Quote:Yes, while we wait for user stories of teflon or aluminum pots used with brewing. May I ask you have you ever used cooking ware that has nonstick coating or is made from aluminum? If you have then what are your personal experiences of those types of cooking equipment? Also do you have personal experience with using 18/x stainless steel cooking ware? If yes then how would you compare those to the nonstick and or aluminum?
Also the information is there for the purpose of the person choosing the pot to make an educated choice based on the scientific data about the materials used in the various pots and may then him/herself decide what kind of materials she/he may wish to incorporate into his/her own brewing equipment.
(*SEE EDIT AT THE BOTTOM* Actually I have one experience. I brewed my first batch of banisteriopsis caapi with my 6L aluminum pressure cooker. Did the mimosa with 18/8 stainless steel pot. Did I sense any difference? Hard to say since it was my first time doing so and have not yet aquired the taste for the substances. Would I now brew again with the aluminum pressure cooker? No I would not. Why? I do not like the specs of aluminum based on the scientific information available on aluminum. Would I choose something else, if yes then what? I would choose 18/0 stainless steel given the information that I have absorbed and integrated into my mind. *SEE EDIT AT THE BOTTOM*)
You may do otherwise but now you just can not say that you were not informed about the subject of teflon and aluminum.
It comes down into personal preference based on the data available on the moment of choosing.
*EDIT: I WAS WRONG! I did not brew the caapi with the PC I did it with other pot that is 18/10 (not 18/8 as I previously stated). I have done cactus with PC and I found about in the internet that yes, that one was stainless steel too. Magnet sticks to the bottom but no to the sides which says it has steel bottom for sure and can be used with induction stove most likely, just do not know what type of steel it is as magnet does not attach to 18/10 either while it is steel for example. Same with the 18/10 pots no magnetic attachement. No magnetism other than the bottom of one that is specially for induction stoves. So DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER do not do the same mistake and go telling stuff without not being sure especially if you suffer from bad memory, at least without being able to change previous statements

When I cooking food,I have used both,and the only difference I see is that the teflon is easier to clean...never used pans for chemical reactions before,and i'm sure its different than cooking.Anyway I found some stainless steel pans,but am still curious about the people insisting you use stainless steel
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