while i agree that drug binges is generally a bad idea i can understand that people wan´t to max out during special occasions such as festivals.
if i have paid 500+ euros to travel to a psychedelic festival i will sure as hell wan´t to maintain a psychedelic state of mind most of the time i will be spending there.
But going all in at a long festival such as ozora or boom which are 5days and night in a row can be challenging and even dangerous if respect and caution is not used when planning something like this.
Overall i think drugs that are hard on your body should be avoided as much as possible, such as stims (amp,meth,mdma etc) and alcohol.
Of course one night of rolling at a festival could be fine along with a few beers per day, but don´t push it with the alcohol as this will make you feel like shit after a while.
I prefer to base my high on cannabis while at festivals, i will smoke from going up to going down, these places are known for all kinds of great smoke from all across the globe, so if you wan´t to try exotic hashish you have come to the right place.
My second in command will be lsd, you can take upp to 3trips of lsd in one week if you plan the trips smart.
Take one or max 2hits the first day of the festival and no more than that, 1-2days later try to double the dose that you did the first time and you should be fine again

if you have 2more day you could easily fit in one last lsd experience but this time you need to go in hard, at least double the last dose triple is preferred and you should be able to feel enough to be happy.
in the days between the ones you do acid you could fill with various stuff like mdma(but no more than once during the week or the comedown will not be worth it) Amt is also a great party drug but don´t do both mdma and amt in one week, choose one only.
Then the night or nights that you have left i would choose ketamine as an ally, it goes great in low doses at festivals as it´s good fun to dance on and wobble around...
These things combined with huge amounts of changa should work out for a interesting week of partying and soul searhing that would leave anyone in a shook up state, just remember to drink alot of fluids and eat tons of good food and you should be fine.
Disclaimer: These tripping teks are not for N00bs please be aware that i had done alot of phychs of many many years before trying to indulge these amounts of different drugs in such a short time span.
Be safe and stay high!!