Oh yes you can have breakthrough experiences with LSD. Tonight i experienced such a thing.
It was perfect. Maybe the best LSD experience i've ever had, even. I didn't even take that much, as a few weeks ago i had a realy rough experience with something around 275 micrograms, and now it must have been something like 240. But this time it was ALD-52 instead of 1P-LSD. And another sort of important thing....this time i took some oral cannabis as well.
These LSD analogues for me....they all seem to come on much slower than the number 25 does. But once active, i don't realy notice a difference.
When the ALD eventually started to kick in, i decided that i indeed wanted to take the cannabis, and i ate a weedbuttercake. I put on my headphones and listened to some music, waiting for the cannabis to start working.
And very gradually, i started to drift away into a world that was made of music. A universe that seemed more or less conventionally 4-dimensional. But that seemed to be eternal and completely made of this music-energy. A music that didn't seem to come through the ears, but directly from within the brain/counsciousness itself. And so incredibly colourfull it was. I had left the normal notion of a body, but i did feel pretty much like a brain still. Yeah, maybe that's what it was...a brain, floating through a musical eyecandy universe.
Ofcorse you could have such a breakthrough experience with mushrooms and cannabis as well. But the thing with cannabis is, that it can somewhat dull the mind. And then you feel more like you're lucid dreaming. Not realy awake.
But LSD has that dopaminergic and noradrenergic stimulation, as well as the normal effect of a tryptamine psychedelic. Wich works out rely well with cannabis.
I didn't feel absent minded at any moment, at all. And the thing is that it all just becomes so increadibly pleasurable as well.
Yes, this, i must admit, was purely recreational. But tonight i had the kind of experience, that made me very happy that i did not let a few rough experiences put me off psychedelics.
I think LSD and oral cannabis realy belong together almost. This is realy the sweetest and most easy going way ever, to "break through". Maybe not as profound as DMT sometimes gets.
But this one could potentially be a cure for any pre-flight anxiety.
Last year i had 2 breaktrough experience with LSD, on 2 experience. The first was in the complete nature accompanied with passiflora teas, fruits, 200mics. The second was in a festival, same product but different context. In the 2 experiences, i encountered my first full ego dissolution. In the 2 cases, while lsd was climbing up, i couldn't see the difference of the reality (where i was) and my visions(what i saw). The 2 were mingled, i completly lost the sense of everything, i was mushed in the matrix and the process was to dissolve myself in all the place, to be present for everybody. During this moment, all my thinkings, all the thing of mine, was correlated completly with the visually rich environment. From my friend pov, i could not walk, could not understand what i say, what they said, i was nearly good for recycling  From my pov, during this moment, i was fully understanding many purposes of myself, of my friends, and the help the gave me (they were a bit afraid so they took care of me). After the peak of LSD i was fully back with them, during theses 2 or 3 hours of peak i wasn't. I experiemntd telepathy with a friend and glad it worked, the message arrived to him. I experimented the view of how a tough is joined to us, how a positive tough can affect a ppl. Theses were for me, very intense experiments, i did not integrated all the experience atm, there are somethings that need to be integrated later. Before these 2 experience, i had another one with friends, took above 325mics, but these didn't dissolve myself, i was fully present to the moment with them. It's really interesting to see how we react with theses substances while our path is changing. Theses breatrough on LSD can be be very fearing because of intensity and the time that could last. I remember after an intense insight,to be forced to cry, cause of the beauty of what happened, what i felt about life and friends, it was like a loop of years wich was closing after understanding lot of thing that stayed in my inconscious and didn't helped me in the past. Breaktrough can be intensive, and if somebody don't take side and try to fully integrate it with love and sincerity, it can be positive life changing, we don't have to forget there a part of work that has to be done by us. Peace
to me, a 'breakthrough' is literally that...an experience that transports me to an unknown environment. Only salvia has done that for me. 700+ ug of LSD (white fluff) didn't even do that, I was still aware of my surroundings. I still have yet to experience that on DMT. "Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah "Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
benzyme wrote:to me, a 'breakthrough' is literally that...an experience that transports me to an unknown environment. Only salvia has done that for me. 700+ ug of LSD (white fluff) didn't even do that, I was still aware of my surroundings. I still have yet to experience that on DMT. Maybe you had a high tolerance for LSD at the time. When you say 700 ug, i get an image in my mind of a huge buldozer approaching a naked, defenseless brain In my case, yesterday, it was especially the combination with oral cannabis that did it. Oral cannabis has extremely synergistic effects with almost any classic hallucinogen. They seem to amplify eachother. I have experienced a total immersion into other worlds with mushrooms and oral cannabis as well, but the sedative effects of cannabis where just so powerfull then, that i did not feel like i was totally awake and present. It was almost like a lucid dream. I even fell asleep once, when i took shrooms with oral cannabis. With LSD, there is much more mental clarity, but it is still a lot more mellow experience than breaking through on DMT or ayahuasca.
Hey dragonrider, It sounds like you had quite an experience! I'm very curious if you can describe the "4th dimension?" I am trying to understand what the interpretation of the 4th dimension would be like. As in, how is it differing from 3-dimensional concept of space-time? I ask, because sound is able to exist in the "3rd dimension" and so is energy - depending on your definition of energy. If the "visual energy" was the indicator of the 4th dimension, then I would like to know what about the energy, observably, made it characteristic of a 4th dimension. I am genuinely curious.  I have had a semi-breakthrough on LSD one time - and that was on a high dose. I'll spare the dosage information, and the reason, but it resulted into my "being" or "soul" or "spirit" or what ever you want to call it - a sense of self awareness - was divided into 4 different entities that were in different "realities," and I was experiencing them all simultaneously. However, the different "me's" would take turns swapping from reality to reality. I don't know what the purpose; most likely to deal with the situation at hand - which was INCREDIBLY difficult. I'll spare the details on that bit as well. But, a very very very difficult thing was going on in this reality, so the self decided to subdivide and allow the independent "me's" trade in and out. Have you heard of the game musical chairs? There is music playing, and you're walking around in a circle, and when the music stops - every one quickly sits in a chair. There is always one less chair than there are people, so whoever is standing is out of the game. SO, this was like musical "selves." As we traded realities, and dealt with the situation at hand, as each layer of the difficult situation was removed, one of the realities would vanish from our awareness, and along with it would also vanish the sense of individuality of that reality. This carried on until the three layers of the difficult situation were removed, and there was only this reality left. I still had about 24 more hours of tripping before it was over, but the first 12 were as described. The final 24 hours were still difficult, but it was a relief from the prior situation - and towards the very end, began to laugh a little - about the absurdity of what had just happened. WHAT HAD JUST HAPPENED??????? Whew. I (we?) made it out. So, in a sense, I have no idea which "self" started, and which "self" ended in this body. But it claims to be here, and has access to most of the memories and operations. So, it's fine.  I call it a semi-breakthrough, because there was always one "me" that was aware of what was going on here. However, it was indistinguishable as a defined unit within my full consciousness. During the time, I would not have been able to tell you who "I" was, because "I"(we?) was in the rotation. The realities that we were experiencing were as real as we can call this one. Three of the initial four realities (including this one) appeared to be 3 dimensional. The other one is unable to be described. It's not that I don't remember my time there.... I remember my(our?) time in all of them. However, the observation of that reality does not translate to words very well. Ineffable, we say. On the cannabis front - I'd say that will be something that varies from person to person. There are some folks who do not like the effect of cannabis, oral or smoked, so that may cause a sense of uneasiness during the trip. Me? personally, I like it. I don't know that it makes me "able to break through" any easier than it would be without. Many times, when I am in a deep trance, there is no desire to even smoke. And if I am really out there, then I often forget that there is even a body (hopefully laying) on a couch somewhere, in another world. And then, after some time, the body gains awareness and maybe smoke on the comedown. I haven't really tried oral cannabis on psychedelics, but I have some nice candies that are around 35 mg THC. So, I might eat one before I trip next.... If I ever do! (Or if I've ever stopped tripping?) Take Care! ACY Sometimes it's good for a change. Other times it isn't.
LSD just may induce the most intense and changing psychedelic experience out there, DMT and 5-meo included. If you haven’t, do a simple thread search for “LSD Thumbprint”...
ritual and lore aside, the lsd experience doesn't seem to be on par with DMT hyperspace. Excess lsd results in increased duration, not trancending spacetime, IME. DMT is the apex psychedelic, hands down. 5-MeO just seems daunting, idk if I'd even want to go there. I did lsd too much, and in very high quantities; lost the magic quickly. And yes, I was a hardhead. I think onset and intensity is why DMT is much more powerful than lsd. the caveat is lack of information integration, due to the short duration. Then again, I wouldn't want a DMT breakthrough to last for hours. What limits LSD is its receptor binding profile. It acts as partial agonists on some receptors, and antagonists on others (allosteric modulation); this translates to a plateau regarding its perceived activity beyond a mg. LSD is cute, DMT is stunning. Both have utility, and immense potential. "Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah "Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
benzyme wrote:ritual and lore aside, the lsd experience doesn't seem to be on par with DMT hyperspace. I agree. I do love LSD and have had some really amazing experiences over the years. Benzyme it is interesting you just posted on this, I was just looking at the "pictures of anything nice" thread and caught sight of the vial of L you posted in that thread, also the ergot specimens. olympus mon wrote:You need to hit it with intention to get where you want to be! "Good and evil lay side by side as electric love penetrates the sky..." -Hendrix"We have arrived at truth, and now we find truth is a mystery- a play of joy, creation, and energy. This is source. This is the mystic touchstone that heals and renews. This is the beginning again. This is entheogenic." -Nicholas Sand
AcaciaConfusedYah wrote:Hey dragonrider, It sounds like you had quite an experience! I'm very curious if you can describe the "4th dimension?" I am trying to understand what the interpretation of the 4th dimension would be like. As in, how is it differing from 3-dimensional concept of space-time? I ask, because sound is able to exist in the "3rd dimension" and so is energy - depending on your definition of energy. If the "visual energy" was the indicator of the 4th dimension, then I would like to know what about the energy, observably, made it characteristic of a 4th dimension. I am genuinely curious.  I have had a semi-breakthrough on LSD one time - and that was on a high dose. I'll spare the dosage information, and the reason, but it resulted into my "being" or "soul" or "spirit" or what ever you want to call it - a sense of self awareness - was divided into 4 different entities that were in different "realities," and I was experiencing them all simultaneously. However, the different "me's" would take turns swapping from reality to reality. I don't know what the purpose; most likely to deal with the situation at hand - which was INCREDIBLY difficult. I'll spare the details on that bit as well. But, a very very very difficult thing was going on in this reality, so the self decided to subdivide and allow the independent "me's" trade in and out. Have you heard of the game musical chairs? There is music playing, and you're walking around in a circle, and when the music stops - every one quickly sits in a chair. There is always one less chair than there are people, so whoever is standing is out of the game. SO, this was like musical "selves." As we traded realities, and dealt with the situation at hand, as each layer of the difficult situation was removed, one of the realities would vanish from our awareness, and along with it would also vanish the sense of individuality of that reality. This carried on until the three layers of the difficult situation were removed, and there was only this reality left. I still had about 24 more hours of tripping before it was over, but the first 12 were as described. The final 24 hours were still difficult, but it was a relief from the prior situation - and towards the very end, began to laugh a little - about the absurdity of what had just happened. WHAT HAD JUST HAPPENED??????? Whew. I (we?) made it out. So, in a sense, I have no idea which "self" started, and which "self" ended in this body. But it claims to be here, and has access to most of the memories and operations. So, it's fine.  I call it a semi-breakthrough, because there was always one "me" that was aware of what was going on here. However, it was indistinguishable as a defined unit within my full consciousness. During the time, I would not have been able to tell you who "I" was, because "I"(we?) was in the rotation. The realities that we were experiencing were as real as we can call this one. Three of the initial four realities (including this one) appeared to be 3 dimensional. The other one is unable to be described. It's not that I don't remember my time there.... I remember my(our?) time in all of them. However, the observation of that reality does not translate to words very well. Ineffable, we say. On the cannabis front - I'd say that will be something that varies from person to person. There are some folks who do not like the effect of cannabis, oral or smoked, so that may cause a sense of uneasiness during the trip. Me? personally, I like it. I don't know that it makes me "able to break through" any easier than it would be without. Many times, when I am in a deep trance, there is no desire to even smoke. And if I am really out there, then I often forget that there is even a body (hopefully laying) on a couch somewhere, in another world. And then, after some time, the body gains awareness and maybe smoke on the comedown. I haven't really tried oral cannabis on psychedelics, but I have some nice candies that are around 35 mg THC. So, I might eat one before I trip next.... If I ever do! (Or if I've ever stopped tripping?) Take Care! ACY Oh, with 4-dimensional i just meant the normal 3 spatial dimensions plus the 1 temporal dimension. Sometimes there was a little bending or stretching of space, but most of the time the space was 3-dimensional.
benzyme wrote:ritual and lore aside, the lsd experience doesn't seem to be on par with DMT hyperspace. Excess lsd results in increased duration, not trancending spacetime, IME. DMT is the apex psychedelic, hands down. 5-MeO just seems daunting, idk if I'd even want to go there. I did lsd too much, and in very high quantities; lost the magic quickly. And yes, I was a hardhead. I think onset and intensity is why DMT is much more powerful than lsd. the caveat is lack of information integration, due to the short duration. Then again, I wouldn't want a DMT breakthrough to last for hours. What limits LSD is its receptor binding profile. It acts as partial agonists on some receptors, and antagonists on others (allosteric modulation); this translates to a plateau regarding its perceived activity beyond a mg. LSD is cute, DMT is stunning. Both have utility, and immense potential. I think i agree. This was not a very profound experience compared to a DMT breakthrough. But the addition of oral cannabis realy does have a magical effect. I don't know how that works pharmacologically, but it works so well that i would even warn people to be very moderate with the cannabis. The slice of cake i ate last friday definately contained less than half a gram of weed. The oral cannabis seems to act like a sort of psychedelic lubricant. It smoothens all of the psychedelic effects and makes dissocation from the body go pretty smoothly as well. It's like it simply takes away everything that normally limits the effects of LSD or shrooms, and everything you normally experience with it just goes through the roof all of a sudden. The only downside is that it can make you feel less present. Less awake. With mushrooms this is even more the case. Somehow, the sedative effects of cannabis are also being amplified significantly. For this reason it is more a recreational than a spiritual sort of experience.
Jupitor wrote:LSD just may induce the most intense and changing psychedelic experience out there, DMT and 5-meo included. If you haven’t, do a simple thread search for “LSD Thumbprint”... I just finished reading the LSD thumbprint threads. I get strong anxiety even reading about taking such a dose. olympus mon wrote:You need to hit it with intention to get where you want to be! "Good and evil lay side by side as electric love penetrates the sky..." -Hendrix"We have arrived at truth, and now we find truth is a mystery- a play of joy, creation, and energy. This is source. This is the mystic touchstone that heals and renews. This is the beginning again. This is entheogenic." -Nicholas Sand
Tony6Strings wrote:I just finished reading the LSD thumbprint threads. I get strong anxiety even reading about taking such a dose. Me too  I'm good
I've experienced high doses of LSD a few times that have caused me to lose contact with my body. I can't honesty say they were pleasant experiences, more a heavy shattered reality until the synesthesia runs all directions and I black out. Followed by a "What the hell? Where am I? Wow look, hands" type experience when coming out of it and a 12 hour afterglow. Not great. A waste of acid. The nearest we ever come to knowing truth is when we are witness to paradox.
Jupitor wrote:Tony6Strings wrote:I just finished reading the LSD thumbprint threads. I get strong anxiety even reading about taking such a dose. Me too  I'm good the thumbprint stuff  and all the drama about it‘s trustworthy or an old hippie who want‘s to assume an air of importance.... crazy how much there is to read about that guy.... Anyways I loved his posts if they are true or not IMHO it‘s totally legitime even if there‘s a saturation point and things we do know sh*t Everyone who‘s doubting should try 200,500, 1200mcs and than an thumbprint kinda trip... there just have to be a difference I did my first acid in the age of sixteen and it was probably besides the regular low acids out there a bit more strong... may about 200-300mcs Idk couldn‘t reproduce it by now but that one peaks about something I would describe as a breakthrough actually I felt incredible pain somehow because every cell and nerve in my body was like on high voltage, higher than ever before I was going to a place (in my self?!) through a black wormhole flying though stars, gettin confronted with all kinds of natural connections, wisodms, ancient knowledge, full synaesthesia early childhoof pictures from my christening and stuff, there was like a explanation why black is my preferred color and all kinds of incredible full force information which was rushing though my mind like I had a constant connection to the wall socket this was incredible what I love to remember is that there was some unregular morphing in the beginning right before peaking there were vinyl covers pinned to the wall and on one of the covers the font started to freak out it just freed himself in form it started moving like a snake - like a the old handy game „snake“ (nokia8210 e.g.) So all covers were morphing and doin freaky stuff, but on that one particular cover the font started to moving on somehow more or less static railroad kinda thing OVER THE WHOLE WALL Coming back to its originally source moving through the shapes of the letters on there and was going out again on tour was amazing, the whole trip was amazing but very exhausting and life changing I did no acid than since I was 22 - so six years passed After six years I had arrived in what was unveiled to me in that night  I had totally accepted that I‘m a wonder, I‘m a scholar and a master but that never ever in life there would be something static - Not my knowledge, not my opinion, I could somehow be omniscient and equally I will never be able to KNOW anything... it a flow, it‘s constant falling through time and space and everytime I will negate this truth I would disregard the the nature of this complex universe in which “I‘(don‘t) exist futhermore I will fool myself and are going to invoke suffering unnecessarily It's the job that's never started as takes longest to finish. - J.R.R. Tolkien
How long will this last, this delicious feeling of being alive, of having penetrated the veil which hides beauty and the wonders of celestial vistas? It doesn't matter, as there can be nothing but gratitude for even a glimpse of what exists for those who can become open to it. - Alexander Shulgin
It's funny, I've experienced the sort of DMT experience where it feels like the absolute end of all things, the tip of the iceberg but I still find LSD incredibly challenging each time I take it.. I mean I can take it and just focus on the pretty details and have a great time but if I start focusing on letting go, the process of letting ego slip away particle by particle and see how each particle has been allowed to exist in a solid state due to a resistance of sorts on my end, It gets really heavy.
For me the value in LSD is just that, taking a dose that gives you the option to slip away and consciously doing so. It's in the process of slipping away that I learn so much about myself and why I am the way I am.
Sounds like a great experience btw, crazy stuff happens with music, closed eyes and just slipping away!
What a beautiful experience you had there dragon  And what a coincidence that 1 day prior to reading this the hyperspace fairies were extremely generous and gifted me some of what was referred to as "the purest LSD you can find around" (around 1000 mics in total), along with a very generous amount of cannabis chocolate (which I tried yesterday with half a teaspoon and it totally hammered me)...I've taken friday off work, and am planning something similar to what you described here. Love&Light