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Overexaggeration of the DMT experience? Options
#21 Posted : 1/6/2012 9:05:24 PM
My assertation of you're OP Fizzy, tells me you've probably derived you're opinion from trip reports on the nexus.
If so...
I've always found people's trip reports rather dull and unamusing - unless they're of someone's I know, or feel the person has really put a real effort into writing it.
The problem for me is that each DMT trip, Changa smoke, ayahuasca brew etc. can bring entirely, unequivocal effects.
Each trips has the possibility to be so subjectively different - that whenever I read these trip reports I feel like im in a fairy tale or being dupped by someone's imagination. Recounts of DMT often do sound over-exaggerated.
Part of me used to believe I was right - but the reality has come to tell me and will always ring true... that I'm utterly wrong.

As other's have suggested, keep trying and eventually you'll see why people feel this way about it.
Up the dose if you have to. Maybe don't smoke it at the peak of an aya journey... yet... but...
Dmt is the one and only chemical I know capable of creating the "ineffable experience of macrocosmic proportion".
And I really don't feel like I'm over-exaggerating at all.
“The quest is to be liberated from the negative, which is really our own will to nothingness. And once having said yes to the instant, the affirmation is contagious. It bursts into a chain of affirmations that knows no limit. To say yes to one instant is to say yes to all of existence.”
#22 Posted : 1/6/2012 9:34:15 PM
Global wrote:
Try vaping DMT at the peak of an ayahuasca experience and get back to me.
Intresting..can you tell more about it please?? :-)
Psychonaut In Orbit
#23 Posted : 1/6/2012 9:42:26 PM
bigmack wrote:
My assertation of you're OP Fizzy, tells me you've probably derived you're opinion from trip reports on the nexus.
If so...
I've always found people's trip reports rather dull and unamusing - unless they're of someone's I know, or feel the person has really put a real effort into writing it.

The problem for me is that each DMT trip, Changa smoke, ayahuasca brew etc. can bring entirely, unequivocal effects.
Each trips has the possibility to be so subjectively different - that whenever I read these trip reports I feel like im in a fairy tale or being dupped by someone's imagination. Recounts of DMT of often do sound over-exaggerated.
Part of me used to believe I was right - but the reality has come to tell me and will always ring true... that I'm utterly wrong.

As other's have suggested, keep trying and eventually you'll see why people feel this way about it.
Up the dose if you have to. Maybe don't smoke it at the peak of an aya journey... yet... but...
Dmt is the one and only chemical I know capable of creating the "ineffable experience of macrocosmic proportion".
And I really don't feel like I'm over-exaggerating at all.

I agree somewhat but also I read trip reports and enjoy them if well written. All a trip report can give you is a ball park estimate of what truly happened during that person's trip. A lot of the stuff we see on DMT just can not be translated to words so one can't fully think that what they read in a trip report is exactly how it happened... it is to the best of the trippers knowledge in his/her own words... and words are used as an instrument to try and convey what was seen... just like dmt art/drawings etc...

I don't care how eloquent one could be with any language there is no word in any language that can describe a breakthrough dmt trip.

I agree totally with each trip being different... the spice is so random even when you have a string of trips with a "common" theme those trips still have their own unique atmosphere, their own unique touch, each one gives you something different...
1% of reality is within our plane of existence. What we feel... what we see... what we hear... what we "think" we know... The other 99% percent of reality can only be shown to us through DMT. This 99% lies within the "Realm of the Unknowns". We can only experience FULL reality when we leave this vessel, our bodies. DMT gives us a taste of this full reality... the universal knowledge is given to us by the beings who call "hyperspace" their home. When in hyperspace there is no "self" but instead this self is replaced with pure and raw energy. ENERGY CAN NOT BE DESTROYED, ONLY TRANSFERRED OR TRANSFORMED! So when you have that "ego-death" during a breakthrough trip, don't fret, you are not being destroyed but yet..... YOU ARE BEING TRANSFORMED.

I LOVE YOU, RESPECT YOU AND I THANK YOU... Dimethyltryptamine ... for showing me the 99% of reality that I would never have experienced in everyday life.

*All posts under this moniker, Psychonaut In Orbit, is for entertainment and research purposes only. All events stated to have happened, or witnessed are all heresay and fictional*
#24 Posted : 1/6/2012 9:54:03 PM
I wish there was some way to put into words quite how far out DMT is capable of pushing you. There really is no way of describing it properly when it gets to the extreme effects.

One thing I did notice is that initial effects were much less significant than they were after maybe 10 or 20 journeys, in fact after my first dose I was wondering what all the fuss was about to be honest.

Now after two of the most extreme experiences of my life in one week I am to be frank very wary of sharing it woth anyone again, I am not sure whether I know anyone of a strong enough constitution to come out of the other side of experiences I have suffered lately without needing psychiatric help.

Oh– to those who have yet to find how close to a spice experience you can get to on mushrooms – try a decent dose of Copelandia Cyanescens, they are the only mushrooms that have revealed similar power to me so far.
D × V × F > R
Bill Cipher
#25 Posted : 1/6/2012 9:55:09 PM
Ha! I'd be very curious to know what your dosage levels have been, as well as your method of vaporization.

I've got plenty of experience with all of the other psychedelics you mention. There is nothing like DMT. NOBODY correctly vaporizes 50mgs and isn't then rocked to their very core.

That's just what it do. If it ain't doin' it just like that, you just ain't doin' it right.
Senior Member | Skills: DMT, Harmaloids, Bufotenine, Mescaline, Trip advice
#26 Posted : 1/6/2012 10:05:53 PM
I guess what the OP is saying is intensity doesn't equate to quality.

I agree completely, but for me the intensity of DMT is not what makes it so special. It's not even the fact that it leaves my perception so well pieced together enough to let my earthly mind realise whats going on.

I'll level with you, my DMT experiences as a whole don't contain consistent profound perfect psychedelic mind teaching, but when it hits the spot... DAMN!!!

It hits the spot Smile
#27 Posted : 1/6/2012 10:20:49 PM
soulfood wrote:
I guess what the OP is saying is intensity doesn't equate to quality.

I agree completely, but for me the intensity of DMT is not what makes it so special. It's not even the fact that it leaves my perception so well pieced together enough to let my earthly mind realise whats going on.

I'll level with you, my DMT experiences as a whole don't contain consistent profound perfect psychedelic mind teaching, but when it hits the spot... DAMN!!!

It hits the spot Smile

That's exactly what I mean. Smile
DMT is like... mind, boom, wow!
But when it comes to experiencing myself or nature I just prefer LSD and tryptamines.
#28 Posted : 1/6/2012 10:34:10 PM
Fizzy wrote:

That's exactly what I mean. Smile
DMT is like... mind, boom, wow!
But when it comes to experiencing myself or nature I just prefer LSD and tryptamines.

Confused What exactly do you mean " and tryptamines"? ( DMT is the grandaddy of the tryptamines ) I thought Mescaline ( your OP ref.) was a phenylethylamine.
#29 Posted : 1/6/2012 10:42:36 PM
Especially 4-HO substituted ones. I forgot about phenethylamines, haven't had so much contact with them.
#30 Posted : 1/6/2012 10:55:37 PM
[quote=d*l*b]I have been doing psychedelics for 19 years

Just curious if you have noticed ANY negative effects after that amount of time. ive been using mushrooms at an almost regular pace for 10 years with no side effects untill i tried DMT. The only negativity i have toward it is the fact that i absolutley can't stop thinking about it. Also i feel bad about using it since i am a family man with young kids and i dont want my wife to think im a ''drug user'' and or ''crazy'' lol you know what im talking about
#31 Posted : 1/6/2012 11:18:22 PM
Im not sure you have had a proper breakthrough... your dose is quite high? before i did the spice i had trouble beliving in anything.. i have great lungs because of what i do for a living... all i can say is.. when i had my first of plenty breakthroughs.... it was like art said... brain bomb with a lession.. when i had ego death... it ripped me apart to my smallest molecule... the reports here could never come close to truly explaning what they really see...

its like me telling you what climbing a 2000ft tower at night in 10 degrees above 0 temps..toting 75lbs with jet stream winds..to an antenna so small you can wrap your legs around pulling your subzero gloves off to work with small electrical parts.. for 5 to 7 mins at a time being blown all over the place..you just could not really get the true jest of it...

you have to keep your water next to your skin so it does not get frozen... to climb that high with that weight in those conditions takes about 3 hours before the true hell begins... and i still find people who go for breakthroughs on the spice.. braver...not sure what your doing wrong? but you may not feel this way when you do get a true breakthrough... im tough..and it changed my life!! goodluck..Oden
oden attached the following image(s):
SANY0187.JPG (2,731kb) downloaded 180 time(s).
#32 Posted : 1/6/2012 11:22:24 PM
Fizzy wrote:
It is very unique and enlightning, surely. But so is LSD, and so is Psilocin, and so is Mescaline. Every molecule is unique on its own, none of it better or worse than another.

I agree that there not better or worse, just like no psychedelic is 'GOOD' or 'BAD' although DMT obviously dose a lot more for most people that use these psychedelics than LSD or Shrooms has done. It takes us a lot further!

Also if u look at the LSD molecule and or the Psilocin molecule you will find the DMT molecule safe and sound inside them, so yeh they aren't to unique.

Also i have left my body on LSD and it (for me) was not as pleasant as on DMT (smoked or ingested)
felt like it kind of ripped my soul out of my body, were as on DMT my soul walked out of its own accord...

Dont get me wrong love all psychedelics, Although breaking through on DMT!

"Pay attention. And keep breathing." Terence McKenna

#33 Posted : 1/6/2012 11:28:06 PM
takes you deeper than words. shows you things words haven't been invented for.. so if people's trip reports are sounding "over exaggerated" which i really think is a little bit unfair to say .... its probably because the words are sort of dumbing the experience down for people to understand in text. if old mate said for example that he saw some magical divine lion spirit that imbued him with the knowledge of the universe and showed him that its core energy is love... sounds a bit silly in words for some people... but no doubt the magnitude of the experience was second to none for the individual who experienced it.

and secondly, none of us are preaching a dmt only diet by any means ... most of the trippers here i assume love a vast range of psychedelics and use each of them for their own unique purpose... not really sure where you pulled that from. but yes, i can safely say that a vast majority here probably find dmt to be of a more profound and powerful nature to the other psychedelics ... i do myself. its not that they are being discriminative of other psychedelics.. they are just human and certain experiences may speak to them more than others..
#34 Posted : 1/6/2012 11:54:45 PM
astralspice wrote:
d*l*b wrote:
I have been doing psychedelics for 19 years

Just curious if you have noticed ANY negative effects after that amount of time. ive been using mushrooms at an almost regular pace for 10 years with no side effects untill i tried DMT. The only negativity i have toward it is the fact that i absolutley can't stop thinking about it. Also i feel bad about using it since i am a family man with young kids and i dont want my wife to think im a ''drug user'' and or ''crazy'' lol you know what im talking about

The main negative effects I have really are social ones.

A lot of my spice experiences seem to worry my friends, for instance the other day I had a death-like experience and last night I was chopped up into bits, ran round my rapidly morphing room naked and was then fiddled with by beings in another dimension. How do I talk about that with most people?

I feel limited in my social group and relationships (luckily there are a lot of open minded people in my area). I do feel a little alone at the moment as sometimes I go rather deep and have very few people I can talk to about it except here at the Nexus.
D × V × F > R
Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#35 Posted : 1/7/2012 12:06:53 AM
sonatine wrote:
Global wrote:
Try vaping DMT at the peak of an ayahuasca experience and get back to me.
Intresting..can you tell more about it please?? :-)

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
Bill Cipher
#36 Posted : 1/7/2012 1:24:07 AM
d*l*b - Respect, brother. You're a soldier of the psyche.

Important to take some time to properly integrate after the difficult ones. There's no journey so annihilating that it can't be integrated over time (or at least so I have found), but they can certainly make one temporarily lose their existential bearings.

Take some time off. Treat yourself well. Talk about it here. Many have been on shaky ground and come through it strong and intact.
#37 Posted : 1/7/2012 1:55:37 AM
Fizzy wrote:
I am yet a new member to this forum, but I somehow realised that some of the members here on the Nexus seem to overexaggerate the whole DMT thing.

I really love DMT myself, it is a wonderful, powerful and fascinating substance and has its unique effects (and I also have yet to account a full ayahuasca experience). But I can shake the feeling that people start to treat DMT as some sort of 'master' of all psychedelics. It is very unique and enlightning, surely. But so is LSD, and so is Psilocin, and so is Mescaline. Every molecule is unique on its own, none of it better or worse than another.

Still I get it that this is the 'dmt'-nexus, so DMT might somehow be the main molecule of this board but that's not what I ment in the passage above.

Just wanted to write this of of my heart and share my thoughts. Please dont feel offended, it wasn't my intention to do so. Smile

lots of love!

Maybe because our bodies produce dmt it gives us a natural affinity with it. Dmt is non toxic and actually makes you feel better on the comedown. There isn't many drugs that can do that Smile

If people exagerate their claims its probably because they were utterly blown away by an experience and find it hard to put it down in writing and up with something that sounds a bit too fantastacal. On the other hand maybe a fantastical story doesn't do the experience justice and dmt is then getting under hyped.
#38 Posted : 1/7/2012 2:17:48 AM
I agree that FREEBASE isn't necessarily the most profound thing I've ever experienced, but changa and ayahuasca trips usually go above and beyond anything else, especially ayahuasca with plenty of mimosa in it.

The most intense trips of my life have been on ayahuasca, once I went on a journey with a friend who'd done mushrooms in the 15g+ range and they said that the ayahuasca was easily the most beautiful, profound and life-shaking trip they'd ever had.


Salvia divinorum expertSenior Member
#39 Posted : 1/7/2012 3:23:38 AM
What reason would any of us have to exaggerate?
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#40 Posted : 1/7/2012 1:30:38 PM
BananaForeskin wrote:
I agree that FREEBASE isn't necessarily the most profound thing I've ever experienced, but changa and ayahuasca trips usually go above and beyond anything else, especially ayahuasca with plenty of mimosa in it.

The most intense trips of my life have been on ayahuasca, once I went on a journey with a friend who'd done mushrooms in the 15g+ range and they said that the ayahuasca was easily the most beautiful, profound and life-shaking trip they'd ever had.

Ayahuasca is something I have yet to try. But I am sure it will be very wonderful Smile
I have vaped up to 50 mg. And I don't have a huge tryptamine tolerance. I already have quite a trip from 10 mg of psilocin. Maybe I just don't like the speed in which the break-through occurs. That makes it difficult to 'work' with it. Sad
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