Hey Chronic This is a bit off topic, but you might want to try snorting a line of 5-Meo, it comes on very quickly (1-2 minutes) it is every bit as extreme a lift off as smoking nn-dmt, the peak is over in 10-15 minutes and the afterglow lasts an hour. So the timeline of snorting 5meo-dmt is vary similar to timeline of smoking nn-dmt.
Sister snorted 12mgs (all the knowledge of the universe was hers) and 15mgs (was so extreme Sister has been shy to do it again, but will!)
Good luck!
Thanks for your suggestions Sister, id love to know more about your experiences...
Insufflating it is somewhat appealing, in that it's avoiding smoking it/vaping it which is always a plus. I think i will try sublingual/roof of my mouth first, i like how that is described as not as rapid as smoking aswell.
After transferring to a vial i licked out the baggie it came in, i didn't swallow for a few minutes for it to soak into my mouth but i didn't really feel anything, i would've thought if it's active at such low doses i would've felt something, hope it's legit...
I wouldn't draw any conclusions yet dude. 1-2mg is a threshold smoked dose, I'm not sure you'd feel anything at that dosage when taken sublingually. I'm pretty sure you'll find its the real deal.
Chronic wrote:should've been at least 1-2mg, i didn't swallow for a few minutes for it to soak into my mouth but i didn't really feel anything, i would've thought ifits active at such low doses i would've felt something, hope its legit...
5Meo-DMT isn't active orally unless you take a MAOI, and I'm not sure if sublingual would be a fast enough route for it not to be oxidized before an effect is noticed
endlessness wrote:yeah I would just make paste with sodium carb and water, dry and pull with something like ethanol/IPA/acetone. would that also work with other 5meo's? “Psychedelics are like square roots. They can take you from a place you know, to a place you never imagined could have existed”
such as? (it should be a pretty efficient freebasing technique for a lot of alkaloids but there might be exceptions, so better look case by case)
endlessness wrote:such as? (it should be a pretty efficient freebasing technique for a lot of alkaloids but there might be exceptions, so better look case by case) 5-meo-amt. “Psychedelics are like square roots. They can take you from a place you know, to a place you never imagined could have existed”
I didnt add to my last post cause this is a new question. Can 5meoDMT be crystallized into large xtals by solvent evaporation? “Psychedelics are like square roots. They can take you from a place you know, to a place you never imagined could have existed”
BUMP !! Anyone finally freebased 5M HCL into FB ? Smell like tea n,n spirit !
Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
A friend of a friend's dog had this dream... Hope this will be helpful to someone.
Some 5-MeO-DMT HCl was obtained. Salt looked off-white grayish powder. This powder would not vaporize in Volcano, but 12mg insufflated would give mild to medium 5MeO journey.
- 1g of this salt was mixed with 2g of sodium carbonate and 10ml of water.
- The mix would turn darker grey color and later after thorough mixing would form a white to slightly off-white paste. Reaction was slightly exothermic.
- Water was removed from this paste (dried under a fan).
- 20ml of anhydrous acetone (dried with MgSO4 - Epsom salt) was added, mixed thoroughly decanted and saved.
- 3 such pulls were made and the acetone was dried out in a dish (under a fan without heat applied to avoid oxidation).
The result was off-white orange-brownish crystals formed on the bottom of the dish. The end product vaporizes in Volcano, 10mg would give strong and very clean experience.
Total yield was about 80%