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Mr&mrs Mcshulfman's Bufotenin Extraction Tek Options
Mr&Mrs McShulfman
#1 Posted : 12/18/2015 8:14:38 PM
I post here because as a new member I can't post in the bufo dedicated part. If you think this topic is interesting, please move it in the good part.
Only the first part of the tek present a change from the other teks but it makes the bufo extraction easier and the yields are increased a lot. I've tried this tek a few weeks ago and I just had the time to taste the product before I had to take the plane to go to south america so I just talk about the part I've done and let the other members adapt other teks on it for the cleansing of the bufo.

I've used 20 grams of cebil seeds. (with other extraction teks I got a yield of 0.6% from these seeds. Aceton pull, FASA and hot limonene cristalisation)

- Toast the seeds and grind them.
- Add the same amount of sodium carbonate.
- Add enouth water to make a soup consistence and warm it up for one hour adding small amounts of water to keep it liquid. Went I stired the hot soup after 30 minutes it still had a smell of amonia. (I think making a paste does not allow all the alkaloids to be based). Then dry it completely.
- Grind the seeds again to get a fine powder.
- Put the powder in a pot, add enough limonene to cover the seeds (you want the level of limonene to be one time higher than the seeds)
- Warm it on an electric hotplate. It will make bubbles rapidly so take care it won't make a mess in your kitchen, use a high pot. Do this outside or in a very well ventilated place. Cook the seeds for 3 to 5 minutes then allows it to cool a bit until it won't make bubbles. When there is no bubbles yet, pour the hot limonene in a glass dish trying to get the most clear liquid as possible and let it cool so the goodies will crystalize. It does not matter if there is a bit of seeds powder in the limonene when you pour it because we will clean it in the next step, just try to make it the best you can.
- Pour the limonene and let the goodies dry.
- Repeat the pull step with fresh limonene (maybe we can use the same limonene, I haven't tried). I've done only two pulls in my experience because I've had problems with the neighboors who didn't like the smell of limonene. I think 3 pulls is a minimum and 4 pulls is good because the second one gave me about the same amount of goodies than the first.
- Put your crude bufo extract in a glass and pour acetone on it, mix well and let it decant. Pour the clear acetone and leave behind all the seeds material that could have come with the limonene in the previous step.

From here I let the members adapt the cleansing step they think is the best because I had not the time to do it.
In my case I've evaporated the acetone and got about 1 gram (0.95g) of light tan crystals witch represent a yield of 5% with only two pulls (other tek yielded 0.6% with the same seeds). Vaporasing 10mg of it gave me OEV and CEV lasting at least 30 minutes so it is potent extract. It is not pure white bufo crystals but I think it is a very good start for a further purification and the yield matches more to what the seeds are supposed to contain.

So to resume, the idea is :
- Basify the seeds with more water, for a longer time and with heat to get all the alcaloids basified.
- Skip the acetone or IPA pull steps and the FASA step. Pull with hot limonene directly on the sedds powder.
- Clean the result by decanting in acetone.

This way you will have a potent bufo extract and a very good yield compared to what I've experienced with other teks

I would like to try cleaning it by myself but I'm now traveling so I can't. I was thinking of adding naphta dropwise directly in the acetone to make crash some unwanted compounds and then dry the acetone or maybe get out the unwanted compounds and then add more naphta to crystalise the bufo.
Please can someone work on this part so we can write an easy tek to make pure bufo crystals and have very good yields.

Thank you very much for reading
(and please excuse my english Smile )
Mr&Mrs McShulfman
#2 Posted : 12/20/2015 3:36:15 PM
I've seen that MachineElf88 had the same idea, he talked about it in a topic but had no response (https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=67314) again as a new member I can't PM him and I can't write posts in this part... too bad.
So I would say I've tried it and it works very well, it gave me a yield of 5% potent extract.
If a tek gives you a yield of less than 1% of pure bufotenin it means that one of the steps doesn't work and I've seen it is a problem for many persons with many teks.
Normally 1g of yopo sniffed gives you a full visionnary experience and 0.5g gives you a lot a strong visuals. If the seeds contain 5% of bufotenin, 1g of yopo should give you 50mg of bufo wich seem to be the amount needed to get a full experience when sniffing (without talking about the amount witch is really absorbed by the mucous membrane). So if you do a tek with 10g of potent seeds and you have less than 100mg of final product it means that one step or more doesn't work well and you're loosing a huge part of the bufo somewhere.

Please can a respected member of the forum give it a try a tell us what he thinks of this consideration.
#3 Posted : 2/26/2016 1:19:06 AM
I just tried snorting yopo a couple hours ago. It was EXCRUCIATING.
I can't do that, no way. I just can't.
So then I took the other half that was left [[ after the effects wore off, which were okay, but I'm used to full blown dmt excursions so.... but all in all a good start ]] and then I smoked it....
It worked also but it tasted like the extract I obtained from using an old tek of 69Rons.
Yuck...and nausea but its worth it ...
Anyways, I am so happy to see THIS tek.
I've researched the living buh-JEEBUZ out of getting the goods out of yopo seeds and tried many different ways.
All to lessen the materials needed for smoking
Instead of having to smoke yopo snuff preps, I like the idea of just smoking their isolates
Anyways, I digress as the yopo is still effecting me some
but this tek not only makes sense but is extremely simple in its approach
Thank you!
Everything I say here happened in My own Imagination. The more fantastic it sounds, the more you can count on it being in the realm of Dreams,
#4 Posted : 2/26/2016 12:16:33 PM
yopo is not to be snorted, its to be blown to you nose, that way it burns quite a bit but its definitly far from being excruciating
Healing someone is an act of love, but how can you love someone whitout loving yourself first?
Mr&Mrs McShulfman
#5 Posted : 5/18/2016 1:37:59 AM
The only way I have found to make a yopo that respect my nose is to prepare it with ashes. You burn some hard wood and take the white ashes when it's cold enough. You mix 1/1 part with yopo, mix with water, make paste, let react, dry and grind. This way the powder won't burn and more important your nose won't get blocked from mucosis irritation.
Thanks for the interest
Mr&Mrs McShulfman
#6 Posted : 7/9/2018 2:17:21 PM
Hi dear members of the community. That makes a long time I've posted this thread. At this moment I had not access to full membership and maybe i was not mature enough to discuss the subjects of this forum in a constructive way. Obviously the thread did not catch the interest of many people.
Last times I've been through important changes in my body and mind and at the same time I've been promoted to full membership. I want to ask again if someone (a moderator) can move this thread into the appropriate section (bufo and 5meo I guess) so we can continue working on this. Even if my idea has not received much consideration I still believe that it can help people who are searching on bufotenin extracted from yopo and vilca.

Maybe some have noted that my approach is more based on a traditional magical practice with plants and chemicals than a western materialist point of view. In my next participations in the forum I will try to use a kind of semantic that allows to understand from different points of view. At one point the idea does not matter. Vibration rules !
#7 Posted : 7/15/2018 8:52:37 PM
Mr&Mrs McShulfman wrote:
I post here because as a new member I can't post in the bufo dedicated part. If you think this topic is interesting, please move it in the good part.
Only the first part of the tek present a change from the other teks but it makes the bufo extraction easier and the yields are increased a lot. I've tried this tek a few weeks ago and I just had the time to taste the product before I had to take the plane to go to south america so I just talk about the part I've done and let the other members adapt other teks on it for the cleansing of the bufo.

I've used 20 grams of cebil seeds. (with other extraction teks I got a yield of 0.6% from these seeds. Aceton pull, FASA and hot limonene cristalisation)

- Toast the seeds and grind them.
- Add the same amount of sodium carbonate.
- Add enouth water to make a soup consistence and warm it up for one hour adding small amounts of water to keep it liquid. Went I stired the hot soup after 30 minutes it still had a smell of amonia. (I think making a paste does not allow all the alkaloids to be based). Then dry it completely.
- Grind the seeds again to get a fine powder.
- Put the powder in a pot, add enough limonene to cover the seeds (you want the level of limonene to be one time higher than the seeds)
- Warm it on an electric hotplate. It will make bubbles rapidly so take care it won't make a mess in your kitchen, use a high pot. Do this outside or in a very well ventilated place. Cook the seeds for 3 to 5 minutes then allows it to cool a bit until it won't make bubbles. When there is no bubbles yet, pour the hot limonene in a glass dish trying to get the most clear liquid as possible and let it cool so the goodies will crystalize. It does not matter if there is a bit of seeds powder in the limonene when you pour it because we will clean it in the next step, just try to make it the best you can.
- Pour the limonene and let the goodies dry.
- Repeat the pull step with fresh limonene (maybe we can use the same limonene, I haven't tried). I've done only two pulls in my experience because I've had problems with the neighboors who didn't like the smell of limonene. I think 3 pulls is a minimum and 4 pulls is good because the second one gave me about the same amount of goodies than the first.
- Put your crude bufo extract in a glass and pour acetone on it, mix well and let it decant. Pour the clear acetone and leave behind all the seeds material that could have come with the limonene in the previous step.

From here I let the members adapt the cleansing step they think is the best because I had not the time to do it.
In my case I've evaporated the acetone and got about 1 gram (0.95g) of light tan crystals witch represent a yield of 5% with only two pulls (other tek yielded 0.6% with the same seeds). Vaporasing 10mg of it gave me OEV and CEV lasting at least 30 minutes so it is potent extract. It is not pure white bufo crystals but I think it is a very good start for a further purification and the yield matches more to what the seeds are supposed to contain.

So to resume, the idea is :
- Basify the seeds with more water, for a longer time and with heat to get all the alcaloids basified.
- Skip the acetone or IPA pull steps and the FASA step. Pull with hot limonene directly on the sedds powder.
- Clean the result by decanting in acetone.

This way you will have a potent bufo extract and a very good yield compared to what I've experienced with other teks

I would like to try cleaning it by myself but I'm now traveling so I can't. I was thinking of adding naphta dropwise directly in the acetone to make crash some unwanted compounds and then dry the acetone or maybe get out the unwanted compounds and then add more naphta to crystalise the bufo.
Please can someone work on this part so we can write an easy tek to make pure bufo crystals and have very good yields.

Thank you very much for reading
(and please excuse my english Smile )

I haven't tried keeping the base soup hot. Have you done this step cold/room temp? I'm interested to know what the difference is. Are your yields larger or is product stronger?

Do you grind your seeds whole? Or remove the husk first? I have had much cleaner results removing all the husks.

I dislike working with d-limo and bufotenine. Bufo is hard enough to get pure as is, I found d-limo to always leave stuff behind (although it does crystallize bufo well). It felt counterproductive. I end up having to do more clean up than if I had just used a different solvent in the first place.

In my experience, the dry cake method seems to be quite effective (and easiest). Also, the caramel lump method as stated in OF's No Smell Tek works well. If you do it correctly, there is an immediate reaction and all your bufo oils pool to the top.

I prefer to pull my base with MEK, dry IPA or methanol. My best results have been with IPA. Though MEK and methanol seem to pull more.

These pulls are left to slowly evap at room temp, can take several days. This gives me an idea of how dirty or pure it is. I have had batches that produced tan and clear crystals without a FASA step. Majority of the time it needs to be cleaned though. So I scrape it up it and typically dissolve it in more dry IPA and once dissolved I add FASI. This always leads to beautiful, fluffy fumarate crystals.

Base your fumarates with dry cake or caramel lump method. Pull. Evap. This product will be quite psychoactive, but if you purify with MEK/heptane or acetone/naphta you will get white bufo. This part can be difficult and takes some practice.

Have you tried the above processes? How do you think it compares to your method?
Mr&Mrs McShulfman
#8 Posted : 7/16/2018 12:54:49 AM
Well I'm currently sit on the dirt floor of my unfinished caban-house in the middle of a jungly mountain.
I can see next to my axe two old bottles of rhum now full of a doubtful extraction performed with only doubtful solvents...
I have now access to what they call "thinner", no access to the composition. Smell like acetone and maybe toluene with something else...
I have what they call " bezina", it's like light naphta but not so light.
And ethanol.

Last days I tried extracting an old weak yopo that I had prepared with ashes and aya powder.

Extract with "thinner"
Mix with "benzina" to try a possible precipitation.
No precipitation, benzina do not melt with thinner.
So I took out the benzina full of oils and things. And repeat.
Dry the thinner, finish by warming on wood fire.

The result was almost liquid when hot (more than 100°c)
Hard and crystalline when cold. Dark amber.

Good potency for the quality of the seeds.

Anyway. When I had access to some other solvents I tried a few times the drycake method with acetone pulls, FASA and xylene crystallization but never ended with good yields (less than 1%) and the product was not so good neither.

So I thought if xylene and d-limo can crystallize the bufo by heating and letting cool down why not doing it directly on the cake. Best said cook the dry powder in xylene or d-limo.
I just had the time to try with d-limo before going for a long travel. And only two pulls, it was too smelly for the neighbours.
This only operation that last 5 minutes gave me 5% of yellow cristalline powder active with visuals at less than 10mg.

My tek is not really a tek, it is more an idea that worked really great. If you don't like to work with limo, which I understand as it lets a lot of stuff behind and smell.... maybe you could try with xylene. In my experience it takes a few days to dry totally with almost no smell.

Another idea that popped up thinking about the yields question was to make a proper basification of the seeds (which I always toast and deshell) by heating the powder for a long time with sodium carbonate and enough water to allow a total reaction.
After 30 minutes stirring periodically and slowly adding water the mixture was still reacting with a strong smell of ammonia. After one hour no more smell of ammonia, I slowly dried the whole soup.

So in my experience it is useful to make this preparation. At least for extraction because for sniffing yopo or vilca the balance between freebase and acid alkaloids is interesting to explore. For example you slow down the effects and make it more dreamy by using soft ashes. Use strong ashes and it becomes trans dimensional. With the dry cake method I think that only a part of the alkaloids are turned into base form.

I really want to practice the MEK/heptane, acetone/naphta method as it feel to me like THE way to purify bufo. I never had the occasion to try but will work on it ! Solvent research quest (without internet or supermarkets) !
Mr&Mrs McShulfman
#9 Posted : 7/16/2018 1:00:36 AM
I imagine
Basify the deshelled seeds with the soup tek. Dry it.
Pull 3 or 4 times by cooking the seeds in hot xylene.
Let crystallize, poor the xylene, let dry.
Mix in MEK or acetone and perform the purification.

If you have access to this please try it for me ! Very happy I would like to know about the yields.
#10 Posted : 7/18/2018 5:07:06 PM
Mr&Mrs McShulfman wrote:
I imagine
Basify the deshelled seeds with the soup tek. Dry it.
Pull 3 or 4 times by cooking the seeds in hot xylene.
Let crystallize, poor the xylene, let dry.
Mix in MEK or acetone and perform the purification.

If you have access to this please try it for me ! Very happy I would like to know about the yields.

Waiting patiently for my yopo and cebil seeds to arrive. I will definitely try your method! I'm very intrigued!

I will post my results in the next couple weeks. I will try to take pics throughout the process as well. Smile
#11 Posted : 3/9/2019 2:36:18 AM
I have about 130 grams sourced from Peru and Bolivia. I tried a method that ends with dlimo heat to separate undesired compounds from the bufotenine but what I finally got was a brown-black crystalline powder which produces more nausea than magic.

So, I will try this method next week. My understanding and logic say that this could be better, but I'm wondering about the side effect (I know it's not the way to name them).

Were your results -apart from potent at low doses- nauseating?

And, why not purify with dlimo as other tek say? (Supposedly bufo melts with dlimo at 176°C and the undesired (bad way to name them again) stays at the bottom so you can separate them well.

Any guess or updates that I don't know to get an effective run?

PD: I have a friend in Iquitos that does international shipping.

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