Any comments on the pic would great.. It's of a young plant but is representative of the grove (didn't want to get ladder) phyllodes have irregular edges No seed pods visible pic taken on border of QLD / NSW 1 or 2 trees have the beginnings of small spikes. peace Borris attached the following image(s):  Original Pic 1.JPG (1,600kb) downloaded 221 time(s).
interesting acacia borris... acacia obtusifolia came to mind but i can't tell from that image... nen.. hurry up and get yo ass in this thread we need your expertise!
Hey borris that could be obtusifolia, subtropical sub species. Generally only grow around the NSW/QLD boarder on high mountains in undisturbed rainforest and national parks. (An absolute no go for wild harvesting due to limited populations and slow growth rates).
I only know of one reference to "M" testing the sub species back in the 90's, which I read in the Acacia info thread. (Somewhere in there, search obtusifolia as keyword.) From what I remember said person got 0.1 % assumed DMT, was pretty variable depending on season, phyllodes sometimes pointy like maidenii, but more coriaceous, (leathery) like obtusifolia. But not as coriaceous as "straight" obtusifolia found further south in Nsw and northern Vic.
Spice Sailor
Hey Hjc, welcome to the nexus. What you have in the photo is either Acacia concurrens, or leiocalyx. A positive report from researcher "JJ" of (approx 0.3 %). Needs more experiments though. If you would be so kind, you should find a tree with pods that have opened and perform a A/B tek on some phyllodes/twigs and or bark from thin branches.
Spice sailor
Spice Sailor wrote:Hey Hjc, welcome to the nexus. What you have in the photo is either Acacia concurrens, or leiocalyx. Few positive reports of extractions (approx 0.3 %) and successful use in Ayah's. (by Seldom) Needs more experiments though. If you would be so kind, you should find a tree with pods that have opened and perform a A/B tek on some phyllodes/twigs and or stem/branch bark.
Spice sailor
Thanks Sailor. I originally planned on doing an A/B extraction so in that case, I would be very happy to provide a report.
Spice Sailor wrote:Hey borris that could be obtusifolia, subtropical sub species. Generally only grow around the NSW/QLD boarder on high mountains in undisturbed rainforest and national parks. (An absolute no go for wild harvesting due to limited populations and slow growth rates).
I only know of one reference to "M" testing the sub species back in the 90's, which I read in the Acacia info thread. (Somewhere in there, search obtusifolia as keyword.) From what I remember said person got 0.1 % assumed DMT, was pretty variable depending on season, phyllodes sometimes pointy like maidenii, but more coriaceous, (leathery) like obtusifolia. But not as coriaceous as "straight" obtusifolia found further south in Nsw and northern Vic.
Spice Sailor
Thanks Sailor That habitat niche sounds accurate and given the lack of quickly found info on any Obtusifolia subspecies probably suggests geographical rarity.
Spice Sailor wrote:Hey Hjc, welcome to the nexus. What you have in the photo is either Acacia concurrens, or leiocalyx. Few positive reports of extractions (approx 0.3 %) and successful use in Ayah's. (by Seldom) Needs more experiments though.
Spice sailor
just to be clear that was a gift to me from 2 people i met a few months ago in the form of a capped black resin to be taken with extracted harmalas. dosage was too high, and i wouldn't call it 'successful' per se. i have only the word of the people who gave it to me for veracity of the id.
anybody got an idea on the floribunda/maidenii looking tree i posted on page 10?
Seldom wrote:Spice Sailor wrote:Hey Hjc, welcome to the nexus. What you have in the photo is either Acacia concurrens, or leiocalyx. Few positive reports of extractions (approx 0.3 %) and successful use in Ayah's. (by Seldom) Needs more experiments though.
Spice sailor
just to be clear that was a gift to me from 2 people i met a few months ago in the form of a capped black resin to be taken with extracted harmalas. dosage was too high, and i wouldn't call it 'successful' per se. i have only the word of the people who gave it to me for veracity of the id. what were the effects?
involuntary screams, strong sensation of drowning, fear of having died, seeing my life through the eyes of my corpse, etc etc..
Seldom wrote:involuntary screams, strong sensation of drowning, fear of having died, seeing my life through the eyes of my corpse, etc etc.. oh.... those kind of effects sounds hectic beyond belief mate
Bufotenin? Or 5-MeO Maybe? I think I'll edit that part about a successful ayah, doesn't sound particularly "desirable".
Seldom wrote:involuntary screams, strong sensation of drowning, fear of having died, seeing my life through the eyes of my corpse, etc etc.. Thanks for posting that, that doesn't really sound desirable at all. I'm probably going to move on to another source I don't think I'd be able to handle those effects quite well. However I may do an A/B tek on it for practice + to verify yield %.
Yikes Selsom :S that's going to scare people away from a. Leiocalyx. 3rd hand knowledge on plant ID is understandable but could the procurement of the 'capped black resin' have played a part in your negative experience? PS Sailor you must have a memory of steel as I don't find any of those references you mention; probably due to the age of reports 
hey there strainer  no, not all acacia's have thorns. in fact very few australian ones do have thorns.... the yellow flowers are a common attribute to the acacia, especially in australia, though I'm not sure if all of them. acacia trees do not have leaves, but instead, phyllodes which are extensions of the stem i'm sorry that i can't help with the acacia in your photo.. it looks like it could be a mimosa of some kind I really can't say.. i know that there are a few genus's of plants with the similar bippinate structured phyllodes good luck! also.. good thing to remember is that very little research overall has been done on the alkaloids of acacia trees.. so theres bound to be many more candidates out there! reports of both successful and unsuccessful findings are also much appreciated
Seldom wrote: Quote:involuntary screams, strong sensation of drowning, fear of having died, seeing my life through the eyes of my corpse, etc etc.. SpiceSailor wrote: Quote:Bufotenin? Or 5-MeO Maybe? I think I'll edit that part about a successful ayah, doesn't sound particularly "desirable". hjc wrote: Quote:Thanks for posting that, that doesn't really sound desirable at all. I'm probably going to move on to another source I don't think I'd be able to handle those effects quite well. However I may do an A/B tek on it for practice + to verify yield %. ..doesn't have to involve 5meo of bufotenine to do that..just strong dmt (particularly with ayahuasca) can do that in certain contexts..remember, a few people have actually really physically died on ayahuasca (not smoked dmt, though) ..this is usually due to nicotine or cocaine overdose potentiated by MAOIs, or unsupervised accidents..this is why sometimes responsible real shamans (the not-so money orientated kind) or sitters are a good idea.. also, re other sources, don't forget that Acacia obtusifolia has had both 5meo and/or bufotenine in a few examples or seasons..and A. maidenii has one report 5meo in core wood.. 5meo..the trip to the void/light..beyond death or ordinary recall..not for everyone..better to be physically fit and spiritual IMO.. N.B. 5meo is an MAOI when smoked, so diet very important.. and Bufotenine can be quite healing out some of jamie's work with nufotenine on the nexus.. .