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Phalaris/other grass types ID thread Options
#261 Posted : 3/9/2020 5:14:43 PM
Chimp-Z, what is the name of the grass on your avatar picture?
olympus mon wrote:
You need to hit it with intention to get where you want to be!

"Good and evil lay side by side as electric love penetrates the sky..." -Hendrix

"We have arrived at truth, and now we find truth is a mystery- a play of joy, creation, and energy. This is source. This is the mystic touchstone that heals and renews. This is the beginning again. This is entheogenic." -Nicholas Sand
#262 Posted : 3/9/2020 7:00:41 PM
Chimp Z wrote:
Phalaris grass is its own unique medicine, I feel I've exhausted my word over the years trying to convey this.
How many of you can tell me all the alkaloids and constituents inside any of the plants you ingest?
We know by now that Phalaris grass can be ingested by humans even with the addition of beta carbolines from different plants.

There's no doubt that Phalaris Aquatica is a medicine. However, on its own it is able to project the experimenter into a condition strongly linked to the informations that the human has in the brain (or body).

The forms of Phalaris taken orally I think are not the right way to achieve pleasant results. In fact, it has the ability to poison the organism silently.
What POhalaris can do is not wrong, since in this way he strictly defends the secret she conceals in herself. So those who make mistakes can also enjoy it but it is a enjoyment that can give way to moments of despondency.

The graminaceaes of these species grow in groups and the graminaceaes I think can greatly instruct those interested, but if they do not come together with much luck and intuition, they obtain only recreation.

For example, by combining the extracts of Phalaris A. with the extracts of Holcus L. I got a pleasant effect because only Holcus leads to not being sleepy. So you can get to not sleep.
I believe, indeed I am convinced that in these cases spectrometry can be of very little help, because a chemistry that has nothing to do with chemistry conceived by the human should be understood.
In fact, the Holcus can also, for example, 'turn off' the dmt, or act as a anti-drug.
A matter of personal concepts and opinions.
Senior Member
#263 Posted : 3/9/2020 7:19:25 PM
Chimp z, don't get me wrong. I'm the last person to focus on dmt. What I am looking for is a workable light source accompanying rue. Mushrooms work for this too. I was very happy with the experience with this grass.

The grass grew in clumps, seemingly many branches from a single root.

I wonder, chimp z. Have you ever encountered unpleasant or even dangerous side effects from mixing various phalaris grasses with rue? Some tryptamines are contraindicated with maoi - for example 5 Meo dmt is said to be lethal with maoi.
The consciousness of plants is a constant source of information for medicine, alimentation, and art, and an example of the intelligence and creative imagination of nature. Much of my education I owe to the intelligence of these great teachers. Thus I consider myself to be the “representative” of plants, and for this reason I assert that if they cut down the trees and burn what’s left of the rainforests, it is the same as burning a whole library of books without ever having read them.

~ Pablo Amaringo
Chimp Z
Senior Member
#264 Posted : 3/27/2020 4:48:53 AM
Your grass is most likely P. Paradoxa but from the pictures I'm not 100% certain.

pic in my avatar is phalaris brachystachys
Chimp Z
Senior Member
#265 Posted : 3/27/2020 4:55:27 AM
Era/is I'm not sure I follow everything you're saying.

As I always say dithyramb, exercise EXTREME caution and respect when working with these grasses.

Senior Member
#266 Posted : 3/27/2020 3:10:13 PM
Thanks, Chimp z. I visited Phalaris country today and what I found:

Pictures 1 - 3 : what I believe to be the same species as I posted above
Pictures 4 - 5 : growing in very close proximity to the first, but not in clusters, and of smaller stature. Could be the same species but I doubt it.
Pictures 6 - 9 : Growing in another habitat, in clusters, and much larger than the first two... P. aquatica??? Edit: after some closer inspection, İ tend to think it is not a Phalaris, but an Alopecurus... I will bioassay it nevertheless.

Today I will boil them all fresh, separately and test soon.

dithyramb attached the following image(s):
IMG_20200327_175753.jpg (2,559kb) downloaded 168 time(s).
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The consciousness of plants is a constant source of information for medicine, alimentation, and art, and an example of the intelligence and creative imagination of nature. Much of my education I owe to the intelligence of these great teachers. Thus I consider myself to be the “representative” of plants, and for this reason I assert that if they cut down the trees and burn what’s left of the rainforests, it is the same as burning a whole library of books without ever having read them.

~ Pablo Amaringo
Senior Member
#267 Posted : 3/28/2020 10:23:33 AM
Photo of seeds from first two species.

Upper two from the first, tiny species.
Lower one from the second.

They look the same to me right now.

Not brachystachys. Perhaps P. canariensis?
dithyramb attached the following image(s):
IMG_20200328_132142.jpg (3,244kb) downloaded 152 time(s).
The consciousness of plants is a constant source of information for medicine, alimentation, and art, and an example of the intelligence and creative imagination of nature. Much of my education I owe to the intelligence of these great teachers. Thus I consider myself to be the “representative” of plants, and for this reason I assert that if they cut down the trees and burn what’s left of the rainforests, it is the same as burning a whole library of books without ever having read them.

~ Pablo Amaringo
Chimp Z
Senior Member
#268 Posted : 3/29/2020 3:55:29 AM
dithyramb I would say your first few photos are Phalaris Minor

Canariensis usually has larger seeds than other Phalaris species while Minor has tiny seeds.
Chimp Z
Senior Member
#269 Posted : 3/29/2020 4:04:43 AM
The photos you posted a page back look a lot like Phalaris Paradoxa & Minor
The first 5 you posted recently look more like Phalaris Minor.

The next few look like Alopecurus

Then the photo with the purple tinged grass could be Alopecurus but I almost think it looks very similar to
Phalaris Coerulescens.

Are you able to post pictures of the seed heads more up close so I can see if that unique Phalaris flower pattern
shows up.

All Phalaris grass has a consistent looking stripe/geometric type of pattern on the flowers.
Senior Member
#270 Posted : 3/29/2020 11:52:44 AM
Thanks, chimp z. The above Phalaris seeds are really tiny so then it is not canariensis.

The last few photos including the one with purple tinge are all the same grass. I brewed them already, can't take a new photo. Also the distinct phalaris geometry flowerhead is not there. Alopecurus is similar but not exactly the same. I am familiar with it from last years' acquainting.

I found what I think to be P. brachystachys, 6 years ago... I didn't bioassay it back then but I collected some seeds. Here is a photo of the seeds. I planted them today. I would love to see that they are still viable... Can you identify it from the seeds, chimp z?

dithyramb attached the following image(s):
IMG_20200329_125946.jpg (3,199kb) downloaded 133 time(s).
The consciousness of plants is a constant source of information for medicine, alimentation, and art, and an example of the intelligence and creative imagination of nature. Much of my education I owe to the intelligence of these great teachers. Thus I consider myself to be the “representative” of plants, and for this reason I assert that if they cut down the trees and burn what’s left of the rainforests, it is the same as burning a whole library of books without ever having read them.

~ Pablo Amaringo
#271 Posted : 3/31/2020 9:25:37 PM
Chimp Z wrote:
exercise EXTREME caution and respect when working with these grasses.

You wrote the essential.

Such plants are generous but susceptible and therefore I have tried to expose some aspects that can be traced back to the fact that considering the dmt as a key of conjunction with the immaterial, this can be presented under divashapes based on the entity that provides it.

For the ingestion of these plants, I would say that it is better not to take such habits.

(to highlight answers, please quote)

Respectfully, Era/is.
Chimp Z
Senior Member
#272 Posted : 3/31/2020 9:51:36 PM
dithyramb it’s hard to say if those are Brachystachys.
When I’ve grown out Brachystachys for seed production they’re often a little bit smaller than seeds I originally got a hold of.
I’ve used seeds from Northern Africa as well as Greece, France, and Israel so the seeds vary sometimes.
I would say they look a little big to be Brachystachys, then again I haven’t gotten the chance to meet Brachystachys outside of my own cultivation.
They could be Brachystachys or Canariensis.
Grow them out and see if they flower when small or when they’re about 2 feet.
Senior Member
#273 Posted : 3/31/2020 10:09:09 PM
"They could be Brachystachys or Canariensis.
Grow them out and see if they flower when small or when they’re about 2 feet."

I am guessing that if it flowers when it is 2 ft tall, it is brachystachys?
The consciousness of plants is a constant source of information for medicine, alimentation, and art, and an example of the intelligence and creative imagination of nature. Much of my education I owe to the intelligence of these great teachers. Thus I consider myself to be the “representative” of plants, and for this reason I assert that if they cut down the trees and burn what’s left of the rainforests, it is the same as burning a whole library of books without ever having read them.

~ Pablo Amaringo
Senior Member
#274 Posted : 4/2/2020 9:01:19 PM
Era/is wrote:

There's no doubt that Phalaris Aquatica is a medicine. However, on its own it is able to project the experimenter into a condition strongly linked to the informations that the human has in the brain (or body).

The forms of Phalaris taken orally I think are not the right way to achieve pleasant results. In fact, it has the ability to poison the organism silently.
What POhalaris can do is not wrong, since in this way he strictly defends the secret she conceals in herself. So those who make mistakes can also enjoy it but it is a enjoyment that can give way to moments of despondency.

The graminaceaes of these species grow in groups and the graminaceaes I think can greatly instruct those interested, but if they do not come together with much luck and intuition, they obtain only recreation.

For example, by combining the extracts of Phalaris A. with the extracts of Holcus L. I got a pleasant effect because only Holcus leads to not being sleepy. So you can get to not sleep.
I believe, indeed I am convinced that in these cases spectrometry can be of very little help, because a chemistry that has nothing to do with chemistry conceived by the human should be understood.
In fact, the Holcus can also, for example, 'turn off' the dmt, or act as a anti-drug.
A matter of personal concepts and opinions.

Hey Era/is,

Can you explain why/how ingesting Phalaris orally is not the best way and silently poisons?

It is interesting, I got an irrestistable sleeping urge in the beginning of all my rue + above phalaris experiences. So Phalaris has a sedative effect?

And what kind of Spirit/Energy/experience does Holcus grass hold for you? What is it's chemistry? Which species are you exactly working with?

I have also tried the above Alopecurus with rue. It felt similar to Alopecurus arundinaceus which I have experience from previous years. Open, soft, energizing, lucid.

And here is a question for all Phalaris/grass aficionados: is it possible to store grass or a tea from grass for long periods of time without a breakdown of alkaloids or spoilage? Grass grows in Spring and dies off until the Fall. I need an admixture to Rue all year long...

Thanks, respectfully.
The consciousness of plants is a constant source of information for medicine, alimentation, and art, and an example of the intelligence and creative imagination of nature. Much of my education I owe to the intelligence of these great teachers. Thus I consider myself to be the “representative” of plants, and for this reason I assert that if they cut down the trees and burn what’s left of the rainforests, it is the same as burning a whole library of books without ever having read them.

~ Pablo Amaringo
#275 Posted : 4/4/2020 10:27:07 PM
dithyramb wrote:
Era/is wrote:

Can you explain why/how ingesting Phalaris orally is not the best way and silently poisons?

It is interesting, I got an irrestistable sleeping urge in the beginning of all my rue + above phalaris experiences. So Phalaris has a sedative effect?

And what kind of Spirit/Energy/experience does Holcus grass hold for you? What is it's chemistry? Which species are you exactly working with?

I have also tried the above Alopecurus with rue. It felt similar to Alopecurus arundinaceus which I have experience from previous years. Open, soft, energizing, lucid.

And here is a question for all Phalaris/grass aficionados: is it possible to store grass or a tea from grass for long periods of time without a breakdown of alkaloids or spoilage? Grass grows in Spring and dies off until the Fall. I need an admixture to Rue all year long...

Hi friend (I hope I can tell you friendSmile )

I could refer to Festi and Samorini's document dealing with the accumulation of dangerous substances for the organism observed in sheep that have been fed with phalaris aquatica. The plant contains many other substances in addition to triptammine and turn away these will be fundamental.
For example, i have observed an insime of substances that tend to highlight extracts with yellow color. In addition to having a bad taste and an intense and fragrant smell, they are just heavy.
As expressed, dmt in my opinion is a molecule that lends itself to infinite purposes if you look at its modelability.
The plant provides the dmt with inputs and draw the good part of them means purifying.

In my opinion the extracts of Phalaris Aquatica have sedative effects and lead to states of deep sleep that however can be accompanied by consciousness.

Mostly I do an intensive study with Holcus Lanatus and Phalaris Aquatica. The use of these takes up most of the year, but it is obvious that other plants and extraction methods are also being studied (Vinca Major, Crataegus Oxyacantha&co, Pantherina mushrooms for example).

Holcus chemistry is not well defined because no informations are found on analyses of total constituents, however a number of substances have been identified. As a plant it proved very versatile, since many observed the effects they wanted to have. Weird but true. Otherwise brings in a conscious dream dimension that can also be observed in the participation of the material and immaterial entities that surround us.

[quote]I also tried the over Alopecurus with rue.

Interesting, I will delve into if possible, although I use plants containing dmt without accompanying them with Mao inhibitors.
At the limit I found the external use of oil of Hypericum Perforatum (herb in sunflower oil) or smoking them with tobacco.
It is something I do (the oil extract) for health reasons, but perhaps a small part of the mao contained in this plant manage to act even if used on the legs.

Phalaris that I have grows all year and so I prefer to use them fresh. As for conservation, I would say that over three months begins to lose their properties. If you want to taste the best trips with this plant and observe its therapeutic potential, I would say that it is better to use plants that have from 3 to 8 months. Extracting from these is simpler, they are less saturated than substances that I called 'poisonous' and if you want to get a crystalline extract, it is not difficult to get it.
Senior Member
#276 Posted : 4/7/2020 8:05:46 PM
Thanks for your answer, friend.

You are lucky that you have Phalaris growing all year round.

I am very curious about Holcus lanatus now also.

Vinca major and Crataegus spp. I also have a connection to. Would love to talk about them too, I guess in another thread.

If your method of ingestion for the grass is not with an maoi, then are you smoking them? And what kind of extraction do you make?

The consciousness of plants is a constant source of information for medicine, alimentation, and art, and an example of the intelligence and creative imagination of nature. Much of my education I owe to the intelligence of these great teachers. Thus I consider myself to be the “representative” of plants, and for this reason I assert that if they cut down the trees and burn what’s left of the rainforests, it is the same as burning a whole library of books without ever having read them.

~ Pablo Amaringo
#277 Posted : 4/9/2020 7:23:52 PM
dithyramb wrote:

I am very curious about Holcus lanatus now also.

I can highly recommend it, better indoors. It is a plant that lends itself to lab life.

Vinca and Crataegus act more as reinforcements, although they have their tendencies to prove active at the psychic level. Vinca and Crataegus act more as reinforcements, although they have their tendencies to prove active at the psychic level. Maybe a topic will open up about it.

About Maoi, I keep my distance because I've glimpsed their danger. I don't try to ingest Phalaris (or Holcus or some graminacee) anymore, as they contain too many substances that can act with poison. I do not know if I have ever attached the article about the studies conducted by Festi and Samorini https://catbull.com/alam...othek/7565docid6703.pdf. The authors have published texts about the uses of phalahuasca, but each has its own views.

I tend to make extracts using calcium oxide and I resume with alcohol. So the product obtained is pure enough to reach a food level.
I prefer to smoke extracts, or spray directly on the skin or in the mouth alcoholuri (depends on the level of purification).
Without maoi the effects are noticed following a daily use (detaching every now and then) that could be compared to an effect deferred over time but increasingly intense. Gradually immaterial and material merge and this becomes evident and understandable.

The young Aquaticas are better and the extractions I make are many; I like to experiment. To get the crystals of alkaloids you can opt for cooking 30' in water and a little white vinegar to be able to later extraneous fat using seed oil (natural). Subsequent basification with potassium hydroxide (or others) proved good by bringing the product to various levels of ph between 7 and 8. So as neutral as possible.
The extraction that has become more profitable has been made with heptane. Since this leads to an unwelcome taste, you can dry the extract to resume it later with food ethanol heating it to 70 degrees by 15' .

Personally I wonder if tiny amounts of hydrocarbons along with amine could react with some aldehyde in the body or as oxidized oil and give formation to plastic. For this doubt I always purify any extract. Taste says a lot about what you're using.

I add an anecdote: by treating the juice of phalaris with caolin (a kind of clay) I got the smell of Farfara Tusillago, a therapeutic plant that is also used smoked. Who knows that there is no connection between dmt and this plant*, which I have known. Using Phalaris-Holcus the days when I was looking for the Tusillago (it is not always in the same spot), she had presented herself (visions) as a female under a given name that started with the T and we went together with a car with two friends whose names started with M and D. ... it didn't take me long to understand that the initials led to dmtSmile

*in italian , but chemistry of tusillago (not found dmt):
#278 Posted : 4/9/2020 7:26:00 PM
Era/is wrote:
dithyramb wrote:

I am very curious about Holcus lanatus now also.

I can highly recommend it, better indoors. It is a plant that lends itself to lab life.

Vinca and Crataegus act more as reinforcements, although they have their tendencies to prove active at the psychic level. Vinca and Crataegus act more as reinforcements, although they have their tendencies to prove active at the psychic level. Maybe a topic will open up about it.

About Maoi, I keep my distance because I've glimpsed their danger. I don't try to ingest Phalaris (or Holcus or some graminacee) anymore, as they contain too many substances that can act with poison. I do not know if I have ever attached the article about the studies conducted by Festi and Samorini https://catbull.com/alam...othek/7565docid6703.pdf. The authors have published texts about the uses of phalahuasca, but each has its own views.

I tend to make extracts using calcium oxide and I resume with alcohol. So the product obtained is pure enough to reach a food level.
I prefer to smoke extracts, or spray directly on the skin or in the mouth alcoholuri (depends on the level of purification).
Without maoi the effects are noticed following a daily use (detaching every now and then) that could be compared to an effect deferred over time but increasingly intense. Gradually immaterial and material merge and this becomes evident and understandable.

The young Aquaticas are better and the extractions I make are many; I like to experiment. To get the crystals of alkaloids you can opt for cooking 30' in water and a little white vinegar to be able to later extraneous fat using seed oil (natural). Subsequent basification with potassium hydroxide (or others) proved good by bringing the product to various levels of ph between 7 and 8. So as neutral as possible.
The extraction that has become more profitable has been made with heptane. Since this leads to an unwelcome taste, you can dry the extract to resume it later with food ethanol heating it to 70 degrees by 15' .

Personally I wonder if tiny amounts of hydrocarbons along with amine could react with some aldehyde in the body or as oxidized oil and give formation to plastic. For this doubt I always purify any extract. Taste says a lot about what you're using.

I add an anecdote: by treating the juice of phalaris with caolin (a kind of clay) I got the smell of Farfara Tusillago, a therapeutic plant that is also used smoked. Who knows that there is no connection between dmt and this plant*, which I have known. Using Phalaris-Holcus the days when I was looking for the Tusillago (it is not always in the same spot), she had presented herself (visions) as a female under a given name that started with the T and we went together with a car with two friends whose names started with M and D. ... it didn't take me long to understand that the initials led to dmtSmile

*in italian , but chemistry of tusillago (not found dmt):

Greetings, era /Italy Slovenia, so /is.
Senior Member
#279 Posted : 4/17/2020 5:02:41 PM
I am 100% sure this is Phalaris. I am pretty certain it is aquatica, given the size and clustered growth. Anybody want to confirm?

Photo 1 - in it's habitat.
Photo 2 - the base clump
Photo 3, 4 - Flowerheads
Photo 5,6 - Leaf blades
Photo 7 - harvest of the day

The length from base to tip of flowerhead is close to 140 cm.

dithyramb attached the following image(s):
IMG_20200417_163833.jpg (6,060kb) downloaded 69 time(s).
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IMG_20200417_184126.jpg (5,187kb) downloaded 66 time(s).
The consciousness of plants is a constant source of information for medicine, alimentation, and art, and an example of the intelligence and creative imagination of nature. Much of my education I owe to the intelligence of these great teachers. Thus I consider myself to be the “representative” of plants, and for this reason I assert that if they cut down the trees and burn what’s left of the rainforests, it is the same as burning a whole library of books without ever having read them.

~ Pablo Amaringo
Chimp Z
Senior Member
#280 Posted : 4/18/2020 4:00:41 AM
Aquatica most likely
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