This is both a report and an inquiry for more information. Recently a friend passed along a certain snuff. They call it Rape' (rape with an accent over the "e"  pronounced more like hape'. I've only seen it mentioned in one book - "Plants of the Gods" by Schultes, Hoffman and Ratsch. There it is called Rape' dos indios and said to be of the M. sclerophylla tree - and contains 'cardiac glycosides.' My Medical Herbalism book said cardiac glycosides may cause contraction of cardiac tissue(??). It seems that glycosides are a rather vast class of chemicals-- a sugar bound to some other biomolecule-- so I imagine there may be diverse effects beyond "contraction of cardiac tissue." The people who crafted it in Brazil say it is highly revered. They use it in aya ceremony and approach rape' like it is a beneficial medicine. It smells almost like a tobacco snuff--very pungent and earthy-- an especially fine powder, dark brown in color. It is administered by another, who blows a tiny amount of this powder through a kind of straw or tube into the nasal of the patient. It is very painful, causing the watering of the eyes and an intense burning sensation that can be felt all the way in the back of the head. The pain however passes quickly and the patient is left feeling centered and clear-headed. I'm wondering if anyone has any first hand or anecdotal experience with Rape'. I'm especially curious on Rape's interaction with aya. I have experienced rape without aya and vice-versa. I will report back when the in vivo combinational therapy has been assayed. Cheers
This maquira sclerophylla snuff seems like it's sort of lost in usage, at least in our culture. I use one snuff called nu nu, that is green khaki from theobroma bicolor and nicotiana rustica (mapacho), the snuff is used to clear sinuses and head it also is admix to aya or pharmahuasca session in my experiences. I'd be interested if we knew more about that tree and the pharmacodynamics of this snuff. Smell like tea n,n spirit !
Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
Rape is a great medicine I love it a lot.
When you say "using rape during ayahuasca is dangerous" I think you are making a very personal statement. In general I don't feel any danger from the energy when on ayahuasca and I have seen many people doing the same and they where just fine.
Certain times I apply rape to many people after a ayahuaca session, helping to get more grounded and to "remove attached unwanted energies from the aura". All people are friends and I know what dosage they like but sometimes intuitive some get a really large dosage. It is not unusual when people get really weak on their legs need to lay down, throw up and go in a process for about 30 up to 45 minutes.
I like to use rape on a daily basis with a small pipe blowing it my own nose but this kind of usage is quite different experience from receiving it from someone else in a large pipe. Many times times the second way opens areas that are about healing and cleaning.
kambogahuasca I don't understand why you would say rape is really only something for people dedicated to kambo. Its an unique and powerful medicine by itself and open for anyone who is interested.
There are some groups that I know of who have developed rape ceremonies where they spend hours in a cave in the mountains and do many and large doses of rape. I haven't participated in it and I could not imagine what this kind of ritual would bring.
In working with rape and applying to others there is a kind of relation between the two persons. The person who applies has to find the right dosage needs to know if its the first time for the other or not. He also has the responsibility for the other person safety, instructing the other not to breath out through his nose when the pipe is and making sure the pipe is inserted properly before blowing.
I have had it going wrong both ways. getting the rape in my eyes because the receiver blowed in the pipe. Blowing the rape in the receivers face because the pipe was not inserted well of they retracted when the first dust hit their inner head.
Then there is the blowing technique. Its important to blow with about the same strength in both nostrils and there many ways having different blowing techniques names like, turtle, snake and some that I cant recall right now.
Rapé is a very good snuff. It's rare but you can find it without givanni L. or you KIAP, from iboga /kambo/ ayahuasca afficionados eventually. I knew nunu was used by matses ( who work with kambo ) maybe that's where you thought those snuff are only for kambo users, but IMO all those snuffs goes hand in hand with aya, ibo or cacti etc... No need to be elitist. I've yet to sample tsuné which will happen very soon. Smell like tea n,n spirit !
Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
Quote:So I was told the Yawanawa people that made this particular Rape' guard it with spiritual jelousy and that I am not to do it more than 2 times a day. You say you do it every day. Honestly I so in love with my introduction to Rape' and the joy it springs I would like to do it every day. But I have a tendency to get addicted to things, and I am concerned my love for Rape' could develop into an obsession. Like now since you mentioned doing it in a cave all day I am really interested to do so. The person who told you this probably never went to brazil The Yawanawa and many other tribes love to share their knowledge about rape. They organize rape making rituals and all who have interest are happy to join in. There are many Brazilians who have learned the production secrets of rape making, even foreigners. So, I don't know what this spiritual jealousy means ? This way their knowledge is spread and not lost. It also provides a direct and indirect way for the Indians to generate some money. If you have concerns about addiction obsession, losing your love for rape, please don't do it everyday. For true ritual use you need somebody to blow it in your nose. Doing it yourself is child's play IMO, so yes I am playing like child many times 
Rapé is the general name for snuffs, there's many different compositions for rapés.. Often they contain tobacco, plus other plants. I've used a few different ones but I am not aware of what exact plants they contained, unfortunately, except that at least some of them certainly had tobacco. The shaman that administered it to me was from the Kaxinawa (Huni Kuin) ethnicity. They use a V shapped tube, scoop up a certain quantity with one end, insert that end into someone's nose and blow on the other end. The V shapped tube was originally made from bone of some birds, but lacking that, they would improvise with anything, hollow woods, or even cut plastic tubes tied together. The V shape can work for self-application, and they often do it to themselves. Personally, though, I really dont like snuffs. They were painful and make me sick in a not-positive way like I feel with ayahuasca... I think tobacco is really not my plant ally, but who knows. Im not sure if all the snuffs I used with these people contained tobacco but I didn't really enjoy any. I've also used some yopo and epena but from a friend who was with the yanomami, and the epena (supposedly virola theiodora) I found more interesting, with a smaller dose I got more clearly to some interesting tryptaminic headspace. The yanomami blow it up a straight long tube, and they use some crazy high dosages  Gotta be a warrior to take that much hehe. I have an anthropology book that has some info on snuffs, this weekend I can take a look see if there's anything worth mentioning. There's also all the work from Constantino Manuel Torres on snuffs.
Most rape snuffs do contain tobacco and colors can differ from gray to all kind of shades of brown and towards black. The green rape (apurina) is said to have no tobacco but I have also heard it does contain tobacco, a non fermented green tobacco.
Really knowing what the composition of the Indians snuffs are is not easy specially when there is a multitude of plants in it. Their local names many times don't help.
Easiest way to make a blowpipe is taking a straw that can bend. It bit more creative is using bamboo and "malleable steel" I will add a picture soon.
Regarding the blowing of snuff, if a tube is inserted into the nose, is it not dangerous to blow hard into the tube...could it not damage the lungs? Also; Where in a long tube is snuff placed?..I've seen it placed where one blows..this is a long way to travel in a long tube don't you think.. "Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
^from what I have seen they do not put their mouth right around the end of the tube and blow..more like they blow air into the tube but thee is some small ammount of space between their lips and the while it is enough to get the medicine in there, I cant imagine it being able to damage ones lungs. Long live the unwoke.
Snuffing btw imo is not a great thing to be into a regular basis. For me I was really into DMT snuffs for a while, until finally this resulted in my nose be aware of that if you plan on snuffing these things often. Long live the unwoke.
its not dangerous to blow hard Christian as long as the tube in the nose doesn't close the nostril completely. This can cause overpressure in your head, not nice.
The rape doesn't go to the lungs it goes up to you upper sinus.
There are 2 ways to place the rape. With a straight pipe it makes more sens to insert the rape at the mouth side. With V shaped pipes for me and many others the nose side is the snuff insertion point.
Long time rape use will affect your sense of smelling and can cause irritation of the nose membrane. Nose bleeds is something not associated with traditional snuff
Young yawanawa tribe leader giving rape NamRa attached the following image(s):  yawanawa.jpg (157kb) downloaded 646 time(s).
Thanks guys for your input. Actually i just watched a load of u tube videos a moment ago bfiefly zooming thru. One tribe that uses the pipe do actually give it a decent blow, but the recieving end is slightly off angle to the nose to relieve the pressure. I saw excess snuff blown into 1 nostril exiting out of the other. I've seen another video where a shaman uses a u shaped twin tube and places it directly up to the nose and gives a quick but short blow.The sinus would also take care of excess pressure. I guess it all depends.;feature=player_embedded "Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
KIAP, have you snuffed voacanga africana already ? I'm curious to hear your opinion. It seems to me a much milder cousin of iboga which is possibly a valuable entheogen for the same take as iboga microdoses. Smell like tea n,n spirit !
Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
I did have some rootbark extract, now I have a seed snuff. I didn't say it is like iboga microdose, I wish it was close that. But it is a stimulant and nootropic, which shares some caracteristic. I found it synergize very well with iboga microdose and low kambo dose (also in snuff). Which makes the experience more lovely. Or well, a bit less traumatizing. Smell like tea n,n spirit !
Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
Thanks everyone for contributing to this exploration!
I was able to compare a Brazilian Rape to a Nunu de Matses.
The brazilian rape was brown, pungent and very macho.
The nunu was green, more delicate and gentle smelling and MUCH less macho than the brazilian Rape. The Nunu has a delicate and sweet aromatic smell, while the brown rape has that pungent kick of cured tobacco.
The brown rape was much more powerful and seemed like a more apparent medicine than the Nunu. The brown rape encouraged me to keep using it much more than the Nunu.
A small jar of brazilian rape was consumed this winter. I usually get bronchitis once during the harsh winter, but this time I was able to avoid it.
I in the process with a friend trying to to identify the plant that is the ash part of the rape from the yawanawa. There is a candidate plant but I will post when I am 100 % shure. Also I hope to get more information about the burning process of the wood to create the ash. An other friend in Brazil told me what he learned from the yawanawa. The tobacco symbolises the male energy and the ash the female, both are brought together in the rape and they complement the Ruma and Nawan spirit of the rape. Kambogahuasca Panacea, most common indian snuffs in Brazil are not made with any DMT containing plants. But I have a ayahuasca rape. this one is a basic yawanawa rape but it has ayahuasca added to it. The very last residues from a big ayahuasca making ritual are collected from the big pots, dried, scraped and powderrised and added to the snuff. Its a great and calm rape. Here a picture of a collection of different blowpipes made from wood, iron and bones from a bird NamRa attached the following image(s):  blowpipes.jpg (105kb) downloaded 523 time(s).
I guess you make this ayahuasca rape also with the sediment, why not.
Thanks for the vid.
NamRa, sorry I took long, I read your pm but got caught up with other things. Please guys, do NOT offer to sell products directly here in the Nexus, even legal ones, for privacy/safety reasons (and to avoid vendor spamming in the nexus) If you guys want to set up an internet shop for legal products, do so, pm me or trav or any mod, and we'll add one discussion page in the suppliers section where people can post reviews. This way if somebody buys, it will be "anonymous" in the sense that it wont be connected to the nexus, there will be no connection between the screen name and the real name/address. So please remove your offers from your posts. Thanks 
Quote:most common indian snuffs in Brazil are not made with any DMT containing plants. For what I got to know about rapè is, that it basically refers to various types of snuff prepared with different herbs, so practically It could be anything inside (In Brazil you can buy snuff in tobacco stores going by the name "rape"  . But the real stuff you can't by in the tobacco store. Paricà for example is a common rape that does contain DMT/Bufotenin due to it`s preparation from yopo. Often it`s a mixture of various herbs with or without tobacco. I tried different types of rape from different sources in Brazil and with some I had a distinctive Pain/burn in the middle of my head, when used in heavy doses and which I found to be symptoms associated with Bufotenin. Besides, rapè seems to be able to alter the Ayahuasca experience very intense, therefore it seems to have very synergetic properties and can induce purge immediately for some people during a ayahuasca ceremony. BTW: The tubes for application are called "Fukilia" and I have to say that NamRa has quite a beautiful collection, I just have some basic bamboo Fukilias, one small for self application and one larger which requires the assistance of another person.