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My new terrarium and pets! Options
#21 Posted : 2/8/2012 3:34:49 AM
So this an update I did a major overhaul on my entire setup. Now I have two 24w 6500k T5 HO bulbs. On a sad note my peyote cacti is looking worse red spots all over it underneath the top of it and one of my traps are gaining a black spot on it with yellow tint/light green. The VFT is looking strange must be from the lack of light turning reddish with yellowish here and there.

Question for LostT. again this new lamp setup I bought will it be enough to hopefully stimulate the peyote growth until summer and/or till I buy another 3500k lamp setup? I'm afraid it might be too late for my peyote already Sad.

Lost travellier
Ooo, Godly, Great cat! In these animals i find something beyond of mirror. Particularly to bewitch the glance some, like your cat. Very nice picture. I save it in its album.

Thanks Lost travellier she is my favorite and I love her very much and I wish I could share her with everyone in the world who loves cats. Pleased

Here are the pictures:
Godly attached the following image(s):
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#22 Posted : 2/8/2012 5:21:08 AM
Those things are a beauty. have you seen them open and close at all?
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness."
— Terence McKenna

"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"
#23 Posted : 2/8/2012 5:25:47 AM
too cool, thanks for sharing
#24 Posted : 2/8/2012 7:13:44 PM
DoctorMantus Posted: Tuesday, February 07, 2012 11:21:08 PM

Those things are a beauty. have you seen them open and close at all?

Yes I have they were very healthy looking and happy when I received them but its been about two weeks now since Ive been growing them in less then ideal conditions. I'm really trying my best to make sure they have longevity, so I shall keep y'all updated since it will take some time to tell.
Lost travellier
#25 Posted : 2/9/2012 7:35:07 AM
Godly wrote:..."So this an update I did a major overhaul on my entire setup. Now I have two 24w
6500k T5 HO bulbs. On a sad note my peyote cacti is looking worse red spots all
over it underneath the top of it and one of my traps are gaining a black spot on
it with yellow tint/light green. The VFT is looking strange must be from the
lack of light turning reddish with yellowish here and there.

Question for LostT. again this new lamp setup I bought will it be enough to
hopefully stimulate the peyote growth until summer and/or till I buy another
3500k lamp setup? I'm afraid it might be too late for my peyote already"...

- On my glance illumination for winter period sufficient! Possible keep cool. The whole design looks too well.

- Beside me question: I see on photo glass overhand. There is at least one side terrarium opening for circulation of the air? Without flow of the air skin of plants can not orderly breathe. Thence possible development to infections and rotted. (Particularly this pertains to succulent to plants, beside which area to surfaces small. When no natural influx of the air, possible install computer low noise fan (80х80 or 120х120) and connect its not to +12V, but only +7-9V. (Then he will work the quiet, blow not powerfully and serve long.)

- At winter time NO NEED to stimulate the growing a cactus (I already wrote about this), him necessary period of the rest (the idle time). In this time in they occur the processes of preparation to growing in summer season. The advantage in harvest don't care not will.

- Can you give large increase a photo cactus? To possible was see the defects about which you speak. If with cactus something not in order, that reasons can be only these:

1) Too high moisture of ground.

2) Too high moisture of the air. (Beside you probably no this)

3) Insect - a vermins on skin of the cactus or in root. (Consider the cactus under strong magnifying glasses, no on him teeny red or yellow insect? The root while look no need, does not its take out of the soil.)

4) Frostbite or stay in the temperature below 5'C for a long time. (You have no this)

5) Two types rotted the rafts of the cactus, caused by 1)-4) reason or wrong cut ingraining. -Beside you what was a BOTTOM of the cactus when you its have got? There were already root?

* Right before I have paid attention to type of ground under cactus. This ground from package "Potting Soil / Cactus" (on photo)? Hmm, I did not meet ground for cactus with such big contents organic material. The contents component was specified on package, N-P-K, pH?...

** The signs of the defect of the illumination on cactus appear not earlier than through 1-2 months: they are extended, turn pale-green and weaken.

- Does Not while worries, first answer my questions. Unless can give the large photo of the cactus, that let's seek in Google-pictures: "illness cactus" and put here similar scenes.

- You have got any books? In them there is much useful information!
#26 Posted : 2/9/2012 7:37:23 AM
Beautiful garden man! I am frothing from the mouth Razz
“The most compelling insight of that day was that this awesome recall had been brought about by a fraction of a gram of a white solid, but that in no way whatsoever could it be argued that these memories had been contained within the white solid. Everything I had recognized came from the depths of my memory and my psyche. I understood that our entire universe is contained in the mind and the spirit. We may choose not to find access to it, we may even deny its existence, but it is indeed there inside us, and there are chemicals that can catalyze its availability.”
Lost travellier
#27 Posted : 2/9/2012 8:42:03 AM
Hope that help! Very happy
#28 Posted : 2/9/2012 8:45:55 AM
Lost travellier I shall give you the update in a couple of days due to my schedule is very busy w/research, work, and classes(sleepless nights don't help) Smile. Sorry for the delay but I'm very appreciative of the help so far.

And I haven't gotten any books so far been just burying my nose deep in my research and internet with the overwhelming amount of information.
#29 Posted : 2/11/2012 8:57:34 AM
Sad day today as I look at my baby peyote I was shocked to see it had been mostly disfigured and look like dissolved away flesh all underneath the top head crown that was sticking out of the soil.

Previous days I noticed red/brown spots appearing all over the cacti but did not know what from. It look like it grew vertically and got bigger underneath the crown head but crown never grew any larger in diameter(approximately .7cm). So I cut off the decaying looking parts and put it back in a fresh batch of the cacti soil(contains: reed-sedge peat, composted forest products, and/or composted rice hulls, sphagnum peat moss, ground dolomtic limestone and wetting agent).
It is in the terrarium and it never drops down lower then 60F at night. Also the cacti was very squishy and soft atleast what was left.

Upon further investigation I carefully reviewed the remaining plant and it look clean of any sort of pests. I took thin slices of the remaining tissue of the cacti and reviewed it under a microscope. I saw no surprising bugs or mites of any sorts. The cells of the cacti look very healthy and had lots of green little chlorophyll and common cell structure with little hairs look like on the outside layer of the flesh. The cells where the damage was at with the reddness/brown I couldn't identify with my microscope it was not powerful enough only 900x power Sad.

I'm doing more research in trying to find out the bottom of it but here are some pictures(the pictures in the soil are from only three days ago I think from today):

Godly attached the following image(s):
IMG_20120209_133226.jpg (1,220kb) downloaded 80 time(s).
IMG_20120209_133207.jpg (919kb) downloaded 73 time(s).
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Lost travellier
#30 Posted : 2/11/2012 2:12:27 PM
Godly, beside cactus on photo fungous disease: "soft rot" (the scientific name I do not know, but possible find in book on cactus). The particularities this rotted: -very quick spreading on cactus, possibility of the poisoning the nearby plants through direct contact, through insect or ground. Save the cactus possible only having deleted all struck part with heavy stocks (if cactus it is enough big). - All this is written in book. Possible cure the system fungicide - I not litter (better somewhere hear).

But in practice chance there is: it is necessary all cactuses to take out of this suspicious ground (in its composition too much organic materials) and simply put vertically (for instance in thimble) in DRY place with light. The Temperature now already needs 18-25'C (since they are weakened). The First 2-3 weeks not to sprinkle. Afterwards - upon their condition.

I seem that reasons of the disease in this:

- A Cactuses were planted WITHOUT ROOTS (this so?)

- Ground was humid (?)

- An Air in terrarium too was humid and still.

Here is what multiply the cactuses a length (is described in any book):

- A blade of the sharp knife to wipe in alcohol.

- Do the cut. Advisable immediately sprinkle its ground charcoal or powdered yellow sulfur (I did not sprinkle never nothing).

- Once again wipe the blade (before the following cut).

- Cut parts of the cactus to place for 2-3 days that place of the cut to dry.

- Then bolt their vertically (put in thimble etc.). Better that lower part of cactus was in the dark (so easier get root).

- Leave in such position until from below do not appear the small white rootlet by length 1-5mm.

- Thrust CAREFULLY cactus in ground in pot and NOT to WATER.

- In week possible to begin daily sprinkle cactus.

- Through 2-3 weeks possible to begin to water water.

- Dissolved fertilizer contributes only summer, during active growing of the cactus and only when it get well the condition.

- Once in 2-4 years transplant in new ground.

- Ground for these type cactus must have little organic materials (look as land with sand, rather then as timber blackening nourishing ground).

- It is necessary constantly to search for more new information and new books... Twisted Evil

But no worry. We whole only on way of acquisition of the experience! Cool

In what condition your rest cactuses? They had some root before boarding in the soil?

#31 Posted : 2/11/2012 7:34:58 PM
Lost travellier, Im planning on ordering "The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants: Ethnopharmacology and Its Applications" which seems to have majority of the information needed to successfully grow them just its a bit spendy.

When I first got the cactus it was indeed not rooted in came in a tiny little container but I could see like less then a mm of a white root coming from it. The soil was definitely not wet or humid in any sort its a shallow 3in pot that I did not water. I keep the humidity in the terrarium 50-60% also with a fan blowing inside to keep the air circulated but I only recently started using the fan. The humidity never was much of a problem it never raised much more then 65% unless that is too much. I stuck my finger near on and in the soil every few days to made sure and it was always dry.

When I first planted the cactus it had that one little root protruding out from the bottom.

So is it possible my "cactus" soil has far too much organic materials? I am actively always trying to gather more knowledge just hard to find time ontop of everything.

The other cacti are at a undisclosed location with a different lighting system (H.P.S., 600W, red spectrum). Its a dual head and has already flowered they seem to be doing very well and they were shipped bare roots. They did have quite the root system like a carrot basically hehe.

I emailed the supplier as well hopefully they will send another pet peyote when its spring and hopefully not damaged from shipping which seemed like that was the issue. When I received the baby peyote it was removed from the median it was placed in and was very tiny but I was rest assured it would still be okay.

On a positive note my Venus Flytraps are doing very well they finally adjusted at least they are flourishing.
Lost travellier
#32 Posted : 2/12/2012 2:56:02 AM
Well, now at least once all become clear! Probably infection was on small cactus already or has got from this ground. The small cactuses more defenseless, particularly without roots. If all it not quite bad, there is chance that he will live. Though probably infection all will be hidden in him. I had such, when is red - yellow heel appeared on some L.W and they lived with them. Though my L.W were an bigger and beside they already came in well root.
#33 Posted : 2/12/2012 11:03:04 AM
Interesting, so its quite common this type of "soft rot" then? It saddens me that it may not live but the other button will do much better and I shall give the update on them soon!

Were your L.W. permanently scared by this scaring or hindered them in anyway?
Lost travellier
#34 Posted : 2/12/2012 4:47:11 PM
There is two main diseases cactus: "soft rot" & "dry rot" (rot = decay).

The First of them ("soft rot" ) nearly fatally and requires cutting off the sick part with heavy stocks. She spreads quickly - for several days can ruin whole cactus. The Cactus herewith becomes soft, like thawed after freeze fruit. I did not try to fight with this by means of fungicide. I simply separated the sound parts and ingrained them. L.W better resists this disease than S.P.

The Second ("dry rot" ) spreads much slowly and outwardly little visible - On skin of the cactus emerge black or brown small proturberant heel by size 1-5mm. They is only a few: 1-7 points. The Cactus looks OK, but infection spreads inwardly on conducting and if cut this, that possible see the black fine threads going along plant. With this infection cactuses can live long, but at duplication by fission much it is difficult to find not polluted length. Some of my S.P lived with this several years. L.W how do I seem is not struck this disease.

I hope that not too tangled wrote all this.

#35 Posted : 2/13/2012 12:43:14 AM
Great information Lost travellier! Very helpful indeed!
Soon adding more carnivorous plants to the collection and hopefully some peyote buttons as well.

The next plan of action is to start tissue culturing and obtaining an LED fixture (specifically:http://www.blackstarled.com/219.html). I will definitely keep y'all updated o further progress on my collection.

Genuinely appreciate the information L.T.! I still didn't quite understand what book you suggested I get on peyote cultivation and the soil type should be used.
Lost travellier
#36 Posted : 2/13/2012 1:01:20 PM
Godly wrote:..."Genuinely appreciate the information L.T.! I still didn't quite understand what book you suggested I get on peyote cultivation and the soil type should be used"...

- I did not say about name any book. Since beside me their long ago already no and I not remember of their name. But I read german, czech (translated) and several russian books.

- Ground for L.W & S.P must be identified "for deserted type cactus". In your shop there is in sale like ground? I think that other plants (palm & citrus) must not in it to grow.

- I think that in your location also sentence good cactus books (& probably translated of czech, german...). (In Czechoslovakia ppls are masters of grow cacti...Stop )

#37 Posted : 2/13/2012 8:22:39 PM
Ahhh okay okay. I don't think most shops around my area are that specialized in cactus so I must do more research. I would have never guessed that the Czech people are masters of cacti makes me want to do more digging in Czechoslovakia people culture and such.
#38 Posted : 2/23/2012 5:34:19 PM
Just an update bruhs finally received my Lighthouse Blackstar LED 240w (HO) light which I'm growing on my mint plants until my other carnivorous plants arrive, while my Venus flytrap is doing pretty well starting to branch out to new growth and is looking fairly healthy!
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