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Would you quit entheogens for your lover? Options
#21 Posted : 5/29/2011 7:10:21 PM
I think you need to make the decision that will foster the most internal growth in the future. Personally, I would end this relationship immediately.

I feel that empathy is one of the most important parts of a relationship, and her inability to empathize and feel joy over the happiness you have obtained from your infrequent and respectful use of psychedelics is a troubling precedent to set in a relationship. What part of this life that provides you with joy will she want to interfere with next?

This may seem like only a "drug" issue, but I'd be willing to bet her inability to look at issues from multiple perspectives has resulted in arguments in the past, or will in the future.

You deserve better my friend.

Peace and happy journeys! Smile
All posts are completely fictional and for educational purposes only
#22 Posted : 5/29/2011 10:20:54 PM
Well I don't know your girlfriend but I'd be gone long time ago.
She is being very irrational and unreasonable.
She fell in love with you as you were when that happened, and at that time you had done psychedelics many times. So she fell in love with that part of you too.
She refuses to open her mind to the possibility that psychedelics might be all right even after starting a relationship with someone that has done them many times.

Man she has issues. And I don't believe she will admit to that any time soon. You and your psychedelic usage is not the problem. Will she ever admit to that? How much time are you willing to spend/waste on that relationship? Do you have any faith in it? I wouldn't according to what you've told us.

There are more fishes in the sea.

Well good luck with you life and I hope you'll find your way out of this.

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#23 Posted : 5/29/2011 11:07:19 PM
Honestly, if she's forcing you to choose, and you really like being with her, what she doesn't know doesn't hurt her.

I'm sure you could find the time to dose away from her, without her knowing. If this isn't possible, I would end the relationship, if it were me.
“The most compelling insight of that day was that this awesome recall had been brought about by a fraction of a gram of a white solid, but that in no way whatsoever could it be argued that these memories had been contained within the white solid. Everything I had recognized came from the depths of my memory and my psyche. I understood that our entire universe is contained in the mind and the spirit. We may choose not to find access to it, we may even deny its existence, but it is indeed there inside us, and there are chemicals that can catalyze its availability.”
Senior Member
#24 Posted : 5/29/2011 11:34:16 PM
If I've learnt anything in the 30+yrs I've been with my partner it's that honesty and a willingness to put up with the other's faults (both real and perceived) are paramount.
Two things to keep in mind:
1) It is all lies.
2) There is no privacy on the Internet.
Senior Member
#25 Posted : 5/30/2011 12:02:57 AM
Art Van D'lay wrote:
Smoalk. It. And. See.
Senior Member
#26 Posted : 5/30/2011 12:04:33 AM
It's been fun. Thanks for all the wisdom.
Senior Member | Skills: DMT, Harmaloids, Bufotenine, Mescaline, Trip advice
#27 Posted : 5/30/2011 12:54:41 AM
Funny question really.

Would I quit entheogens for a partner who was just good? No.

If someone was perfect for me in everyway, except they didn't like me doing entheogens?... hell yeah I'd stop. But I've never met such perfection.

I'm also getting to a stage in my life where entheogenic experiences can now only take me so far and it's up to me to make those past experiences relevant. Asking me to stop now would be very different to asking me to stop 5 years ago.

But I say funny question because you should know your choice.

Either entheogens are such a big part of your life to the point where they are not worth sacrificing another positive input


The person in question is more important than your entheogenic experiences.

Just because this person doesn't like you using entheogens it doesn't mean she's trying to change what is truly you. It means this person has been conditioned in such a way that she thinks they are not good, cares about you and therefore thinks they are helping.

Most people act from their best intentions.
Senior Member
#28 Posted : 5/30/2011 7:16:16 PM
The key issue seems to be that your worldviews are just worlds apart. If the use of entheogens is not gonna be the cause of your break-up, it's likely that eventually there'll be a next beig issue (or series of big issues in case you two would pull through).
If its'not gonna work anyway, you should spare yourself the misery ahead.
#29 Posted : 5/30/2011 7:33:10 PM
Personally I would not quit entheogens for a lover. I would find someone who understood their meaning and usage, regardless if they themselves would ever take those substances. That is the situation I find myself in now, with a girlfriend who understands my usage, and is fully supportive of my goals. My previous girlfriend would go so far as to call the cops on the pot smoking neighbors 'because it's illegal.' I naturally said to myself 'Who is this bizarre controlling person?' and things ended.

It appears to be like this... you are willing to change something about yourself... while she is not. I don't honestly find this to be true, "nor am I willing to budge on this," because of the existence of this thread and the weighing of options you are doing. Since you both cannot find a nice middle ground of compromise, I would advise discontinuing the relationship if this cannot be reached in a timely manner. I personally don't want a girlfriend who will posit ultimatums that are so one sided.

There is a logical bit to what I have said, but also a personal emotional side that yells out 'To hell with her!' I tried to remove the later flavor as much as possible, but that is how I feel.
#30 Posted : 5/31/2011 7:53:04 AM
She wouldn't ask me to quit because when she sees the positive impact they have, there would be no reason for her to ask me to quit. It would be like asking me to quit being a good person. It wouldn't make sense. If she did ask me, there would obviously be some kind of massive chasm of lack of understanding between us. If she doesn't get my entheogen use, she probably wouldn't understand anything about me. The difference would not be reconcilable, and so no, I would not quit for a lover, I would have to find someone more suited for me.
Moderator | Skills: Harm reduction, Analytical thinking
#31 Posted : 5/31/2011 8:16:52 AM
Korey wrote:
Honestly, if she's forcing you to choose, and you really like being with her, what she doesn't know doesn't hurt her.

I'm sure you could find the time to dose away from her, without her knowing. If this isn't possible, I would end the relationship, if it were me.

I don't agree to this at all. If it takes lying or hiding stuff to remain a relationship then the relationship is not worth it IMO. For me honesty, clarity and willingness to be open to the other person in every way I can manage are essential and without them I would not be interested in the partnership.

I would get out of the relationship as soon as possible. The longer you stay the more it will seem like this is how it should be (you compromising your authentic self)... when really it should be the very opposite: the relationship should help you realize your authenticity and further your growth by giving you support, love, trust and all those good things, and the occasional friction that also serves self-reflection/improvement.

Also consider that a relationship is a thing itself that could be seen to have a consciousness of itself which resides in the inter-subjective space i.e. between you and your partner. This 'we' consciousness can only be as whole and functional as the least of the parties that creates it. If you are inhibited from being who you really are then the 'we' you establish will also be incomplete and dysfunctional.

This IMO serves no one and to be fair to yourself and your partner I would discuss this one last time, but if no common ground, no openness etc could be found, then I would end it for the sake of both of you.
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens.
mushroom-grow-help ::: energy conserving caapi extraction
Senior Member
#32 Posted : 5/31/2011 9:01:17 AM
I agree with Enoon on this one.
Plus it's a very unhealthy set to hide yourself for launching.
Would you conceive yourself vaping a healthy dose of changa and then hearing your GF coming home earlier than you expected ?
With all the stress you'd bring with you on the journey ? That would mess you up AND you're not a kid doing monkey business, I know this situation from first hand. where the lady accepted it "kindof" since she would say then do it when I 'm not home, I do'nt like to see you in trance-like state.
It's hard but if you are at home and you really want ot carry on your journey, in my opinion the lady comes second if she doesn't accept it.
But hiding isn't fair for an adult.
Rather be single OR leaving separately and dating when you're sober and you would know there is no gonna be surprises.
Good luck with that.
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#33 Posted : 5/31/2011 1:42:07 PM
Back before I did drugs of any kind (except for alcohol), I remember my policy was, "I'm never gonna do drugs, but if you wanna do them, that's your decision." I can distinctly remember myself saying this, and at the same time, I can also remember it not being entirely true. What I mean is that I would never say anything to someone to try and convince them not to pursue their drug habit (which at the time, everyone I knew only smoked weed...or so I thought anyway), but the idea of my good friends smoking weed made me uncomfortable, and I did wish they would stop (even though it wasn't even like they were treating me poorly, or neglecting me or anything along those lines). It was just an irrational desire stemming from a fear of something, but what - I don't know.

I also had a certain mentality that drugs were used to deal with stress that I was perfectly capable of handling without drugs. Now let's clarify some things. I don't think I was really as good at coping with stress as I thought I was. In retrospect I was extremely anxious, ever-fearful (especially that a loved one would drop dead at any minute), and so-on. Weed was the first thing that helped me cope I guess, but it was psychedelics that removed the need for taking a drug to get rid of stress in itself and giving me the tools to cope healthily in life without them (when I want to anyway Laughing ). I remember one of the main reasons I refused to smoke weed (which ended up being the first drug I got acquainted with) was because I had some notion that if I smoked weed, I would feel this incredible sense of guilt. Well once I talked myself into it, I remember walking with my friends as they smoked a joint, and it was passed to me, I took one puff...didn't feel guilty...and didn't miss a day of not smoking for about 2 months or so Rolling eyes
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#34 Posted : 5/31/2011 2:15:16 PM
gobalswg wrote:
Back before I did drugs of any kind (except for alcohol), I remember my policy was, "I'm never gonna do drugs, but if you wanna do them, that's your decision." I can distinctly remember myself saying this, and at the same time, I can also remember it not being entirely true. What I mean is that I would never say anything to someone to try and convince them not to pursue their drug habit (which at the time, everyone I knew only smoked weed...or so I thought anyway), but the idea of my good friends smoking weed made me uncomfortable, and I did wish they would stop (even though it wasn't even like they were treating me poorly, or neglecting me or anything along those lines). It was just an irrational desire stemming from a fear of something, but what - I don't know.

I also had a certain mentality that drugs were used to deal with stress that I was perfectly capable of handling without drugs. Now let's clarify some things. I don't think I was really as good at coping with stress as I thought I was. In retrospect I was extremely anxious, ever-fearful (especially that a loved one would drop dead at any minute), and so-on. Weed was the first thing that helped me cope I guess, but it was psychedelics that removed the need for taking a drug to get rid of stress in itself and giving me the tools to cope healthily in life without them (when I want to anyway Laughing ). I remember one of the main reasons I refused to smoke weed (which ended up being the first drug I got acquainted with) was because I had some notion that if I smoked weed, I would feel this incredible sense of guilt. Well once I talked myself into it, I remember walking with my friends as they smoked a joint, and it was passed to me, I took one puff...didn't feel guilty...and didn't miss a day of not smoking for about 2 months or so Rolling eyes

You nailed it, that's a very good argument and the main difference between psychedelics and opiates/stims, MetaXIII could try to explain to his girlfriend how psych. can be invaluable tools!
To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour.
- William Blake
#35 Posted : 6/1/2011 8:41:19 AM
If the girl is physically attractive I would lie. (sex)
I am not psychologically attracted to anti-drugs/entheos/psychs minds. (love)
Moderator | Skills: Harm reduction, Analytical thinking
#36 Posted : 6/1/2011 10:11:38 AM
clouds wrote:
If the girl is physically attractive I would lie. (sex)
I am not psychologically attracted to anti-drugs/entheos/psychs minds. (love)

I'm probably misunderstanding you here, but you would continue a relationship just for sex and in order to do so lie for it??!? I don't see that as fair for the other person. No matter how much I would disagree with their mind set I don't think this is how I would want to treat another person. I mean sex for the sake of sex is one thing, but then both people should at least be honest about it and know what it is.
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens.
mushroom-grow-help ::: energy conserving caapi extraction
#37 Posted : 6/1/2011 10:27:45 AM
Let her read this thread it may help her to understand you better. Who knows she may just think that she is doing you a favor by protecting you from (as she thinks) drugs .
We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.


We are all living in our own feces.
#38 Posted : 6/1/2011 10:57:41 AM
I believe that if you have explained this honestly with her, and she still has her doubts, then this means that she basically is still immature. If you love her then give her time. Otherwise look elsewhere. Never hold yourself back because of this. Sounds like she's trying to give you the guilt trip, because she's unwilling to understand the naked truth about who she really is...
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#39 Posted : 6/1/2011 11:53:12 AM
These things are never easy.

It seems like you have tried your best to make her understand what psychedelics are all about. And your reasons for doing the.

Having been though something similar, but with a better outcome, I can tell you there is not much more you can do.

Relationships are all about compromise, and if no middle ground can be found then its not worth the effort that it takes to keep a relationship healthy. In a year from now she may have changed her mind, but it seems apparent that she won't. I don't feel its worth any of your time to waste a year on this. Especially if you both won't budge.

I hope you find a peaceful resolution, and one that leaves both of you with no regrets.

Love is hard to find, and it should be nurtured, but when a relationship reaches a stagnant point like this its very hard to take anything of value from it.

Peace, love, light


Sonorous fractal manifestastions,
birthing golden vibrations,
that echo through folds of space & time,
ferry my soul closer to God

#40 Posted : 6/1/2011 12:14:53 PM
IF my girlfriend noticed them having bad effects on me and could point it out in a good way sure.

But if it was like your case then no.

Ive been in the same situation although with weed and i´m glad i got out since that turned out to be one crazy bitch!
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