That's up to you. I'm 28. Huge shock with occidental commercial world at 20. The best french private school of communication and advertising basically kicked me out when I was doing my best. I was the best of the promotion and did not understand why ?! They said I was not the type of person they were searching for... A few years later I understood : I was not the best ! I was the beast.
A beast in a big city. Big depression.
When they kicked me out I changed my life. Bought a van and start to work seasonal jobs in agriculture and travel with the money. North Africa, Caribbeans, Europe. The perfect life for me but still something wrong...
Tearing blood and fire 5 days a month for 2 years.
I did not trust the occidental medicine could help me.
I went to Peru in search for healing. Body destroyed, all twisted, like the mind but I always had strong dreams.
The first time I've been in Peru I already had a strong background of experiences with almost all substances, drugs and a good number of plants (daily-poly-use)
I started doing plant diets in a traditional way (Lemon tree root, brunfelsia chiricaspi -chiric sanango, brugmansia -toe, tobacco) with various self called "masters". I had to die in the heart of the jungle my mother so I entered by one of the most hard and dangerous way (too long to tell. El pongo de mainike en plena temporada de lluvia, para los que conocen).
Without knowing it I was preparing my death. There are many types of death. The one I chose is the kind that when you come back in your country you do not recognize your own human mother as you are totally out of this dimension. I did it in full consciousness, gave my body to the earth, my soul to the sun and my love to the unknown without fear.
I know that we are only few people to go there and we do it eternally without doubt because it is necessary. The others do not know and there is no need for them to accede this state.
We are real people and we have always been here. We maintain the sky up your heads and the earth down your feet. We do not need to be recognized or loved or appreciated. We have no system, no laws, no technology, no country and no history. We take care of living and dead people, of nature, of animals and plants in great silence without asking for nothing in exchange. Our work is free, we are free.
Bufotenin never gave me nothing, ayahuasca or DMT neither. I talk and play with them.
I have healed a kind of chronic hypoglycemia with vilca seeds on myself. Took two big doses at the right moment to expulse the responsible.
When my wife has headache I take my vilca and it calms down.
We can bring more milk in her breast for our baby if necessary with the help of yopo.
A good friend could not have children, she tried various times. We worked with yopo on her body. She is actually pregnant.