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#21 Posted : 2/15/2012 1:45:58 PM
a1pha wrote:
bongin wrote:
no i just dont feel like being harassed down in the south i am used to security that robs beats and kicks us around. didnt know it was such an issue to you for people to tyri and figure out the security of an event and yea isnt this open discussion thot i could post something like this here. really i dont see the issue. what is it??????

Right, and you don't think this sounds sketchy?

Posting the way you have on the DMT-Nexus is not getting you very far. Maybe you should take a look at this post from WSaged.

WSaged wrote:
I don't know about anyone else but when there is a total lack of punctuation, paragraphs or sentence structure in general, I usually skip over the post!! It's much to hard to understand!!
I am definitely guilty of writing some posts that go on way to long, but the one big block of words that has no commas or periods is just impossible to read. No matter how long or short it is.

I only speak fore myself here, but I have a hard time staying interested throughout an entire post that reads like a third grader's stream-of-consciousness.
Come on!! We are all supposed to be adults here!! Right?

I try to write like I'm having a conversation with someone else, not just thinking to myself, seems to work.
...I thinkLaughing

It does not feel like you put much thought into your posts and this might be delaying your promotion to Full Member.


well mate if it wasn't already sketchy, i'm pretty sure you just made it a whole lot sketchier by bringing up his intentions for asking, no? the way he asked did not seem very suss at all to me.. it was a simple question with no mention of drugs or anything illegal at all. but now it does after your post.. thats just the way i see it. creating commotion out of it only draws people's attention further to the subject.
#22 Posted : 2/15/2012 1:48:14 PM
a1pha wrote:
bongin wrote:
anyone any word on security at previous electric fforest events?

Why do you want to know about security so bad? Are you trying to get something in? IF so, is this the place to ask?

this is the real sketchy statement if you ask me.. more incriminating than the original statement

anyways enough from me i don't want conflict ... i just thought i'd point that out. perhaps in future pm him about his post rather than go all out for the name and shame hey
#23 Posted : 2/15/2012 2:25:29 PM
also, i think its really disappointing to see people with less adequate grammar being criticised for it on here. jesus i thought this forum was a little more accepting of people. especially one centered on psychedelics and spirituality..... tons of my closest friends have the shittiest grammer dude .... doesn't mean they don't act like adults. i actually find that kind of offensive, especially because not everyone has had access to the same level of education and how well they can spell should have nothing to do with their overall maturity. he's talking bout a festival.. chances are he's a people person who reads vibes better than books Pleased
#24 Posted : 2/15/2012 2:35:38 PM
i honestly think that these elder members are too big for there briches i think this whole sitiuation is wrong its pretty obvious people bring substances to these festivals just because someone doesnt think its morally ok doesnt mean anything when you see crackwhores do you run up to them and explain how there morals arent there no you keep walking i dont see why he had to come in here and act like that its what children do tell me how my grammer is wrong and how i shouldnt be asking about security and not even apologizing for being rude. honestly what happened here isnt this awebsite to help people not be a jackass?
#25 Posted : 2/15/2012 2:39:16 PM
he was the one that made it look sketchy. i guess normally on this site when poeple see a "full member" they are like oh no i must bow down to him no dude i didnt do anyhting wrong you mde inferences about me that were not true you owe me an apology plus this website is based of illegal acts and your getting mad and accusatory when people ask about security at a show that makes no sense!!!
The Traveler
Administrator | Skills: DMT, LSD, Programming
#26 Posted : 2/15/2012 3:47:41 PM
To all the people in this thread who don't understand why a1pha asked about the intentions of the OP please read this thread: [IMPORTANT] No buying/selling, why?

Of course that thread is about buying/selling but that same idea counts for smuggling and tips/tricks for that: completely not done on the DMT-Nexus!

bongin wrote:
he was the one that made it look sketchy. i guess normally on this site when poeple see a "full member" they are like oh no i must bow down to him no dude i didnt do anyhting wrong you mde inferences about me that were not true you owe me an apology plus this website is based of illegal acts and your getting mad and accusatory when people ask about security at a show that makes no sense!!!

Oh please, get your facts straight, a1pha was completely right in stating that this way you will never make it to full member. Rolling eyes

About the use of grammar: We don't have to be grammar-Nazis here but a bit of effort will go a long way in having people actually read your posts. It is also stated in the attitude page that we highly appreciate good use of language.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
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