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MAOI (B.Caapi) And Mushrooms? Options
#21 Posted : 2/3/2011 10:29:41 AM
dream_denizen wrote:
justine wrote:
dream_denizen wrote:
According to Dennis McKenna's experience in La Chorrera, the resonance of the psilocybin molecule and harmine will cancel eachother allowing a super-conductive bond of the harmine to DNA and the mushroom.

The effect of all this is for you to interpret...the "Other" perhaps will open its doors.

I wonder what that is supposed to mean Rolling eyes

Apparently it has something to do with the resonances of each molecule responding to each other in an extraordinary way in humans. Thus inducing Dennis' shamanic state in La Chorrera. He broke the experience down into alchemical phenomena, altering states of consciousness by voicing the harmine resonance.

And apparently this is speculative at best:
burnt wrote:
The stuff discussed in the invisible landscape about beta carbolines was a load of rubbish... Dennis Mckenna later admitted he didn't really know what he was talking about when he wrote that section.

Personally, I'm with the Nexus' own rowdy chemist on this oneWink !
"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool." Richard P. Feynman
Senior Member
#22 Posted : 2/3/2011 1:38:40 PM
I'm definitely highly sceptical of such claims too. However it is interesting that beta carboline alkaloids have recently been shown to bind with and interact with DNA however.

#23 Posted : 2/3/2011 1:53:44 PM
Indeed... we have become cross threaded! The above quote from burnt is from the thread discussing harmala/DNA binding. This relationship is not unique, or even novel - many toxins, many alkaloids among them, interact with DNA.
See Mind-Altering and Poisonous Plants of the World by Wink and Van Wyk for quite a few details on this.
"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool." Richard P. Feynman
#24 Posted : 2/3/2011 2:04:13 PM
Ljosalfar wrote:
dream_denizen wrote:
justine wrote:
dream_denizen wrote:
According to Dennis McKenna's experience in La Chorrera, the resonance of the psilocybin molecule and harmine will cancel eachother allowing a super-conductive bond of the harmine to DNA and the mushroom.

The effect of all this is for you to interpret...the "Other" perhaps will open its doors.

I wonder what that is supposed to mean Rolling eyes

Apparently it has something to do with the resonances of each molecule responding to each other in an extraordinary way in humans. Thus inducing Dennis' shamanic state in La Chorrera. He broke the experience down into alchemical phenomena, altering states of consciousness by voicing the harmine resonance.

And apparently this is speculative at best:
burnt wrote:
The stuff discussed in the invisible landscape about beta carbolines was a load of rubbish... Dennis Mckenna later admitted he didn't really know what he was talking about when he wrote that section.

Personally, I'm with the Nexus' own rowdy chemist on this oneWink !

I'm with Dennis on this one. Under interesting conditions and altered states we often can't make total sense of the situation. At the time it all makes perfect sense. Dennis may not understand what happened, but he knows something happened. I compare it to a bizarre dream that is everything but unfathomable until one wakes up.

All in all, however, psychedelic drugs induce shamanic states. Different combinations may escalate our experience.
#25 Posted : 2/3/2011 2:27:17 PM
I do not contest anyone's subjective or metaphorical experience, "shamanic" or otherwise. I do however contest the idea that there is any evidence beyond said experience which suggests super-conduction created by molecular interactions with our DNA creates drugs' (harmalas, psilocybin...) effects. And as burnt said, McKenna himself backed away from these ideas.
"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool." Richard P. Feynman
Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#26 Posted : 2/3/2011 6:28:59 PM
dream_denizen wrote:
According to Dennis McKenna's experience in La Chorrera, the resonance of the psilocybin molecule and harmine will cancel eachother allowing a super-conductive bond of the harmine to DNA and the mushroom.

The effect of all this is for you to interpret...the "Other" perhaps will open its door

This doesn't make much sense, it seems like you misinterpreted and are trying to use a THEORY to describe wayyy to much. The hypothesis there was aimed at describing the mechanisms behind that one particular experiment, and it was NOT saying that this super-conductive bond thing happened whenever anyone took mushrooms and caapi together. besides, it was just a theory..not fact. I think coming to any conclusions about any of this stuff seems pretty silly, and i remain very skeptical

Ljosalfar wrote:
I do not contest anyone's subjective or metaphorical experience, "shamanic" or otherwise. I do however contest the idea that there is any evidence beyond said experience which suggests super-conduction created by molecular interactions with our DNA creates drugs' (harmalas, psilocybin...) effects. And as burnt said, McKenna himself backed away from these ideas.

Perhaps he no longer thinks super-conduction played a role in the experiment, i dont know, but I doubt he ever really backed away from these ideas. He can be found on youtube discussing these things.. and im told a person once asked him how his ideas in the invisible landscape had evolved since then.. and he said that it was a very long and complex story that he didn't have time to relate, but that it would hopefully all be discussed when he writes his memoirs. So who knows?

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#27 Posted : 2/3/2011 6:37:57 PM
In a recent talk of McKenna's on Psychedelic Salon, some questions came up regarding the experiment. Terrence pointed out that only one person had successfully performed the experiment, and part of the results had been him going batshit crazy for two weeks. As the experimenter was unwilling to perform the experiment again, due to the batshit crazy, the whole thing was kind of moot.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#28 Posted : 12/4/2011 5:16:52 PM

My pet hamster is wondering just how much caapi-copy would be 'suitable' to combine with about 2g's of mushrooms (english Liberty caps) ?

I was thinking maybe 100mg, if 200mg caapi-copy is said to contain the same ammount of alkaloids from 200g of capi ? is this 'too' much?

edit- i misread the page - the above is wrong and it's actually 1 gram of Caapi Copy per 200 g of Caapi

Senior Member
#29 Posted : 12/4/2011 5:27:57 PM
Please stop feeding your hamster psychedelics.

Feed the 100mg and 2g to yourself, sounds like a fine dose for a human.
#30 Posted : 12/4/2011 5:38:20 PM
thanks - i have tried to ask the hamster to cut down on it's indulgences ,but it swears that it's on to something! so who am i to intervene? Razz
#31 Posted : 3/12/2012 1:42:51 AM
Let's say I wanted to take 1 gram of Syrian Rue. Can I just put the seeds in a capsule and swallow it? Or are the seeds rough on your body? Should I just boil them and make a small tea?

Ice House
Moderator | Skills: Sustainable growing
#32 Posted : 3/12/2012 2:19:24 AM
behindthelight wrote:
Let's say I wanted to take 1 gram of Syrian Rue. Can I just put the seeds in a capsule and swallow it? Or are the seeds rough on your body? Should I just boil them and make a small tea?


grind the rue seeds up and put em into gel caps. when I grind em up good I can usually fit almost a gram in a 00 capsule. They are easily tolerated in the stomache when taken in this fashion. You could eat em without grinding them. I wouldnt.
Ice House is an alter ego. The threads, postings, replys, statements, stories, and private messages made by Ice House are 100% unadulterated Bull Shit. Every aspect of the Username Ice House is pure fiction. Any likeness to SWIM or any real person is purely coincidental. The creator of Ice House does not condone or participate in any illicit activity what so ever. The makebelieve character known as Ice House is owned and operated by SWIM and should not be used without SWIM's expressed written consent.
#33 Posted : 3/12/2012 2:28:59 AM
Ice House wrote:
behindthelight wrote:
Let's say I wanted to take 1 gram of Syrian Rue. Can I just put the seeds in a capsule and swallow it? Or are the seeds rough on your body? Should I just boil them and make a small tea?


grind the rue seeds up and put em into gel caps. when I grind em up good I can usually fit almost a gram in a 00 capsule. They are easily tolerated in the stomache when taken in this fashion. You could eat em without grinding them. I wouldnt.

Alright cool. I have a grinder and 00 capsules...!

Thanks man.
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#34 Posted : 3/12/2012 3:08:59 AM
..Gracie and Zarkov (in the late 80s) wrote:
Once we had taken 7.5 grams of very potent dried Stropharia. We were interested in making contact with the 'voice in the head' phenomenon. We potentiated the mushrooms by each smoking about 750 grams (!) of passion flower (reduced as described above) starting about 30 minutes after eating the mushrooms. The potentiation was quite overwhelming. After smoking about one quarter of the plant material, each fresh lungful brought on, within seconds, powerful "starburst" and "intersecting lightning bolt" hallucinations which, with eyes opened, obscured a well-lit room. The voice phenomenon was loud and clear and very unsettling (the content of the trip has been described in High Frontiers, Issue 2). Before the trip we had attempted on several occasions to invoke the voice phenomenon with the same mushrooms at dosages of up to 10 grams, to no avail. But, even more curiously, effects such as clear instance of MAO inhibition, voices in the head, visions (with both closed and opened eyes) and finally at the end of the period, clear potentiation of another psychedelic (LSD) occurred at discrete short intervals over a period of 14 days! We realize that this sounds unbelievable, however it did happen. It is our opinion that particular long-term effects can be initiated by large combined doses of tyrptamines and beta-carbolines that cannot be adequately explained using current models of brain chemistry.

Additionally, since that rather harrowing trip, the mushroom "voice" has been inescapable even on dosages as low as approximately one gram. As less spectacular long-term effects, we have also noticed this "locking in" or tuning-in effect with the beta-carboline/DMT combination. That is, effects that were previously elusive on DMT alone became easy to invoke once they have occurred in the combination.

#35 Posted : 3/12/2012 10:29:29 AM
So i took about 200mg of a crude ipa extract i made from forest rx 4x caapi together with 70liberty caps apr 2g.

i took the cappi in a cap about 30mins before the mushrooms, already after 15mins i felt the harmala high coming on, it felt like 20-30g of vine but without any nausea or stomach issues.

After i ate the shrooms i took a bath and after that i smoked a joint with a mixture of high grade bud, brick weed and some acetone hash made of trim all mixed with some tobacco.

Right away it felt like i got hit with a hammer and had to lay down, i got blasted into hyperspace and was visited by some alien ship!

My big lamp in my seiling turned into the core of something that looked and sounded like some hyperspace ship, right away i heard alot of vibrations and voices.

The caapi seemed to work like a tranlator(babelfish) so i could seem to understand what they told me.

The craziset part was that i wen´t into this trip for hope of healing my strained lower back which has bugged me for over a month, im doing rehab but progress is slow.

Also last time i ate shrooms i just felt alot better in my back the day after, my theory is that shrooms release tension in your mind which will help you feel better and focus energy on healing instead.

Anyway somewhere in this alien encounter i started to feel some small spasms in my lower back, they felt like warm vibrations and although it was abit freaky they felt very good.

After a while these spasms and vibrations turned into a tension in my glutes and lower abs.

Here is the really weird part, i felt something that i could only try to describe as a feeling of suction that started in the end of my spine, carefully this force pulled out and gently stretched my spine out.

this wen´t on for like 15mins untill the peak wore off, after that i was down to a ++, i think the peak could count a a ++++.

I´m not saying i´m totally restored in my back from doing this but i can easily feel that inflammation in going down and that my back doesnt feel as locked up.

Still have months of rehab left but i´m glad i found a tool that can heal both my mind, soul and body.
#36 Posted : 3/17/2012 1:51:34 AM
I once had one of the best trips I've experienced from chewing a quid of caapi for about 30 min and then eating 3.5g cubensis. I highly recommend this combo!
#37 Posted : 3/17/2012 6:58:23 PM
I have not tried mushrooms with rue, but I have tried using blackcurrant juice. It increased the effects but it wasn't in a pleasant way for me but I don't know if that had anything to do with the fact that I may have drank too much blackcurrant.
#38 Posted : 11/9/2012 10:40:16 PM
Bancopuma wrote:
I've also combined caapi, DMT (in freebase form, extracted from mimosa) and mushrooms together a few times, and had incredibly powerful, incredibly blissful and incredibly beautiful experiences, really earthy and deep. The second time, the build up to the purge was very intense and felt very menacing indeed, like a dark thunderstorm was literally filling the room around my head. The purging was incredibly deep and an utter revelation unto itself. I'm usually pretty quiet when I purge (everyone seems to vary!) but on this occasion I roared, I mean really roared, as I purged. The change in mindset...going from hyperventilating, with extremely dark and menacing vibes on the brink of panic, to complete and utter bliss, saturated in liquid light was also amazing. It was really strange was when myself or my friend tried to smoke marijuana, the combo was VERY disapproving and the experience go darker and we would feel sick when we tried to. Was a funny night, that one. Wink

Great post Razz
acolon_5 wrote:
Welcome to club hypersex.

I've been there too...it is amazing.

#39 Posted : 8/4/2013 12:22:33 AM
universecannon wrote:
yeah, smoking caapi leaves on mushrooms is nice. never added extra harmalas in the smoke, though it sounds like a good idea, Chronic

as far as oral MAOI and mushrooms, i remember mckenna saying that half an ayahuasca dose with half of a mushroom dose was too much and not enjoyable for him..he said it was better to take a full dose of the MAOIs and then start off with small amounts of mushrooms

"he said it was better to take a full dose of the MAOIs" and lordy do I agree with thatThumbs up However, all I ever hear from folks about that very subject is, "it's in the math", "it's in the mixture", or my new favorite information dodge the question answer is, "depends on what you want".

Is it say, different for a recipe for an adult of 145 lbs or 230 lb adult? Is there a 'default' dosage chart, I'm laughing at myself now reading what I'm asking. Damn it, gotta stick with it. If I don't ask, I won't find. I've gone through about 3 lbs of ingredients now, feeling great but have not achieved lift off.
Last recipe was 40 gr B. Caapi powder + 10 gr Mimosa hostilis, followed directions to a T. The entire preparation time was 4 1/2 hours.

Any help, suggestions, links, greatly appreciated.

TIME; Natures way of making sure everything, doesn't happen at once! author unkwn
#40 Posted : 8/4/2013 12:37:39 AM
hey virtusvelox. This thread is about the mushrooms and caapi... You ask about caapi and mimosa, right? If so, I'd suggest you check here:


and here:


People definitely vary in their personal sensitivity to specific substances. But before assuming this, better make sure to rule out other potential important variables (preparation method, medication interaction, plant source potency etc). Then if it really comes down to being a dosage issue, raise dosage. I'd say from your mentioned dosage, you are probably dosing low on caapi (your caapi might be weak and/or you might need more harmalas).. 10g mimosa can be too much. How are you brewing it?

What are the effects? How long do they last?
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