Especially the video on NMT is interesting in relation to this subject.
I just realised that baeocystine and norbaeocystine are NMT analogues of psilocybin and psilocin. And just like with NMT, these substances do not seem to be very active by themselves. But most people who have taken shrooms that are high in these two compounds (like psilocybe azurescens) will say that the experiences they've had with them where of a significantly different nature than the experiences they've had with other psilocybe shrooms.
The modulating effects of NMT and NMT analogues are probably not as powerfull, or occurring on as many receptors, as the modulating effects of some of the ergot-alkaloids though.
It would be interesting if we would have a list of positive and negative allosteric modulators on the receptors, most significant for psychedelic effects. Especially 5-ht-2.