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Mescaline Crystal Anhydrous Acetone Wash Tek Help? Options
#1 Posted : 8/11/2018 5:42:19 PM
For the members on here who have done successful mescaline extracts, I am having a bit of trouble understanding how exactly the best way of washing your crystals to remove more impurities, should I use MEK to wash, or Anhydrous Acetone? And what do I wash it in? I read 4 Teks that didnt explain it very well and could use some extra help if anyone knows what Im talking about.

#2 Posted : 8/11/2018 6:05:10 PM
If you would like to know anything particular, just ask
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#3 Posted : 8/11/2018 6:54:51 PM
Thanks, Im taking about step 10 in this Tek, https://wiki.dmt-nexus.m...A/B_Mescaline_Extraction I have seen the word "Wash" used in a lot of extractions and i understand what it does, but like just the literal process I am a bit confused on. And what the best chemical to do the wash would be? I see a lot of options and I am very new to Mesc extractions tbh.

#4 Posted : 8/11/2018 7:52:38 PM
Anhydrous acetone will probably be more convenient than ice cold MEK because cold objects condense water from the air and if the MEK gets wet it'll dissolve more of your mescaline.
When I 'washed' mine in anh. acetone what I did was to grind it to a powder [a slightly sticky powder], pour the anh. acetone over it in a beaker with a stir bar, covered the beaker with aluminum foil, magnetic stirred it for 30 minutes, and filtered. This yielded an off-white mescaline hydrochloride in 90% yield and a dark solvent that evaporated to nearly black goo thats still sticky months later. I then recrystallized my off-white mescaline•HCl in anhydrous isopropyl alcohol getting only 72% yield of a snow white mescaline•HCl and orange solvent that evaporated to yield pumpkin colored crystals. I havent assayed the pumpkin crystals but I cant honestly tell any difference between the off-white and the snow-white mescaline so in the future I will probably only do the anh. acetone wash unless I want to impress friends and seduce women with my uber ultra-clean mescaline Wink
If you do not have a magnetic stirrer and dont intend to build one I have seen people do the process the same way but using a spoon to mix it, sort of grinding the mescaline mush against the wall of a glass bowl for several minutes. Their product wasnt as clean as my off-white stuff but it was always a very clear improvement.
Here are pictures of my black goo and pumpkin mescaline byproducts.
Elrik attached the following image(s):
200_8478.JPG (30kb) downloaded 161 time(s).
200_8476.JPG (39kb) downloaded 163 time(s).
#5 Posted : 8/11/2018 8:39:57 PM
Hippie710 wrote:
Thanks, Im taking about step 10 in this Tek, https://wiki.dmt-nexus.m...A/B_Mescaline_Extraction I have seen the word "Wash" used in a lot of extractions and i understand what it does, but like just the literal process I am a bit confused on. And what the best chemical to do the wash would be? I see a lot of options and I am very new to Mesc extractions tbh.


Have you read this? If you follow steps 1-12, you will have it washed. You don't have to do the activated charcoal steps and you will have quite pure product.

If I had to chose one, I would chose anhydrous acetone. But it is not removing everything. Anhydrous IPA is needed for better result. I am using mix of these two with MEK. Why? Because I have MEK and I know it works too Smile I have never done any tests whether MEK is necessary. I have never used tone with MEK without IPA either. I simply put there all of them and the mix works perfectly.
Acceptance of the fact that our reality is not real doesn't in fact mean it is not real. It just leads to better understanding what real means.
#6 Posted : 8/12/2018 7:25:56 AM
pete666 wrote:
Hippie710 wrote:
Thanks, Im taking about step 10 in this Tek, https://wiki.dmt-nexus.m...A/B_Mescaline_Extraction I have seen the word "Wash" used in a lot of extractions and i understand what it does, but like just the literal process I am a bit confused on. And what the best chemical to do the wash would be? I see a lot of options and I am very new to Mesc extractions tbh.


Have you read this? If you follow steps 1-12, you will have it washed. You don't have to do the activated charcoal steps and you will have quite pure product.

If I had to chose one, I would chose anhydrous acetone. But it is not removing everything. Anhydrous IPA is needed for better result. I am using mix of these two with MEK. Why? Because I have MEK and I know it works too Smile I have never done any tests whether MEK is necessary. I have never used tone with MEK without IPA either. I simply put there all of them and the mix works perfectly.

Wow thanks man, thats the most helpful Tek Ive seen on the topic. Im gonna be going off it in a couple weeks for an extraction. Im curious about the evaporating the solvents in the wash for another Alkaloid mix.
#7 Posted : 8/12/2018 8:17:47 AM
Please take into account that every cactus has different alkaloid mix. The dosage of the "trash alkaloid mix" may vary.
Do not hesitate to ask if anything unclear
Acceptance of the fact that our reality is not real doesn't in fact mean it is not real. It just leads to better understanding what real means.
#8 Posted : 8/12/2018 4:42:26 PM
pete666 wrote:
Please take into account that every cactus has different alkaloid mix. The dosage of the "trash alkaloid mix" may vary.
Do not hesitate to ask if anything unclear

Have you taken the other Alkaloid mix? Im going to be extracting from a large amount of San Pedro. Do you think the "trash mix" is worth trying?
#9 Posted : 8/12/2018 8:19:51 PM
I have experience with PT, but I think for SP it is similar.
It is always good to evap the solvent mixture and check the result after washes. If it's like a black tar after proper evap (I leave it evap few days) then it is ok. If the solvents were not totally dry or the process was not perfect or the air was too humid, there will be mescaline leak into this mix. If you are sure everything was perfect, expect only about 5-10% of this material. The rest is more or less(as you wish) white mescaline. If you get more, or it is not like a black tar, something went wrong.
I had the mix twice and it is active. I would definitely suggest trying it. For me 150mg was active, I have never tried more. But I am oriented just to mescaline so my motivation to try anything else is minimal. If I continued with this mix, I would go with 200-250 next time. This can be different for san pedro though, so start lower.
Acceptance of the fact that our reality is not real doesn't in fact mean it is not real. It just leads to better understanding what real means.
#10 Posted : 8/12/2018 8:29:09 PM
Thats really good to know,Im not able to find a lot of research on effects of much of the other Alkaloids found in San Pedro (tyramine, hordinenine, 3,4-dimethoxy-4-hydroxy-B-phenethylamine, 3-methoxytyramine) But i have read multiple claims of them having noticeable effects even without the mescaline in moderate doses. I might just have to do some experiments and post my research on here. I appreciate all the help.
Hippie710 attached the following image(s):
20180801_154222.jpg (2,943kb) downloaded 117 time(s).
Moderator | Skills: Mostly harmless
#11 Posted : 8/12/2018 8:58:36 PM
I've done the MEK (on acetate), acetone, and isopropyl (on hcl) washes and tried each of the fractions independently.

They are psychoactive, each fraction has a little different effect, though generally they provide a fairly short lived stoning effect on their own (sans mescaline). I wasn't particularly impressed with the separated alkaloids, or the purified mescaline, vs taking the full spectrum extract. It seems the synergy between the alkaloids really provides the most holistic experience.
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Running Bear
#12 Posted : 8/13/2018 1:40:35 AM
Elrik wrote:
Anhydrous acetone will probably be more convenient than ice cold MEK because cold objects condense water from the air and if the MEK gets wet it'll dissolve more of your mescaline.
When I 'washed' mine in anh. acetone what I did was to grind it to a powder [a slightly sticky powder], pour the anh. acetone over it in a beaker with a stir bar, covered the beaker with aluminum foil, magnetic stirred it for 30 minutes, and filtered. This yielded an off-white mescaline hydrochloride in 90% yield and a dark solvent that evaporated to nearly black goo thats still sticky months later. I then recrystallized my off-white mescaline•HCl in anhydrous isopropyl alcohol getting only 72% yield of a snow white mescaline•HCl and orange solvent that evaporated to yield pumpkin colored crystals. I havent assayed the pumpkin crystals but I cant honestly tell any difference between the off-white and the snow-white mescaline so in the future I will probably only do the anh. acetone wash unless I want to impress friends and seduce women with my uber ultra-clean mescaline Wink
If you do not have a magnetic stirrer and dont intend to build one I have seen people do the process the same way but using a spoon to mix it, sort of grinding the mescaline mush against the wall of a glass bowl for several minutes. Their product wasnt as clean as my off-white stuff but it was always a very clear improvement.
Here are pictures of my black goo and pumpkin mescaline byproducts.

How many ml of acetone and isopropyl alcohol did you use for each gram? The extraction tek says to do 2 acetone washes with one alcohol but if I get get pure white from only 2 washes I'll do it. I have a magnetic stirrer and it would be nice to actually use it lol.
#13 Posted : 8/13/2018 5:28:43 AM
Here are my raw lab notes
9.21 grams of desiccated unrefined alkaloid hydrochloride digested in 20°C acetone [anh.] with mechanical stirring for 30 minutes and placed in the freezer for 4 hours [no obvious crystal formation]. Solids were filtered and spread out to dry. Filtrate placed in a weighed beaker and set out to dry.
• Dry solids weight: 8.34 g (90%) of off-white faintly orange alkaloid, vacuum filtration or quick second wash would probably have got it white.
3.00 grams of dried solids combined with 35 ml of isopropanol [anh.] and mixture heated in oil bath. Alkaloid dissolved well before boiling. Solution simmered for several minutes to reduce volume by ~13 ml. Solution filtered. Solution cooled, seed crystal triggered crystallization, placed in freezer overnight. Solids were filtered and spread out to dry. Filtrate placed in a weighed beaker and set out to dry.
• Dry solids weight: 2.15 g (72%) of pure white free-flowing crystals smelling faintly of mint.
Somehow I forgot to record the acetone volume but I remember I used a 150 ml beaker and from my memory of how full it was I'd say ~50 ml acetone (anh.) for 9.21 grams.
When I did the isopropanol I initially way underestimated mescaline•HCl solubility in boiling IPA. 3 grams was still no where near saturation in 22 ml anhydrous IPA, so I was able to filter it without issue. I'm betting I lost mainly mescaline on the IPA recrystallization, though. The mescaline•HCl I started with was carefully titrated to pH 7 and was a clean looking orange color before washing. If excess HCl is used and the mescaline turns brown washes may be less effective.
Two acetone washes or one with vacuum filtration would have gotten it white enough for nearly anyone, when it dried most of the color was on the surface and it was white in the middle, mixing made it off-white. If I were to try recrystallization again, after filtering the hot IPA solution I'd add hot dry acetone or MEK until I saw crystals form, that should reduce loss.
#14 Posted : 8/13/2018 5:36:51 AM
Elrik wrote:
Anhydrous acetone will probably be more convenient than ice cold MEK because cold objects condense water from the air and if the MEK gets wet it'll dissolve more of your mescaline.

Acetone is usually used ice cold as well, I guess to minimize losses. I never had 10% loss from washing, maybe this is the reason (of course doesn't have to be). I rather do more ice cold washes with ice cold acetone than less washes with lukewarm.

Elrik wrote:
I then recrystallized my off-white mescaline•HCl in anhydrous isopropyl alcohol getting only 72% yield of a snow white mescaline•HCl and orange solvent that evaporated to yield pumpkin colored crystals.

Well, this is quite significant loss. I strongly suggest trying the activated charcoal route for anyone who wishes to get pure white mescaline. My loss for this stage was about 5-8%

Elrik wrote:
If you do not have a magnetic stirrer and dont intend to build one I have seen people do the process the same way but using a spoon to mix it, sort of grinding the mescaline mush against the wall of a glass bowl for several minutes. Their product wasnt as clean as my off-white stuff but it was always a very clear improvement.

If you check this procedure, you can use it with ice cold solvents without magnetic stirrer and you get nice off-white powder.

Elrik wrote:
I cant honestly tell any difference between the off-white and the snow-white mescaline so in the future I will probably only do the anh. acetone wash unless I want to impress friends and seduce women with my uber ultra-clean mescaline

Well, you can stop after washing. But this product is nice only until you dissolve it in water. Then it turns into brown, there is a lot of invisible impurities. I am dissolving it for rectal ROA and simply clear water is much more preferable

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#15 Posted : 8/13/2018 6:01:35 AM
dreamer042 wrote:
I've done the MEK (on acetate), acetone, and isopropyl (on hcl) washes and tried each of the fractions independently.

They are psychoactive, each fraction has a little different effect, though generally they provide a fairly short lived stoning effect on their own (sans mescaline). I wasn't particularly impressed with the separated alkaloids, or the purified mescaline, vs taking the full spectrum extract. It seems the synergy between the alkaloids really provides the most holistic experience.

Could you expand on the effects of taking the non-mescaline alkaloid mix by itself? And the dosage you would recommend? And what species of cacti you did these experiments with? Im going to extract San Pedro but I would assume different types of cacti have a different set of alkaloids even in the same family. Thank you for your input
Moderator | Skills: Mostly harmless
#16 Posted : 8/13/2018 10:54:32 PM
Both Trichocereus peruvianus and Trichocereus pachanoi were used in these experiments. Estimated dosages ranged from roughly 20 mg or so to several hundred mg (weighing goop is a bit difficult). Intensity of effects increased with dosage, but duration did not. There wasn't enough of a noticeable difference between cacti species that I would have been able to distinguish one from another. The effects would generally hit in 20-30 minutes make me feel sedated and stoned for about an hour, then taper off leaving a bit of residual stimulation. The effects were consistent, if underwhelming.

The magic of the cactus is really in the way the alkaloids synergize with each other.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca
#17 Posted : 8/14/2018 6:17:54 AM
dreamer042 wrote:
The magic of the cactus is really in the way the alkaloids synergize with each other.

This is highly subjective. For many people pure mescaline is much better than the mix. Especially for SP and PT. People are talking about a "fog" in the mind if the other alkaloids are left in the product.
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