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Snuff admixture Rape' de los Indio - Maquira sclerophylla Options
#21 Posted : 7/22/2012 7:51:46 PM
@ ZaZen.

If the Paricà rapè would have been made from the seeds it would contain some form of DMT for shure.
But when you listen to the guy in the video talking about Paricà he explains they use the wood (bark) of the tree.
They burn it and use the ashes.

Not all Virola bark contains a form of DMT
Look at the list in this thread.

But even then, If you have dmt containing bark and you burn it to ashes the alkaloids should be destroyed, shouldn't they ?

I doubt if this Paricà rapè contains any form of DMT at all

Fukilia, Hmm thats a new name to me, wow even different names in different areas of Brazil.
#22 Posted : 8/8/2012 6:23:18 PM
About the parica.

The good thing about being wrong is that it gives a opportunity for correction.
Although the man in the video is talking about parica being a wood and working with some ashes I know now that there is actually some seeds (yopo) in this snuff.

Tobacco is not used to make ash, absolutely not.
The parica has some sort of base in it, most likelely lime. In this case its used in combination with yopo with other plants in the parica.

Other snuffs have ashes of different kinds of trees. Believed is that the healing properties of the plant still remain in the ashes.
So as a belief ashes have healing power.
From a more "scientific" aproach I wonder if not all of of the goods stuff (alkaloids and more) are destroyed when burning the wood.
I wonder how high the temperature gets when you burn a little piece of wood slowly.
Does anyone know ?
If temperature in known you only need to know what the wood is and if anything can survive the burning.


NO the video did not make me learn to make rape. learning rape comes from experience and I don't have a lot of it. What I do know is that many Indian rape makers have studied a long time and make their snuffs with a special (secret) ratio of different plants. They do learn people how to make them. But there are some many tribes with different plants around them. I actually heard of a rape that has kambo in it. You could or could not imagine how strong this snuff would be.
I am not gonna try this kambo snuff myself. Might be something for kambohuasca.

The video is a little example. To many Indians and people who learned from them rape making is a sacred ritual and is done in silence and concentration.
But I also have friend who has been experimenting and making snuffs in his own way in Europe with good results

I believe I mentioned apurina snuff in this thread. I also had some of the kaxinawa snuff.
The same snuff from the same maker can differ from batch to bacth. All depends on nature who always gives variety in it fruits.

Seems you have a good cause for your nicotiana.
Traditionally the tobacco is rolled in to strings or folded in to packets while its still (a bit) wet.
This gives it the chance to ferment and this is why it needs to be roasted to get it bone dry.

#23 Posted : 10/3/2012 2:14:50 PM
Kambogahuasca Panacea wrote:
This is a very good video I just found which even demonstrates at least a bit how to make it. This is the most comprehensive info piece I have found yet on this medicine.


can you please correct the link , which is bad written ?
#24 Posted : 1/21/2013 3:06:45 PM
Kambogahuasca Panacea wrote:
Very helpful as always NamRa, thanks.

I actually heard of a rape that has kambo in it. You could or could not imagine how strong this snuff would be.
I am not gonna try this kambo snuff myself. Might be something for kambohuasca.

Yes, I heard the Kaxinawa snuff it. rOm has this experience of snuffing it, not sure if w/Rape though, would have to see if he responds. I have been planning on adding it to my Rape', not sure if I can use Kambo that I have used on burns though, seems like it would still have some peptides in it. Will have to see, soon I'll walk that path.

Dear Kambogahuasca Panacea and followers, I don´t recommend anyone to "walk that path" of add kambo in any rape or snuff, due to the risk of the user to get ill with the "frog´s disease", reported by a local indian shaman as a very difficult disease to cure. Thumbs down

So, don´t even try "that path". Stop

Kambo is one of the most powerful medicines and everybody must be aware the risks of using it the wrong way.Shocked

Why to take the path lane trail if you yet know and have available smooth ways to walk through?Smile

#25 Posted : 1/21/2013 5:07:42 PM
You do realize that snuff with kambo is not a western invention.
It has a local indian shaman origin.
Find it hard to believe they would create a medicine that actually causes disease

Do you have more information about the symptoms of the "frog's" disease please.

ALso, there no need to shout with your capslocks
#26 Posted : 2/8/2013 1:11:00 PM
yawixi wrote:

Dear Kambogahuasca Panacea and followers, I don´t recommend anyone to "walk that path" of add kambo in any rape or snuff, due to the risk of the user to get ill with the "frog´s disease", reported by a local indian shaman as a very difficult disease to cure.

So, don´t even try "that path".

Kambo is one of the most powerful medicines and everybody must be aware the risks of using it the wrong way.

Why to take the path lane trail if you yet know and have available smooth ways to walk through?

Dear Yawixi

Thank you very much for providing that warning that taking kambo snuff may cause "frog's disease".

Did the local indian state the symptoms of "frog's disease" ?

Do you think the "frog's disease" a type of infectious disease, from a virus or bacterium in the kambo?

Thanks for your help.


#27 Posted : 2/10/2013 5:48:17 PM
Here's the paper on Maquira sclerophylla that talks about it having cardiac glycosides (full text available if you follow the link at the bottom):
Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 1991;86 Suppl 2:235-6.

Cardiac glycosides isolated from the Indian-snuff, Maquira sclerophylla Ducke.
De Carvalho JE, Torres LM, Lapa AJ.

Departamento de Fisiologia, UNESP, Brasil.

The hydroalcoholic extract of the powdered bark of the Indian-snuff Maquira sclerophylla Duck was purified by column chromatography in silica-gel and the major cardenolide isolated from preparative TLC was identified by 1H-NMR, 12C-NMR and IR analyses. The spectra showed that the active substance has strophanthidin as the aglycone.

#28 Posted : 2/11/2013 9:35:38 AM
If the "frog's disease" that sometimes develops from snorting kambo intranasally is due to a virus or bacterium in the kambo, then perhaps this "frog's disease" is more a risk for very fresh kambo that have just been harvested from a frog.

By contrast, perhaps kambo that is dried out and been lying around for many months or years does not pose the same risk for "frog's disease", because the virus or bacterium in the kambo may have been inactivated after all that time.
#29 Posted : 2/14/2013 4:25:43 PM
I had my first Kambo experience a couple weeks ago and felt amazing. Then enjoying Nunu and Hapi a week later. The Nunu was a beautiful green earthly color while the Hapi snuff was brown.

I found the Nunu to be fairly light and enjoyable while the Hapi was quite stronger and sent a rush sensation straight to the rear of my skull right above my neck. I had it both blown into me by someone, and also did it myself with a bendy straw.

I've done a day of Hapi when I self administered about 8 times and felt a bit clogged from that and also had wildly vivid dreams. I haven't found the same though with the Nunu. I also cleansed in liquids for about 4 days then had the Hapi and it was very strong and had me feeing quite light headed and a little detached Fromm the present moment. Also my hunger greatly disappeared.

Just thought I'd share a bit. Would love to find out where I could source a two in one snuff straw and also a regular long more traditional one.

Thank you guys for your sharing.
#30 Posted : 2/14/2013 4:45:11 PM
Seems the yawanawa use another less studied tree together with tobacco in their snuff. They use Platycyamus regnellii, called ´Tsunu´ in their local language (source: , Ricardo Moebus - Psicotropicos, uso (com)sagrado de psicoativos na amazonia yawanawa ).

Im not sure what part of the plant is used but it has flavonoids that are antibactericidal, and also it is possibly a medicine against alzheimer, since it inhibits the AchE and BchE enzymes.

On this same book Ive referenced earlier, it mentions about the Pataxó indigenous people, who dont live in the amazon but in Bahia state of Brazil, besides Kurrutu, the tobacco leaf, they also use Tanacetum vulgare (a known medicinal plant), as well as Commiphora leptophloeos and they even incorporated, as a recent practice, to add nutmeg to their snuff.
#31 Posted : 2/27/2013 2:46:37 AM
Near Leticia in the Colombian Amazon, the Yukuna people make rapè with tobacco and the ash of the leaf of a plant they call "tangarana".

I also met a man from the Huitoto, who told me that the ash of the leaf of "jarumo" work equally fine.
Listen to a man of experience: thou wilt learn more in the woods than in books. Trees and stones will teach thee more than thou canst acquire from the mouth of a master. St. Bernard
#32 Posted : 5/11/2013 7:22:49 PM
My girlfriend and I use Rape' a bunch, somewhere around three times a day. The Rape' is from the Kashinawa tribe around Acre, Brazil. We have never encountered problems with it, and make sure to get the Rape' from the local Indians. During Ayahuasca ceremonies we use it too. Rape' can go from being very light buzz, to, in your face, down on the floor, waiting for the experience to end, with purging out both ends--that I encountered with Ayahuasca,one time, begging for Mama with a severe asthmatic reaction. That happened one time. Not fun, but I still do not regret the experience. Be careful and respect it. That said, I still love it and use it everyday without problem. It is great for when you are tired, or have smoked MJ a bunch and wish for the lift. I like the rush and connection to everything it brings. The medicine cleans the system and has other beneficial effects, that is for sure, and can induce vomiting without the ayahuasca, but the ayahuasca intensifies the effect. About addiction? Quite possibly, as tobacco is addictive, but it surely beats smoking!! The Indians use it during the Ayahuasca ceremony as many other ayahuasceros blow smoked tobacco for cleaning.
#33 Posted : 1/5/2014 1:44:50 AM
Does anybody know where I can order a bulk amount of Rape'... I have been trying may different kinds lately and have been enjoying them all...but I would like to connect with a reliable source for bulk amounts....Can anyone point me in the right direction? thank you sooo much ...Namaste!

#34 Posted : 1/9/2014 2:20:15 AM
Just to correct the post of endlessness, Platycyamus regnellii, also known in Brasil as Pau-Pereira, is not the Tsunu. i've compared them both side by side, and they are quite difrent in consistency...
Healing someone is an act of love, but how can you love someone whitout loving yourself first?
#35 Posted : 1/10/2014 4:05:57 AM
ive been awhile in my rapé study, and all i can say, its like changa! you can virtually use any herb for the desired effect, and yes the ash plays an important factor for the right absorption. if there is not enough ash it will feel to earthy and sting, you will not feel the desired effects. if there is to much ash, it will hurt like hell, and you probably will be to sick to feel any beneficial effect..
but IMO the most important thing of doing rapé is the diet. its really amazing the energy the rapé absorbs, if you do it in the right set and setting, and the plant teachers guide you with the proportions and even other plants that will complement.
Healing someone is an act of love, but how can you love someone whitout loving yourself first?
#36 Posted : 1/12/2014 5:29:36 PM
well, in fact there is a spread rumor that its the same, in many brasilian web sites. in my searches ive seen the same thing, and have made some snuff with pau pereira, and did realize its not the same as the yawanawa snuff. when i was with a yawanawa friend, i brought a bit of pau pereira and asked him. we compared side by side, and they are similar in appearence, but they have a difrent texture, and the size of the barks are difrent too. they may be from the same botanical family, but its not the same species.
Pau-Pereira is in fact Geissospermum laevis, but there is no evidence that they are the same as tsunu. and the pic looks really difrent from the tsunu tree ive seen.
the description doesnt match well either, pau pereira helps with lack of apetite, tsunu supresses the apetite....
Healing someone is an act of love, but how can you love someone whitout loving yourself first?
#37 Posted : 1/23/2014 3:12:21 AM
Is this thread still going?
Death By Astonishment.
#38 Posted : 1/23/2014 3:13:05 AM
Hello Nexians, This is a first time poster and long time reader.(4years) Today I communed with some Ruma/Rapê but my throat wasn't blocked properly. I have a cold right now, lots of mucus and tickling in the lungs. I'm wondering if any particles have become somewhat trapped in my lungs. If anyone has had experience with this or any snuff Yopo etc Please give me your [$0.02$] on this. Thanks a lot.

One Love
Death By Astonishment.
#39 Posted : 5/11/2014 5:31:18 AM
hi! im looking to purchase rape' here in the US. HELP!
i came across your comments in the post on rape' and I saw that you sell it. Ive been spiritually cleansing and detoxing for the last month. I recently did ayahuasca and rape' with a columbian shaman here in new york city. I knew for awhile that i needed something powerful to open me up and cleanse me on a daily basis and the rape worked so well. I would love to purchase some from you. I know the shamans told me his blend Big grin of rape' had nicotiana rustica, pepermint , and ginger embued with all his spiritual energy. please get back to me. can you ship to the us?

Kambogahuascanga wrote:
AHA!!! So there is a post on Rape'!!!

I have the grey kind and it looks like all ash. I think one needs to hunt for it with Kambo because Giovanni Lattanzi and I are the only ones selling it. So if you look up facebook you can find Giovanni's e-mail through his site "K4mbo He4ling". Otherwise I have this kind that is apparently the purist form that my source tells me he has ever come across. It is made direct by the Yawanawa people.

It is pure love power. Painful? No, not if you do Kambo enough. This stuff should only be sold to people dedicated (livicated to Kambo), sorry for the snobbery but it is not just for fun or anything else really. It goes hand in hand with Kambo. Seems like all ash of many different sacred plants. The smell eminates holiness and I am tempted to make an essential oil out of it. I think I have an endless source for this magic dust.

I put this medicine on par with Iboga, Kambo, Ayahuasca, and Sananga. But don't use during Ayahuasca it is dangerous. I tried last night and think I was pushing death. But then again probably 10 times over the past year I have felt on the edge of deaths door so maybe I am just paranoid.

Whatever the case this sacrament is top notch and unique. It gives very unique and still visions. It guarantees purging if someone has difficulty getting it out with Kambo. My source tells me that it is very necessary to use with Kambo to make the experience far more useful. Maybe 10-20 minutes later an individual is fueled with happiness and energy spiritual in nature. It goes very well with Sananga eye drops too.

It is nothing compared to Nu-Nu this stuff (Rape'Pleased is the crown jewel of snuffs although I have never tried virola snuff. I want to make Virola snuff to go along with the Rape' though so I'll report if that comes to fruition.

Lovely medicine made by the teachers of the universe,
The Roots are indigenous

#40 Posted : 9/4/2014 6:10:54 PM
I just wanted to add my own rape recipe that i tried making yesterday.

Roast some mapacho in the oven at about 50c for 5-10mins or untill its very dry, then use your hand and make it into a fine powder.
This powder should then be sieved through a fine net, i used a tea sieve.

After that mix the mapacho dust with ash, i used ash from chaga and amanita muscaria which i torched with my cream bruleu torch.
Im not sure about ratio but i used 1:3 ash, mapacho.

I just tried it out and it was very nice indeed Smile
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