Here's a lil suggestion for your kundalini that's a bit off the wall.
I've noticed recently that this is excellent for allowing them to flow much easier. It's also good for depression, you're lungs and all sorts of benefits for your body.
I started practicing this about a week ago, can hold it for bout 5-6 minutes now (but im a skinny mo fo). But since then I've had some amazing kundalini awakenings that seem to spill out into the earth in this position, both sober and trippin.
It's difficult and make sure you stretch properly as not to hurt yourself, but its definitely benefited me both with the energies, and helpin me handle quitting smoking the stoges.
Just throwin it out there lol takes some dedication though.
"If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world." -C.S. Lewis