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Poll Question : How often does SWIY use DMT? (Poll is closed)
Choice Votes Statistics
More than once a day? 1 4 %
More than once a week? 4 16 %
More than once a month? 10 41 %
More than once a year? 9 37 %

How frequent is SWIY's use of DMT? Options
Senior Member
#21 Posted : 1/8/2012 12:28:18 AM
By SWIY, you mean "someone who is you", right. Laughing
blooooooOOOOOooP fzzzzzzhm KAPOW!
This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking.
Grow a plant or something and meditate on that
Moderator | Skills: Oil painting, Acrylic painting, Digital and multimedia art, Trip integration
#22 Posted : 1/8/2012 5:31:15 AM
Recently it's been a couple-three times a year... Seems like the right pace for me. Lots of integration for each experience- as an artist, it gives me the chance to explore and play around with the language of Hyperspace without being overwhelmed by too much imagery. I feel that the spacing has made each journey that much more significant.

I realize every time I enter hyperspace that my biggest fear is that I might finally get what I've always been seeking. So I'm savoring this long slow approach.
Psychonaut In Orbit
#23 Posted : 1/8/2012 7:05:48 AM
Evisceratechuck wrote:

Psychonaut In Orbit wrote:
Sometimes I can get bit extreme and do it 5-8 times in one day sometimes more but I always take a break after these little binges... not for any particular reason.

Wow, that's just as tele pointed out alot Very happy
When going on these "little binges" do you feel any loss/diminishing in effects or do you apply the same dose everytime? I'm also quite curious about how "extreme" you actually go dosage wise? Smile Nothing wrong being a tad unorthodox! Very happy

Personally I need time for reflection. If I continue without that time off, I feel as if I lose some of the reason to my use since I most probably won't be able to recollect as much as I could had done from a single experience.

With my best friend&sitter we can sometimes go pretty hard at it because we have an easier time reflecting on the experience with the help from eachtother, but excluding that I'd have to pick the "month" Smile

Very happy Well I don't always weigh out my doses. When I first started I did and I didn't use a .001 scale I used a .1 scale and the way I would split my dosages was by weighing out 100 mg of DMT and splitting it up into 5 "identical" bumps. I estimated that each bump would be roughly 20 mgs (give a take a mg or two) and then I would put a dose in the bowl. If the one dose doesn't get me where I need to be then on the next blast off I'll put a bump and a half in there (~30mgs)... and so on and so forth. I've gotten where now I can somewhat "eyeball" the dose I need for a really good trip. Comparing my weighed out doses and my eyeball doses I'm guessing the eyeball dose would be around 30 -40 mgs... sometimes I'll triple stack and go for the 60 but those trips are the ones I do maybe 2-3 times a month if that... i've gotten breakthroughs on as low as 30 mgs though...

As far as the effects diminishing... yes after continued use it seems it takes a little bit more to get a little bit further than once before. I'm not saying there is a tolerance becuase every time the tryptamine body warmth is present in a very strong way. The diminishing effects are always in the visuals department. I think this is more or less because my mind has gotten "accustom" to hyperspace (can't really say that with confidence because DMT has a way of blindsiding me 9/10) ... but believe it or not what helps me a little with this predicament is mixing a bit of salvia leaf (not the extract) with my bowls... it's just something about the mix that gives it an extra warping type effect. DMT sorta slowly pulls you in there... at least for me, but that's not to say I haven't had hectic teleportation trips with just DMT. I've had some pretty fast paced light shows with just DMT but it's something about the mix with the salvia leaf and DMT that really underlines the effects... I don't know how this would translate with Salvia extract and DMT but im not willing to try either Very happy I'm perfectly fine with just the leaf and DMT.

With my next Mimosa package I might make some aya though... I really want to experience what the ancients experienced with this wonderful molecule.
1% of reality is within our plane of existence. What we feel... what we see... what we hear... what we "think" we know... The other 99% percent of reality can only be shown to us through DMT. This 99% lies within the "Realm of the Unknowns". We can only experience FULL reality when we leave this vessel, our bodies. DMT gives us a taste of this full reality... the universal knowledge is given to us by the beings who call "hyperspace" their home. When in hyperspace there is no "self" but instead this self is replaced with pure and raw energy. ENERGY CAN NOT BE DESTROYED, ONLY TRANSFERRED OR TRANSFORMED! So when you have that "ego-death" during a breakthrough trip, don't fret, you are not being destroyed but yet..... YOU ARE BEING TRANSFORMED.

I LOVE YOU, RESPECT YOU AND I THANK YOU... Dimethyltryptamine ... for showing me the 99% of reality that I would never have experienced in everyday life.

*All posts under this moniker, Psychonaut In Orbit, is for entertainment and research purposes only. All events stated to have happened, or witnessed are all heresay and fictional*
#24 Posted : 1/8/2012 11:42:36 AM
proto-pax wrote:
By SWIY, you mean "someone who is you", right. Laughing

OK, yes, SWIY is "someone who is you". End of story!Mad
Mad, bad and dangerous to know.

There's magic out there!
#25 Posted : 1/8/2012 1:12:48 PM
More than once a week for me and I think that is likely to rise as I begin experimenting with changa. Im still in my honeymoon period though and no doubt my usage will drop after I have had a chance to fully delve into the experience.
-Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
#26 Posted : 1/8/2012 7:03:24 PM
Generally on full moons, Solstice, equinox, that kinda thing. Helps keep me aware of the natural rhythms around me, helps keep the spice sacremental, respected.

Special occassions, need for an insight, testing an extraction and other exeptions do apply.
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein

I appreciate your perspective.

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