^ It looks like Acacia Elata to me Seldom. "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it."
Hi I have 2 wattles which I have no idea of what they are. Location is NSW mid north coast. Could someone please offer any ideas? Sorry for the poor focus and thanks in advance again! unik attached the following image(s):  1.jpg (2,652kb) downloaded 174 time(s). 2.jpg (3,587kb) downloaded 169 time(s).
Hello! can anyone help with identification of this tree? this plant looks very similar to what i'v seen on the web, but still i have doubts it's winter time so i can not post photos of leafs but they are similar to this plant leafi guess this is Acacia but which one? is this one good for extracting DMT from its root bark? wall-iko attached the following image(s):  IMG_2137.jpg (2,198kb) downloaded 255 time(s). IMG_2138.jpg (1,845kb) downloaded 254 time(s).
..cave paintings most recent is Acacia decurrens..(no known alkaloid results)
Seldom has A. elata as WAGE said..that tree can be mild or as heavy as it gets, tryptamine-wise!
and unik..the first is A. melanoxylon..the 2nd really needs flowers and/or pods to have any chance of ID (as is the case for most acacias) .
Thanks nen, appreciate your help. I'll continue to try and bring my knowledge up to scratch. I've read melanoxylon has little to no alkaloid content. The one in the picture was massive with a trunk like a tree (had to be cut down as it was casting an afternoon shadow on a few solar panels) so a large amount of bark on the trunk and branches. Worth attempting an extraction? A/B with Hydrochloric, Sodium Hydroxide and Naptha? Sorry if this is the wrong thread to be asking these questions.
^.. unik, this is the site for questions  (and hopefully answers) while i've never gotten much if anything out of melanoxylon (similar to a few other people), i still feel that some trees sometime could..but it can be disappointing to go through a whole process for nought..if the phyllodes are really bitter could be worth it.. also, don't use Hydrochloric acid for acacia A/B..can react strangely..acetic (vinegar) or sulphuric work well.. .
nen888 wrote:but it can be disappointing to go through a whole process for nough I know this part oh so well :/
G'day One of my mates bought an Acacia about two years ago and it was labeled as a Acacia longifolia sallow wattle, but it looks different to longifolias that I've seen & grown. The picture on the tag seems to be a good match to the plant he has, so I'm wondering if there is a narrow phyllode longifolia or if the plant could have been mislabeled. The mature phyllodes are 6mm wide and on average 140mm long. Hieronymous attached the following image(s):  1.jpg (226kb) downloaded 191 time(s). 2.jpg (172kb) downloaded 187 time(s). 3.jpg (54kb) downloaded 186 time(s). 4.jpg (59kb) downloaded 186 time(s). 5.jpg (102kb) downloaded 187 time(s).
wondering if you eagle eyes can confirm my thoughts. the pictures are from maui. the top is what i believe to be mearnsii (it didn't have phyllodes, but i read mearnsii is invasive on the islands, and that sucker was everywhere, the flowers seem a match, but the pods don't[?]) the next below it i am fairly sure is kiawe (mesquite). i had pictures of what i thought was monkeypod, but it looked essentially identical to kiawe without any thorns, flowers, or seed pods. i also couldn't find any kiawe pods, but i am almost positive in that I.D. also, i managed to collect rootbark (inner and outer) samples of all three suspects (it was just too easy, they almost all had horizontal roots exposed above ground); but i am not quite sure where to go from here.. can any smart people break it down for me in a way that isn't completely over my head? Parshvik Chintan attached the following image(s):  Mearnsii flower 1.png (1,436kb) downloaded 170 time(s). Mearnsii flower 2.png (1,606kb) downloaded 169 time(s). Mearnsii pod.png (868kb) downloaded 171 time(s). Kiawe flower.png (1,279kb) downloaded 168 time(s). Kiawe thorn.png (1,275kb) downloaded 168 time(s).My wind instrument is the bong CHANGA IN THE BONGA! 樹
hey parshvik  .. sorry unsure of what species they may be, though the first one is definitely not acacia mearnsii. mearnsii has a bippinate phyllode structure, and the flower globules are much smaller... here's a photo 
huh... well that stuff grows all over kauai and maui, probably the other islands as well. when i go back i will make sure to collect lots of samples, as most of those were smaller shrub-like trees, and i collected my rb from a HUGE tree that i am 99% sure was acacia. it wasn't flowering but i think the only acacia other than mearnsii on the islands are koa, and i am pretty sure it wasn't that (really white bark) My wind instrument is the bong CHANGA IN THE BONGA! 樹
#1  #2   Can anyone give an ID on any of these? I'm unsure if #2 is even an Acacia. "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it."
..Parshvik C..the plant that isn't A. mearnsii is actually very interesting indeed..will have a think about it..and yes that's a mesquite lower photo..
nen888 wrote:..Parshvik C..the plant that isn't A. mearnsii is actually very interesting indeed..will have a think about it..and yes that's a mesquite lower photo.. mesquite is safe for bio-assay, yes? My wind instrument is the bong CHANGA IN THE BONGA! 樹
^..proceed with extreme caution based on two things: 1) different mesquites have different alkaloids 2) some of the uniquely mesquite alkaloids (e.g. prosopine) are very un-known in terms of pharmacology.. i would suggest only smoking/inhalation as any initial assay..that said, many mesquite are eaten or drunk as tonics..i'll ponder precisely which mesquite that is.. in the meantime see p12 acacia info thread for a summary on mesquite..
 Hi guys I'm on a quest for some acacia obtusifolia i heard they liked wet areas so i went down to my local river/national park and i found this. http://imgur.com/a/DJjxWI don't think it's obtusifolia but it might be maidenii i just don't know. (I took these photos in early march so i think I'm past the flowering stage). I will post more detailed photos when i get a chance. What do you guys think? is it even worth doing a little extraction or am i way off base and have a tree with no dmt? Thanks in advance -David
nen888 wrote:^..proceed with extreme caution based on two things: 1) different mesquites have different alkaloids 2) some of the uniquely mesquite alkaloids (e.g. prosopine) are very un-known in terms of pharmacology.. i would suggest only smoking/inhalation as any initial assay..that said, many mesquite are eaten or drunk as tonics..i'll ponder precisely which mesquite that is.. in the meantime see p12 acacia info thread for a summary on mesquite.. thanks for the heads-up and the link. My wind instrument is the bong CHANGA IN THE BONGA! 樹
it looks like you have acacia melanoxyn ... generally not a viable candidate if your seeking tryptamines. there's been the odd finding I believe but its by no means consistent.. the flowers smell great though EDIT.. i am now thinking acacia implexa due to the trunk and scattered phyllode growth.. will leave this one to the master
was worried it was implexa I'll keep checking this topic to see if the master says anything different but i guess the search continues. Thanks mate 