while you're at it, why not take my genitals, so you can have some b^&*s
I'm just kidding.
Don't kid with the kid who's kidded millions. Remember I am an expert in this. I am a clown, nothing I say can be taken seriously. It is my profesion to talk nonsense
allllriiighht bro, I'll take heed. Whatever, lol.
I save this stuff for the shroomery, but if I had a nickel for every time I heard someone tell me that.........
My cat has recently died during a 5-MeO-W extraction attempt  . Can you dry and smoke cat?
imachavel wrote:if I had a nickel for every time I heard someone tell me that......... Well, this brings us to an interesting point in the revealing tales of the unknown. Every once in a while you have to look backwards and see what path you've taken in your life. In your case it's a path where many people reply to you with a certain attitude. In the meantime, when you look around you, you see other people taking different paths and seldom you see a person with so many 'strange' replies as yours. The question now is if you think its time to walk a less obstructive path and maybe follow the river a little bit more, maybe even drift on it for some time. You might come to the revelation that not every word thrown at you is meant to hurt you and maybe, yes maybe, you might learn some important lessons to deepen your life while floating that beautifull and endless river.
catfood wrote:My cat has recently died during a 5-MeO-W extraction attempt  . Can you dry and smoke cat? 5-MeO-W that is a great erowid parody site! Just love it....and yes, of course you can smoke dried out cat, but the question really is, why would you do that when you can make JENKEM!!!! The Spice extends life The Spice expands consciousness The Spice is vital for space travel ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Never underestimate the power of STUFF!
I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.
I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
The Traveler wrote:imachavel wrote:if I had a nickel for every time I heard someone tell me that......... Well, this brings us to an interesting point in the revealing tales of the unknown. Every once in a while you have to look backwards and see what path you've taken in your life. In your case it's a path where many people reply to you with a certain attitude. In the meantime, when you look around you, you see other people taking different paths and seldom you see a person with so many 'strange' replies as yours. The question now is if you think its time to walk a less obstructive path and maybe follow the river a little bit more, maybe even drift on it for some time. You might come to the revelation that not every word thrown at you is meant to hurt you and maybe, yes maybe, you might learn some important lessons to deepen your life while floating that beautifull and endless river. Ok, this is the 8th hundred time you've told me that. I realize you own the forum, but I can't let you tell me one thousand times who I am because of a statement I've made on an online forum. The truth is, I have a lot of fun with insults, who doesn't. But it doesn't mean I go to sleep with it and take it with me everywhere I go, if you look through everything I say, you'd realize I try and come up with intellectual types of things to think about, not just random banter and thrown remarks towards people. Maybe you should look at your outlook on people, and the path you take being one of your own, and not a general basis of everyone else you come into contact with. "I man who knows himself inside and throughout knows his life is untouched by others, and yet he does not judge others, for it doesn't effect him what others behavior are, and yet he understands others and feels a place of compassion for them, knowing that all things come to an end, this is the way of things." I forget who said that. Anyway I didn't want to be 'offensive' as it's been pointed out 2 billions times that I am, it seems quite a common misplacement. I find though that when someone doesn't tell me how I am and the way I react to things as though they study every other thing I say, I don't really start problems. As for that statement, it was just a joke, Magic Clown came up with a joke, I did as well. I hope that doesn't bother anyone. I wouldn't tell someone else I don't know to take a less obstructive path. For all you know, I'm your best freind, and you just don't realize it's me posting on here(lol), although probably not, but you never really know who someone is through these online forums. I tried taking some 5-MeO-W, I don't know, I just felt stupid for drinking cat piss. My freind told me that it was some prank as there is no psychedelic indolamines in cat piss. I said "no way man, there's a dmt in here, it's a 5-MeO-W something or another." This is real right? I wouldn't want to be trying to drink cat piss as some joke or another. Well, let me know, is there some extraction I need to use? God, is there an easier extraction? Because this is a pain in the ass, it's supposed to an intense mind opening trip though, right?
LOL imachavel is cheesing it up
No, I actually tried it, man, it was supposed to work, right...?.......... LMAO, yeah man.
imachavel wrote:The Traveler wrote:imachavel wrote:if I had a nickel for every time I heard someone tell me that......... Well, this brings us to an interesting point in the revealing tales of the unknown. Every once in a while you have to look backwards and see what path you've taken in your life. In your case it's a path where many people reply to you with a certain attitude. In the meantime, when you look around you, you see other people taking different paths and seldom you see a person with so many 'strange' replies as yours. The question now is if you think its time to walk a less obstructive path and maybe follow the river a little bit more, maybe even drift on it for some time. You might come to the revelation that not every word thrown at you is meant to hurt you and maybe, yes maybe, you might learn some important lessons to deepen your life while floating that beautifull and endless river. Ok, this is the 8th hundred time you've told me that. I realize you own the forum, but I can't let you tell me one thousand times who I am because of a statement I've made on an online forum. Please take it easy. After our talks you've substantialy progressed with your postings. Even the use of bad words is gone. It's impressive to see and I'm delighted with the results so far. Just to let you know... p.s. Maybe you can use Cat Piss to give impure spice a Cat-ammonia wash. 
nexus, please dont grow too large  all of my posts are fictional. please interpret them as such.
I believe. The cult of the cat piss junkies is no joke. You ain't a Texan 'til you been bit by a rattlesnake, and you ain't a psychonaut 'til you slammed the cat piss. That's just how it is, sorry folks. Siamese or Tabby you ask me? How do I know your not just phishin. I can give you a hint; an IM strike will waste your piss, spike to the vein and you'll be seein feline machine elves for days. Yup!
no I swear, I saw my homeboy take some cat piss to the head dog, boi, he was freaked man. Didn't know where the f*&^ he was, boi was trippin! man, let tell you, i get some cat piss and I get my head swollen with that S*&^, it's real man, no lie. You think they fronted that story? nah boi
take some to the head, you just gotta know the extract, son. If you don't know how to take it out, seperate it and s*&^.
I found this thread very inspiring, so in a self-experiment I snuffed the dehydrated and powdered bodies of several human specimens that snuffed it. To achieve a homogenous mixture, several bodies of varying age, size, race, sex and culture were used. As far as I can tell, no noticeable effects were caused, maybe a little headache and nosebleed, but that's it. To sum it up: Don't snuff out people in order to snuff them, it's not worth it and long-term risks are hard to foresee. Besides I am glad to tell, that no animals have been hurt in the experiment. God is dreaming us.
Is that Jenkem link for real? if it is thats fucking disgusting!
All my posts are hypothetical and for educational/entertainment purposes, and are not an endorsement of said activities. SWIM (a character based on other people) obtained a license for said activity or did said activity where it is legal to do so.
KUSHMASTER wrote:Is that Jenkem link for real? if it is thats fucking disgusting! That's not really clear I guess. Wanna try it?  God is dreaming us.
gigaschatten wrote:KUSHMASTER wrote:Is that Jenkem link for real? if it is thats fucking disgusting! That's not really clear I guess. Wanna try it?  You first...
All my posts are hypothetical and for educational/entertainment purposes, and are not an endorsement of said activities. SWIM (a character based on other people) obtained a license for said activity or did said activity where it is legal to do so.
KUSHMASTER wrote:gigaschatten wrote:KUSHMASTER wrote:Is that Jenkem link for real? if it is thats fucking disgusting! That's not really clear I guess. Wanna try it?  You first... There was a kid on the growery who almost tried it, but seemed to come to his senses at the last minute At least we can be glad to know he got as far as managing to maneuver his feces into a waterbottle and letting it begin to ferment.
You'd propably need hundreds of human corpse. Very low yield. Better stick to MHRB imho.