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OK to vape harmala salt Options
#1 Posted : 7/12/2018 10:18:38 PM
I've followed SAKKADELIC's extraction of Syrian Rue to produce a few grams of harmala. I'm going to use some of as its acetate salt but I'd also like to vaporize some too.

It is possible to directly vaporize the salt or do I need to convert it to its freebase form first?

Many thanks

NotTwo attached the following image(s):
harmala.jpg (180kb) downloaded 209 time(s).
In all of reality there are not two. There is just the one thing. And I am that.
#2 Posted : 7/12/2018 11:11:54 PM
I've smoked Rue seed before, so i'm sure you can smoke Harmala salts, but i always freebase my Harmala/Rue extracts and either smoke it or use it orally, i've never really needed a salt form when the freebased form can be used orally or smoked.
#3 Posted : 7/13/2018 1:28:58 AM
NO!!! Do not smoke anything in salt form. There are some posts around here about the salts breaking down and wreaking havoc in your longs. Salts are for oral dosage or more stable storage, not vaporizing. Smoking/vaporizing salts are a terrible idea. Some people much more knowledgeable than myself will hopefully stop in here and re-affirm this.
#4 Posted : 7/13/2018 1:55:04 AM
Only thing i remember people saying when it came to smoking Harmalas in salt form was the so called "Changa flu", haven't heard anything about the salt form damaging the lungs.
#5 Posted : 7/13/2018 3:05:49 AM
Quoted from Endlessness

"As a general guide, substances should be in their freebase form to be smoked, and in their salt form they are better to consume orally.

That being said, there are some exceptions and some other aspects related to this. For example, a lot of people smoke changa using caapi leaves which havent been freebased. The caapi leaves themselves contain harmalas in salt form (which exact salt is unknown), and yet they are successfully smoked.

Smoking certain alkaloids in certain salt forms may work because the energy from the lighter might be enough to simply dissociate the acid ions from the alkaloid. But we generally say to avoid this and only smoke freebase alkaloids because more often than not, smoking alkaloid salts won't be effective or might even be dangerous for the following reasons:

1- The salt form of the given alkaloid may have a too high boiling point
2- The alkaloid might break down during combustion instead of vaporizing
3- The combustion could generate irritating/toxic byproducts (for example when smoking fumarate alkaloids, it can lead to the formation of maleic anhydride, hence why we really don't ever recommend fumarates)"

That is one of many posts saying NOT to smoke the salt forms. There is a post somewhere that goes very in depth about it.
#6 Posted : 7/13/2018 3:13:36 AM
Cool. I'll take that as a NO then. I'll freebase the half I want for vaping. It seems like a pretty easy process.
In all of reality there are not two. There is just the one thing. And I am that.
#7 Posted : 7/18/2018 4:06:10 PM
2g freebase as per SAKKADELIC Smile

NotTwo attached the following image(s):
harmala freebase.jpg (158kb) downloaded 173 time(s).
In all of reality there are not two. There is just the one thing. And I am that.
#8 Posted : 7/18/2018 6:44:29 PM
Does the photo in the 1st post show harmala acetates? I always thought those upon drying would be a sticky goo, not needles.
#9 Posted : 7/18/2018 11:55:16 PM
That freebase looks nice. All ready to smoke. I have tried vaping harmalas and it was not very efficient. I found best results infusing a harmala heavy mix into mullein and smoking that through a bubbling apparatus. Felt like very dense vapor rather than smoke. Tickled on exhale though. Just be careful on dosages. Don't want to push it too far like I did.
#10 Posted : 7/19/2018 12:17:36 PM
Does the photo in the 1st post show harmala acetates? I always thought those upon drying would be a sticky goo, not needles.

Me too. I rather think this is the HCL after the Manske.
I claim not that this is the truth. As this is just what got manifested into my mind at the current position in time on this physical plane. So please feel not offended by anything I say.
#11 Posted : 7/19/2018 7:22:57 PM
Aum_Shanti wrote:
Does the photo in the 1st post show harmala acetates? I always thought those upon drying would be a sticky goo, not needles.

Me too. I rather think this is the HCL after the Manske.

First photo shows the dried crystals of harmala acetate after doing the Manske with saturated salt solution then filtering and drying. They should be shiny needle like crystals. (The salt is an acetate as I used vinegar as my acid.)

The last photo is the freebase. A matt finish fine powder.
In all of reality there are not two. There is just the one thing. And I am that.
#12 Posted : 7/19/2018 8:13:05 PM
haha i'm happy you got good results, how much was the yield?
BongWizard wrote:

After the manske, your harmalas will be in the form of hydrochloride salts. While you are correct that adding vinegar to freebase harmaloids will cause them to dissolve as an acetate, the use of NaCl to saturate the aqueous solution causes chloride ions to supplant the acetate radical (owing to their difference in electronegativity), thus forming the HCl salt, which precipitates when cooled.

So you were right the first time. Remember, "the path of the Tao is not always the easy one, but it is always the right one."

I hope that clears things up.

EDIT: oh, one more thing. If you grind the seeds, this method won't yield clean product. Fine particulate plant matter will remain in the solvent after decanting. It's for this reason that extractions from rue tend to focus on filtration.

and yes like they said smoke the freebase, infused into leaf or through a bong with some leaf to prevent the powder from falling in, you will be amazed how strong it can be even with just small doses smoked
the freebase in the pic looks a bit wet, maybe it's just the pic
"Is this the end of our adventure? Nothing has an end. We came in search of the secret of immortality, to be like gods, and here we are... mortals, more human than ever. If we have not obtained immortality, at least we have obtained reality. We began in a fairytale and we came to life! But is this life reality? We are images, dreams, photographs. We must not stay here! Prisoners! We shall break the illusion. This is Maya. Goodbye to the holy mountain. Real life awaits us." ~ Alejandro Jodorowsky
#13 Posted : 7/20/2018 12:06:58 AM
Thanks for the clarification about harmala chloride vs harmala acetate - I hadn't realised that chloride ions from the salt solution replaced the acetate radical during the Manske. Cool Big grin

To be honest, I didn't measure any of it exactly during the process but the net products ended up approx. 2g harmala salt and 2g harmala freebase, so very roughly that would be 4% yield from the original 100g of syrian rue. Does that sound about right?

The freebase is definitely super dry, like dust almost!

Anyone able to suggest suitable dosage for vaping freebase harmala? I tried 20mg today and noticed some effect but pretty subtle.

The big difference came when I smoalked some spice from my new e-cig 30 minutes after. I know one large hit is around 10mg and four large hits almost guarantees a breakthrough. This time I took one large hit and one medium hit and I was very close on breaking through. I'd say that that amount of harmala had probably doubled the effective dose of the dmt. The experience also took considerably longer to come on and continued a fair bit longer than normal after.
In all of reality there are not two. There is just the one thing. And I am that.
#14 Posted : 7/20/2018 6:13:25 AM
Just slowly work your way up. Dosages vary per person. Work up slowly too. I went from "ooh, this is rather nice" with tracers and distortions, to "can't get out of bed it is so overwhelming" when I made the mistake of smoking 100mG over half an hour. I'd say, dose 20mG, wait 10-15 minutes, dose another 10mG worth and see where that gets you. This is not one you want to push too far on or there will be severe nausea lasting potentially up to 8 hours.

For potentiating DMT, that point of "just starting to feel it" with the harmalas, is imo a nice point. Too much harmalas can dull the experience for some. I find changa mixed harmalas heavy is a lot better for introspective work than changa that is light in harmalas. Really slows things down and makes it easier to gain something of the experience other than just mesmerizing visuals.
#15 Posted : 7/21/2018 4:18:08 PM
An_Observer wrote:
Just slowly work your way up. Dosages vary per person. Work up slowly too. I went from "ooh, this is rather nice" with tracers and distortions, to "can't get out of bed it is so overwhelming" when I made the mistake of smoking 100mG over half an hour. I'd say, dose 20mG, wait 10-15 minutes, dose another 10mG worth and see where that gets you. This is not one you want to push too far on or there will be severe nausea lasting potentially up to 8 hours.

Thanks, An_Observer. That's interesting.

Would you mind telling me what your experiences with harmala alone have been. How do you work with it? I generally use dmt within a meditative context with a view to understanding non duality.
In all of reality there are not two. There is just the one thing. And I am that.
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