respect for what should be respected. Sometimes thinking of our political leaders(I am in the USA, but I hear its prit near the same globally), makes me realize that yes I do live among a bunch of closed minded downright ignorant people. I mean George Bush for eight years????????? I am sorry world.

But now this Osama bin Barack is also something else that shows no matter what side they're on it dont f'n matter. They area all abunch of crooks. And we as the United states of Stupid keep picking the same people and expecting different results.

Anyways dont worry about them, worry about yourself. It is nice you care, but you gave them the info? You did all you could to make them understand the "sacredness". If they dont heed your word then it is there own fault. Cut them off if you feel appropriate. But getting angry at others for a lack of respect only deters ones own spiritual growth. I should know havimg succumbed to such things myself..........

Enlighten yourself, and the world will enlighten around you.............

nice post,i'm glad to see that there are still enlightened people in the west

as for the nicknames,i think it is really immature and disrespectful calling spice "dimitri" or w/e other name some street junkie gave it and became popular.And apart from the slang the attitude that comes along with it is even more disrespectful and annoying.but what can you do,thats the world we live in

don't you see the hypocrisy here? "disrespectful calling SPICE "dimitri" ... spice is just as much slang as dimitri is, and no i don't think that nickname would have been made by some junky it would most likely have been made by somebody who loves DMT and had fun experimenting with different names for it. DiMiTri .. get it? not really seeing the disrespect in that buddy. I am however seeing the disrepect in you assuming whoever coined that term under junky status

and theres tons of enlightened people in the west. i'm realising day by day how many beautiful people there are all around me. that attitude will only stop you from finding them
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