1.3 Grams of Rue Harmaloids were dissolved in 50/50 Hot Water/Glycerin to make 30ml solution.
60ml Dropper Bottle was kept submerged in Hot water Bath and shooken periodically.
An additional .2 was added and is the current stopping point.
13 drops help sublingually is currently being sampled.
Definitely haven't mastered this route, however, managed to keep from swallowing for about 5 minutes while saliva accumilated.
Would like see if solution can hold another .2-.5
However, being that the taste is practically tolerable, maybe adding more is not the best idea.
However again; maybe less liquid in mouth= more efficient sublingual practice?
Maybe 30ml can hold 2 gram Harmala Salts?
Any thoughts on this?
P.S. Currently around 4mg per drop X 13 =52
If Harmaline is 2X and Half the rue make-up, and sublingual harmala is 3X or greater, maybe I am going to lie down for a minute.
Double P.S. I doubt my sublingual technique is good enough, nor my harmaloids pure enough to be flattened right now from 13 drops.
P.S. x3, I'm not sure I like the taste...
P.S. x4... Should I refrigerate this...?
Thanks for your consideration...
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