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If you think dmt is real? Options
#21 Posted : 12/9/2011 11:43:17 PM
"Doesn't the idea of making nature against the law, seem to you a bit paranoid?" Bill Hicks
(¯`'·.¸(♥)¸.·'´¯Pleased But suddenly you're ripped into being alive. And life is pain, and life is suffering, and life is horror, but my god you are alive and it is spectacular!
Senior Member | Skills: Harm reduction
#22 Posted : 12/9/2011 11:56:23 PM
Ez wrote:
I shall share a quote from Peter Gorman in his book "Ayahuasca in my Blood." "Among the flora of the world as we know it, several plants are not just allies, they are considered master teachers. You might extend that to read master teachers of humanity. These plants allow us, we humans, to slow down enough to communicate with the mountains; speed up enough to communicate with a hummingbird; visit the realms past and present simultaneous that are here but that we don't ordinarily see or hear within the bandwiths of our senses. When I way realms that are already here, what I mean are other realities that co-exist with ours. Imagine a dog whistle. You blow it, you hear nothing. Your cat hears nothing. But a dog will yelp in pain at the sound. So while you couldn't hear it, it was still there. Your hearing just didn't have a broad enough band."

I was having a very interesting discussion with a friend of mine on this. We were discussing the DMT realm, which he never visisted but he seemed open to it. The discussion trickled down to this:

We humans are equipped with a truckload of sensors. Some of these sensors are external ones. They perceive lights, sounds, touches, tastes, hot, cold and a large variety of others ones. We also have a bunch of internal sensors. Like hunger, the need to urinate, being sick. All these sensors combined end up in one central processing hub: the brain. The brain processes the sensory input and with all that it forms our reality. However, we only possess the sensors we need to survive. Extra sensors to see atomic particles, sense gravity, electromagnetism or see gamma rays would only add additional noise to the system, requiring more processing power and distracts us from the task of survival.

Our reality is only that what we perceive. Look at people that are born deaf. Their entire life they live without the joy of perceiving sounds through the ears. They'll obviously feel the vibrations it causes but will never actually be able to understand what sound truly is until they're given a cochlear implant. Until that point, sound does not exist in their reality apart from a bunch of vibrations. Until Curie discovered radiation, noone would have believed anything of that absurd nature. Invisible beams that pass right through you? Nonsense!

The DMT-Nexus isn't about us all agreeing on what we see. The DMT-Nexus is about us sharing experiences, techniques, harm reduction tips and have philosophical discussions in an attempt to understand ourselves, reality and find our place in life. Taking psychedelics isn't about traveling into another world. It is about traveling inside our own minds and learn from it. Whether this is another dimensions or just a state of being delirious doesn't matter. In the end these experiences teach us about ourselves.

And yes, these substances are illegal, they're banned. But would you be so willingly to accept your own argumentation when it comes to women's rights? Because not too long ago most of the Western world was convinced that the place of a woman was in the kitchen making sandwiches. And if everybody thinks that women should be making sandwiches and clean the house then why question that?
The spice extends life.
The spice expands consciousness.
The spice is vital to space travel.
#23 Posted : 12/9/2011 11:58:01 PM
Tek wrote:

In certain respects, they all sorta do the same thing which is rearrange what you thought was real (not my quote but I forget who said it). Now by stating it that way I've answered your question both ways (specifically the part I highlighted).

All well put Tek and this line is from the song Drop Out by Infected Mushroom. Smile
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness."
— Terence McKenna

"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"
#24 Posted : 12/10/2011 12:08:32 AM
mrs right2 wrote:
Good it's up, but I still older members still attacking the messenger and not the message. Whys that? Call me a troll or angry or newb or whatever I don't care about that. You know why because you prove my point. You have nothing better to say or do than to call me names. I bet you call the government a troll for banning drugs with all your other inside jokes. If you don't understand my post then it wasn't for you, stick to calling people who think and know different from you a troll because you're good at it.
By the way you're braking the rules by being rude to me, the traveller should ban you or do something but I don't think he or she likes to follow his own rules. Bad attitude, being offensive and rude, and calling me names. Their your rules the traveller. If you don't follow them how do you expect everyone else to?

Rayoflight I think you're the one who didn't think that through. Should children be allowed to have guns? They might shoot someone but they might not. Laws are made to prevent harm. How would you enforce stopping people from making fires? There's not that many police of firemen to do that.

mrs right.. i made a terrible mistake about you.. you do not have the right to do what you are doing to this forum.. you cannot on the smallest posiblity admit with enough research that you could be in the smallest sence wrong..it is no longer about censorship.it is about poison i sttod by your right to post. but it is very clear now you just want to fight. i think the mods saw this and did the right thing by banning you..you are an unaccountable ranting person logic and facts mean nothing to you. for this understanding and seeing you as nothing but poison the mods were correct in there choice to ban you.. like a drop of oil in pure water. you are out to just tear this place apart... to the mods my mistake you were wiser
#25 Posted : 12/10/2011 12:35:51 AM
Real is just a word. The only thing thats real is nothing
#26 Posted : 12/10/2011 12:58:02 AM
VoidTraveller wrote:
Ez wrote:
I shall share a quote from Peter Gorman in his book "Ayahuasca in my Blood." "Among the flora of the world as we know it, several plants are not just allies, they are considered master teachers. You might extend that to read master teachers of humanity. These plants allow us, we humans, to slow down enough to communicate with the mountains; speed up enough to communicate with a hummingbird; visit the realms past and present simultaneous that are here but that we don't ordinarily see or hear within the bandwiths of our senses. When I way realms that are already here, what I mean are other realities that co-exist with ours. Imagine a dog whistle. You blow it, you hear nothing. Your cat hears nothing. But a dog will yelp in pain at the sound. So while you couldn't hear it, it was still there. Your hearing just didn't have a broad enough band."

I was having a very interesting discussion with a friend of mine on this. We were discussing the DMT realm, which he never visisted but he seemed open to it. The discussion trickled down to this:

We humans are equipped with a truckload of sensors. Some of these sensors are external ones. They perceive lights, sounds, touches, tastes, hot, cold and a large variety of others ones. We also have a bunch of internal sensors. Like hunger, the need to urinate, being sick. All these sensors combined end up in one central processing hub: the brain. The brain processes the sensory input and with all that it forms our reality. However, we only possess the sensors we need to survive. Extra sensors to see atomic particles, sense gravity, electromagnetism or see gamma rays would only add additional noise to the system, requiring more processing power and distracts us from the task of survival.

Our reality is only that what we perceive. Look at people that are born deaf. Their entire life they live without the joy of perceiving sounds through the ears. They'll obviously feel the vibrations it causes but will never actually be able to understand what sound truly is until they're given a cochlear implant. Until that point, sound does not exist in their reality apart from a bunch of vibrations. Until Curie discovered radiation, noone would have believed anything of that absurd nature. Invisible beams that pass right through you? Nonsense!

The DMT-Nexus isn't about us all agreeing on what we see. The DMT-Nexus is about us sharing experiences, techniques, harm reduction tips and have philosophical discussions in an attempt to understand ourselves, reality and find our place in life. Taking psychedelics isn't about traveling into another world. It is about traveling inside our own minds and learn from it. Whether this is another dimensions or just a state of being delirious doesn't matter. In the end these experiences teach us about ourselves.

And yes, these substances are illegal, they're banned. But would you be so willingly to accept your own argumentation when it comes to women's rights? Because not too long ago most of the Western world was convinced that the place of a woman was in the kitchen making sandwiches. And if everybody thinks that women should be making sandwiches and clean the house then why question that?

Great post.Cool
This is the time to really find out who you are and enjoy every moment you have. Take advantage of it.
Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#27 Posted : 12/10/2011 12:59:12 AM
attacking the messanger and not the message? What message would that be? Only fools carry with them a message they themselves are not willing to get behind. To take the role of messanger of a message you dont support is sort of schizophrenic behaviour, in a bad way.

If you dont like the kind of responce you are getting the message you are bringing here, than at least come here with one that is yours. Then when people argue against it, you dont have to say "hey dont attack me, attack the message"..as if that kind of a statement has any real validity.
Long live the unwoke.
#28 Posted : 12/10/2011 1:06:16 AM
You do realize that the government is in the process of banning/controlling such substances as peppermint, chamomille, and a variety of other herbs and that most of this is due in part to big pharma? If the people know so much, then why is alcohol and tobacco which kill millions of people so readily available? Wouldn't it make sense to ban these substances as well? Or is the billions of dollars they make from taxes on these substances worth more than our lives and well being? Doctors will readily numb our bodies and minds, but having tools to actually help healing are being made illegal left and right. There's enough DMT in our own bodies at any given time to be punished with felony charges so should my mind be illegal?

Sometimes we have to question what is right and wrong and if there are laws that don't make sense or are wrong, then we should be fighting them, not telling people that they should automatically obey. I'm not really certain of your stance as you state that these substances are illegal and the government knows best, but then you talk about womens rights and how those laws were finally changed... perhaps our legislation is in need of some serious work.

(¯`'·.¸(♥)¸.·'´¯Pleased But suddenly you're ripped into being alive. And life is pain, and life is suffering, and life is horror, but my god you are alive and it is spectacular!
#29 Posted : 12/10/2011 2:14:43 AM
mate i think you'll find that a lot of people who use the other hallucinogens - LSD, psilocybe mushrooms, mescaline, iboga etc are percieving real things that cannot normally be percieved with our everyday senses. One of the nexians here whom i can't remember the name of has a really great avatar talking about how 99% of the universe is made of dark matter and that humans can only see 1% of that dark matter.. but when using dmt, we can access this other 99% that we usually cannot pick up with our senses. I think this is a really good analogy myself, and that it dorsnt just apply to dmt (although dmt does seem to have a nature of its own, which is only all the more bizarre as it is not a chemical one can consume orrally without a mono amine oxidase inhibitor... and i think that there is a reason for this and that this molecule has a special role to play in nature and consciousness. I think its also real important to note how the ego can interfere with percieving these experiences. The ego holds your sense of physical reality together. Its kinda like your sense of identity in this physical plane of existance (or this is how i interpret the ego). i think that your sense of identity in the physical plane can also interfere with how the other planes of existance that we cannot normally see are interpreted because they have your layer of physical reality imbued over the top to twist its meaning... and this is especially so when you fearfully try to hold onto your physical identity as a lot of people do when taking psychedelics.

I dont have a great deal of experience with dissacoiatives and delirients.. although i dont find any of them to be particularly ego shattering in the way that the psychedelics are... in my experience when i have had visual "trippy" experiences on dissaccosiatives i am still with my ego the whole time but can still observe some very interesting parts of reality in a different way to hallucinogens ... and id also like to add that while many people discount the credibility of visions on ANY drug, that these other realms that we can visit through drugs like dmt, lsd, psilocybin etc are in fact really wierd and strange and bizzare! western scientific logic has a tough way of explaining these experiences without leaning towards a physical nuts n bolts way to explain them... which is never going to get passed the tendency to class any vision that human beings have on drugs as hallucinations. Different chemical balances will change your perception of reality in many different manners as they effect your mind and body in many different ways. In conclusion, i woudlnt be so quick to just go and say "oh if these ones are real and these ones arent how can this one be real" ... i think you need to start thinking about all the variables that can affect how we see these other elements of reality... preconceptions of reality being a big one. an individuals ego or sense of identity being another.. . Machines and spirits naturally dont mix too well on psychedelics either which can make certain individuals experience sound even further from reality than they akready do.. which can be hard for a materialistic society to get passed.

There are many scopes and vantage points to observe reality from.. chemicals are our tools to change these vantage points and do so in different ways. Natures own chemicals seem to do so in a much more ego shattering and real and intelligent way though than modern designer drugs
#30 Posted : 12/10/2011 3:21:50 AM
"All you touch and all you see
Is all your life will ever be"
#31 Posted : 12/10/2011 10:17:12 AM
You feel like you actually have something new or important to say, if it would be so you would be getting normal responses. First of all your important message doesn't come new or important, but simply disrespectful and without any base for your views, as you are a newb with DMT.
The Traveler
Administrator | Skills: DMT, LSD, Programming
#32 Posted : 12/10/2011 10:52:30 AM
Ez wrote:
You do realize that the government is in the process of banning/controlling such substances as peppermint, chamomille, and a variety of other herbs and that most of this is due in part to big pharma?

Just a correction to this, since it is passed rather often, though what is really happening is often misunderstood.

The government is NOT in the process of banning these herbs! The government is in the process of prohibiting the labeling of ANY substance as medical without actual proof that it IS medical. For having the label medicinal clinical trials are mandatory and there has to be an outcome where it is better working as placebo, not severely harming humans and ANY side effects are mandatory to report.

If they do not do that then anyone can claim that any substance is working for anything. For example, if they do not do this people can make potions made of basil and cinnamon and claim it works versus AIDS, Cancer and the common cold (and is LSD like Razz).

So after this you can still buy the herbs just like you did before, the only difference is that that it is not allowed to wear the label 'medicinal' anymore without having actual proof it is WORKING as medicinal. Maybe health foundations can support clinical trials for common herbs so that the real working herbs can wear that medicinal label again.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Senior Member
#33 Posted : 12/10/2011 12:08:35 PM
To answer your question: No i don´t think machine-elves and the like, are 'real'.
This is not a sectarian cult of believers or something.
#34 Posted : 12/10/2011 1:10:02 PM
Peppermint was recently banned in the UK to see how it flies along with the sharing of. How to put this into legislation. I believe it has a lot to do with the codex alivarius which was originally intended as a guide to so that people would know what foods are safe to eat in different countries. It's a bit scary what's happening here and if I will try to post some sources after work. Make a whole new thread for us and what not.
(¯`'·.¸(♥)¸.·'´¯Pleased But suddenly you're ripped into being alive. And life is pain, and life is suffering, and life is horror, but my god you are alive and it is spectacular!
The Traveler
Administrator | Skills: DMT, LSD, Programming
#35 Posted : 12/10/2011 2:22:03 PM
Ez wrote:
Peppermint was recently banned in the UK to see how it flies along with the sharing of.

Do you have a link of this? Because I think this is not how it is and I want to prevent people from making the wrong conclusions. And please, don't link to any herbal page which has an interest in propagating propaganda like this (like gaia-health).

Just to give you an idea why I think this is not true, check out this page: Peppermint tea all over the place for you to buy in the UK. Somehow this does not compute with your "Peppermint was recently banned in the UK" claim.

Kind regards,

The Traveler

#36 Posted : 12/10/2011 3:56:10 PM
A very interesting thread indeed. I'm one of those who is very happy to accept that life is made up of "experiences". What we consider to be real, is strictly a moment to moment phenomena, because energy is in constant movement, and nothing lasts forever. So when we make an experience, i believe it is "real" for that moment that it's alive in our senses. The fact that it is not permanent or cannot be measured does not necessarily make it unreal. We choose to believe in a reality of our own constructs, and one things for sure, there is a saying "seeing is believing". I think in the end we must stop overanalising what reality is or isn't, and simply enjoy the moment to moment miracle of life.

-We are lucky to be alive, and IMO we are here to enjoy life, and make life a happy experience. Good vibes are a sign that we are living in a correct way. A smile says it all. Making interesting pyschadelic experiences is a personal choice to bypass thinking, and connect to the simple plain truth, of whatever it is. Cool
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
Senior Member
#37 Posted : 12/10/2011 3:59:57 PM
The Traveler wrote:
Ez wrote:
Peppermint was recently banned in the UK to see how it flies along with the sharing of.

Do you have a link of this? Because I think this is not how it is and I want to prevent people from making the wrong conclusions. And please, don't link to any herbal page which has an interest in propagating propaganda like this (like gaia-health).

Just to give you an idea why I think this is not true, check out this page: Peppermint tea all over the place for you to buy in the UK. Somehow this does not compute with your "Peppermint was recently banned in the UK" claim.

Kind regards,

The Traveler

yeah, you´d think that would make the headlines.
#38 Posted : 12/10/2011 5:32:38 PM
Congratulations mrs. right 1 and or 2, 784 views and 36 replies in 2 days! Actually I quite admire the fighting spirit, despite the odds being against you.
Maybe we shall hear more from you? Perhaps a little less confrontational?

" Teach not thy lip such scorn, for it was made for kissing my lady, not for such contempt" : William Shakespeare

#39 Posted : 12/10/2011 7:39:30 PM
polytrip wrote:
The Traveler wrote:
Ez wrote:
Peppermint was recently banned in the UK to see how it flies along with the sharing of.

Do you have a link of this? Because I think this is not how it is and I want to prevent people from making the wrong conclusions. And please, don't link to any herbal page which has an interest in propagating propaganda like this (like gaia-health).

Just to give you an idea why I think this is not true, check out this page: Peppermint tea all over the place for you to buy in the UK. Somehow this does not compute with your "Peppermint was recently banned in the UK" claim.

Kind regards,

The Traveler

yeah, you´d think that would make the headlines.

Peppermint is still perfectly legal in the UK and is widely available. As Traveler noted before the issue is actually about labeling products as medicinal.
D × V × F > R
#40 Posted : 12/10/2011 7:54:42 PM
The second you respond to any of the above, mrs right, is the second I'll respond to you. Waitin' for it.


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