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~Phalaris = The Way Of The Future~ Options
#361 Posted : 12/12/2015 8:45:45 AM
I had to join just to thank all of you on all the terrific work you have compiled in this thread and many others. You guys are all truly on the precipice of DMT research, the leading edge of figuring out how to effectively cultivate and extract tryptamines out of a promising genus so yeah, nothing short of gratitude.

I am somewhat pessimistically- although I would argue, realistically- ruminating over my first ever wild phalaris arundinacea extraction for reasons I hope are obvious. The only things that are keeping me attracted to the idea are:

1# There are truckloads of the stuff. Here in pastoral Australia, there is a great demand on farms such as mine for species of perennial long grass that provide good feed for livestock and Phalaris grass is actively used in this capacity. It is interesting that is though, considering as it's tendency to poision is an active concern; I had first hand experience with a poor lamb this week who couldn't stand for days going into a week because of it. The poor thing, but for a careful eye, would have died if not given the proper treatment. I never used the grass as feed, it's the silly sheep who go foraging at the weeds in the fringes of the paddocks when the going gets a bit thin. The research conducted by the CSIRO highlighted in this thread is a real eye-opener for what exactly is going on there so I'll have to thank again whoever it was for sharing that.
In any case it propagates so well in such a great variety of conditions. News that it grows abundantly in extremely arid Mediterranean conditions such as Jordan, sub-tropical and temperate conditions as north as England and Canada coloured me a little surprised. Here, it's not at all unusual to find thousands of the damn things clogging up roadsides, waterways and in the case of the farm- rich volcanic soil.
Phalaris aquatica var. aus is common as well. I suppose I should be grateful, that where someone like Jamie has to order seeds and grow the bloody things, I can just as easily botch together some bundles with varying degrees of success. This will definitely be on the list for upcoming experiments.

2# The average temperature for Summer is 33C, for the whole year 26C. Heatwaves culminating in the height of these Summers provide without fault an excess of sunlight, dry heat and sporadic rainfall that stresses the grass a great deal.

3# I will use other methods listed here to try to stress it out even more. The only downside is that most of the grass here find themselves on nutrient rich soil. This being a factor for further diluting the active alkaloids. I hope in vain that that this is in actuality false and can't bring myself to review the research with a sober eye hahahah.

In any case, I want to thank you all again for the information. I only wish I could add anything more than anecdotal data. In the coming weeks I'll report my findings with my wild strands of phalaris arundinacea using a typical A/B extraction method to see if it will buck the trend.
#362 Posted : 12/12/2015 11:38:54 PM
As a sidenote I have so find found 10 or so different Australian varieties of Phalaris aquatica, keeping this mind:
"A variety or cultivar is an essemblage of cultivated individuals that is distinguished by any character (morphological, phusiological, cytological, chemical or other) significant for the purpose of agriculture, forestry or horiculture and which, when reproduced (sexually or asexually), retains its distinguishing features. Materials registereed under Plant Breeder's Rights compiles with the definition of a variety. Where seed is sold under a brand name it may or may not be registered as a variety."
Prostrate, semi winter dormant, low summer dormancy
Australian, Uneta, Grasslands Maru, Australian II, Grazier
Semi erect to erect, winter active, low summer dormancy
Sirosa, Sirolan, Holdfast (Improved acid soil tolerance), Landmaster (Improved acid soil tolerance)
Erect, winter active, medium to high summer dormancy
Atlas PG

Source: Pasture Varieties used in NSW 2006-2007, Compiled by Bev Zurbo NSW DPI

This publication I felt left a lot more to be desired, not outlining what the differences in these varieties really were but for their seasonal dormancy/activity. So, exploring some more I found another one which details some of the varieties listed above and they are as follows
AUSTRALIAN: The original variety suited to 425mm+ rainfall. Very slow to establish but once established it is very persistent. Needs to be grazed heavily to maintain feed value and it can cause toxicity.
AUSTRALIAN II: A selection of Australian phalaris with similar characteristics to Australian but has better seed retention for seed production purposes
FOSTERVILLE: Fosterville is a drought tolerant, persistent perennial grass, that has been observed to have good tolerance to waterlogging and grass grubs. It is best suited to heavier soils and was selected to withstand both dry and cold conditions.


ADVANCE AT: A newly developed variety from the CSIRO. Advance AT is similar to Holdfast, but was selected for superior performance in shallow, strongly acidic and infertile soils. It will tolerate pHCaCl 3.8 and Aluminium % of 20-50, providing better production and persistence on these soils than other phalaris varieties. Advance AT does have a higher crown than Holdfast GT and must be rotationally grazed to enhance persistence.
HOLDFAST: Holdfast is an alternative to Sirosa with increased benefits over Australian. Holdfast should be rotationally grazed if possible or at the very least spelled occasionally and not set stocked all year round. Because of its greater production and to get maximum benefit, fertiliser requirements may need to be increased. Holdfast was also bred to be more tolerant of acid soils.
HOLDFAST GT: Winter active, erect type bred from Holdfast for better grazing persistence under continuous grazing systems. Has a lower crown and stronger root system with less plants 'pulling out' under grazing. Herbage dry matter is slightly less than Holdfast in the initial phase,, but with better persistence produces more dry matter over time. Studies from CSIRO in Canberra show Holdfast GT had 25-30% more plants in the third year (following a drought in 2006) than any other variety, including Holdfast.
LANDMASTER: A winter active variety bred by the CSIRO, similar in growth habit to Sirosa and Holdfast but was bred to be more tolerant to shallow, stony and moderately acid and infertile soils and for better plant persistence. Needs to be rotationally grazed similar to other winter actives. Suited to 500mm+ rainfall.
SIROSA: Variety suited to 425mm+ rainfalll. Establishes much faster than Australian and has better winter production. Less toxic than Asutralian, Sirosa is much more productive than Australian or Uneta, but if set stocked it is not as persistent.
ATLAS PG: Another winter active variety also bred by the CSIRO, with medium-high summer dormancy. Atlas PG was bred to survive in districts with long hot summers due to its summer dormancy. It is an early flowering variety suited to drier areas of the main phalaris belt including the wetter part of the wheat belt. Suited to 425mm+ rainfall.

This paper also goes into great detail into the endophytes and their relationship to ryegrass staggers:

"Endophytes produce a number of chemical compounds, the types and levels of these compounds produced vary between different endophyte strains. Some compounds are toxic and deterrent to particular insects (e.g. Peramine and Lolines), and some can adversely affect animal health (e.g. Lolitrem B) and may depress animal performance when in high concentrations (e.g. Ergovaline)."
"The endophyte toxins are concentrated in the stem, sheath and seed heads of ryegrass plants while the leaves tend to have the lowest levels of toxins and are therefore the safest part to graze. Toxin levels are generally lowest in winter and spring and higher during summer and autumn but this is influenced by weather conditions such as rainfall and temperature."

SOURCE: Pastural Seed Guide, AUsWest Seeds
The distributors of these varieties are also listed, but I omit that detail because they are very localized. I realize not all of this is relevant to some of your intersts, but if one were to order some of these varieties and sow them accordingly and do standardized TLC tests, this would add to the wealth of knowledge for Phalaris Aquatica varieties and their potential. Perhaps a few of these cultivars could have higher, cleaner alkaloid rates or indeed much lower. It is an avenue worth exploring, seeing as there are calls from people here saying we need more of a library on these varieties, as there are probably some viable ones out there in the same strain as AQ1 that we don't know about yet.
#363 Posted : 12/19/2015 9:57:16 AM
I'm going to be investigating AQ1 (P. Aquatica) and Big Medicine (P. Arundinecea), as well as genetically varied P. Arundinecea from seed. I've had some difficulty germinating the seed, which I resolved partially to moisture loss. I have a tray of the seedlings sitting in the window (maybe 4-5 days old) that's germinated about 45% (after about 24 days). I'm a bit a/bemused that growing a weedy grass is giving me such a hard time, haha.

My sense from reading as much as I can is that Brachystachys seems to be the only sure-fire source of alkaloid content with a favorable profile. Wild grasses offer a crap shoot of genetics, and even with some cultivaiton/assay reports here, even Big Medicine can fail to produce content, based possibly on age, season of harvest, time of day harvested, etc. (I'm referring, of course, to jamie's experience with BM- jamie also seems to have extensive experience with the grasses, generally, and I like their posts on the subject.)

Can I ask, pogpiglet, what A/B you were planning/attempted? Was there just no product from extraction, or did it fail bioassay, or...?

My primary standard is going to be a simple lysis in the freezer, followed by anhydrous IPA or acetone extraction, evaporation to powder and testing with Mandelin/Marquis for the presence of gramine, and DMT/5-MeO. Eventually, I'd like to get one of those USB spectrometers. 40-50 USD isn't that bad for such a useful, if basic and limited, forensic tool. These methods would allow me to more quickly identify what phenos/times/conditions are going to be worth actually investigating. I don't see much use in a full on extraction if I don't even know my time will be fruitful.

But who wouldn't feel cool as shit breeding a desirable phenotype of any plant? Though, I anticipate it will be a long journey with much frustration, and a lot of learning how to listen to the grass, so to speak.
My eyes shut tight to avoid the sight
Anticipating the end, losing the will to fight
Droplets of "yes" and "no"
In an ocean of "maybe"
#364 Posted : 12/19/2015 12:19:56 PM
What about TLC for essaying plants, that might be useful for you too.. ?

Can you link the usb spectrometer you mention, what kind of spectrometers are thye, and how well do they work with mixtures? Are there databases for it already or would you need standards to create your own?
Moderator | Skills: Mostly harmless
#365 Posted : 12/19/2015 5:15:20 PM
Horizon_Bloom wrote:
I'm going to be investigating AQ1 (P. Aquatica) and Big Medicine (P. Arundinecea), as well as genetically varied P. Arundinecea from seed.

Just a heads up, it seems not all phalaris will breed true from seed. So even if the seeds came from say an AQ1 or Big Medicine strain, that doesn't necessarily mean that the resulting strain of aquatica or arundinacea will have the same or even a similar alk profile. The named strains such as Big Med and AQ1 are generally spread as clones to maintain their alkaloid profile, growing from seed is taking you back to the same genetic crapshoot as using the wild grasses.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca
#366 Posted : 1/3/2016 8:18:43 AM
Horizon_Bloom wrote:

Can I ask, pogpiglet, what A/B you were planning/attempted? Was there just no product from extraction, or did it fail bioassay, or...?

I did harvest wild arund yes but never did an extraction with it. Instead I picked up some dry/dead aquatica instead and did an A/B involving vinegar, toulene and NaOH. I powdered the grass, most of it being barely alive and hay-coloured or just flat out dead. I figured it probably wouldn't have many alkaloids in the long dead leaves but I used it anyway for the sake of experimenting...

Then I boiled it with methylated spirits, vinegar and water at a pH of 4. Filtered. Repeated 2 times. I didn't bother boiling it down too much because my willpower went for a walk. Defatted twice because why the heck not.

Basified to pH of 12 with some Sodium Hydroxide. Added the solvent and after letting it settle from being mixed in a warm water bath, I siphoned it off (with very little success! --Note to future self never buy a cheap siphon pump again--).

In any case, whatever resultant product I had from my crude, oh so crude extraction process was then evaporated in the sun within a couple hours.

The yield being a whole turkish delight and some spice to go with it. The turkish delight was good, definitely a welcome surprise. I bioassayed it and am quite confident in saying it tasted like a very good chocolate condiment to go with the spice. The spice was better than a couple rollercoasters I could name. At the moment I'm happier extracting mescaline from the local wild san pedro population though!
ModeratorChemical expert
#367 Posted : 1/3/2016 8:42:24 PM
How much grass did you start with? Your yield looks very much like what one would expect from the amount of grass shown in the first photo, as an educated guess.

Today I'm looking for germination tips and was going to post in a new thread, but here's as good a place as any (except maybe STS Very happy)
Germinating Phalaris arundinacea seed - tips for success please?

A little more information:

The seeds were collected from a lakeside location in the UK from a single clump of normal wild specimens that were definitely P. arundinacea. A little herbaceous material was also gathered with a view to extraction for a TLC overview of alk. profile.

I plan to start the each of the seeds in their own individual, labelled pots. I'll keep a note of the collection location as a botanical reference.

I've heard that smoke helps to stimulate germination of Phalaris seed - is this from ethylene or from some other compound(s) such as guaiacol or syringol? If it's the ethylene then I'll try assisting the germination with a ripe banana.

What other tips are there for successful propagation of P. arundinacea from seed?

I'll be doing a few searches here and in other places, but I thought I'd put this out there in the meantime Wink

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#368 Posted : 1/4/2016 1:58:12 AM
downwardsfromzero wrote:
How much grass did you start with? Your yield looks very much like what one would expect from the amount of grass shown in the first photo, as an educated guess

I only found my scales after I did the extraction.
But yeah I believe you're correct, I think the yield I got is proportional to my amount of grass full stop. Yet see, only a third of the powdered grass in that photo was alive, so there actually wasn't that much. I expect the dead grass then must have contributed to the yield, who knows maybe it provided the turkish delight? That was certainly a surprise! But truly, I don't really know and I didn't really want to bother comparing two extractions, one with dead grass another with alive.
ModeratorChemical expert
#369 Posted : 1/4/2016 6:06:16 AM
I've certainly seen reports that (recently) dead grass has something to provide. Let's cross our fingers for a whole range of confectionery Smile

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#370 Posted : 1/10/2016 1:27:43 PM
Heads up everyone!
I collected and powdered 90g of dead phalaris aquatica. And after an A/B (Vinegar, NaOH, Toulene) and a cotton ball getting in;

I got this as the result,

More reddish goo, smokable and fruity. The same as last time. The only problem is, it's so hard to handle, it just sticks to everything- the razor, the razor you use to get it off of the other razor, then the other razor again, the dish itself. Would a NaOH wash help here? I should bloody well hope so haha!
Spaced Out 2
#371 Posted : 1/10/2016 2:25:54 PM
Did you happen to weigh it by chance to see what kind of yield you're getting. Curious as to what you're getting from the dead grass as opposed to live, I have a ton of it that grows near by from me scattering seeds and letting it do its thing. Might have to harvest some this fall to see what I can get from it.

You could try a mini a/b to clean it up, but probably will lose a lot of yield. If the goo is fine and you can deal with it then I'd just leave it be.
#372 Posted : 1/11/2016 2:40:36 AM
Spaced Out 2 wrote:
Did you happen to weigh it by chance to see what kind of yield you're getting. Curious as to what you're getting from the dead grass as opposed to live, I have a ton of it that grows near by from me scattering seeds and letting it do its thing. Might have to harvest some this fall to see what I can get from it.

You could try a mini a/b to clean it up, but probably will lose a lot of yield. If the goo is fine and you can deal with it then I'd just leave it be.

Yeah man, just keep in mind the environmental factors for this grass is prolonged and unabating extreme heat and moisture stress, as well as bare, nutrient free soil. Oh and it is a wild strain of phalaris aquatica var. australis. As for weighing the yield, nah I don't anything to do that with. An educated guess would be 30-50mg of the impure goo from that 90g powder.
#373 Posted : 1/21/2016 8:14:57 PM
D_Juggz wrote:
Hello Fellow Nexians & tryptamine enthusiasts:
So once the plants start to mature, their leaves grow incredibly quick, be careful when you put these in the ground, they can get out of control very quickly and invade into the local habitat. ;-D
From a weeks regrowth i was able to fill a pint-balljar with fresh leaf, and some vinegar+methylated spirits (ethyanol) and got this amount of DMT from the extaction. (Weights coming soon)

That's what you got from brachytachys? Isn't leaf and DMT mixing with acid producing DMT salts with all sorts of other stuff instead of clean freebase? Did you test other grass parts too?
ModeratorChemical expert
#374 Posted : 1/22/2016 12:14:01 AM
Indeed, could well be a bunch of, e.g., potassium acetate in there ^, surely worth basifying and an NPS pull.

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#375 Posted : 1/22/2016 8:25:41 PM
People who have made extractions from p brachy, how much % of freebase dmt did they get ?
Chimp Z
Senior Member
#376 Posted : 5/8/2016 4:39:45 AM
"Dream Grass"
Verdant Gnosis
Thumbs up

Satellites bursting apart
Walk Through your Dreams
Walk through the grass
Phalaris sends my love through the roots of this planet to your eyes to dissolve in your hearts.
Count as many stars as you’re able to this time.
Next chance you may be looking down.
The error is bee-coming optically saturated with divine intervention.
The conception of perception is inception internally; there is the intervention.
The treachery of the tricks is of the unknown side of duality truth is hidden in.
The internal travels are seeds of future roots and bark and fruit and twigs and branches and leaves and smells and colors and lives lived around it and on it and within it and above and beneath.
Time is a mechanical construct of a mechanical dimension of 3’s and cubes and distance and limits. The individual experience is completely collective. The first time you become a cloud you drip down to a new plane just as the eye cried the joyous fall condensing atoms or what I perceive as atomic structure from this angle. Everyone is everything, and everything is everywhere. In the water your mother drinks her whole life, in the gleam in a father’s eye, in the sadness of a presence lost, in the void of adjusting and coping. In the mass of streaming consciousness. All. At once. And never. Forever…a few times.

Waves pulse in us
Lose this world in a separate frequency
Tune out to never tune in again
I despise this captivity
I miss nights like this
When the façade’s trance is just a memory
Of a program I used to rot in.

Oh how the wind blows
Oh how the wind blows

There’s a moat around cloud castle
There stand throats channeling a vessel

As rotting wood absorbs moisture
It turns away from rooting in fears
The hypnagogic swing-set
The Seasons
Albeit rise of light
Shine on through an intricate screen
Outside world, air and sky
Blue to black
Internal golden bright significance
Delegating beyond harmonic symbiosis
Temporal awareness seething through sewn fabric
Moth’s lighting a narrow pale place
The walls become wings and the waves of the expanded being.

Sky blanket
Transversal latitudes of dust
Let the glacier be as is
The lion runs ahead and within.
Do not allow the code to be perceived as non-related.
A charge of duality
Merging lengths
The plus is manifesting the all and the linear is a swarm.

Standing to praise and idly glued to your seat
Watch the torment lurch into the streets
The calcified pineal releases its prisoner
Yet they never held these gems and so reset the stones to pillars of dust
A ceiling flips inside out and we sleep under the stars
Unable to ring out a drenched mind so sit in a car
Drive to the ends of yourself
There you will discover the depths that melt
Always forming
No mastered recording
Flinging our lives further into the dragon’s fire
There is no gold there is only treasure
What you’ll see might disappoint
Or divided cells may become re-conjoined
Grass in the snake as another dream is conjured
Bioremediation as condensation
Drops of dew cascade inside every creek and every crack
Fortunate blessings of a reckless abandon maintained within the atmosphere
Walking forward reaching back in time
Leading us to the same place we always get lost in
Labyrinth of illusion since indefinitely “we” have forgotten.

Sometimes when the blue grass waves at you it is inviting you up to gaze at the halls of the temple in the sky. The grass stands and the grass dances forming a gentle luscious tone that only the wind can orchestrate. Birds always telling and pointing you in more eloquent directions, singing songs from the tree that holds the meadow, knowing your goings, and delivering seeds ripe. Rationalize a more frequent recognition of everyone you know and all things you see. Those appearing before you might have grown out of one of those seeds.

Wherever we make plans to sit and eat this meal
Let it be a sunny day
Make the world shake in its boots
All the good and bad formed as a knot
Sell the rest to shorten the ties.

Laid to rest as soon as the eyes opened
Clicked on the tube and they stared right back
Transfixed on all creation
It’s life
We are.

We are more than a body with some thoughts.

A soul breathes truly immortal without any second guesses.

Break all the ice so we may swim in the sea.

The Sun is too hot, the wind is too thin.

The ripples from the nexus extend to drive further
We pretend to live and communicate
Drown us in a shallow sludge

Sending images into a black hole expecting your same face to look at you and explain what’s wrong, but what is wrong?
The feet you travel with tell no lies
Already, we are looking around for a distraction
No Silence as she sits in the room, sounding off an idea
A dream the others created isn’t real, not even to them
An expectation ascended to a higher plain of disillusion
The desolation speaks for itself
Must I glue back all the buildings?
Running full circle but everything is still
No short sight this time
Everything is real
Tolerate watching the oxygen rise to the surface
Burying again in my mind
Inches closer to the scorpion
Expecting a sting
Instead the sky blossoms open
The stars pour down into consciousness and the lungs are filled
A walk to the water yet there’s nothing there to drink
Crown of another forest king

Phalaris Aquatica. Bulbous canary grass.
Mid-Day harvest. One hundred and twenty-five grams of grass weighed fresh.
4 grams of Peganum Harmala seeds simmered with the grass-clippings for a few hours. Consumed on empty stomach.
Sharp clear beams of light
Grow brighter
Prisming into rainbows and pointy peaks of pure white spectrum
You want to walk
Keep walking
Often away from urban noise
To fields and trees
An experience close to other psychoactive compounds from entheogens
Its own experience entirely
A very relaxing way to end your day and soak in all that the mind tried to absorb

The potential seen in mere grass opens my mind to the many other possibilities nature has for us to unlock. It broadens my view of what life has to teach us and what we are meant for.

Wisdoms of a power plant teacher discussed with a friend.

Tunnel vision of green
Woods as womb
Phalaris stands echoing the ailments of forest senses where the forest does not grow
Guarding the tree towers it looks deep inside you
When winds swing through a hoop in your soul
Dancing ‘til the hoop is shed and elevating through terrestrial experiences to bring supreme styles to the next recital.
An explosion of truth surrounds the memories etched across your skin.
The beat carries with it the lies that lead you to choice.
A cloud confronts the Sun
Deeper green shades and forest voices collaborate, oozing the secrets of the nefesh
Considerably inappropriate depths of exploration for the ego; now silenced

A bright neon doorman clings his keys to his eyes unlocking more than the drawer, decidedly scribbling what can be found and passing a pen and paper through the murky transgressions of relief. A violet rose grows where nobody knows and I still mistake birds for monkeys. Then as depleted fixations blend into expressed data secretions, an opening is found as a bubble of oxygen expands breathing itself within your color code and surfacing at the completely opportune tenacity-gouged moment in time. Grasses guide all and that is a fact. External experiences become internal knowledge.

Phalaris, an ancient grass
Co-creator of space fungus and unveiler of future worlds
In a time before history had been recorded or conceived
The visions and untainted reaches of imagination sprung forth from all life
Intertwining conceptions before perception had been released
Away from the world of wonder
Data webs of affluent sculptures distilled within our minds
A fortified world detailed with splendid clock-towers and solid facts
Incapacitating us in a jewel one day to be delivered
Returning to the river where these bones spread forth.

Grass calls out to me in the twenty-first century
Imagine others who have walked this path in the past twenty million years
Phragmites, a dream sent
To address the
Of the soul

The machines of time
Molders of the past and present
Grinding gears inside the switches of illusion
The fragments of an intelligent parallel society
A shredded parcel fractalized inside duality
Creating a mirage of solid dimensions

A morning harvest of eight grams of fresh Phalaris Brachystachys aerial growth simmered for a whole day on low with two grams of Peganum Harmala seeds. The brew did not taste bad though it burned the throat a little. Effects came on immediately and seemed like it was the Peganum Harmala talking. After a nice gentle high and body load were felt for about thirty minutes, a wave of meditative trance came over me that was something in between lethargy and euphoria. Odd tears in the inner picture were observed, reminiscent of oil igniting on water. Visual waves that weaved the web of data nets around me streamed like alien alphabets on a computer screen. When visions did suffice, they were short lasted. This was a mild, content, enjoyable journey into a meditative canvas. Not everyone is fixated on ripping apart the intestines of a plant and choosing only the parts most delectable to cultural familiarity. Maybe using the plant as a whole or in its more organic un-extracted form is a true commitment to the entheogenic plant source mentioned. Concentrated extractions provide a heavier experience for some. Ingestion always lasts longer than smoking but much mental preparation must be completed before going into any consumable-DMT realm especially if working with Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors.

To grow Phalaris is to grow your self. One must understand the enormous strength and potential of these Earth dwellers. Gratitude will suffice or surface eventually along the time-line. Resonating the right mixture of alkaloids in the right amounts may seem to be tricky if solely focused on pure DMT accumulation. Knowing that the way of the grass is available to tune you in to higher channels of ethereal frequencies will result in better worlds created by subversion.

One March morning,
I prepared a tea using four grams of Peganum Harmala seeds combined with twenty-two grams of fresh aerial growth from Phalaris Coerulescens. Simmered the brew for 45 min before straining off and re-added plant materials with the addition of more fresh clipped P. Coerulescens. Simmered down for another half hour. Began with around 500mL of water and the plant material, ended up with about a shot-glass worth of thick liquid.
Walked to the creek next to a huge field of Phalaris Arundinacea and proceeded to drink in 1...2…3 gulps! Wind picked up exceedingly as thoughts of the future of Phalaris rose to my mind. Observed nothing remarkable to note occurring in my body. Felt completely at ease and only focused on the medicine. Walked home and my life came back to realization:

This is what is happening now
So handle it now
When will you have the chance to re-live this?
The answer nobody knows
“Stay strong”, the grass tells me, and I do the best I can to listen.

Rue regenerates the soul

Peganum effects noticeable for a few hours, and anything associated with Phalaris diminished after two hours. I noticed more of a body load than usual. Enjoyable evening. Positive afterglow the next day and it seems the decoction did its job. There has been a considerable change in Phalaris effects if brewed “Ayahuasca-style” rather than Johnny Appleseed’s quick-boil routine. More lingering in a medicinal tone during the days after if brewed overnight. Quick-brews seem to not pull everything in the grass, though for beginner’s that may prove safest. Toxic properties located in the grass does not seem to be the case as only animals grazing sections in large amounts develop negative symptoms. A new set and setting should be brought forward, and currently that is what is happening. Certainly Phalaris grass is not dangerous to humans if coherently approached with safety, respect, and patience. That is a bold statement that we need to explore to the end of our life’s age. Deaths have been reported from the non-lethal Peyote tea (Lophophora Williamsii) and from Psilocybin mushrooms. Surely in the future, circumstances that will challenge the validation of all we have come to know about entheogenic plants and their widespread dispersal, will be designated selectively and synchronistictally voided in a particular location in time to diagnose the weaknesses of our liberated environment. The choice is yours to build your own facility of skepticism and fear.


While in the San Joaquin valley in the first days of July, Psilocybe Ovoideocystidiada were consumed on an empty stomach followed by two or three bowls of the Cannabis strain “Ak-47”. Memorable daze. Waded around a river and eventually head to a nature trail, which looked similar to the Australian outback. The “peak” came and subsided with visuals surfacing through the daylight and kind revealing thoughts channeled the mushroom wisdom through my soul.


We began to walk back to camp slowly but surely. Along the way, glistening silvery blue Phalaris Arundinacea was spotted amidst a thicket of shrubs and, after that, observed relatively common populations in heavily shaded parts of the stream. On the other side of the river, large Eucalypts guarded the grasses as they dream. A few handfuls were eaten fresh, and since I was dehydrated, the reed grass maintained hydration on the return walk. We came to a more rapid stint of the river where many boulders lay. Climbed atop and took in the ever-occurring ever-blossoming re-arranging planet around me. Deeper more vivid visions and information came with the wind. No one else in the group noticed anything of the sort and I attribute that to the alkaloids contained inside the Phalaris grass. Also, the colors in the visions were reminiscent of a smoked Phalaris extract from the Winter season.

Smoking seriously an estimated 5mg of November-harvested Phalaris Arundinacea extract with dried P. Arundinacea foliage underneath and Cannabis Sativa atop provided one of the more fancy deliveries of Phalaris expertise I have witnessed. First effects were immediate, not surprisingly jolting or anything, just a feeling of my soul easing itself within my vessel. Meditative “DMT-like” come-up with less body buzz than a pure extract from Mimosa Tenuiflora. This lasted five minutes and transitioned into the torso of the trip for near fifteen minutes. Those moments in between dimensions was characterized by revelatory thoughts about spirituality and my place amongst the stars.
A presence was detected and I turned my head. Effects seemed to increase with the moving of my neck and head. Deep breathing brought more of the DMT-essence but touched with uniquely Phalaris borne colors and designs. After twenty minutes, the dark, almost visionless journey, revved up to almost appear as if the room was bright and bleeding through my eyelids. I opened my eyes soon after feeling a push of small propulsion and feeling the grace of the grass gods caress all cells I inhabit. Overall body effects were relaxed, meditative, even fluffy. Visual effects were subtle but more so geared at archaic sketches blurred in the mists of time.

Smoking a Phalaris Arundinacea extract also from November (25mg and 40mg respectively) during the peak of a Psilocybe Cyanescens journey allowed me to view the novel “clockwork elves” crawling out of my eyes with shoots and ladders and constructing geometric monuments that were brightly colorful as well as eccentric, but I did not realize what that intimation could have possibly been until after the mushroom effects wore off. Another time-traveler who also smoked the crystalline extract experienced heightened open and closed eye visuals and mentioned a lost childhood memory popping into their head.

40mg crystallized alkaloids from November-harvested Phalaris Arundinacea wedged between Cannabis sp. and Artemisia Vulgaris herbs elicited a smooth catalyzation of normal sensory mechanisms. Effects noted soon after were a body buzz with the feeling of “pineal activation” and odd complex geometric shapes and flying visuals. With eyes closed, visions of forests, trees, snakes, and other winding blue, green, and red imagery danced so as the tides extend and slither away.

Phalaris Arundinacea, the Reed Canary Grass, crowned emperor of the Lysergic embargo.
Silent and still in the minds of the many
Swaying where the wind may blow
Digging its toes into the sands and mulched Earth barren or rich
From sea-shore to high mountain top
Leveling the plains of agricultural lands
Returning cattle souls to the creator
Weaving a shrine of dreams
To cast over and above the heads of malice and malignancy
Extinguishing the pitch of the death drum sacrificing the lands and peoples
The winter hag endues a starvation of light from above
Reeds return to their knees to think and prosper from the cold migration
Extending new daggers and spears from moist crust
Holding durability through the tornado lands or hurricane season
When the world seizes a fresh opportunity to cease the mind’s ego
Walk through the grass
Birds chirping and Sun blazing
We see a momentary shift in the stolen salvation sought by your true eye
The Phalaris frequencies seek quenched soil with a tamed Sun in the sky
Most regions with mild summers allow Phalaris to meet its true form
Those with the heat gag the ground the grass walks on
Sending them on a boat down shaded rivers and valley ravines
Coercing the reed-stands to grow by your side is by no means a pesky task
Eager to assist and guide you
The neon green spikes arise

A gleam of white flashes and for a second you undeniably see the fluorescence of reality dismantled to a simple spectrum with no causal proximity. Gliding through forests, streams, meadows, and plains; dying at sunset and dreaming in the dawn. A dusty telescope brushed off turns out to be an adjusting eyelid. Ecto-plasmic auras now display new transient signals that linger long after you think they’re gone and drag you down the most incredible routes of sheer comprehensive defiance. Grasses flowing across the Earth since the rumbles in time, share the knowledge of the aeons if you listen ever so slight. This invasive species yields anyone the ability to terminate the distractions that are simply weeds to be pulled out of your head. Earth, our Super Organism, shivers a dying shutter; the Phalaris grass raises its arm and asks the question, “Why this soon?”
#377 Posted : 11/24/2016 9:34:56 PM
iv'e spent hours going over this thread, thank you soooo much for all your contributions to this topic, all of you!
Not sure if this is the place to ask, but i'm looking to acquire a P. Arundinacea " turkey red" plant, supplier? Trade ? I live in northwestern most oregon, could trade for spore prints of local fungi. I would much rather my plant come from one of you who has loved and cared for it with reverence than from anywhere else...BUT i'd be happy to get one however I could. I find it on shaman australis but would rather get from somewhere in the states..please help.
I will love and adore my plant.
#378 Posted : 11/27/2016 7:22:01 PM
this is beautful writing ChimpZ!
ModeratorChemical expert
#379 Posted : 12/4/2016 6:38:25 PM
elofer wrote:
iv'e spent hours going over this thread, thank you soooo much for all your contributions to this topic, all of you!
Not sure if this is the place to ask, but i'm looking to acquire a P. Arundinacea " turkey red" plant, supplier? Trade ? I live in northwestern most oregon, could trade for spore prints of local fungi. I would much rather my plant come from one of you who has loved and cared for it with reverence than from anywhere else...BUT i'd be happy to get one however I could. I find it on shaman australis but would rather get from somewhere in the states..please help.
I will love and adore my plant.

This sort of request would be more appropriate at Share the Seeds.

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#380 Posted : 1/21/2017 4:05:43 PM
Honestly I didn't get how to get Turkey Red seeds from Sharetheseeds.
Would be helpful if anybody could explain.

E.g. I saw in the seeds section here:
The lack of phalaris grass and seed suppliers

...that it seems a bit problematic getting the right seeds.
Well for most Phalaris getting seeds is anyways not a viable option, as they have to be cloned (e.g. BigMedicine).
But as Appleseed said, this was not the case for Turkey Red, which bred true from seeds.

So I would generally be interested in all known good seed sources available for Phalaris.

I bought some clones (BigMedicine, Turkey Red and AQ1) from ebay, but getting bigger amounts like that is a question of years (and to be certain that these are real clones, one would have to do a GC/MS). So I would like to get some turkey red seeds so that I can make a nice maybe 5x5m patch of them this year in my garden.

The problem I see:
The original source (gov site) where Appleseed got his seeds only sends the seeds for research purposes and not for private and only sends within the US. They send 200 seeds, only once.
Do we have any known supplier which does cultivate these seeds (e.g. from Turkey Red) and sends worldwide?

IMHO the main problem why there's so few phalaris success is the lack of known good seeds. And those who can only be cloned, just take a too long commitment for most people, and also there it's important to have a known reliable source which sends true clones.
It sucks, if you breed for like 2 years only to discover that you were breeding an useless strain...
Honestly I also do think that phalaris is probably more a source for 5-MeO-DMT than DMT as for getting DMT in comparable amounts as from MHRB you would need huge amounts.
But IMHO it could be the long sought source for a self grown 5-MeO-DMT plant. As all other known good sources for it only grow in tropical climates and plants are basically unorderable...
I claim not that this is the truth. As this is just what got manifested into my mind at the current position in time on this physical plane. So please feel not offended by anything I say.
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