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#21 Posted : 2/20/2012 5:23:16 AM
Don't worry. You can't overdose by smoking it. I've tried. Pleased Not really, I am just a DMT Anomaly.

As for side effects... SWIM can tell you that if you smoke 2+ grams in 6 hours then you'll be a little congested the next day.

As for how often... as much as it allows you to feel right. SWIM has been commuting via the DMT Express Way for 4 years now and only recently took a hiatus but SWIM plans on getting back on the train for another ride soon.
#22 Posted : 2/20/2012 5:26:51 AM
IMO it's not bad for you smoked, (clean spice). It actually seems to clear my lungs cause I cough it up after I'm done, and it probably brings some other crap up with it. Plus it's already natural in you're body so it's not like a foriegn material. I'm no doctor though.

I usually partake once a day, but I use it for meditational purposes. Or in a way, it's kinda like saying my prayers and having my sins for the day cleansed, and guidance for tomarrow. I would prefer to do it less, but feel pulled to use it as much as I've been.
I have an overactive imagination, and am certifiably insane. So anything I post is purely fictional.
#23 Posted : 2/20/2012 1:04:23 PM
EZ4U2Shoot wrote:
As for side effects... SWIM can tell you that if you smoke 2+ grams in 6 hours then you'll be a little congested the next day.

I believe that'll be the least of your problems if you're smoking 2 grams of DMT in 6 hours. That's about 80+ mgs every 15 minutes. Why would you need so much dazzles me...
The truth...lies within.
#24 Posted : 2/20/2012 10:42:03 PM
after a breakthrough i usually dont feel the need to go back until i've properly integrated the experience into my everyday life, and then i will go for another visit to the spirit doctor. Razz .. can be weeks to a month. sometimes more
lately been smoking a bit more though
#25 Posted : 2/21/2012 12:54:38 AM
rjb wrote:
EZ4U2Shoot wrote:
As for side effects... SWIM can tell you that if you smoke 2+ grams in 6 hours then you'll be a little congested the next day.

I believe that'll be the least of your problems if you're smoking 2 grams of DMT in 6 hours. That's about 80+ mgs every 15 minutes. Why would you need so much dazzles me...

I don't think anyone really "needs" any, but I enjoy it beyond words. I've learned the best way to do it is take 100mg of harmaloid freebase in pill capsule followed by 600-800mg DMT in pill capsule and before it starts to kick in smoke about 50mg harmaloid and then smoke 70-100mg DMT as often as possible according to dexterity and functionality. It usually results in an extreme trip where I literally lay on the floor writhing and shaking and smiling and crying and arms and legs in the air shaking and flapping enjoying the whole time an out of body spiritual experience that can be rivaled by none. I'm well aware that anyone who would look upon the sight would probably panic and not know what to do. I recorded myself once to find out what went on from a real world view and admittedly it was quite the sight. It is exhausting because you end up using every muscle in your body and smoking that much does cause some congestion the following day, but it is all well worth it.

Each of us enjoys a certain level of extremity when it comes to DMT. Some prefer 10 or 20 mg. Some prefer 50 or 60 mg. Others enjoy 100-150 mg. I have been searching but I only chatted with one other than myself that enjoyed more extreme amounts and he still didn't do more than 800mg in a setting. I am still interested in finding someone else that likes these extremes too. I'm certain that I'm not the only one, but it does seem to me that I may be a DMT anomaly and may very well be one in a million or more.
#26 Posted : 2/21/2012 6:00:56 AM
EZ4U2Shoot wrote:

Each of us enjoys a certain level of extremity when it comes to DMT. Some prefer 10 or 20 mg. Some prefer 50 or 60 mg. Others enjoy 100-150 mg. I have been searching but I only chatted with one other than myself that enjoyed more extreme amounts and he still didn't do more than 800mg in a setting. I am still interested in finding someone else that likes these extremes too. I'm certain that I'm not the only one, but it does seem to me that I may be a DMT anomaly and may very well be one in a million or more.

I smoked 85 mgs. in 2 hits recently, and did'nt see any difference than a 50 mg./2 hit dose. I think it's kinda like LSD with smoking. You can only get to a certain point... or pass out. With lsd it was always about 650 mcgs. then it was just overkill. But everyones different, I'm still kinda a newbie anyways with DMT.
I have an overactive imagination, and am certifiably insane. So anything I post is purely fictional.
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