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Has anyone ever asked an entity Options
Senior Member
#21 Posted : 11/30/2011 3:51:05 AM
Are there? Have there been reports of any? Never in my travels. It wouldn't surprise me at all though. Did you read the thread "Did I scare an entity?" that's kind of an example as to what you are describing.

Are all beings connected to hyperspace? Or is it the operating dimension? Or is it Cool
#22 Posted : 11/30/2011 11:01:51 PM
Thank you for the thread recommendation. Very interesting read.
#23 Posted : 11/30/2011 11:55:58 PM
I've never had interactions with the entities in my trips. I sense them - normally a group. Sometimes I know what they are doing, sometimes I just feel them being there. Sometimes I actually see story lines about them that continue on for many trips in a row. but I've never tried to "join in" or interact. It never occurs to me while I'm observing. But they know I am there. I'm just happy to see them there - they always seem friendly.

But next time I want to make a conscience effort to see if i can make contact or communicate.
#24 Posted : 12/1/2011 9:47:32 AM
۩ wrote:

onthousandk, to sound like a crazy person, I think we stem from hyperspace in a way. What is alive there knows all about us. It could possibly be responsible for us. It could possibly be a mechanism to monitor us set up by those who are responsible. I don't have a clue. I just don't think that something as highly advanced as hyperspace wouldn't know what we were, and ask us silly human questions. Whatever it is...it knows...that's just how I see it...

I share the same view bro.
#25 Posted : 12/3/2011 11:59:10 PM
Dream2Awaken wrote:
I asked an entity (that I often felt came around when I smoked) a couple questions.

I first asked if the slight electric shot I was feeling, if it was yes and no answers, and ended up with a yes. Every shock seemed to be a yes, nothing felt meant no. Kind of wonder why it didn't just speak.

What were the electric shots like? I think I felt this in one trip but it felt like pain, like lots of things were being pulled out of me.
#26 Posted : 12/4/2011 12:30:06 AM
Hyperspace Fool wrote:
According to what the entities always tell me... everything is a manifestation of mind. (including this world)

The question is... whose mind?

Your mind. Reality is the final product of external stimuli mixed with the inner workings of the brain. Come on people, you all know this.

This thread is full of crazies, no disrespect and I've been feeling a little crazy myself lately, but you took a hallucinogen and then believed what you're hallucinating. Hyperspace, entities, they're inside you, when the drug. The brain's very powerful, more powerful than any super computer built and look what they can do. Our consciousness is the tip of the iceberg, and our study of the brain, neuroscience and psychology etc is still taking baby steps. Don't fill you lack of knowledge of humans, the world, life, reality etc with absurdities. It's not healthy. I'm convinced the brain has something inside of it which lets people believe something is real. We don't normally believe our dream, we're skeptical when someone says something out of the ordinary, but we can fall for mirages, illusions and hallucinations. It may be solely based on the individual and any preconceived notions they have. Either way the mind latches on to ideas. Taking drugs to bring out abnormal ideas is fine, but believing in them is potentially dangerous, for yourself and for other. This sites health and safety page even warns users to not believe what is witnessed while under the influence of DMT. Believing things on DMT is real is the same as someone taking Datura who believes they're seeing their dead girlfriend and tries to make-out with her. It's ridiculous.
If it's any consolation after feeling a bit out of it I delved in one last time and what came out of that experience was reassurance that I/we only perceive the world, not make it. We all know this, thinking otherwise is poison to the mind.

Sorry for the wall of text. Peace.

Sky Motion
#27 Posted : 12/4/2011 12:49:43 AM
Geines wrote:
Hyperspace Fool wrote:
According to what the entities always tell me... everything is a manifestation of mind. (including this world)

The question is... whose mind?

Your mind. Reality is the final product of external stimuli mixed with the inner workings of the brain. Come on people, you all know this.

This thread is full of crazies, no disrespect and I've been feeling a little crazy myself lately, but you took a hallucinogen and then believed what you're hallucinating. Hyperspace, entities, they're inside you, when the drug. The brain's very powerful, more powerful than any super computer built and look what they can do. Our consciousness is the tip of the iceberg, and our study of the brain, neuroscience and psychology etc is still taking baby steps. Don't fill you lack of knowledge of humans, the world, life, reality etc with absurdities. It's not healthy. I'm convinced the brain has something inside of it which lets people believe something is real. We don't normally believe our dream, we're skeptical when someone says something out of the ordinary, but we can fall for mirages, illusions and hallucinations. It may be solely based on the individual and any preconceived notions they have. Either way the mind latches on to ideas. Taking drugs to bring out abnormal ideas is fine, but believing in them is potentially dangerous, for yourself and for other. This sites health and safety page even warns users to not believe what is witnessed while under the influence of DMT. Believing things on DMT is real is the same as someone taking Datura who believes they're seeing their dead girlfriend and tries to make-out with her. It's ridiculous.
If it's any consolation after feeling a bit out of it I delved in one last time and what came out of that experience was reassurance that I/we only perceive the world, not make it. We all know this, thinking otherwise is poison to the mind.

Sorry for the wall of text. Peace.

A lot of people use DMT for their own spiritual reasons and to connect to their own god. Just because you believe that it's ALL because of the drug doesn't give you the right to try and press it on people. Believe what you believe, and let others do the same.
#28 Posted : 12/4/2011 1:16:30 AM
I think essentially that this is a matter of having a balanced sense of rationalism, circumspection and healthy skepticism. I believe that one must keep a neutral and mutually respectful attitude towards these things; whether they are simply manifestations of chemically altered brain chemistry or perhaps they are, in fact, a conscious entity.

Personally I feel it could be a little of both - a personification of external stimuli; information being filtered through our enhanced, yet still limited, senses into a more recognisable pattern. We do not see how it truly is, we see a kind of translation/conversion and still we only catch a glimpse of this information.

Terence Mckenna's take on this:

"It is no great accomplishment to hear a voice in the head. The accomplishment is to make sure that it is telling you the truth, because the demons are of many kinds:

'Some are made of ions, some of the mind; the ones of ketamine, you'll find, stutter often and are blind.'

The reaction to these voices is not to kneel in genuflection before a God. There is no dignity in the universe unless we meet these things on our feet, and that means having an I/Though relationship (to treat a stranger with positive thoughts and that the stranger is also an "I" - a living being with a consciousness and a sense of self).

One says to the other: 'You say you are omniscient, omnipresent, or you say you are from Zeta Reticuli. You're long on talk, but what can you show me?' Magicians who invoke these things, have always understood that one must go into such encounters with one's wits about oneself."
I am a piece of knowledge-retaining computer code imitating an imaginary organic being.
#29 Posted : 12/4/2011 2:07:19 AM
I once asked the entities as i was fading out "Is this all in my head" and the answer was "of course" but that doesn't necessarily mean it wasn't actually happening, I realized this later. I asked if they were real as well but got no response.
#30 Posted : 12/4/2011 2:58:15 AM
Sky Motion wrote:

A lot of people use DMT for their own spiritual reasons and to connect to their own god. Just because you believe that it's ALL because of the drug doesn't give you the right to try and press it on people. Believe what you believe, and let others do the same.

I have the right to speak, you have the right to ignore. Likewise you telling me what rights I may or may not have is no different from what I'm doing. And you're completely missing the point. Beliefs can be dangerous which is evident throughout history and so can drugs. These are facts. Notice I said "can".
As for spirituality and personal god, I never mentioned them. The talk of hyperspace here is a literal place in the universe or in "another dimension". The entities are the inhabitants. Sounds like sci fi to me.
I could tell you who you think "god" is, but I don't think you'd want me to, so farewell.
#31 Posted : 12/4/2011 5:40:40 AM
I was once given this divine truth, literally i could look at/into it and realize it was something that was always with/is us. As i was being mesmorized by this impossible miracle i began to 'fall' back into myself and i held onto it as it became colder and more distant (and grey from its previous infinite light).

Once i came to, all this beautiful gift became symbols and concepts. basically the divine truth i was shown became 4 lesser truths that boiled down to:
-you are not your name
-you are everything/you are doing everything that is happening when you are not the doer
-you cannot see/know yourself
-keep breathing

that was it
#32 Posted : 12/4/2011 5:41:03 AM
Geines wrote:

you took a hallucinogen and then believed what you're hallucinating.

There is another thread on here. It's talking about research done showing your brain registers what is sees on aya, as real. Just as real as it does when your not on the drug. So if your mind accepts it as entirely real. Why wouldn't it be?

You talk as if everyone is having irrational thoughts that they accept as fact, and act on. Clearly not the case. I have yet to read a thread entitled, "So I committed another crime on DMT." In it they'd talk about demented voices (that apparently we all hear) telling them steal for a god they can't pronounce the name of.

he talk of hyperspace here is a literal place in the universe or in "another dimension". The entities are the inhabitants. Sounds like sci fi to me.

Ask around. Different members will give you a different description of what they THINK hyperspace is. Notice I said think right? It's up to ones interpretation and perception.

There is a big difference between thinking about something, and believing in it.

I could tell you who you think "god" is, but I don't think you'd want me to, so farewell.

I would love to hear you tell us who we think is god. Please go on.
Let the Tao flow through you. Be the embodiment of it so throughout, that when passed by on the street they say, "Look! There goes Dao!"
Hyperspace Fool
#33 Posted : 12/4/2011 10:48:32 AM
Geines wrote:
Hyperspace Fool wrote:
According to what the entities always tell me... everything is a manifestation of mind. (including this world)

The question is... whose mind?

Your mind. Reality is the final product of external stimuli mixed with the inner workings of the brain. Come on people, you all know this.
Ummm... is there some new peer-reviewed scientific experiment on this subject that I, and all the other people on this forum hungry for such a study, have missed? If so, please link to it. Seriously. I love to read what guys who live under fluorescent lights think that reality is. I really do.

This thread is full of crazies, no disrespect and I've been feeling a little crazy myself lately, but you took a hallucinogen and then believed what you're hallucinating.
How is calling people crazy not disrespectful?

How is wondering whose mind might be manifesting the things that seem to be beyond one's personal abilities to manifest... crazy. It is a question. Not a pronouncement.

And, even if I were pronouncing things you disagree with (or simply have no direct experience of), your attitude here seems immature and judgmental.

Hyperspace, entities, they're inside you, when the drug. The brain's very powerful, more powerful than any super computer built and look what they can do. Our consciousness is the tip of the iceberg, and our study of the brain, neuroscience and psychology etc is still taking baby steps. Don't fill you lack of knowledge of humans, the world, life, reality etc with absurdities. It's not healthy. I'm convinced the brain has something inside of it which lets people believe something is real. We don't normally believe our dream, we're skeptical when someone says something out of the ordinary, but we can fall for mirages, illusions and hallucinations. It may be solely based on the individual and any preconceived notions they have. Either way the mind latches on to ideas. Taking drugs to bring out abnormal ideas is fine, but believing in them is potentially dangerous, for yourself and for other. This sites health and safety page even warns users to not believe what is witnessed while under the influence of DMT. Believing things on DMT is real is the same as someone taking Datura who believes they're seeing their dead girlfriend and tries to make-out with her. It's ridiculous.
These are your conjectures. You can't hope to verify this, so you are sure of all this... how?

Ridiculous is highly subjective and relative. I realize that you are ridiculing us, but the arguments for or against objective reality of hyperspace and its denizens, are not inherently ridiculous.

As for dangerous... you could make the opposite argument just as easily. Imagine for a moment that you are wrong. Imagine that Hypersapce is, in fact, real... and that entities do exist independently from us. In this case, your advice and position on the matter could be rather dangerous. It could lull people into believing that this is simply the innocuous psychotomimetic effects of a simple compound.

Since the human race doesn't know the truth about this subject with any certainty... acting like it is wrongheaded to even consider the possibility that the feelings and direct experiences of large numbers of intelligent and thoughtful people might be suggesting something outside of your belief system, amounts to fundamentalism.

The fact that many people perceive the exact same landscapes and entities (even in Strassman's clinical trials) is a strong piece of evidence that your "just hallucinating" idea might be false. After all, we all don't share the same subconscious detritus. You don't truly believe that jesters, octopoids, and elves are hardwired into our CNS, do you?


If it's any consolation after feeling a bit out of it I delved in one last time and what came out of that experience was reassurance that I/we only perceive the world, not make it. We all know this, thinking otherwise is poison to the mind.

Sorry for the wall of text. Peace.

We don't all know anything.

If you are sorry for a wall of text, perhaps you should acquaint yourself with the return (enter) key. It is faster than apologizing.

"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
#34 Posted : 12/4/2011 10:56:56 AM
Geines wrote:
The talk of hyperspace here is a literal place in the universe or in "another dimension". The entities are the inhabitants. Sounds like sci fi to me.

How can it not sound like sci-fi? Laughing
I think the more and more one explores the further one can understand he/she can't say much with certainty about "hyperspace".
#35 Posted : 12/4/2011 12:23:23 PM
Geines wrote:
I could tell you who you think "god" is, but I don't think you'd want me to, so farewell.

Come on man, of course we would ! Farewell ? dam, just as it was getting interesting.
#36 Posted : 12/4/2011 1:18:13 PM
arcanum wrote:
Geines wrote:
I could tell you who you think "god" is, but I don't think you'd want me to, so farewell.

Come on man, of course we would ! Farewell ? dam, just as it was getting interesting.

Salvia divinorum expertSenior Member
#37 Posted : 12/4/2011 1:39:22 PM
Geines wrote:
Your mind. Reality is the final product of external stimuli mixed with the inner workings of the brain. Come on people, you all know this.

This thread is full of crazies, no disrespect and I've been feeling a little crazy myself lately, but you took a hallucinogen and then believed what you're hallucinating. Hyperspace, entities, they're inside you, when the drug. The brain's very powerful, more powerful than any super computer built and look what they can do. Our consciousness is the tip of the iceberg, and our study of the brain, neuroscience and psychology etc is still taking baby steps. Don't fill you lack of knowledge of humans, the world, life, reality etc with absurdities. It's not healthy. I'm convinced the brain has something inside of it which lets people believe something is real.


If it's any consolation after feeling a bit out of it I delved in one last time and what came out of that experience was reassurance that I/we only perceive the world, not make it. We all know this, thinking otherwise is poison to the mind.

Sorry for the wall of text. Peace.

I hope you understand that what you express concerning the nature of psychedelic experiences and reality are your beliefs. The “ultimate” nature of reality is something that can’t be scientifically tested. We simply don’t know what reality actually is, or even if there is such a thing.

For all you know, everyday experience is a hallucination. How would you go about scientifically testing that idea? And does the fact that you believe in something which quite possibly isn’t real make you a “crazy” too?

Someday, it might be possible to scientifically show that all DMT-induced hallucinations are brain-generated. I don’t think we’re anywhere near where we’d need to be scientifically and technologically to approach such a problem, but it’s possible at least in theory.

However, it’s not possible, not even in theory, to “prove” that reality exists as it seems. (In fact, the deeper physicists explore the basic constituents of physical reality, the less “physical” reality seems to be.)

There are many other possibilities than the seeming dichotomy you offer when you suggest that either our minds create reality or reality is entirely something we perceive. Use your scientific imagination and you’ll see this is true.

And here’s a question for you which you need not answer, but at least think about it: What would it mean to you if “reality” isn’t what you think it is?
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#38 Posted : 12/4/2011 2:04:21 PM
Dream2Awaken wrote:
Geines wrote:

you took a hallucinogen and then believed what you're hallucinating.

There is another thread on here. It's talking about research done showing your brain registers what is sees on aya, as real. Just as real as it does when your not on the drug. So if your mind accepts it as entirely real. Why wouldn't it be?

You talk as if everyone is having irrational thoughts that they accept as fact, and act on. Clearly not the case. I have yet to read a thread entitled, "So I committed another crime on DMT." In it they'd talk about demented voices (that apparently we all hear) telling them steal for a god they can't pronounce the name of.

he talk of hyperspace here is a literal place in the universe or in "another dimension". The entities are the inhabitants. Sounds like sci fi to me.

Ask around. Different members will give you a different description of what they THINK hyperspace is. Notice I said think right? It's up to ones interpretation and perception.

There is a big difference between thinking about something, and believing in it.

I could tell you who you think "god" is, but I don't think you'd want me to, so farewell.

I would love to hear you tell us who we think is god. Please go on.

"research done showing your brain registers what is sees on aya, as real. Just as real as it does when your not on the drug. So if your mind accepts it as entirely real. Why wouldn't it be?"
I already said the brain chooses what's real and what isn't. Did you not read the whole of my post? I too have thought what I experienced on DMT to be real and it wasn't pleasant. Read what I wrote here if you want to know https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=27627

"You talk as if everyone is having irrational thoughts that they accept as fact"
I don't know if they act on it, but some do accept it as fact. They say it themselves.
"Clearly not the case."
Clearly it is.
"I have yet to read a thread entitled, "So I committed another crime on DMT."
You think crimes are irrational? Oh dear.
"In it they'd talk about demented voices (that apparently we all hear) telling them steal for a god they can't pronounce the name of."
Personally I can see this happening because of what happened to me, but I've never read a DMT user ever doing this. But do you really think someone who's gone off the deep end would come back to the internet and laugh about it? If people have lost it on DMT they would be in some sort of care and we probably would never know. Known DMT incidents are usually people admitting themself to a hospital.

"Ask around. Different members will give you a different description of what they THINK hyperspace is. Notice I said think right? It's up to ones interpretation and perception."
Read above. Also the post was addressing this thread in particular, which I state. I read this thread, have you? Sounds like you haven't.

"There is a big difference between thinking about something, and believing in it."
10 points to you sir.

"I would love to hear you tell us who we think is god. Please go on."
Here I'm referring to the inner god, not the one or thing that is supposed to have created this universe etc. Bare in mind I'm no psychologist so I won't using "big words" nor will I be attempting to write an essay on this.

The inner god is a combination of factors, just like love, which people also interpret as a single force until it's broken down. First what is god? You can't describe it so from the very beginning it can be given any attributes. Most, if not all, are subjected to religious teachings and beliefs throughout childhood and even in adulthood. That creates and continually molds preconceived notions. It's implanted inside us, without that we wouldn't call what we feel "god". We as humans are capable of many emotions. They come at different levels, and are uncontrollable. If we were consumed by them we would be just like animals. It's our intellect and capacity for knowledge and understanding which sets us apart. But no matter how smart we think we are there is a force under our conscious that ultimately controls us. We can not deny or control certain parts of our being, we are here for the ride. (I assume most agree with scientists who say the brain is where everything happens, I assume most rational people agree with, or accept, the scientific theory that consciousness resides in the brain, one way or another. If you don't then there's no point reading the rest.) Below the consciousness is the subconscious, there maybe other names and types but I'll use that title for now, and the working brain. Let's say the brain exists, the subconscious controls it, and our level of conscious is the result. I understand it's more complex than that.
Now, our idea of god is present, since we're not of the same mind it'll differ for everybody to some degree, like how thoughts of an event usually differs between people. It's usually beneficial in some way. Thoughts don't go away they're stored, so even if someone's an atheist the mere mention of god will bring up a personal form. We've never seen god, or heard god, hence believing and believers, but we sometimes can experience it. We get a feeling, or think we sense something, profound or out of our control, a guiding force and we instinctively call it god. But it's happening on a subconscious level, the brain is sending signals to the right places, or the wrong places. Your subconscious is whats performing these acts. You may feel love or insight at that time, or a combination of emotions present when subconscious activity is taking place. You can't control it, make it happen or make it stop. Our intellect is so frightened of the unknown it feels the gap. Fact, our eyes have blind spots which the brain feels, our memories and dreams have parts missing which the brain feels. It's like pressing all the right buttons to bring about an action, the buttons and actions may be different for different people but it is inside of us.
From another perceptive, the idea of god is, for lack of a better word, stupid. You didn't not come up with it, it is an outside thought, there is nothing in existence that would make you think god exists. All normal thoughts are back by evidence, usually what you have gained through your senses. Thoughts outside of that is you imagination gone wild. It's not a bad a thing, it's just not normal. Your idea of god has been given to you by others, and the idea of god is so prevalent most of the world believes it. Gods come in many shapes and sizes, from a cat to an intangible creator of the universe. But it's still there. Have you ever asked yourself why you believe in one type of god and not another. Why not believe in the greek gods? You know the answer. All gods are imaginary until proven real. The realness is inside of you, you're the one giving life to it.
Using drugs makes the subconscious stronger, the brain is far more active than usual. Any feelings of god have the possibility of coming out. You could manufacture a god drug if you was smart enough. XTC is todays love drug, DMT is todays god drug, the difference is love is normal and people know what it is. Sensing god isn't, we don't normally feel it once a week or when do something, it's random.

To put it simply, your thoughts plus emotions plus subconscious and brain activity equals the god inside you.
Thats the best way I can explain it right now. There's no need to nitpick at minor details, you know what I mean. But if you completely disagree I wouldn't mind hearing your reasons.
#39 Posted : 12/4/2011 2:43:36 PM
Hyperspace Fool wrote:
Geines wrote:
Hyperspace Fool wrote:
According to what the entities always tell me... everything is a manifestation of mind. (including this world)

The question is... whose mind?

Your mind. Reality is the final product of external stimuli mixed with the inner workings of the brain. Come on people, you all know this.
Ummm... is there some new peer-reviewed scientific experiment on this subject that I, and all the other people on this forum hungry for such a study, have missed? If so, please link to it. Seriously. I love to read what guys who live under fluorescent lights think that reality is. I really do.

This thread is full of crazies, no disrespect and I've been feeling a little crazy myself lately, but you took a hallucinogen and then believed what you're hallucinating.
How is calling people crazy not disrespectful?

How is wondering whose mind might be manifesting the things that seem to be beyond one's personal abilities to manifest... crazy. It is a question. Not a pronouncement.

And, even if I were pronouncing things you disagree with (or simply have no direct experience of), your attitude here seems immature and judgmental.

Hyperspace, entities, they're inside you, when the drug. The brain's very powerful, more powerful than any super computer built and look what they can do. Our consciousness is the tip of the iceberg, and our study of the brain, neuroscience and psychology etc is still taking baby steps. Don't fill you lack of knowledge of humans, the world, life, reality etc with absurdities. It's not healthy. I'm convinced the brain has something inside of it which lets people believe something is real. We don't normally believe our dream, we're skeptical when someone says something out of the ordinary, but we can fall for mirages, illusions and hallucinations. It may be solely based on the individual and any preconceived notions they have. Either way the mind latches on to ideas. Taking drugs to bring out abnormal ideas is fine, but believing in them is potentially dangerous, for yourself and for other. This sites health and safety page even warns users to not believe what is witnessed while under the influence of DMT. Believing things on DMT is real is the same as someone taking Datura who believes they're seeing their dead girlfriend and tries to make-out with her. It's ridiculous.
These are your conjectures. You can't hope to verify this, so you are sure of all this... how?

Ridiculous is highly subjective and relative. I realize that you are ridiculing us, but the arguments for or against objective reality of hyperspace and its denizens, are not inherently ridiculous.

As for dangerous... you could make the opposite argument just as easily. Imagine for a moment that you are wrong. Imagine that Hypersapce is, in fact, real... and that entities do exist independently from us. In this case, your advice and position on the matter could be rather dangerous. It could lull people into believing that this is simply the innocuous psychotomimetic effects of a simple compound.

Since the human race doesn't know the truth about this subject with any certainty... acting like it is wrongheaded to even consider the possibility that the feelings and direct experiences of large numbers of intelligent and thoughtful people might be suggesting something outside of your belief system, amounts to fundamentalism.

The fact that many people perceive the exact same landscapes and entities (even in Strassman's clinical trials) is a strong piece of evidence that your "just hallucinating" idea might be false. After all, we all don't share the same subconscious detritus. You don't truly believe that jesters, octopoids, and elves are hardwired into our CNS, do you?


If it's any consolation after feeling a bit out of it I delved in one last time and what came out of that experience was reassurance that I/we only perceive the world, not make it. We all know this, thinking otherwise is poison to the mind.

Sorry for the wall of text. Peace.

We don't all know anything.

If you are sorry for a wall of text, perhaps you should acquaint yourself with the return (enter) key. It is faster than apologizing.


" Ummm... is there some new peer-reviewed scientific experiment on this subject that I, and all the other people on this forum hungry for such a study, have missed? If so, please link to it. Seriously. I love to read what guys who live under fluorescent lights think that reality is. I really do."
It's theoretical. The information is out there, and I'm no neuroscientist so I don't have archives or the stuff. If you want to believe fairies from another plain is controlling your mind, well good luck with that.

"How is calling people crazy not disrespectful?"
Because I said no disrespect. If you choose to think someone calling you crazy because you're doing something odd is bad then deep down you're insecure with your actions. If you thought what you was doing was right you wouldn't be offended even if I was trying to offend you.

"How is wondering whose mind might be manifesting the things that seem to be beyond one's personal abilities to manifest... crazy. It is a question."
I addressed this in the post above.

"And, even if I were pronouncing things you disagree with (or simply have no direct experience of), your attitude here seems immature and judgmental."
Are you unaware you're judging me? I know I'm judgmental, but you don't even know what you're doing.

"These are your conjectures. You can't hope to verify this, so you are sure of all this... how?"
And you can't hope to verify you're not dreaming because the only way to know is to wake up. Why try to go down this road. You're brain works, you take a drug, your brain now works differently. Is taking heroine shooting magical balls of living euphoria into you red blood cell traffic highway? If you choose to question reality in such a way, why not question biology. Your outlook on reality ultimately makes up whats inside of it, including me and biology.

"I realize that you are ridiculing us" You assume incorrectly, I fear for you. I don't want people to go through what I did. I know it's like telling people to not have intercourse because they might catch AIDS, all I'm trying to do is give you a condom.

"As for dangerous... you could make the opposite argument just as easily."
Perhaps, but being ignorant is way better than being absurd.

"consider.. might.."
Again, I addressed this in an earlier post.
"amounts to fundamentalism."
I don't uses isms because I don't need to believe. So I don't know what that means.

"The fact that many people perceive the exact same landscapes and entities (even in Strassman's clinical trials) is a strong piece of evidence that your "just hallucinating" idea might be false. After all, we all don't share the same subconscious detritus. You don't truly believe that jesters, octopoids, and elves are hardwired into our CNS, do you?"
The fact that drugs in general produce the same effects is escaping you. That fact that I never saw those is coincidental but funny that it doesn't help your case.

"We don't all know anything."
No need to take it literal.

"If you are sorry for a wall of text, perhaps you should acquaint yourself with the return (enter) key. It is faster than apologizing."
A wall of text was inevitable. Would you believe me if I told you the elves told me to do it? I wonder why, or I wonder why not.

#40 Posted : 12/4/2011 2:56:52 PM
Your reasoning tries to rationalize us as successors who have inherited this notion of God(s), subsequently forcing God(s) to forever lurk inside our mental framework. And how would you explain the proto-theists, Geines? Those who first conceptualized (or experienced?) some sort of divinity.
"'Most men will not swιm before they are able to.' Is not that witty? Naturally, they won't swιm! They are born for the solid earth, not for the water. And naturally they won't think. They are made for life, not for thought. Yes, and he who thinks, what's more, he who makes thought his business, he may go far in it, but he has bartered the solid earth for the water all the same, and one day he will drown."

— Hermann Hesse
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