Only you can determine wheater or not you are ready for this kind of teachings. I personally believe, that DMT is ALWAYS pushing forward to positivity. Watch your toughts, watch your emotions - and only do DMT if you feel it! I hope you make the right choice for YOURSELF! There is nobody in this world who can advice you to do anything. The choice is yours. EVERYTHING! elusive illusion
kyrolima wrote:Only you can determine wheater or not you are ready for this kind of teachings. Usually teachings are something one can understand
spicentheogodmt wrote:Awsome thanks. Yea i was leaning towards dmt it seems to be more rewarding and natural although salvia is natural. I plan on either getting a vapor genie or an essential vaaapp. which one do you think is more effective? Vaporgenie is great, you can get the wooden one for quite cheap. Don't get the one with the round top piece, but the carved one. There is no aluminum middle piece in those.
for a start, 10x salvia extract is far too low and weak if you want to use salvia to prepare you for dmt. go with 20x. there is not any need whatsoever to go higher than 30x imho and ime. 30x WILL have your visual reality completely changed. 100%. even 20x can. im talking smoking a good bowl of 20x and your room turns into somewhere COMPLETELY different. 10x wont do anything noticable, or at least wont help you in the slightest to prepare for dmt. i would recommend starting with 20x. Gun it to 88.....::those who speak do not know, those who know do not speak::..ॐ<3ॐ
RebornInSmoke wrote:for a start, 10x salvia extract is far too low and weak if you want to use salvia to prepare you for dmt.
go with 20x. there is not any need whatsoever to go higher than 30x imho and ime. 30x WILL have your visual reality completely changed. 100%. even 20x can.
im talking smoking a good bowl of 20x and your room turns into somewhere COMPLETELY different.
10x wont do anything noticable, or at least wont help you in the slightest to prepare for dmt. i would recommend starting with 20x. These are ridiculous statements. Legitimate 20X extract has twice the salvinorin A per gram as does 10X. So smoking twice as much 10X as 20X will produce similar effects. 40mg 10X = 20mg 20X Advising someone to consume “a bowl” of 20X is very irresponsible, and one of the reasons salvia has the reputation it does. gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
(Im on my Wii so i cant copy and paste)
Totally agree gibran2. I'm getting a milligram scale because i want to be accurate as possible and to jot down my experience at certain levels to pass on to the next fellow with answers.
I would get the vapor genie, but it just seems too much of a hassle to clean and 5-6 screens with dmt resin heard its not good to vaporize it. I found a great 2 for 1 deal at ezvapes it comes with an essential vaaapp and a magic flight box with all accessories free/grinder 12 extra glass vials for $168.00 Free priority shipping! Not bad imo you should check it out.
The glass vials just seem so convient. (Im lazy i know) lol.
Quote:And salvia dissolves your emotions/fears as it dissolves your ego, so there isn’t any anxiety about the loss of self. This might be true, but....i personally find it also pretty strange to have this totally emotionless experience. In my experience, the Salvia trip is not to fear because of this and because it is VERY dreamlike and so a bit familiar in a sense (only the dreamlike aspect). But then, Salvia Trips have always left me..well...fascinated AND disturbed. DMT on the other hand CAN be intensly horifying, but also very ...euphoric isn't the right word. It's more like coming to terms with reality for a bit (love is very real and not exactly what you might think). I vote for DMT. Several low dose hits in one session. Go as you feel like. One toke leads to another and you can up your dose as you go. Soon you'll will be in dmt space. If you got the money, the Glass (Sherlock) Vaporgenie is the essential tool. I have also found that a "machine bong" (search for it) is a pretty good device to vaporize DMT.
Gibran, calmthehelldown. I said ime. A first time user of salvia will likely be underwhelmed with 10x and lower extracts, if they are wanting to use it to "prepare" for dmt. By bowl I mean your loaded dose, not a fully packed bong bowl. As in "I smoked a bowl of weed". Doesn't necessarily mean you smoked a fully packed to the brim bong bowl of weed. I recommended 20x as this requires you to load a smaller amount, therefore meaning less smoke is produced, (but more potent), therefore it is easier to hold in a hit for long, especially for first time users. 20x in my experience and opinion is a great intro to the visual flipside of reality produced by salvia. It allows a new user to smoke one "bowl" and very easily experience said visual craziness, without having to play about with reverse tolerance. If you think my recommendations are still ridiculous and irresponsible.. Oh well. Have fun OP, know your drug, know yourself <3 <3 <3 Gun it to 88.....::those who speak do not know, those who know do not speak::..ॐ<3ॐ
RebornInSmoke wrote:Gibran, calmthehelldown. I said ime. A first time user of salvia will likely be underwhelmed with 10x and lower extracts, if they are wanting to use it to "prepare" for dmt.
By bowl I mean your loaded dose, not a fully packed bong bowl. As in "I smoked a bowl of weed". Doesn't necessarily mean you smoked a fully packed to the brim bong bowl of weed.
I recommended 20x as this requires you to load a smaller amount, therefore meaning less smoke is produced, (but more potent), therefore it is easier to hold in a hit for long, especially for first time users.
20x in my experience and opinion is a great intro to the visual flipside of reality produced by salvia. It allows a new user to smoke one "bowl" and very easily experience said visual craziness, without having to play about with reverse tolerance.
If you think my recommendations are still ridiculous and irresponsible.. Oh well.
Have fun OP, know your drug, know yourself <3 <3 <3 Don’t take it so personally. If you’ve read any of my salvia posts, you’d see that I have the opinion – the rational, reasoned opinion – that salvia has the (bad) reputation it has not because of salvia, but because of its misuse. Your post served as a good example of some misconceptions that lead to misuse: 10X salvia is not “far too low and weak”. It is half as potent as 20X. This simply means that one has to take twice as much for similar effects compared to 20X. I’m quite sure that many people, having taken huge doses of 10X in the belief that it is “weak”, have had horrific experiences and, naturally, blame it on salvia rather than on their uninformed use. A responsible salvia user does not measure by the “bowl”. Salvia may be green and leafy, but that’s about all it has in common with other green leafy substances often measured by the bowl. 20X salvia is slightly more potent than pure freebase DMT – a moderate breakthrough dose of 20X is about 20mg. Most here at the Nexus measure DMT doses, realizing that too large a dose can lead to a difficult experience. Recommending a “good bowl of 20X” is, as I’ve already said, irresponsible. gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
spicentheogodmt wrote:
I would get the vapor genie, but it just seems too much of a hassle to clean and 5-6 screens with dmt resin heard its not good to vaporize it.
Cleaning the GVG is rather easy. Simply run some isopropyl alcohol through it, and the resin comes right out. You can either discard the alcohol, or let it evaporate in a well-ventilated area so you can scrape up the DMT condensate when it's done evaporating. I don't know who told you it's not good to vaporize. It's not like resin in the same way you'd think of resin for other things you may smoke/vape. It's not a byproduct; it's DMT. I've had some of my best experiences vaping the DMT residue. If you use 3 screens and an ash or herb bed and it works like a charm. "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein
"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead
"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
Quote:If you think my recommendations are still ridiculous and irresponsible. Perhaps the truth is somewhere in between. Anecdotal evidence shows, that starting with plain leaf is a good way to prevent overdosing and waste of plant material. Still, a bowl of low potency extract (5x) sprinkled over a regular cone of leaf might help kickstart reverse tolerance efficiently. Be careful and also try the traditional way, quidding. I found that 2x2g dried leaf (not hydrated), chewed for 15 minutes each time can result in a journey to the underworld were you can meet the tiny beings.
I guess in hindaight, I should have added that one should start low and work your way up til you find your sweet spot. Sorry if I came off as irresponsible, the LAST thing I would want to do us cause someone a bad trip with instructions. I say 20x for the same reason I would recommend people to smoke (vape preferably) stronger cannabis - You need much less smoke therefore it is easier on the lungs. I agree that I didn't fully think through that post last night. Tired from work but that's still no excuse. Nothing was taken personally, nah stress. But ill be sure to make my posts clearer in future. And this isn't me trying to save face and divert from my sillyness. I put my hand up when I'm in the wrong and admit it. Nah stress bredren & sistren! <3 Gun it to 88.....::those who speak do not know, those who know do not speak::..ॐ<3ॐ
No worrys reborninsmoke i wouldnt have done 20x to start with anyways lol. Although it does make sense to maybe take a small hit of 20x and it be the same as a bigger hit of the 10x. Playin it safe though.
Ok, so i got some mimosa but messed up my extraction 226 grams & $40 down the drain. I tried the food grade poor man's tek with no results. the washing soda was hard on the surface so i coudln't get any oil into my dropper deal. Anyone know an absolutely 100% EASY effective tek? Please let me know i do not want to waist anymore money and especially the root it just doesn't feel right to waist something so valuable. Thank you. Food grade or not.
Don't do salvia unless you are quidding the leaves...not extract.
How does quidding the leaves differ? Yea i saw a documetary thing on youtube, it was terrence mckenna's wife that said the salvia goddess does not like to be smoked and not to have sex 3 days before and after it.
spicentheogodmt wrote:Ok, so i got some mimosa but messed up my extraction 226 grams & $40 down the drain. I tried the food grade poor man's tek with no results. the washing soda was hard on the surface so i coudln't get any oil into my dropper deal. Anyone know an absolutely 100% EASY effective tek? Please let me know i do not want to waist anymore money and especially the root it just doesn't feel right to waist something so valuable. Thank you. Food grade or not. Found The DMT Handbook easy to understand and do. Made for 2 kilos at a time though... so you may have to do some easy calculations to figure out how much of the different ingredients to use, etc. if you're going to use less than 2 kilos. Good luck “Recognize that the very molecules that make up your body, the atoms that construct the molecules, are traceable to the crucibles that were once the centers of high mass stars that exploded their chemically rich guts into the galaxy, enriching pristine gas clouds with the chemistry of life. So that we are all connected to each other biologically, to the earth chemically and to the rest of the universe atomically. That’s kinda cool! That makes me smile and I actually feel quite large at the end of that. It’s not that we are better than the universe, we are part of the universe. We are in the universe and the universe is in us.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
spicentheogodmt wrote:Ok, so i got some mimosa but messed up my extraction 226 grams & $40 down the drain. I tried the food grade poor man's tek with no results. the washing soda was hard on the surface so i coudln't get any oil into my dropper deal. Anyone know an absolutely 100% EASY effective tek? Please let me know i do not want to waist anymore money and especially the root it just doesn't feel right to waist something so valuable. Thank you. Food grade or not. Try this: Q21Q21 Tek2 It is ridiculously easy and if you do it right results in very pure white crystals. obliguhl wrote:Perhaps the truth is somewhere in between. Anecdotal evidence shows, that starting with plain leaf is a good way to prevent overdosing and waste of plant material. Still, a bowl of low potency extract (5x) sprinkled over a regular cone of leaf might help kickstart reverse tolerance efficiently. Be careful and also try the traditional way, quidding. I found that 2x2g dried leaf (not hydrated), chewed for 15 minutes each time can result in a journey to the underworld were you can meet the tiny beings. Sprinkling a little extract on plain leaf is definitely a nice way to smoke salvia. I have to disagree with quidding dry leaf though. I have tried quidding many times with very little effect. The last time I chewed well over 3g with two big pinches of 15x thrown in for good measure for over 40 min. with barely any noticeable effects. IME quidding dry leaf is just a huge waste of salvia. I won't try a quid again until I can get my hands on some fresh leaf. I have had many wonderful experiences smoking extracts and will continue to be my preferred ROA. Its the MeICNU
I am only someone's imaginary Smelf posting from hyperspace.
RebornInSmoke wrote:
20x in my experience and opinion is a great intro to the visual flipside of reality produced by salvia. It allows a new user to smoke one "bowl" and very easily experience said visual craziness, without having to play about with reverse tolerance.
I smoke 20x because it takes so little material to go where I like. With 20x only a few flecks are needed to generate an amazing experience. I'm glad I started with 5x though as it made me work a bit harder to discover the "path" and made me more ready for the full experience. Peace
Mad Banshee
Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
MySmelf wrote:I have to disagree with quidding dry leaf though. Yeh, I had zero luck with that as well and yuck! Peace
Mad Banshee
Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.