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How Do I Make Myself look Clean-Cut? Options
#21 Posted : 8/15/2011 2:54:52 PM
Seraph wrote:

What should I wear to make myself look like a person who is appalled by gutter-dwelling-druggies? How should I act? What colour should my hair be? What should I pretend my hobbies are? How often should I smile or frown and what emotions should I focus on showing?

>>Why should you make yourself " look like a person appalled by gutter-dwelling-druggies?", i ask??

We are all human, and no body's perfect. Nope, not even the neatest and best behaved of them all ,is!

--as for the rest of the questions, Seraph..i'm running lessons at $500 per hour, i'll teach you how to act, smile, frown, cook my meals, and do my job...Wink Laughing

----You were joking, right??? Wut?
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#22 Posted : 8/15/2011 4:07:23 PM
Nitegazer wrote:
In some very tight-knit groups (military, legal firms) folks sniff each others butts a bit more, but basic business professionalism tends to leave personal matters at home.


I think this aligns with standard public psychedelic-paranoia. "OMG I wonder if they know I'm tripping right now??"
You learn fast that acting 'normal' is the surest way to stand out. Being comfortable if the easiest way to blend in.
Trying to fit in is like trying to relax: you will be fighting yourself the whole way along.

Just don't worry about it. People don't go around judging if others are the druggie type or not.
Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#23 Posted : 8/15/2011 4:10:50 PM
I would rather be me than try to be somebody else. Identity crisis?
Long live the unwoke.
EquaL Observer
#24 Posted : 8/15/2011 5:01:16 PM
I'm completely open about my use. Covering it up is like admitting your somehow in the wrong... when you explain to people the legitimacy behind what your doing - your helping in the ideology war, right on the front line...

Plus man, at Langside there were tonnes of "druggies" spending all their bursary on weed... sure you'll meet a few tokers, be yerself.

I'd rather be a depressed, socially awkward entheogenic recluse than pretending to be some silly normal person.

We're in the same area and I could do with some likemindedness as well, tis the shroom season, don't be shy.
Your depth is your integrity
#25 Posted : 8/15/2011 5:06:02 PM
I just found this quote on Facebook and thought it applies to this thread.

"Normal is not something to aspire to, it's something to get away from."
Convert a melodic element into a rhythmic element...
Moderator | Skills: Growing (plants/mushrooms), Research, Extraction troubleshooting, Harmalas, Revolution (theory/practice)
#26 Posted : 8/15/2011 5:15:58 PM
Seraph...this strikes me as potentially unhealthy and very schizoid behavior. On the one hand you are looking for substances to induce permanent euphoria and on the other you are looking to completely hide your drug use...doesn't this strike you as a bit of an unhealthy contradiction? Imo, leading such a "double life" will bring nothing but further pain/unhappiness.

As many have already said, just be you...could you imagine a frog trying to be a bird or a fish trying to be a mouse or a pan-dimensional-fractal being trying to be a sunday school teacher? College is an opportunity to develope who you are, some use it to fit into the sea of brainless automatons, but do you really think that's going to make you happy?
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
#27 Posted : 8/15/2011 6:43:16 PM
One other thing you can do is also create the positive reality that very successful, creative, conscious, self-empowered, and capable beings do ingest psychedelics, especially tryptamines. Twisted Evil

I'm quite the young business lady, I most certainly don't live in a gutter! (Though I do own a few Alex Grey dresses, which always come as a fascinating surprise to people who see me outside of my "work clothes" Pleased ).

It's also good not to internalize others' judgments about people who "take drugs," or feel shame for doing something you feel from the heart. Hugs!
Some things will come easy, some will be a test
#28 Posted : 8/15/2011 9:44:16 PM
i often openly talk about drugs and their effects at work, so my workmates think im bluffing. in that way i keep a "clean image" and also talk openly about what I do for a real living.
I am with those man who own that particular kind of courage of the interior voyager.
Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#29 Posted : 8/15/2011 9:53:58 PM
Is college/university THAT bad? I mean everyone knew I took drugs at college..it was obvious..I think I was high for every single class I went to, usually with an 8th in my pocket right there with me sitting there in the same pancho I wore every day..noone cared at all..half of them were probly baked as well. I got good grades and never had a problem with anyone for being a drug user or looking like a hippy.
Long live the unwoke.
Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#30 Posted : 8/15/2011 10:27:22 PM
ms_manic_minxx wrote:
I exact a somewhat perverse joy in finding ways to work my perspective into the "normal" world and "normal" conversation WITHOUT mentioning that I love psychedelics.

Psychedelics keep me connected to the earth. I live my life as passionately for the Earth as possible. This attracts like-minded people. It's not hard, then, to A) build relationships and B) discern at what point in these relationships disclosure becomes possible.

I am sorry for whatever happened, but the biggest meditation I have kept since I drank Ayahuasca recently is to ALWAYS be myself! To be myself as much as possible... even when the environment isn't choice. When I am myself, everything flows easily.

When I hide myself I feel very depersonalized and suffer.

Another way to think is seductively: drug talk is like sex talk. If you think somebody might be into it, test the waters, play, flirt. Say something silly. If you see someone eating a portabello, tell them you think mushrooms come from outer space. See where it goes. You can indirectly dig around for interest without having to give away the fact that you're interested. Pleased

I agree with this and similar posts ^

Chill, man! Your going to college!...not some business, law firm, or teaching position where people actually care how you look..and besides..you should see some professors these days!

most people will do drugs there anyway and you should try and find a group of like-minded folks, not worry about what un-like-minded folks think and conform to their shallow tendencies.. there are millions of ways to do this without going around in a way that screams 'i do drugs' to everyone..(although the majority of people would support your position). I'm not saying you shouldn't use caution and be discreet about things..you should..but for the love of n,n; dress and look how you want. do what you want and if your lucky, those with similar interests will see themselves in you and gravitate together.

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#31 Posted : 8/15/2011 11:43:44 PM
I have noticed that wearing a polo type shirt with a collar or button down shirt with a nice pair of jeans or a pair of khakis will change the way many people look at you. If you have hair of not too long length, are not outrageous with tattoos and piercings, and don't run around with patchwork clothes or tie-dyes, you can blend right in with much of the "normal" non-drug using society fairly easily.

When a cop walks up to you and you have the type of look I described, they tend to not even suspect you are a drug user. If you grow a beard, keep it trimmed, or clean shaven really helps. People tend to think drug users are poorly kept in their hygiene and dressing habits, so by adjusting your look, you can definitely give people that don't already know you a first impression that will avoid them being suspicious of any drug activity.

But, also, as stated by others, feeling comfortable with who you are and how you look goes a long way in how people will see you. Being timid, shy, or evasive makes people wonder why you are that way, so the way you act is just as important as the way you look. Finding a comfortable medium is a good way to allow you to express yourself, but keep you from being suspected as a drug user..
#32 Posted : 8/16/2011 8:10:00 AM
Seraph wrote:
How should I act? What colour should my hair be? What should I pretend my hobbies are? How often should I smile or frown and what emotions should I focus on showing?

1. you should act like David Cameron, Certainly not like Nick Clegg!

2. Your hair should be ginger and curly.

3. You should pretend that you are a collector of Exotic cactus, or that you have huge stamp collections.

4. You should smile after saying hello, and frown everytime something naughty is said.

5. Focus on showing the expressions of someone who doesn't like to be anything but straight, ie look miserable!!

"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#33 Posted : 8/16/2011 8:20:53 AM
Christian, for some reason (fumbling for the connection Pleased ), you reminded me of Fear and Loathing... the scene where the great Hunter S. invades the cop convention and watches those horrible movies about "reefer madness" or whatever.

AWESOME satire... just thought it was good to be reminded of something so utterly pertinent to the thread.
Some things will come easy, some will be a test
#34 Posted : 8/16/2011 9:07:54 AM
Minxx, thanks, you have made my day.Wink
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#35 Posted : 8/16/2011 10:43:31 AM
There's nothing to worry about in college, Seraph. There's no reason to tidy up your appearance for college; it's not like you're entering the private sector. Most undergraduates are on some type of drug, frankly. Depending on how strict the college is, stay on the safe side and do not possess any contraband on school property, especially if you're receiving state financial aid. It's not worth risking your education over any substance.
"'Most men will not swιm before they are able to.' Is not that witty? Naturally, they won't swιm! They are born for the solid earth, not for the water. And naturally they won't think. They are made for life, not for thought. Yes, and he who thinks, what's more, he who makes thought his business, he may go far in it, but he has bartered the solid earth for the water all the same, and one day he will drown."

— Hermann Hesse
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