In response to the many ridiculous questionnaire responses I've seen over the past few months, I decided, why not start a thread to log these for the laugh. The human being is this night, this empty nothing, that contains everything in its simplicity—an unending wealth of many representations, images, of which none belongs to him—or which are not present. ... One catches sight of this night when one looks human beings in the eye—into a night that becomes awful - Hegel
Anything perfect is worth destroying, in fact it is desirable to destroy it, true beauty lies in imperfection - Nietzsche
Quote:00:31:18 ‹Kikker›Cabbage (6) => Q: Describe 3 methods to test whether a blotter contains LSD or an NBOMe compound. A: I have a feeling that a lot of these questions are going to be like this, and that I'm SUPPOSED to use google for the answers, now I just look foolish and probably won't get full membership. Either way, I'll have fun with the questions. Quote:02:52:40 ‹Kikker›Cosmic Vega (46) => Q: What are the proper safety precautions when working with lye? A: WEAR GOGGLES! It is good to use gloves. Keep white vinegar on hand in case of spilling the lye - I like to soak my entire work space in vinegar Quote:01:29:35 ‹Kikker›Cabbage (31) => Q: What are the main categories of psychoactive substances? Which ones do you find the most interesting and why? A: All of these questions are pertaining to physical aspects of things. I don't illude myself with "most interesting" or "favorite" or "best/worst" anymore. The human being is this night, this empty nothing, that contains everything in its simplicity—an unending wealth of many representations, images, of which none belongs to him—or which are not present. ... One catches sight of this night when one looks human beings in the eye—into a night that becomes awful - Hegel
Anything perfect is worth destroying, in fact it is desirable to destroy it, true beauty lies in imperfection - Nietzsche
You know, I've always been pretty ambivalent about the questionnaire, but these show that the admins knew what they were doing. These answers are definitely enlightening if not enlightened. Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon *γνῶθι σεαυτόν*
On the forum it is not allowed to talk about buying/selling/sources/etc. But what is the rule about that in the chat? Carefully research this before answering this one!
I do not care to follow out this stupid questionnaire, I have answered enough questions and honestly think this is more information needed for a public forum. HELLO FEDS. The human being is this night, this empty nothing, that contains everything in its simplicity—an unending wealth of many representations, images, of which none belongs to him—or which are not present. ... One catches sight of this night when one looks human beings in the eye—into a night that becomes awful - Hegel
Anything perfect is worth destroying, in fact it is desirable to destroy it, true beauty lies in imperfection - Nietzsche
Don't forget, the questionnaire was added originally as an April Fool's day joke. Whether the original intention was to use its joke status to sneakily introduce it, or if was an after-the-fact realization that it could be useful, we may never know... (ahem, The Traveler?...) From the unspoken Grows the once broken
RhythmSpring wrote:Don't forget, the questionnaire was added originally as an April Fool's day joke. Whether the original intention was to use its joke status to sneakily introduce it, or if was an after-the-fact realization that it could be useful, we may never know...
(ahem, The Traveler?...) The latter. It's still great we can get laughs out of it though The human being is this night, this empty nothing, that contains everything in its simplicity—an unending wealth of many representations, images, of which none belongs to him—or which are not present. ... One catches sight of this night when one looks human beings in the eye—into a night that becomes awful - Hegel
Anything perfect is worth destroying, in fact it is desirable to destroy it, true beauty lies in imperfection - Nietzsche
Describe one factor that helps you to distinguish a non-PC pachanoi from PC pachanoi.
PC has a distinct appearance and "everything else" is non-pc. The human being is this night, this empty nothing, that contains everything in its simplicity—an unending wealth of many representations, images, of which none belongs to him—or which are not present. ... One catches sight of this night when one looks human beings in the eye—into a night that becomes awful - Hegel
Anything perfect is worth destroying, in fact it is desirable to destroy it, true beauty lies in imperfection - Nietzsche
Quote:02:52:40 ‹Kikker›Cosmic Vega (46) => Q: What are the proper safety precautions when working with lye? A: WEAR GOGGLES! It is good to use gloves. Keep white vinegar on hand in case of spilling the lye - I like to soak my entire work space in vinegar This is absolutely ridiculous ha ha. There is only this and now. What this is exists as one.
'Dinner for Schmucks' kind of thing here? No thanks. "In the universe there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link." ~Carlos Castaneda
DmnStr8 wrote:'Dinner for Schmucks' kind of thing here? No thanks.  come on man. Its not a dinner for schmucks scenario. They didnt even quote starway6.
Describe one factor that helps you to distinguish a non-PC pachanoi from PC pachanoi.
I can't be bothered with Google right now so I'm going to pretend I didn't see this question
This.... Among others in this person's questionnaire...
To say the least, this person earned their "NO" vote from me.
This whole questionnaire is just...... a laugh QUESTION Have you ever had OBEs on psychedelics? ANSWER what's an OBE? The human being is this night, this empty nothing, that contains everything in its simplicity—an unending wealth of many representations, images, of which none belongs to him—or which are not present. ... One catches sight of this night when one looks human beings in the eye—into a night that becomes awful - Hegel
Anything perfect is worth destroying, in fact it is desirable to destroy it, true beauty lies in imperfection - Nietzsche