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What does "let go" and "difficulty integrating experiences" really mean? Options
Friar Fnord
#21 Posted : 12/6/2011 3:35:24 AM
If I may quote for you a page which I keep on the wall of my pantry, central to the house. The concepts of 'surrender' and 'letting go' written below have been instrumental in overcoming myself and can easily be readily to the aforementioned regarding ego-dissolution:


Reprinted with courtesy of Deep-Tissue Zen Therapy

There is a moment in every treatment when change happens. It is not the moment of most effort, nor is it the moment of greatest pain, deepest emotion or clearest reason. It is the moment of surrender. It is the time when you accept your condition in that second and allow yourself the freedom to heal.

Surrender is not easy. Often it takes an hour or more of painstaking focus, fighting your thoughts, resisting pain, to reach the point where you are able to relax into your body's natural ability to heal itself. Sometimes, it takes months or even years to reach this point.

Surrender contradicts your mind's advice. Your mind tells you to avoid the pain. It gives you other things to think about and urges you to stay in control. It warns you that reaching into the pain, opening the inner door, letting down the wall, will be a disaster. It fills you with fear, protects you with anger. It masks you with depression.

Surrender is not an intellectual decision. You may say to yourself, "Yes I'm ready to change", and still you feel frustrated and stuck in the same old patterns. When you are truly willing to change at a gut level, in your bones, in your blood; the surrender arises from deep in your heart.

Surrender challenges your limits. You have probably had experiences that were so challenging that you momentarily checked out mentally. It is a common response when the intensity of feelings or physical pain becomes overwhelming. Working with the discomfort rather than fighting it, is the key to letting go.

Surrender is not quitting. In our culture, the word often connotes weakness. In truth, it takes greater strength and courage to surrender your pain and limitations than it goes to ignore them. You have to face your fears to surrender them. You have to recognise and acknowledge your pain to get it go. This kind of surrender is not giving up - it is stepping forward.

Surrender requires trusting the unknown. Surrender means relinquishing the control your thinking mind holds over you and letting the inherent wisdom of your body do the thinking and healing. Surrender simply creates the emotional and mental state that enables change to happen spontaneously at the deepest levels within you. It may only last for a moment. But that single moment of change is enough to transform your life.

Love and light,
Friar Fnord is merely a fictional character invented in the mind of the author and any information, scenarios or discussions which I write of are depictions of a roleplay to serve as inspiration for my book. I do not condone nor pratice any illegal activity I may pretend to write about as I do believe in upholding State and Federal laws. Any depiction of people alive or dead is purely coincidental and should be taken as a work of fiction.

"Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted." - Hassan i Sabbah X

Terrence McKenna - The Message
#22 Posted : 12/6/2011 6:05:05 AM
Lol at the people who take online forums about dmt serious and even more lol at the people who get offended on the online forum for dmt. My opinion is if my your allowing yourself to get worked up and angry trying to deny your ego on a online forum you really haven't gotten the bigger picture yet. Don't be upset your only fueling the thing you thought you lost.
Friar Fnord
#23 Posted : 12/6/2011 1:48:31 PM
Death&Decay wrote:
Lol at the people who take online forums about dmt serious and even more lol at the people who get offended on the online forum for dmt. My opinion is if my your allowing yourself to get worked up and angry trying to deny your ego on a online forum you really haven't gotten the bigger picture yet. Don't be upset your only fueling the thing you thought you lost.

Well see that's the funny thing now, isn't it?

Eris laughs at us all Pleased

Friar Fnord is merely a fictional character invented in the mind of the author and any information, scenarios or discussions which I write of are depictions of a roleplay to serve as inspiration for my book. I do not condone nor pratice any illegal activity I may pretend to write about as I do believe in upholding State and Federal laws. Any depiction of people alive or dead is purely coincidental and should be taken as a work of fiction.

"Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted." - Hassan i Sabbah X

Terrence McKenna - The Message
Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#24 Posted : 12/6/2011 3:45:41 PM
Death&Decay wrote:
Global wrote:
Death&Decay wrote:
But, no matter how many times you think you dissolve your ego, it's never gone. If your ego was gone, you would be totally fucked. You wouldn't know how to breathe, how to eat, how to drive your car, you would lose the important traits that define your human existence as an animal on this planet. The sub conscious mind, is ultimately what our ego is. A vast collection of all that we know and understand, and without that part of yourself, you wouldn't be alive. So, understand, it is an infinite process of walking up a flight of stairs. You think your almost to the top, but you never quite get there, until you die, and you no longer need stairs to get where your going.

The ego from the way I understand it is not the subconscious mind. It's that part of you that defines yourself as an individual. Furthermore you don't need an ego to breathe. Breathing can be completely involuntary requiring no part of your consciousness or subconscious as is with the case of going into deep sleep which is dreamless, with no operation of the ego, yet you still wake up. If you stopped breathing during this regular ego dissolution every night, you would be dead in very little time at all.

I believe that is a misconception... What, is the ego? What is it? It's different to each person, but essentially it is everything that we establish under our uniqueness. How we breathe, eat and all sub conscious activity is in fact tied to your ego. Think of it like this, your ego IS your physical perception of reality and every which way you interact with it. For that reason, one can not truly remove their ego or they would die.

You must understand, there are two archetypes within you at all times. Your ego which is the animal and sub conscious auto pilot self, and your higher self -- the self that is creative, loving, inspirational and intuitive. Basically, your higher self is the opposite of your ego, your ego holds true to all physicality, how you perceive physical reality and how you react to it. Breathing, eating, and even excreting waste are all part of your ego. Those parts however, will never subside.

Your ego is also tied to things like fears, hate and so forth. It's the ying to the yang. Its the duality of your soul. It's what binds you to this earth. Thats why you can't remove it. You can, and I repeat, only partially dissolve parts of it back into the higher self by and only by making amends with that which you are trying to dissolve. But, some parts of your ego can never be dissolved UNLESS you die, which you don't want to do.

Most all of us we live in the ego 100%. That's why these spiritual experiences are so important, because it allows you to perceive a positive truth where you originally placed either a negative truth or no truth at all. If you think of all your life, all the things you believe in, all the ways you bind yourself to reality, you will realize you can never get rid of all of that while your alive, but that isn't even the point. The ego is a GOOD thing, but essentially it is also all your negative stuff.

So, when someone says they dissolve their ego, its a portion of what that ego is... its not really gone... You can't get rid of it, period. You think im wrong, that's fine, it's not going to make any difference to your higher self which is trying to help you break through it anyways. One thing I learned is that nothing I learned really matters, its all perception.

Agree to disagree I guess.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
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