Hi guys
Firstly, HI! and nice site. SWIM likes much...
New to DMT, SWIM hasn't experienced this yet, but has been researching SWIM's heart out for 6 months on the topic...
Because DMT is such a rare chem to come across, SWIM is going to prepare his own spice out of Australian Acacia...
now SWIM was going to just grow his own tree, but out on a bush walk this afternoon along the coast, was off the beaten track, and stumbled across some clippings (cut by shears, and left)
now, swim has no idea if this was even wattle but brought it home anyway. SWIM has been looking at pics on line but there are so damn many!! Now, I have narrowed it down to Acacia Longfolia, as it was close to the cast, and longfolia is a costal wattle. There are no flowers, but it's not the season for flowers anymore andyway? I have some pics, what do you guys think, worth doing a pull and seing what SWIM gets??
note this will be SWIMS first A/B pull. Have read that the LEX teck is the best for wattle....
Anyhoo, if someone could comment on SWIM'S identification that would be great!! like soon too...
SWIMmingly attached the following image(s):

(91kb) downloaded 161 time(s).
(135kb) downloaded 160 time(s).Everything i post is purely hypothetical