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Missing You Nexus Women - A Rant on Patriarchy Options
#21 Posted : 11/17/2011 9:02:11 PM
In accordance with a lot of other's thoughts on here, I would LOVE to see more women involved in the psychedelic community. Online, at home, at large, everywhere. Everything that I have seen so far points to it being a percentage game. More men get on and browse the internet than women, more guys are into psychoactives (what I have personally seen and experienced) etc. I want nothing more than for participation and membership of the psychedelic community to be 50% male and 50% female.

Also... I think that women listen to other women better than they listen to men (no?), so it doesn't do much good for men to advocate all this to women. It will take another woman...

So PLEASE ALL "ACID QUEENS" sound your horns, because we need MOAR women.
Let the plants guide you, for they teach lessons beyond what we humans can offer.
Distorted is our perception of reality, because reality is much more distorted than we could ever perceive it to be.

All posts made by this username do not actually exist. They are hallucinations caused by the reception of light photons by the retinae of homo sapien sapien. You are already inside the rabbit hole.

Follow the path you have chosen, travelers, you will not regret the outcome, that I can assure you.
#22 Posted : 11/17/2011 9:11:02 PM
Very interesting pandora,
I guess I never really thought about what gender is doing the majority of the postings here on the nexus because I come here mostly for information and stimulation of ideas and less for the social aspects. It has always been a quandary to me that there are more men than women involved in the psychedelic community if that is indeed true but in my experience in taking psychedelics it does seem that there are more men interested in the experience than women, but that could also be that I live in mormon country which is a place where patriarchy seems to be enforced with new legislation every few months and thinking is not held as a positive attribute. Though patriarchy is highly implemented in our society i would have to disagree that there is a patriarchal structure that runs the nexus, whether it be purposeful or not but maybe I misunderstood the problem? I would like to think that the nexus is more of an open minded place than that and the reason that there are more men than women here on the nexus (if that is true) is more of a societal problem rather than a problem with the nexus itself.
Uncle Knucles wrote:

Personally, I'd love to see more women here. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the trip nerd world (or at least the online variety) appears to be populated by men. Get out of chat (which is the smelly underbelly of the DMT Nexus, so if you spend 24/7 slumming in there, you kinda reap what you sow...), off the computer and leave the house occasionally. Go recruit some Nexus women. We'd love to have them aboard.

what MR. Van D'lay said^
though some would probably disagree, this is a pretty nerdy site (I know I'm a nerdSmile) and maybe that has something to do with the lack of women here? I mean I know there are nerdy women out there who like psychedelics and i know a few but the majority of women I know (which is few so feel free to call me out on this) would rather not spend time on a forum filled with nerdy trippersPleased. anyway those are my thoughts
What are we but stupefied dancers to a discordant stystem, we believe - so we're mislead
we assume - so we're played
we confide - so we're deceived
we trust - so we're betrayed

Senior Member
#23 Posted : 11/17/2011 9:11:41 PM
I think it's just an online thing. When I go to gatherings, there are swarms of psychedelic goddesses in equal ratio to the amount of crazed men running around.
Senior Member | Skills: DMT, Harmaloids, Bufotenine, Mescaline, Trip advice
#24 Posted : 11/17/2011 10:00:37 PM
۩ wrote:
I think it's just an online thing. When I go to gatherings, there are swarms of psychedelic goddesses in equal ratio to the amount of crazed men running around.

This is very true.

I just remembered I need to get out more.
Senior Member
#25 Posted : 11/17/2011 10:07:38 PM
soulfood wrote:
This is very true.

I just remembered I need to get out more.

Wink haha, funny how that works.
I've also noticed that my women friends don't ever want to sign up for the nexus when I offer it to them, it's like they're content just having a friend be their dimethyl interface...I suppose everybody just operates differently and goes about acquiring information in ways that is most comfortable to them.
#26 Posted : 11/18/2011 3:04:11 AM
tigerstrike92 wrote:
In accordance with a lot of other's thoughts on here, I would LOVE to see more women involved in the psychedelic community. Online, at home, at large, everywhere. Everything that I have seen so far points to it being a percentage game. More men get on and browse the internet than women, more guys are into psychoactives (what I have personally seen and experienced) etc. I want nothing more than for participation and membership of the psychedelic community to be 50% male and 50% female.

Why stop there? Make it 50% short/tall people, 50% below a randomly chosen age and 50% above said randomly chosen age, 50% who like ping pong, 50% who don't, 50% who enjoy cooking...

The list goes on.

Think about it. No one had to tell men to get on browsing on the internet. No one told men to experiment with psychedelics. No one told men to go parachute out of airplanes. (This list also goes on)

Do you know how many females I know that use the internet for research/information gathering?
Not that many.

Not that many.

How many read non-fiction books?
Not that many.

Go climbing mountains?
Not that many.

That list also goes on. They exist, of course. They're just so rare that they're a lucky find. And when you consider that the people interested in psychedelics are already a minority, it doesn't surprise me at all that women will be a minority in this minority group. They would most likely be even in a majority.

It's very naive of you to expect 50-50 participation based on (the arbitrary choice of) gender.

Let's use the internet example again. Howcome no group of women came up with a free operating system like Linux or FreeBSD? Any webserver, mailserver, dns server, software in general? Many of the guys who wrote/maintain these things are self taught and spent years at home alone learning how to do it.

And no guy needed Title IX or male quotas or "empowerment lessons" to do it. Howcome?

It's not like some invisible male hand is stopping females everywhere from doing any of it. Perhaps it's not the evil patriarchy, but females in general that don't have interest in such things?

Look at the world, look at the world's history. Every culture. Are you telling me that men somehow conspired to make it like this? Everywhere? Before global communications?

Could it simply be that Nature takes more chances with males (in this species, as in many others) ? It's so obvious it shouldn't need to be pointed out, but our culture has made a nice mess out of that, to the point that suggesting anything other than the official dogma will evoke strong emotions.

tigerstrike92 wrote:

Also... I think that women listen to other women better than they listen to men (no?), so it doesn't do much good for men to advocate all this to women. It will take another woman...

So PLEASE ALL "ACID QUEENS" sound your horns, because we need MOAR women.

Perhaps you do not realize how revealing this is. You do realize you discount someone else's opinion based on gender, right? How is this different from discarding someone's opinion because s/he's black?

Does it even register to you how offensive that is?
This is the time to really find out who you are and enjoy every moment you have. Take advantage of it.
#27 Posted : 11/18/2011 3:13:12 AM
No one "sex" can fix this problem. It's going to take responsible women and men. The more we focus on polarity, the more we strive to defend ourselves. It could be argued men raised by single mothers tend to be more sensitive towards a woman's plight, but suffer without a father to instil the confidence in order to continue the species. Generational conditioning instilled by my grandparents has been undone within my lifetime. I refuse to raise children of my own unless I have a partner who is intelligent enough not to raise a child who could be given the impression that "gender role" exists inclusive of "physical gender", and "brain gender" where in reality they are fully individuated.

Cultural re-education, understanding psychology, and a person who nurtures their own empathic capacity seem necessary prerequisites for men to retroactively have a chance at catching a glimpse into what women have suffered, let alone act in an altruistic capacity to heal that wound upon the brains of countless willing or otherwise victims.

There is always going to be a dynamic between struggles for power, or supremacy where one partner/person needs the feeling of being more right than the other, or right for the sake of being right. I have suffered the monster side of either sex. I wish more women were on the Nexus. I for one believe that equal rights (if they exist) stem from educating future generations. It's a shame men statistically have less a role in raising children.

I do everything I can in my interactions with people & children to broaden their understanding of how sex affects our lives. Too many people simply don't know any other way to act or think other that how in their eyes it would be acceptable in the eyes of their community to act! (and there again we go into other people putting too much weight in the perceptions of others, and the impressions they make upon etc).

As of recent, SWIM has shared psychedelics with either sex equally. In my youth, I felt reluctant to expose a woman to the psychological shock psychedelics potentially posed due to a false underlying assumption they might psychologically break, call the police on SWIM, etc. I have since matured.

I do not believe the Nexus is more man than women. If we had to get separate forums for separate sexes like separate bathroom stalls, I would be sad; however I entertain "brain sex" has allot to do with divergent interests between sexes, so without more girly topics, how will we attract more women posters? I say it is up to the women to interject more feminine insights! If the majority of the men who post here read the same forums the women do, then perhaps by women members introducing conceptually how men ought to consider redefining their views on gender through a more divinely feminine psychedelic perspective, those men might be more receptive to introspection, re-examining perhaps changing their core beliefs & tendencies. Psychedelics make taking off one perspective, and putting on another one as easy as changing a pair of glasses.

To the contrary, the majority of intelligent members of either sex I look up to show no overt agenda favoring misogyny, sexism, feminism, etc. I would like more examples of how this forum is specifically any more toxic than any other forum.

The world needs more assertive females as well as males. =)

Role modeling is equally as important as is community in establishing gender specific behavioral identity establishment as an ongoing development throughout a lifetime. This also inclusively should involve contemplation of the opposite gender as well. Adults as well as children have individuated tendencies that stem outside of cultural indoctrination as a whole. Through examining these differences we can better establish a stimulating environment where discussion of said differences can come from an approach unbiased by the past misconceptions we have been taught to accept as black and white differentiating learned gender versus inherent gender differences. Without letting go of the old paradigm the discussion may not progress in a direction embracing acceptance, tolerance, and growth within ourselves and each other irrespective of the current status quot and it's attitudes towards said differences.

We need people like Pandora to break an unspoken correctness in retrospect to the past. We also need people to not sum up matriarchy or patriarchy as correct or incorrect, but from time to time mention said themes in order to open up self inquiry for those who feel the stagnation either extreme engenders as much as to break open the conversational gambit in a way that is conducive towards further insights into our cultural identity outside of sex as much as from within (either/or) towards the other, etc.
I= SWIM = Not Me. The I AM I Does Not Exist, and is Referenced to SWIM Who Is Not A Friend I Never Met, Nor Hallucinated While Imagining The Is-ness of Suchness That Is SWIM Who Is Not Me, Myself, Nor I As The Expression Of Non Dual Aspect of Non-Dual Reality Subjectively Denied By Swim, or accompanying Me-Anti-ness'es. =) All Credit Goes To The ANTI-SWIM'ness of SWIM's cousin's room-mate's uncle's deceased cat's in-law's second removed nephew's aunt WHOM authored SWIM's 2000 Year Old Desert Scribblings from a drunk rabbit in the Serengeti desert found in an insane asylum under water, on Easter eggs, crucified by the on fire pagan music listening christian maniac from India running around believing he was Jesus repenting this bush he called the Acacia tree; So I Heard from a bum who claims to be SWIM, But I Forgot... And Again, "I" Refers To Someone Who Is Not Me.
Ice House
Moderator | Skills: Sustainable growing
#28 Posted : 11/18/2011 4:14:23 AM
My wife, partner, best friend, and soulmate is a Psychedelic Goddess! I wish I could get her logged on to the nexus. She absolutely refuses. She says that out of respect for me she wont do it. She knows how much I love socializing here and she would be crushed if she ruined it for me? Does that make sense? She doesnt want to infringe upon my joy.

We both agree .... If its not broken, dont try and fix it. If it is broken, kick it to the curb!

Mrs Ice House is a wonderful lady with a great sense of humor and a Psychedelic Goddess.
Ice House is an alter ego. The threads, postings, replys, statements, stories, and private messages made by Ice House are 100% unadulterated Bull Shit. Every aspect of the Username Ice House is pure fiction. Any likeness to SWIM or any real person is purely coincidental. The creator of Ice House does not condone or participate in any illicit activity what so ever. The makebelieve character known as Ice House is owned and operated by SWIM and should not be used without SWIM's expressed written consent.
Welcoming committeeSenior Member
#29 Posted : 11/18/2011 4:32:38 AM
LOL, in my own slumming and recruiting defense. Umm, just because you see the name Pandora in chat or logged on here does not mean I'm at my computer. Perhaps it should be. But chat has a crappy bug that makes it so I can see zero history if I quit, run some errands, then come back - there's no visible history. This causes me to want to stay eterna-connected, as upon return, I can quickly catch up.

Regardless of the situation out there, I have decided to shelve my bad attitude and deal with what we got going on the street, including Occupy. I get out daily.

And, I'd say in the past I've easily told two dozen folks, at least six to eight women about this place in person but as far as I know, they don't follow up.

And recently, like in the past year or so, I've given up recruiting entirely. That's not my mission anymore.

Uncle Knucles - take it personally if you want, but I guess I must have missed something or things recently. Frankly, seems to me your posts have been extremely caring and insightful lately. Again, maybe I missed a particularly vitriolic one. I mean I had been wondering what was up with you - even seen you when I was in chat in the mornings recently. Appreciating your update on antrocles, etc.

Just scanning some of the rest of this. I have absolutely NO expectation of 50-50. Nowhere did I say or even imply that. I don't decry my minority status. It is what it is. Come on guys. I decry aspects of the culture I find myself within, sometimes even reflected here, sometimes not. I decry the fallback of presence and participation of prominent, strong, smart Nexus women. Promote to moderator and watch disappear. Promote to chat mod and watch get demoted or watch disappear. The reasons vary. Times change, cycles ebb and flow. I get that. It's all good. What else can it be, right?

In hindsight I'm not sure why I posted this. I mean I didn't really expect anything other than the usual (some knee-jerk and some very well thought out responses) so to speak. Got some of that and some surprises. Including seeing a couple women I hadn't seen in awhile. Very happy. And a surprise which was so darned painfully IRONIC (not posted here) I seriously gave thought to taking a break. But sometimes, just taking a breath and no response is the best thing of all. I mean it's my stuff. I need to chill. This makes me tired. I probably won't be looking back here much, but I thank you folks. You're good people.

Peace & Love
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#30 Posted : 11/18/2011 5:17:55 AM
I will tell more women to join the Nexus. =) Pandora, you have a good attitude. The "occupy" movement scares me sometimes. Non participation in the system is my way of voting my conscious.

Seekers will find this place when they're ready. I've only told 3 people so far about the Nexus. I like the tight knit feeling of this community. I didn't know recruitment was encouraged. If current trends hold, men may be in shortage leaving women the majority.

I have found giving on the grounds of 50/50 will not appease anyone, neither will expecting it from others in kind stop them from saying it's unfair you expect anything from them. I simply try to keep 50.01% of my actions altruistic in the service to others asking for nothing in return; setting an example not expecting it to be emulated by anyone.

I decry the possibility the prominent, strong, smart Nexus women stopped participating here due to an underlying attitude males here project that you are touching upon. Perhaps you would propose an adjustment to the Nexus's "attitude" section in order to balance the scope in terms of gender specific participation. To not reinforce, or typify gender stereotypes, nor undermine members based on gender?

Perhaps two Chat rooms each with either male or female moderators where either sex could frequent? Might make a more inviting atmosphere for submissive/dominant types to take to a room where they fit in? Also might prove to be more conducive towards intellectual/emotional conversation. Perhaps Chat mods could switch female / male on schedules?

I commend women who take time away from their families, jobs, social life, & life in general in order to come on here to make contributions; yourself included. I read all your posts & quite enjoy them Pandora. I look forward to anything you have to share. =)

In defense of women; We build concepts, (operating systems) they build people, (children) community, (networking) anything else men do, (pretty much). The time women have been allowed even semi-equal rights is miniscule in comparison to the history of civilization. I believe if it weren't for one chemical "testosterone", and our physical strength, women would have taken a more predominant role throughout history. Only recently have we been "civilized" enough to even give them a chance at entering into the arenas where they could impact the parts of our society where history is written! If it weren't for a women's biology and wiring, they wouldn't (the majority of them) be spending all their time and energy raising us, (all men and women) and they might have the energy and resources (time mostly) in order to devote themselves to a field like how men do. A woman's social intelligence is equally important for the establishment of the moral codification of conduct in the children, and indirectly for the community as a whole due to their emotional influence that we as males are programmed to be receptive towards.

I'm not saying it's a two way street, I'm just saying blinders on or off you got to give it to women. They're tough for what they have, will, and do "go through" biologically, sociologically, emotionally, etc not that this denotes any specific rights or privileges outside of equality however; they hold their tongues enough as is, so I try to watch my conduct out of consideration towards the divine feminine aspect which feels everything. =)

Whether I'm proud to admit it or not, the indirect emotional grooming women have used "on me" has for the most part helped me feel more confident within myself.

I believe too many men bind up their feminine sides of their emotional natures like a cheesy BDSM flick & then take it out through reinforcing stereotypes when it's just a venting plate for frustrations that they don't feel emotionally uplifted by good women (where they have no conception what one is, or if one exists in the first place let alone how to seek love and affection from such a woman)

If men were less analytically judgmental, and more emotionally discriminative and considerate it would make for less negativity as a whole. The problem is everything I've said could apply to either sex if you flip circumstance around.

What if the world were ran by women the way men ran things in the 1950's? *kidding* Seriously I would like to envision a matriarchal world where there is no war. There's a saying "A woman brought me into this world, and a woman will probably take me out.".

One has to think from the psychedelic perspective of the parasitism of biology in order to be amused by it & find forgiveness for what's in each others nature.

Ice House> Get her to join! =)
I= SWIM = Not Me. The I AM I Does Not Exist, and is Referenced to SWIM Who Is Not A Friend I Never Met, Nor Hallucinated While Imagining The Is-ness of Suchness That Is SWIM Who Is Not Me, Myself, Nor I As The Expression Of Non Dual Aspect of Non-Dual Reality Subjectively Denied By Swim, or accompanying Me-Anti-ness'es. =) All Credit Goes To The ANTI-SWIM'ness of SWIM's cousin's room-mate's uncle's deceased cat's in-law's second removed nephew's aunt WHOM authored SWIM's 2000 Year Old Desert Scribblings from a drunk rabbit in the Serengeti desert found in an insane asylum under water, on Easter eggs, crucified by the on fire pagan music listening christian maniac from India running around believing he was Jesus repenting this bush he called the Acacia tree; So I Heard from a bum who claims to be SWIM, But I Forgot... And Again, "I" Refers To Someone Who Is Not Me.
#31 Posted : 11/18/2011 2:41:54 PM
First of all, I understand it may seem that I'm on the "offensive" here. Any discussion around certain topics appears to have that feeling. I've been lurking this forum for some time and registered, of all things, to reply to this thread, because I'm old enough to have noticed some things that bother me about this whole gender topic, and perhaps not old enough to realize it's futile to argue about it, as inevitably it seems to end up with name calling and emotional reasoning.

That said..

blacklist666 wrote:
I will tell more women to join the Nexus. =) Pandora, you have a good attitude. The "occupy" movement scares me sometimes. Non participation in the system is my way of voting my conscious.

I don't understand this fetishism with women. Why not more blacks, asians, or latinos? Maybe we could select based on country instead?

IMO it's unnecessary to make a distinction? Why not just "tell more *people*" ?

blacklist666 wrote:

I decry the possibility the prominent, strong, smart Nexus women stopped participating here due to an underlying attitude males here project that you are touching upon. Perhaps you would propose an adjustment to the Nexus's "attitude" section in order to balance the scope in terms of gender specific participation. To not reinforce, or typify gender stereotypes, nor undermine members based on gender?

I think that what was said about this "male attitude" is simply a negative stereotype the poster has of men. Are there not rude women too? Are all men rude? Are most men rude?

blacklist666 wrote:

Perhaps two Chat rooms each with either male or female moderators where either sex could frequent? Might make a more inviting atmosphere for submissive/dominant types to take to a room where they fit in? Also might prove to be more conducive towards intellectual/emotional conversation. Perhaps Chat mods could switch female / male on schedules?

Asian mods? African mods? I feel underrepresented here (well no I don't, I couldn't care less about the gender or country of origin, as long as that person is doing it's moderator job), no mods from my country as far as I can see!

Why is it alright when it's about gender (and giving men the short stick) but if it were reversed or about race then it becomes obvious?

blacklist666 wrote:

I commend women who take time away from their families, jobs, social life, & life in general in order to come on here to make contributions; yourself included. I read all your posts & quite enjoy them Pandora. I look forward to anything you have to share. =)

Do you also commend men?


It's just not the nexus. This pattern applies mostly anywhere you want to look. I offer no explanation or interpretation, it is merely an observation -- but surely nobody is preventing women from editing wikipedia either.. yet they collectively choose not to, with few exceptions.

Pretending it is otherwise is a great disservice, and a horrible twist of reality. Not to mention lack of appreciation for what is mostly an effort of young single men...

blacklist666 wrote:

In defense of women; We build concepts, (operating systems) they build people, (children) community, (networking) anything else men do, (pretty much). The time women have been allowed even semi-equal rights is miniscule in comparison to the history of civilization. I believe if it weren't for one chemical "testosterone", and our physical strength, women would have taken a more predominant role throughout history. Only recently have we been "civilized" enough to even give them a chance at entering into the arenas where they could impact the parts of our society where history is written! If it weren't for a women's biology and wiring, they wouldn't (the majority of them) be spending all their time and energy raising us, (all men and women) and they might have the energy and resources (time mostly) in order to devote themselves to a field like how men do. A woman's social intelligence is equally important for the establishment of the moral codification of conduct in the children, and indirectly for the community as a whole due to their emotional influence that we as males are programmed to be receptive towards.

Most men throughout history also got the short end of the stick. Women may have been/be mistreated in the past/now, sure, but so were/are men!

And this is a very important point, because we as a society tend to highlight women's problems and totally ignore men. Abuse against men is basically invisible, even seen as funny (try getting away with kicking a woman between her legs in television.. see if people laugh at that)

Anyway.. the fundamental error is that feminists looked at the top and saw only men. Then they reasoned that men are privileged and women horribly oppressed. The fact is, most men are not privileged. And women in general aren't that interested in becoming President or CEO (most men aren't, either), so perhaps that is a better explanation.. I've always found it interesting that no feminist is demanding equality in garbage collection (99%+ men) or in work-related accidents/fatalities (99% men).. curious, it's always related to something prestigious / that gives a lot of money.. hmmmmmmm....

Who goes first on the Titanic?
Why is it "women and children first", and does this not imply a man's life is worth less ?

Have you thought about that? In an extreme situation, society dictates that you sacrifice your life for an unknown female based on the fact that you're male... if that's not hardcore sexism.. but nearly invisible in our culture.

Look at history, all the revolutions, all the bloodshed. It's clear most men weren't being that well treated most of the time either, why would you torch the place if you were, right?

Heck, look at our world NOW. Look at the homeless population, in general look at the bottom of society. Who do you find there?

See, if you wanted to prove men are oppressed, you could prove it based on looking at the bottom of society.
If you wanted to prove men are privileged bastards, all you have to do is look at the top.

blacklist666 wrote:

I'm not saying it's a two way street, I'm just saying blinders on or off you got to give it to women. They're tough for what they have, will, and do "go through" biologically, sociologically, emotionally, etc not that this denotes any specific rights or privileges outside of equality however; they hold their tongues enough as is, so I try to watch my conduct out of consideration towards the divine feminine aspect which feels everything. =)

Being alive is difficult Smile Sure, females have some specific problems of their own to go through, but you know, so do men!

And old people.
And poor people.
And short people.
And people with asthma.

Therefore, why highlight women's efforts just because they're women?
Women are not exceptional, they're just women.. flesh and blood, like you and me and everyone else.

blacklist666 wrote:

Whether I'm proud to admit it or not, the indirect emotional grooming women have used "on me" has for the most part helped me feel more confident within myself.


Anyway, I reckon all this might fly in the face of several assumptions, it is something that one must be careful about speaking about it in public, lest you be called a mysoginist and start being asked about when was the last time you got laid -- this fact alone should raise red flags Pleased

So yeah.. these are some of my thoughts on the matter. What do you think?
This is the time to really find out who you are and enjoy every moment you have. Take advantage of it.
#32 Posted : 11/18/2011 4:25:31 PM
BTW, how do we know if there are few nexus womans? That is, how do you know if it's a woman or man behind the nickname?
#33 Posted : 11/18/2011 6:44:28 PM
Nexalizer - I am sorry if it seemed like I was trying to discount anyone's opinion, as this was never my intention.

No, it does not register to me as offensive at all. Any other description of a person could be substituted in for "women". Whenever a common biological straight is shared between members of the same species, a certain connection is made (maybe very tiny, or maybe large) that simply does not exist with another member of the same species who does not share that trait.

Imagine a girl saying, "I'm pregnant", to two people who she has never before met in her life. One is a girl, one is a boy. Obviously, they are both going to take it differently.

I should have used more precise wording. It would mean something different (not necessarily better or worse) to hear it coming from a person with whom you share biological characteristics.

BTW, the 50/50 thing I said can be used to for any description, and it was more just wishful thinking.Smile
Let the plants guide you, for they teach lessons beyond what we humans can offer.
Distorted is our perception of reality, because reality is much more distorted than we could ever perceive it to be.

All posts made by this username do not actually exist. They are hallucinations caused by the reception of light photons by the retinae of homo sapien sapien. You are already inside the rabbit hole.

Follow the path you have chosen, travelers, you will not regret the outcome, that I can assure you.
#34 Posted : 11/18/2011 8:58:17 PM
I'm not sure if you are going to see this or not, but this topic has brought up a number of things inside me. I feel like this was the catalyst for recognizing healing that needs to happen inside myself. So thank you for bringing this up.
이 사람은 진짜 사람 안입니다. 모든 포스트들 가짜 입니다.
#35 Posted : 11/18/2011 10:44:37 PM
You called it. I was using emotional reasoning. It is important you dissected that post. My fetishism with women was an emotional response to Pandora being sad some female members weren't active enough. Good point. Since when is it my responsibility? I lost my sensibility.

"Why not more blacks, asians, or latinos?"

I see race as important as the colors of my cats. They're just cats. I have lived through sociopath females who scream, punch, etc & I know it should not be sex specific in reference to the "Attitude" section comment.

I know we are adult enough to assume the suggestion to be approached from a unisex perspective. Women have a pecking order just as men do, however behaviorally it's different ways they make fun of each other. What you call fetishism with women is more attempting to comfort people who feel victimized not to the point of rewarding them for attention seeking behavior, but rather as an appeal to their sensibility trying to be constructive here.

I have allot of experience in darkness towards women, and men as much as I do light/love, so I am not impartial. This is only a reflection I cast in this light in order to get insight whether or not there is anyone who can add onto the running dialogue.

"I think that what was said about this "male attitude" is simply a negative stereotype the poster has of men."

How so? If you read what I wrote, it could apply to either sex. This comment:

"I decry the possibility the prominent, strong, smart Nexus women stopped participating here due to an underlying attitude males here project that you are touching upon."

was in response to Pandora's comment. It should have had a space between it, and the next comment. Perhaps you took it out of context.

I'm not looking for agendas such as childish thinking to put all or most people into labeled groups. Let's not make assumptions we are trying to degrade one gender or group. It's like this. If there were hard core policing of one type of discrimination, then it would be justified if there was hard core discrimination going on. I am not saying I stand up to defend every single (or any one specific) example. I am simply stating in context to what Pandora has on topic, I felt it fitting for me to mention that

"Perhaps you would propose an adjustment to the Nexus's "attitude" section in order to balance the scope in terms of gender specific participation."

but that comment was also out there to expose how patently ridiculous such an assertion would be. If you read my above comment:

"If we had to get separate forums for separate sexes like separate bathroom stalls, I would be sad",

I was hoping you would see it as a joke. The joke was in hopes someone would approach the subject in a more sensible manner. It is a good point that women can be rude as you say. Perhaps you would be up to helping to write a proposal to the attitude section yourself to address this with more tact than myself.

It is true the minute you have gender involved every minority will decry their right to have a swing at equal democratic opportunity. It begins to get ridiculous. Refer to my comment about giving 50/50 never being enough. I appreciate everything you have posted nexalizer, because you have exposed the intentional sarcasm behind my post in order to bring out how patently ridiculous the whole concept of gender bias is in any fashion.

I say call a spade a spade. On the opposite side some people say if somebody feels oppressed by their fair sex as an oppressed minority, too bad grin & bare it. Somewhere in between there is compassion to a fault, compassion, weakness, strength, indifference, sensitivity, and of course hatred. I swing more towards the empathizing with the persons suffering they believe their sex has endured, but lean away from whole heartedly defending that point because the more attention paid to it the more difficulty rising above it.

I don't believe in giving men the short stick, and in several ways in several states the law favors mothers in custody, and wives in divorce, so I am by no means stating things are fair relativistic to an idealized set of parameters in anybody's head. When race enters into things, anything anybody says is wrong pretty much.

I echoed Pandora's comment because she feels (from her life's perspective obviously) that she needed to decry her own sex. I decry my own, however I felt it might help her to feel less alone for someone else to decry the same thing she decries. I decry men as well. This is something where the majority of my experience with women is they hardly get many "you did a good job" comments in and around where I live.

People tend to get a consensus perception that what goes on in their social stratosphere somehow represents the whole for everyone else in the world. This world is full of infinite possibilities.

There is no appropriateness in anyone's assumption that women make any more or any less of a sacrifice in order to get on here and make contributions than men. My response was emotionally supportive to Pandora's experience, because I feel the same. I was never pretending that participation was otherwise a majority of men because there is a trend as such.

It is true there is undoubtedly a good sound reason why men tend to be the majority. I am not stating there is a problem with the reality of the situation.

The data looks to be saying it would be harder to persuade females to participate in forums. I believe women are hard wired for interaction with living systems / humans where men get along with machines / concepts. I already made this assertion. In what way does this contradict the data? I appreciate the contributions our mostly male community have made on here just as much as you have.

I'm simply stating a female perspective is refreshing from time to time. I myself am sick of the political correctness of how men being abused by women = invisible, or that man must be mentally unsound, weak, deserved it, he should go to jail for getting beat up by his girlfriend/wife. I've heard it all.

Where are all the battered men shelters? I do not defend feminism other than to say after all the organizing and effort perhaps we can see past that. You make some good points about the kinds of jobs women tend to gravitate towards, and excel at. I think that climbing vertical structures is not so much feminine where horizontal structure is more comfortable. Women guard children, mother & nurture so why would they biologically be inclined to go "hunt"? (do dangerous life risking jobs/hobbies?)

I believe the "women and children first" as a cultural norm had more to do with the assumption the majority of men would want their offspring to live more so then themselves, and the majority of men subscribed to a biological sensitivity towards women reflected in chivalry. It is hardcore sexism that needs to be addressed. thank you for filling in the other side of the equation for me nexalizer. You've done a wonderful job.

I think it's interesting that reproduction having such a large hand in perpetuating poverty is sad but it takes two to tango unless rape is involved, and there again you have oppression of women. I don't see women going after material wealth, so "at the top" for men might not be the same as it is for a female perspective.

I like your point that people suffer daily from a wide range of conditions that we could be paying more attention to, but any one of them should not inclusively give them special rights as a minority. One has to ask ones self: just how much time do we have throughout the day to pay all this attention to all these persons in need? I agree life's a balancing act. That's for sure.

You won't see me out there at a woman's lib meeting in the streets, or an occupy movement. I'll be changing hearts & heads. Training how to live off the grid.

If every human could become a "thought cop" in order to censor every politically incorrect thought, then people would have less variety in thought.

I'm not trying to police free speech in chat. I'm simply thinking if a forum were a house, and you had to open the door in order to let someone bad in, would you? and would sexism be considered someone you would want to let inside your house? (forum?)

I never meant to give the impression all women were exclusively exceptional to men. That is patently ridiculous. Leave the "anything you can do I can do better" to those who like to hear the sound of how awesome they are. Competition can be a good thing when the outcome benefits all. To assume I am a "misogynist" because I can portray a feminine sensibility is a long shot.

If it weren't for scientists and inventors our world would suck. Look at the demographics, but be hopeful females (representing a large portion of our population) make the effort to pitch in to make this world a better place. If we continue rhetoric that women have not so far participated/did xyz, and there fore are less likely to excel/participate in xyz, that kind of bursts anybody's motivation bubble. We can use all the help we can get.

Why would I care what incorrect assumptions someone I have never met makes about my sex life? I'd save that for a PM, or another forum. Wink

If I were a sex brained male, I would have said it more like:

"I still want to get more women on here. It's a personal "modus operandi". I have too many smart sexy women who need to put their brains to work to better themselves for my intellectual pleasure as much their own. It won't be too difficult to persuade a few select candidates I have under consideration pending they prove to me their capabilities in making meaningful contributions to the nexus."

So I objectify women here as an example. I think this sort of thing in how men talk about women was more to what Pandora was referring to. It was inherently sexist for me to say I would get more women to join the Nexus, (If you want to be hard core in how you take it) and I would hope it would be obvious to most people my only intention was to comfort Pandora in a sincere manner. I will be more mindful to mention the Nexus to women because I often fail to consider it because it is mainly a "male contributions" forum.

Nexalizer, you are the devil's advocate. I welcome your insights.

I= SWIM = Not Me. The I AM I Does Not Exist, and is Referenced to SWIM Who Is Not A Friend I Never Met, Nor Hallucinated While Imagining The Is-ness of Suchness That Is SWIM Who Is Not Me, Myself, Nor I As The Expression Of Non Dual Aspect of Non-Dual Reality Subjectively Denied By Swim, or accompanying Me-Anti-ness'es. =) All Credit Goes To The ANTI-SWIM'ness of SWIM's cousin's room-mate's uncle's deceased cat's in-law's second removed nephew's aunt WHOM authored SWIM's 2000 Year Old Desert Scribblings from a drunk rabbit in the Serengeti desert found in an insane asylum under water, on Easter eggs, crucified by the on fire pagan music listening christian maniac from India running around believing he was Jesus repenting this bush he called the Acacia tree; So I Heard from a bum who claims to be SWIM, But I Forgot... And Again, "I" Refers To Someone Who Is Not Me.
#36 Posted : 11/19/2011 1:52:33 AM
Thoughtful post black, I won't respond point to point as to not extend the discussion past the validity date (so to speak) -- I could go on for pages about some of the issues raised, but perhaps a DMT forum isn't the best place to do soRazz.

I find myself agreeing with many of your points, also I can see how on some others I may have misinterpreted your words before.

It's all good fun Very happy Thanks for taking the time to reply.
This is the time to really find out who you are and enjoy every moment you have. Take advantage of it.
#37 Posted : 11/19/2011 2:33:29 AM
Thank you. I think between the two of us we have given a refreshing dynamic/perspective for other people to bounce ideas. I appreciate you entertaining what would otherwise be a touchy subject. I agree this is not the place to further this discussion. However, I cant help but feel psychedelics will play a role in casting off outdated misconceptions people hold onto within the "consensus reality" mindset. DMT helps people dissolve boundaries. I like that. I agree with your points as well nexalizer. Until next time. Good fun! Very happy
Thank you for taking the time to read.
I= SWIM = Not Me. The I AM I Does Not Exist, and is Referenced to SWIM Who Is Not A Friend I Never Met, Nor Hallucinated While Imagining The Is-ness of Suchness That Is SWIM Who Is Not Me, Myself, Nor I As The Expression Of Non Dual Aspect of Non-Dual Reality Subjectively Denied By Swim, or accompanying Me-Anti-ness'es. =) All Credit Goes To The ANTI-SWIM'ness of SWIM's cousin's room-mate's uncle's deceased cat's in-law's second removed nephew's aunt WHOM authored SWIM's 2000 Year Old Desert Scribblings from a drunk rabbit in the Serengeti desert found in an insane asylum under water, on Easter eggs, crucified by the on fire pagan music listening christian maniac from India running around believing he was Jesus repenting this bush he called the Acacia tree; So I Heard from a bum who claims to be SWIM, But I Forgot... And Again, "I" Refers To Someone Who Is Not Me.
olympus mon
Moderator | Skills: Tattooist specialized in indigenous art, Fine art, medium ink and pen.
#38 Posted : 11/19/2011 4:40:05 AM
Pandora wrote:
Where are the strong Nexus women? You were around not too long ago. I surely do miss you.

Oh, yeah! You work six days a week, you decided to deal with ailing family or dedicate yourselves to kids, you are working harder than ever investing in your future with education or trying to start a business with your partner selling vegan foods. You changed your life/career path and are pursuing your dreams.

Oh, yeah! You spoke up too much and got permanent demoted. Or, maybe, you just got sick of the repetitive stuff

Hmm, Nexus women stepping up and doing the hard work. Doing what needs to be done even if it takes years, they get no acknowledgement, thanks, guarantee of success, etc. Pretty much the usual, eh? Yep somethings never change. In pre-history the women had the children, raised the children, carried the water, kept up the village, maintained the fire, gathered food, and nagged the men when it was time for a ritual or they were meat hungry. Move forward to agriculture and the patriarchal concept of land ownership as well as cultural patriarchy and men are tremendously successful, especially if they have wives. Move forward to now and there's a lot of nice lip service and we're slowly moving forward, but frankly, get a bunch of guys in a room with one or fewer females and it's the same B.S. (or if that one complained a lot in the past, the same B.S., with a quick token "joking" apology to that one). And it seems, in politics, business, modernity and Nexus, some glass ceilings are destined to never be shattered, or at least not any time soon.

What B.S. you say? After all, this is the enlightened Nexus, is it not?

Peace & Love

Pandora wrote:

Just scanning some of the rest of this. I have absolutely NO expectation of 50-50. I decry the fallback of presence and participation of prominent, strong, smart Nexus women. Promote to moderator and watch disappear. Promote to chat mod and watch get demoted or watch disappear. The reasons vary.

Peace & Love

what about women promoted to senior members that chose to quit? what does that say about this whole dramatic cry of a mans world here at the nexus? as you point fingers at women who have other interests taking up their free time what about you?

im sorry to be so out right here but come on...wtf is this really about. the nexus a guys club? give me break! i dont even know nor care whos male or female for months or maybe years. your barking up a short ass tree here, just my 2 cents. ive never once seen a single person looked down upon for their sex or race here it seems your the one focused upon it.

many of us including you come here to escape the shit of the world. a place that is free of oppresion and hate. why bring this crap here, to our sacred home away from the tyrany and closed mindedness of our modern day world?
I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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The Art of Changa. making the perfect blend.
#39 Posted : 11/19/2011 5:33:50 AM
Ummmmmm, I'm a female and I guess I probably should speak up a little more often as I usually lurk...I'm just shy is all, plus I really don't think I have much to offer. Not yet at least. Hey boys Pleased
#40 Posted : 11/19/2011 6:40:33 AM
BTY: here is your female response Pandora -
(and specifically including Gantz Grof, plus Orion, Actual Factual, Arcanum, Spirit, and Nexalizer.)

I AM a female, using a MALE's thread login. I am a good friend of Blacklist (though I do not have an account) I would still like to remain anonymous, so please call me J-A-F-O for now.

I have greatly enjoyed these posts and I appreciate your freedom and willingness to speak your mind. I can be a little outspoken myself, so it is nice to see that someone else is also like that. However, I prefer to speak face to face with people, and do not "waste" my time blogging. Hence, no account. It is nice, however, to read, and you have actually heated me up enough to respond. So enough of this introduction, here is my response:

As an estimator / drafter for steel fabrication and construction companies, I can solidly say I am well versed in being the sole woman in a "MAN's WORLD." However, I can not say I am so much experiencing this SEXISM, you are talking about, Pandora. Certainly, at first there was some. But for the most part, I have found most of the sexist BS from males has been more a man's way of expressing the pure general dissatisfaction in needing to explain a complicated process to a newbie sheeple. They do it to each other as well, women are not the only ones. So I dish it back, show them through my intelligence, NOT BELLIGERENCE like you might try, joke, and all is well. After ten years of experience, I am respected, and there is virtually NO sexism in this world that I work that is over 95% male.

Now, I know I have gone a little off subject of NEXUS, but I am trying to illustrate a point here, I will soon get back to NEXUS related subject.

Construction is predominately male, not because women are excluded. In fact, I find more men exited to be able to work with a woman. The difference is that women simply do not have the interest in construction. For one, it takes a lot of physical strength and stamina. Two, there are other activities that women prefer. An inverse example would be horseback riding. If you go to 4H clubs you will find 95% is female. In the past, this was a more male activity, but in the decline of ranchers and the hard work horses were used for, it has become more show and beauty pageant and just... leisure? Do women exclude men from riding horses? No. But would a woman stop a man being an idiot and beating a horse? Yes. And she would do the same to a woman who is doing this. (Though you will find that more men tend to have aggression displayed physically than women. Woman tend to be more passive aggressive and fight with words.) So do men truly exclude a COMPETENT woman from construction? NO. These are just two examples of a sexual "trend" that are no so much as discrimination, but simply a trend in interest.

So Back to NEXUS, my explanation of the TREND, Pandora, that you see: Men are raised to experiment, be rough, etc. Women are stressed to be responsible. So if you look at it purely in this light, who is more likely to do an illegal activity that has tremendous media saying you might die? Men. Male. Or the adventurous tom-boy such as yours truly.

The ratios you see has little to nothing to do with sexism. Just look at the positive response you have been receiving from males. If anything, the most sexist person I am seeing here, is you Pandora, turning a trend to be an example/excuse to attack males. I do support equality between men and women, but not by the extreme means that these feminist groups can turn the issue around. They can be just as bad, if not mostly worse, that the men they claim to be standing up to.

Pandora, if you truly believe in equality and women's rights, then accept that some women want to be non-gender specific, and accept the fact that simply speaking, more men have an INTEREST in drugs than women do. In fact, I find it really nice to see how supportive this NEXUS community is with each other, regardless of race or sex.

I appreciate your openness in this matter. Just had to "vent" myself.


I= SWIM = Not Me. The I AM I Does Not Exist, and is Referenced to SWIM Who Is Not A Friend I Never Met, Nor Hallucinated While Imagining The Is-ness of Suchness That Is SWIM Who Is Not Me, Myself, Nor I As The Expression Of Non Dual Aspect of Non-Dual Reality Subjectively Denied By Swim, or accompanying Me-Anti-ness'es. =) All Credit Goes To The ANTI-SWIM'ness of SWIM's cousin's room-mate's uncle's deceased cat's in-law's second removed nephew's aunt WHOM authored SWIM's 2000 Year Old Desert Scribblings from a drunk rabbit in the Serengeti desert found in an insane asylum under water, on Easter eggs, crucified by the on fire pagan music listening christian maniac from India running around believing he was Jesus repenting this bush he called the Acacia tree; So I Heard from a bum who claims to be SWIM, But I Forgot... And Again, "I" Refers To Someone Who Is Not Me.
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