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Indonesian pyramid unlikely to be a natural formation - supposedly larger and older than giza Options
The Traveler
Administrator | Skills: DMT, LSD, Programming
#21 Posted : 1/11/2012 10:29:56 PM
Verruckter wrote:
The Traveler wrote:

About the Indonesian pyramid: I cannot find one source that is not a retelling of the original "Finding on Garut Pyramid Verified" story and that is weird. Nothing in scientific papers or even the common news channels about this, don't you think that news like this would spread like wildfire? Also none of the scientists who 'verified' the claims are named, again VERY odd since this means we cannot verify the claim ourselves.

There is actually a fair amount of chatter about this on the web right now. whether it is true or false will have to remain to be seen. However in regards to scientific verification, I was able to find This Link stating...

The Deutsche Orient-Gesellscaaft (DOG), with research Prof. Bonatz, will meet with another interested researcher, Stephen Oppenheimer of Oxford University, and author of Eden in the East, in Bali to discuss a way to fast track excavation

Either way, this is a fairly interesting story! Im trying to track down who actually established the preliminary findings, as of now, i guess time will tell!

Yes, I had found that link too. However due to them also just restating the other sites and together with again the "By using Superstring geo-electric instruments, surveyors are measuring the resistivity of the geological layers" I seriously doubt any of the story at that site.

Again, if this 'news' was really accepted and verified then you would have seen it all over the place in the news and in scientific papers and magazines. Maybe people should read more scientific magazines, that will make them understand that if this has been really verified it would fill the front page. There is no such thing as systematically covering up pyramid news. Rolling eyes

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Information Location, Salvia divinorumExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Information Location, Salvia divinorumModerator | Skills: Information Location, Salvia divinorumChemical expert | Skills: Information Location, Salvia divinorumSenior Member | Skills: Information Location, Salvia divinorum
#22 Posted : 1/11/2012 11:17:28 PM
gilga_mesh wrote:
The Traveler wrote:
gilga_mesh wrote:
SnozzleBerry wrote:
gilga_mesh wrote:
...there is a lot of info and discoveries on the pyramids that can't be discussed in the mainstream...

What does this even mean?

To put it in other words: have you ever seen a mainstream media report on someone taking a DMT trip? Wink

if so then you can count them on one hand...

kind of similar situation

You mean that going to a pyramid is an illegal activity? Just like taking a DMT trip?

Kind regards,

The Traveler

Hehe, If they could they would make it illegal. I believe DMT holds the key to our reality. And these pyramid discoveries hold a key to our past.
In a way even connected.

The implication being that understanding the past through archeological discoveries is a social taboo akin to achieving transcendental states through the use of drugs?

I'm still confused.
#23 Posted : 1/12/2012 1:23:33 AM
The Traveler wrote:

Again, if this 'news' was really accepted and verified then you would have seen it all over the place in the news and in scientific papers and magazines. Maybe people should read more scientific magazines, that will make them understand that if this has been really verified it would fill the front page. There is no such thing as systematically covering up pyramid news. Rolling eyes

LOL very true! the discovery of new egyptian pyramids have never been "covered up", to my knowledge, but rather seen as.... for lack of better words AWESOME! example there are a whole bunch of links I could include about the "new egyptian discoveries" but that would distract from the original topic!

And yes, i also noticed that everything i was able to find about this story was an exact quote from the one source. I have yet to read any unique findings. And exactly what is this "Superstring geo-electric instrument" they speak of? I was able to locate this link, but don't know if this is what they were referring to?
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