Indoril_Nerevar wrote: Ok logic bomb: The possibilities of us finding advanced life forms are tinny,and if we do we wouldn't be able to reach them and if they were able to reach us it would mean they had much more advanced technology and would probably enslave and/or kill us (and this is not just my opinion,stephen hawking said the same thing in an interview).Welcome to the real world
You seem very certain about something that most people admit they know nothing about. For example how do you know we couldnt reach them? Logic bomb - Invoking stephen hawking in the way you have is a logical fallacy. It is an argument from authority. I dont even disagree with you. I think it is highly unlikely we could reach distant parts of space in the forseeable future, but I dont know for sure, neither do you and making statements like 'welcome to the real world' and (in another thread) calling people ignorant and moronic for not conforming to your materialist/empiricist worldview makes you seem kinda immature and closed minded IMHO. No offence intended, just giving my opinion of how it comes across to me. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
universecannon wrote:Indoril_Nerevar wrote:[quote=pau]So here's how a number of leading scientists envision breaking the ice with Aliens. Hmmm, I wonder how Nexians would approach this question? Shrooms? Ayahuasca? Achuma? A mixture of all three? (some of these scientists are interested in our ideas!) Ok logic bomb: The possibilities of us finding advanced life forms are tinny,and if we do we wouldn't be able to reach them and if they were able to reach us it would mean they had much more advanced technology and would probably enslave and/or kill us (and this is not just my opinion,stephen hawking said the same thing in an interview).Welcome to the real world welcome to the real world???? Did steven hawking actually meet a alien? does he have it in with the aliens already? It is a personal theory of his and even though somewhat agree with him this does not make it true.
psychedelicbuddha wrote:universecannon wrote:Indoril_Nerevar wrote:[quote=pau]So here's how a number of leading scientists envision breaking the ice with Aliens. Hmmm, I wonder how Nexians would approach this question? Shrooms? Ayahuasca? Achuma? A mixture of all three? (some of these scientists are interested in our ideas!) Ok logic bomb: The possibilities of us finding advanced life forms are tinny,and if we do we wouldn't be able to reach them and if they were able to reach us it would mean they had much more advanced technology and would probably enslave and/or kill us (and this is not just my opinion,stephen hawking said the same thing in an interview).Welcome to the real world welcome to the real world???? Did steven hawking actually meet a alien? does he have it in with the aliens already? It is a personal theory of his and even though somewhat agree with him this does not make it true. hey, i didn't say that quote lol
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
Steven Hawking is annoying. Those without experience, just dont know. That is all. Long live the unwoke.
jamie wrote:Steven Hawking is annoying.
Those without experience, just dont know. That is all. Do you? As for UFOs, I sure believe they exist. I don't see why so many people jump to the conclusion that they have to come from another planet, though. I'm not saying they are not, but they could be a lot of different things. "If you have any answers, We will be glad to provide full and detailed questions."
majesticnature wrote:ChaoticMethod wrote:[quote=majesticnature]
I'm honnestly a bit doubtful of people who affirm channeling extra-terrestial entities and then make you pay for their dvds. Not trying to debunk or anything, would simply like to understand what could lead someone to put faith in these channelers.
Hello, Im glad you asked this question because its an important one. First of all I do not stand to prove that all channelers are real, in fact, I think that a good portion of them are indeed faking. That being said, I could put a few points of evidence out there. First of all daryll anka has been doing this for 30 years and he is not the first person to channell this specific entity labeled as bashar. 30 years is a long time to be running a scam. The second point to add on to the first is that after 30 years his audiences are filled with educated intelligent people. The last reason I am convinced he is real is simply the genuine nature of his character. I can pick apart bad actors, I can spot faking channelers, and I'll tell you this guy never misses a note. The logic of his philosophies really put things into a perspective that makes sense, you just have to really watch a few of his good videos. I'll tell you the first time I watched a video of his my eyes rolled so far into the back of my head i could see backwards. After a few videos I was hooked. He basically teaches that movement is a constant shifting between parrallel realities and that we have the ability to access any parrallell reality with our imaginations. It's really fascinating. One last note. I am into network marketing. It's basically a legitamite business, that for various good reasons, has taken on the reputation of being a complete scam in the eyes of 90% of all people. In order for me to partake in such a bussiness that promises so much and has such a sleazy rep I had to become an expert in deciphering weather this a moral genuine practice when the whole world thinks its a scam. In taking part of this process I have become an expert in deciphering genuine from fake even when the whole world is yelling SCAM! The bottom line is I've learned to trust in my intuition. I really dont have scientific evidence to prove this to you. The other thing i like about bashar is that out of all the spiritual practices out there, bashar is the only one that i have come into contact with that has a real intellictual logical value to it. He advocates that science and spirituality are one design. Thats something that I really like. I'm so fed up with "its all science" or "It's all religion and faith". I say it's both and so does bashar. I say spiritualy and science are harmonic. There are billions of galaxies in the viewable ancient universe. Do you really think that there hasnt been a civilization that has not conquered the distance between planets? God's technology is the most advanced technology. Telepathy being within those technologies. We just arent tapped into it yet at this point in our evolutionary process. The reason they dont just show up to our planet is because they have been allowing us to develop independently, and according to bashar this age will be coming to an end very soon and we will have contact. The second reason is we are hysterically afraid of the unknown. The third reason is that our planet is considered a war zone to them. They are waiting for us to achieve world peace. one last note, the government is wellll aware of their existence. Makes sense. Still, I don't see why you'd think that such knowledge has to be alien in nature since humans have had this knowledge for a very long time (look at alchemy or most of the mystic traditions). Still don't have a definite position on that Bashaar though. Will watch some more of his videos eventually. "If you have any answers, We will be glad to provide full and detailed questions."
as depressing as Indoril's thoughts on this subject are, he has a point .. one which even pre-dates Hawking's recent comments:, I think for lack of any better theories, that aliens contacting us would be like me....maybe scary to some, but not to me. WHOA!
I'm not gonna argue again like in the last post,but people here are starting to sound like georgio tsoukalos...I though that conspiracy theories talk wasn't allowed anyway The character Indoril_Nerevar is an artistic work of fiction, and thus all his claims and ideas are works of falsehood and fiction and should be treated likewise. There is no relation between Indoril_Nerevar and any real living or dead person, and any existing similarity or seeming relation is purerly coincidental.
pau- I totally disagree and think that view is a culturally generated, closed minded bias a kin to the 'dumb meaningless random' evolutionary model championed by a materialistic science partly as a reactionary (although understandable) response to the suppression of the church in the past.. And assuming they'd enslave us sounds just extremely pessimistic to me and is supported by 0 evidence since WE DON'T KNOW (although many don't want to ever admit that and will therefore say almost anything to avoid it) Also to assume 'its just too far away' is just a barrier. I'm sure the ancients thought the same of the atlantic ocean at one point. And about the moon, or mars. Personally i think those barriers can dissolve and the non-local consciousness available via smoalking moar, and things like that, reveals that the universe is permeated by life, if not consciousness itself. The mind is the most vast frontier there is, as the saying goes. And the idea that they would even bother with our primitive methods of contacting them (radio) just seems embarrassing to me. but thats just my psychotic opinion
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
universecannon wrote:psychedelicbuddha wrote:universecannon wrote:Indoril_Nerevar wrote:[quote=pau]So here's how a number of leading scientists envision breaking the ice with Aliens. Hmmm, I wonder how Nexians would approach this question? Shrooms? Ayahuasca? Achuma? A mixture of all three? (some of these scientists are interested in our ideas!) Ok logic bomb: The possibilities of us finding advanced life forms are tinny,and if we do we wouldn't be able to reach them and if they were able to reach us it would mean they had much more advanced technology and would probably enslave and/or kill us (and this is not just my opinion,stephen hawking said the same thing in an interview).Welcome to the real world welcome to the real world???? Did steven hawking actually meet a alien? does he have it in with the aliens already? It is a personal theory of his and even though somewhat agree with him this does not make it true. hey, i didn't say that quote lol I went to take it away forgot to take the name of your quote out my mistake.
Aw crap - I wasted a whole 731,000 credits on SETI@home.  "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
how can i get abducted by aliens? X
8 dried grams eaten at night in the meadow
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
I think PHog is onto a workable approach with his purple signature: Strangers passing in the street, by chance two separate glances meet and I am you and what I see is me.If I ever met an alien, that's the basis on which I'd like to communicate. Hopefully , our underlying natural awareness(es) come from the same Source. WHOA!
Throughout, the history of mankind we have have this very question. Since the beginning of Intelligent thought process, we humans have looked up into the stars. Are we the only lifeforms out there? Can there be many different kinds of lifeforms? And, if there is life out there then what do they look like? Do they have a spoken language? Do they have technology? And if they do is it possible for them to have come here? These questions in particular are quite difficult to answer on a factual basis. For the most part we humans barely know anything about the Universe as a whole. We believe and have some evidence that can point us in the right direction but no hard concrete facts. When people give answers to these questions it is on a more personal thought.
In my many years of life i have always been a stargazer. To this day anytime it is night i tend to keep my eyes drawn to the sky. I have always wondered about other life out there. Every night i can see the stars i ask myself those same very questions. (of course many more questions as well about Intelligent life) I love to dream about myself being up in space and zooming around at the speed of light. If you could give me a choice between living on this planet for good or Go up in space for a week then death. My answer was and still will be Take me in space. I have always had this strange drawing towards space. I know that we humans as a whole have a strong drawing towards space as well. Just for some reason i feel like my drawing towards space is stronger then most. I cannot count the countless dreams i have had of me just floating aimlessly into space and just watching the universe unfold.To this day i still have my mind blown at the sheer vastness of the universe. (The actual size of the universe is still from what i know unknown) The trillions of trillions of stars out there. Each with planets circling them in orbit. All kinds of planets from super huge planets to tiny planets, super hot to super cold, planets like earth to planets like Pluto. The combination of Planets out there is, if not infinite dang near close to it. The sheer thought of this makes me feel so tiny. Comes to mind the fact that we humans believe that we are so important and so big but yet, we are not even the size of atoms in the Universe’s eyes. If we were to die right now and destroy this planet the Universe as a whole would not stop existing. It would carry on like nothing have had happened. Makes you feel tiny right?
Throughout my years of psychedelic usage i have come to the realization that there has to be life out there. I have myself encountered these creatures on another realm of existence many times and sometimes on this realm. Once i came across some Ayachuasca (The source of whee i found it will remain unnamed) I got with a bunch of friends and we thought about how we would do it. I decided that it would be best for my interest if i were to do it alone. I figured if i was going to do a very powerful psychedelic that i would have to try it alone. For the most profound effects of course! So i went to a location i knew very well and started a fire. As the fire was blazing away i started to cook the Ayachuasca in a pot to prepare for my drinking of it. After the preparations were complete i drank the liquid. Now i have tasted some pretty nasty things in my life and this was pretty damn nasty. Within twenty five minutes i started to vomit. (However, nasty this seems it happens every time to everyone) After about three or four rather long vomits i finally ceased to do so anymore. Within twenty seconds i started to feel the very powerful affects of what i have just drank. Started off slow with complex shapes and rather bright colors. As i carried on with my trip i did what i always do at night and stare at the stars. I noticed that one star was bright red and growing larger. As it grew larger i noticed a deep though process within myself. The red star grew larger to the point where it almost took up half of the sky.It then from there vortex into a spiral and at the center a shadow of something started to appear. Within seconds i was sitting face to face with a levitating creature of some sort. At first i was shocked and in complete awe at this site. The creature spoke to me and from there it was a conversation between me and The creature( who referred to itself as “The Old One”) Most of the conversation is private in nature (It has to deal with personal matters that i wish not to disclose over the Internet) There was one point of the conversation that i will disclose to you due to the nature of the topic i am writing about. I remembered the conversation out of no where went from a personal to me asking if there was life out there. I vaguely remember what The Old One said but it said something along these lines:
In many ways the universe is like a living breathing creature. In order for the Universe to survive it must have many things for its existence. One of those things is for something of intelligence to perceive its existence. In order for a universe or anything to exist there must be something of intelligent nature to view its existence. Seeing as the Universe is large in nature it had to create a many numerous varieties of intelligent life to all observes Its existence. The second thing that a Universe needs to exist is Energy. All life forms produce energy on a daily basis. This production of energy from Intelligent and non-intelligent lifeforms (Including plant life and other lifeforms) is enough to sustain its existence. Once again to see the sheer vastness of the Universe it would need to have given birth to many lifeforms throughout its entirety to sustain.
: When the creature stated this to me it struck me in the very depths of my soul. The reasoning in my eyes was sound and logical. Even though main stream society does not believe that what i would say is logical at all. But isn’t sometimes the most illogical things the most logical? is it not that sometimes, the best answer is the one answer that no one thinks is the answer? Can we humans finally understand that we do not know everything? That sometimes things are way beyond our comprehension?
To believe that there is no life out there other then human beings and the planet earth is ludicrous. There are many questions that can surround even more questions. If one finds the answer he will only be stumped by even more questions. The truth of the matter is that one day and one day soon we will find these very questions answered not by our own accord. When the answers to these questions simply walk into our lives and then the whole world will see that we are merely part of something much bigger then what we believe.
ChaoticMethod wrote:jamie wrote:Steven Hawking is annoying.
Those without experience, just dont know. That is all. Do you? As for UFOs, I sure believe they exist. I don't see why so many people jump to the conclusion that they have to come from another planet, though. I'm not saying they are not, but they could be a lot of different things. It does not matter what I may or may not know. The only thing here that matters is that Steven Hawking sure as hell does not seem to know and I dont know why anyone would assume the guy is an authority on the subject. Who cares what Steven Hawking says? The guy is a pessimist IMO and just because he has some negative opinion of what other life would be like does not mean anything to me. I think it is weird when I read things like "oh Steven Hawking said this" etc.. If he does not know than his opinion should not be taken to have any sort of authority above any other or be any more valid. "UFO" is just such an ambigous term and could be use to describe a large number of different yes they could be both from earth and from outer space at the same time, or neither. Long live the unwoke.
So I saw that fellas website and saw the stuff that Anka fella said. Personally it all seems a little too human and new agey to me. Not saying it isn't real to him, I can't comment on that. My experiences that were alien were SO alien to everything I knew and understood that is could *not* have been strictly a fabrication of my own mind. "We're selling more than a cracker here," Krijak said. "We're selling the salty, unctuous illusion of happiness."
I am skeptical about Bashar and channeling in general. It could be a deception much like a Medium claiming to channel ur dead relatives in exchange for money. (Work with the information you get and fill in the gaps)
Then again it could be true because i think the mindspace is large enough to contain a large number of entities and lifeforms in all sorts of size and shapes. I used to be skeptical about that aswell but i've had an experience on mushrooms where I saw a clear image of an alien entering my mind and experiencing a new set of instincts and emotions that weren't mine and it left me with a strong and undeniable impression about how life could be on another planet. ( think of tall insect predators with human intelligence ^^ )
Distinct about this experience is that the whole thing was coloured by strictly deep purple and deep red colours. I saw an environment made of these colours kind of overlap my surroundings. I didn't see so much of it , maybe if i had upped the dose this would have overlapped the scene entirely. It makes me think this might be an IR , UV type of light. A dimension in the same space but made of different lightwaves. It looked a bit too much like fantasyland to be anything remotely like the earth so i woulden't think it was another planet somewhere in a few lightyears distance. But it also was too real and too intense to be nothing at all. I felt more alive than i ever did before. And more eluvise i felt to have shared a consciousness with a sentient lifeform of alien origin! Which gave me insights in things where i had non at all before.
I'd love to hear about people experiencing similar thoughts and feelings but when entheogens come into play it seems that other people's experiences are of completely different proportions that blow my experience out of the water. So i keep looking and maybe someday i will understand what's going on and find out i'm not crazy.
Robert Anton Wilson wrote:"Do you believe in UFOs?" somebody asked.
"Yes, of course," I answered.
The questioner, who looked quite young, then burst into a long speech, "proving" at least to his own satisfaction that all UFOs "really are" sun-dogs or heat inversions. When he finally ran down I simply replied,
"Well, we both agree that UFOs exist. Our only difference is that you think you know what they are and I'm still puzzled."
An elderly gentleman with blonde-white hair and a florid complexion cried out in great enthusiasm, "By God, sir, you're right. I myself am still puzzled about everything!" Buon viso a cattivo gioco! --- The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens. --- mushroom-grow-help ::: energy conserving caapi extraction