how about, i do it stop being fucked up, to get back to a clear, true state of being in the true realm of existence. It can be so familiar at times because it is how you existed before and how you will exist after. click your GVG heels together Dorethy, your going home INHALE, SURVIVE, ADAPT it's all in your mind, but what's your mind??? fool of the year
I initially pursued DMT because for as long as I can remember, even long before I started smoking weed at 13 (perhaps too young), I had wanted to experience strong hallucinogens. A hallucinogen that gave the type of experience that public perception believes LSD gives.... seeing "monsters", reality melting away into another reality etc. I tried many different drugs between the ages of 13 and 23 trying to find this experience. Notably mushrooms, acid, salvia, amanitas, high doses of ecstasy (amongst other recreational non hallucinatory drugs) and never got what I was looking for. They were almost all a disappointment. Salvia and amanitas were getting close to it, but with salvia it was closer to a crazy dream since I would completely forget I had taken a substance. With amanita muscaria I didn't like the delerium, the void, the infinite loop and the very odd form of blindness which it caused for me. Not full blindness, but a kind of blindness where I could see as long as I didn't move but as soon as I moved I would lose my sight and all control of my body and just fall over (unnerving experience). My next attempt was going to be with datura, which I procured, but after reading experience reports and doing a bit of research on tropane alkaloids I decided it was not only very unlikely to be enjoyable but also was very dangerous... so I ditched the seeds. I first heard of DMT years and years ago through erowid (god bless erowid) and from reading reports there I knew that this was what I was chasing but I dismissed it as unattainable since it is (or was) impossible to get a hold of without doing an extraction and at that time the extraction procedures looked beyond my capabilities... also I lived with my grandfather and, although he is naive about drugs, he would have certainly been suspicious of seperatory funnels, beakers, base solutions and solvents lying around. About 9 months ago I moved out and quite quickly started reading up about DMT again and got round to extracting it. It was what I had been chasing, and much more. So to sum up... I initially wanted to just get "trippin' out my tree", now I am far more cautious and curious about the state entered when DMT is ingested. I don't know if "tripping" is really the right word for it. It seems like more than that. It does feel more like a gateway to either another dimension or another way of seeing reality that is no less real than our everyday view. Who knows though. It could all be the conjurings of a drug addled mind but it seems far to dynamic and complex for it all to be contained within my brain. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
Naepius: great metaphor, love it.
In that same spirit, I use psychedelics for peace in my everyday life. Each trip, however small, broadens the perspectives, deepens the important affirmations. I always remember, at least once in every trip: I am blessed. I try to hold onto that as a daily mantra. I am blessed...
Also: I never feel more alive, than in that moment after the peak. Ahhh, life!!!!
Why???? Because I love you  Just something I feel for you on my birthday!  Just had a small 5mg glow and felt love for you! Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
3rdI wrote:how about, i do it stop being fucked up, to get back to a clear, true state of being in the true realm of existence. It can be so familiar at times because it is how you existed before and how you will exist after. click your GVG heels together Dorethy, your going home That's no joke. I get that same vibe from my first hit and EVERY time since. Messed up stuff. All these posts are on behalf of Stimpy, my yellow bullhead. He is an adventurous fish, and I feel his exploits are worth much so, I occasionally forget that HE is the one who does these things. Sometimes I get caught in the moment and write of his experiences in the first person; this is a mistake, for I am an upstanding citizen who never does wrong. Stimpy is the degenerate.
To see the cosmos as raw as it is. It's amazing just to find out, so true and so clear that there is no good or bad, only love and fear and that is all we are messing with during our whole human history and WOW that was my first hit. A moment of freedom out of the ape's sealed skin.
I do it because... so many reasons, where to start? The curiosity for what's behind this physical reality; The way it can show me some negative aspects on my personality, allowing me to see them and correct them, thus turning me on a better person; Helped me to accept and surpass some of my fears; The greatest feeling ever of universal harmony and love; Musical inspiration; The contact with entities; All the great teachings; Love the ride; I feel it's right; In between the most beautiful amazing landscapes, patterns, drawings, symbols I've ever seen The dance of the complex simplicity of the kaleidoscopic Fractals ..... For that and so many reasons I don't even have words yet, I'm Infinitely Grateful to have the chance to being able to do it. Namasté Endless Possibilities in this Surreal Reality.....
I take DMT because everything that I can experience through a DMT trip takes place within my consciousness and I want to know it more deeply. Joined at the soul with a pair of headphones
In an ocean of music, we move with the flow You think that's air you're breathing now?
the last question is not why! It is How! elusive illusion
Because it both stimulates and cleanses my mind in a fashion thats unmatched by anything else. I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.
Thanks for the reminder... (¯`'·.¸(♥)¸.·'´¯  But suddenly you're ripped into being alive. And life is pain, and life is suffering, and life is horror, but my god you are alive and it is spectacular!
You're whole life you've been told that life is mundane and boring. Just go to college, get a good job, get on the right track and if you work hard enough your life will be somewhat adequate.
Then you find out that in just 10 minutes you can leave your body, transcend any notion of reality you have ever known, see and experience things that are literally impossible, and travel to other dimensions and meet entities made of light that know the secrets to the universe. You can do that in 10 minutes.
Why the hell not?!?!?!
D) All of the Above.Earth: Mostly Harmless... Dont Panic!