I too have seen a significant rise in populairity of DMT. At first I was really concerned for the backlash you, STRL, mentioned. But then a reassuring thought came over my mind: The mainstream is such a gargantuous fool, think about it: They hurt themselves with MDMA and with Salvia, because they are cheap and easy to get. DMT however requires work. Dedication. Research. Unless streetdealers would be distributing DMT en masse, I don't see it happening anytime soon. Dealers want reliable customers; Addicts.
Drugdealers will most likely invest in cocaine, speed, meth or MDMA. Even when DMT gets alot more populair than it already is; It is unlikely to ever be used all that frequently. It's not a party drug. At best alot of people will try it once or twice.
Those that continue using DMT are most likely spiritual seekers & Inspiration Seeking Artists. They are likely to be alot more responsible users than the average mainstream fool. They aren't all that likely to hurt themselves doing DMT and end up becomming the 6 o clock, drugs-are-bad-hmmkay news story. DMT is just not the Hedonist's cup of tea, so for that reason I don't think DMT will ever lead to mindless abuse that is food enough for a Media theatre to demonise DMT.
Besides, how much more can DMT be demonised? As it is currently being portrayed by the media, it is as if DMT is an addictive, highly toxic poison, under who's effects people become suicidal & delirious. DMT is in the same class of illegal drugs as are Cocaine & Heroin.
How can DMT's Image possibly get any worse? :lol Sure, they'll keep distributing lies and horror-stories about DMT, but at the same time Dr. Strassman & other scientists will continue to bring Truthfull information about DMT, which we all know off course speaks in it's favor.
Time will tell.
I hope you're right SKA and you certainly have a good point, the price of entry is too much for most. 
same thing could happen like with LSD , a lot of unprepared people taking it in the wrong enviroment and taking difficult trips which the media love to report
Uh, that did happen. That's why LSD is illegal. blooooooOOOOOooP fzzzzzzhm KAPOW! This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking. Grow a plant or something and meditate on that
yup, not everyone can handle high doses in public with mass amounts of people tripping. lots of "freak outs" :/ Gun it to 88.....::those who speak do not know, those who know do not speak::..ॐ<3ॐ
I can't speak as to whether or not DMT is becoming more mainstream than it has been in the past because I wasn't aware of it in the past. However, I can definitely see that there are pressures pushing it to the forefront of the public consciousness, deliberately, and in a positive light. Consider Joe Rogan's inclusion of spice in his stand up acts. Consider the documentary "DMT - The Spirit Molecule" and its appearance on Netflix Instant just recently. Consider the recent "Drugs, Inc." episode which included a trip to South America to witness an Ayahuasca ceremony. These appearances and many more are at least making the public aware of this interesting substance. I agree that many people aren't 'ready' for a powerful DMT experience, or for any other powerful psychedelic experience for that matter, however, I don't know that anyone could be ready for such an experience without having had one, and knowing what to expect. I know I wasn't ready for my first experience, or my second, or the one after that. But slowly, surely, the lasting effects of the experiences changed my perspective. And these experiences helped to bring me to a place where I was no longer seeking out these experiences to get messed up, but because I wanted to grow and learn more. Basically all I'm saying is I don't think you have to be ready for a DMT experience for it to have a positive impact on you. And I don't think the man can suppress DMT like they suppress marijuana or other drugs, because it's found so commonly in such a variety of plants. DMT is here to stay Disclaimer: Everything I post on this site is merely hypothetical, nothing is based on or inspired by actual events.
humpty wrote: Quote:And I don't think the man can suppress DMT like they suppress marijuana or other drugs, because it's found so commonly in such a variety of plants. DMT is here to stay ..yeah, right on! humpty.. i agree, and agree that i don't know how 'ready' many (who later utilize entheogens for beneficial healing effects) are when they first experience the power of DMT.. i think it's the endogenous and 'spiritual' aspects which are drawing the interest of the more thinking in the wider community...
all i know is i only recently got into dmt, and i just got approached by a friend of mine who has only now stumbled upon it... My wind instrument is the bong CHANGA IN THE BONGA! 樹
You know, I was originally going to make a hipster joke at the beginning of this thread, but spaced it, so here goes... Yeah, man, we were all into that stuff before it was cool! ¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º¨
Why I love the paradoxical nature of DMT:
Even those who weren't into it were still into it even before they knew they were into it.
It's the Endo.
BananaForeskin wrote:You know, I was originally going to make a hipster joke at the beginning of this thread, but spaced it, so here goes...
Yeah, man, we were all into that stuff before it was cool! Came in to make this exact same joke. 
۩ wrote:Why I love the paradoxical nature of DMT:
Even those who weren't into it were still into it even before they knew they were into it.
It's the Endo. They were always apart of the "in crowd" whether or not they were aware of it of it. Even if they didn't know what the "in crowd" was. It's a crowd that makes it impossilbe to be exluded, everyones in! It comes from within <3 Thinking about this, if there ever is that time when the spice does attract the attention of "mainstream", and they stongly try to reject it, we'll just have to give em' that to choke on, kinda breaks the idea of "mainstream" Onestream <3 Disclaimer:All these thoughts, words arranged in this message, come from the Tao and return to the Tao. Yet they do not touch it. Each of us will perceive the message, Yet to each our own interpretation.
I'll see you when the river meets us
That's an astute observation for sure. DMT scratched an itch I always always knew I had but could not quite grasp, an itch that no other drug or hobby or pursuit could touch. I bet most of the peeps here can relate to having this uncanny itch.
before it went mainstream it was still bloodstream
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
Nice one, universecannon ¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º¨
I thought I should comment on this.
I first heard about DMT years ago, but it was very unknown at that time, compared to today. Now its at the point where many university students will ,at the least, have heard of DMT. Furthermore, it's getting to the point where it is now becoming somewhat of a "street drug", that is there has been a rise in people actually selling DMT.
Now a few years ago, this was unheard of to me. I thought of DMT as an esoteric, underground drug. While it still is, the simple fact that it CAN be purchased in some areas from the so called "drug dealers" is evidence enough that it is becoming more mainstream.
This is both good and bad. On the one had, people can obtain it more easily, and those who benefit from the experience are getting the chance to try it. On the other hand, this could draw unwanted attention to the whole issue, particularly from law enforcement.
I think it's a mixed bag, while I'm glad it became more "mainstream" because this allowed me the opportunity to try it, I also fear it could become the next hot-button drug issue in the US. For now, it is just the course of things, I believe there will be some breaking point, where some type of establishment makes a statement regarding DMT and it's supposed effects. After that everything will change, but nobody can predict how.
Its hard to find someone who has done it or wants to try it. would be nice to talk to someone on the same level.
A friend of mine and I thought up "Run DMT" a few years ago. Then I saw a flyer for the group last year  .
Alot more definitely, if you visit 420chan there are alot more people talking about it, people who want to extract it and new experiences all the time. This wasn't so much the case a year or so ago. And it isn't just DMT, acid, mushrooms, and RCs.
universecannon wrote:before it went mainstream it was still bloodstream It aways has been mainstream, and always will be as long as we........ are. Ice House is an alter ego. The threads, postings, replys, statements, stories, and private messages made by Ice House are 100% unadulterated Bull Shit. Every aspect of the Username Ice House is pure fiction. Any likeness to SWIM or any real person is purely coincidental. The creator of Ice House does not condone or participate in any illicit activity what so ever. The makebelieve character known as Ice House is owned and operated by SWIM and should not be used without SWIM's expressed written consent.